Fantasy World Transmigration

Marvel Volume 2 Trailer 2

"Father!" Thor bowed his head to the blind Odin on the throne: "The people of Midgard refused to release Loki. in detention for an indefinite period.”

"Alas!" Odin sighed, "Then stop mentioning the diplomatic note! That is the punishment he deserves! Thor, you have done enough for him! Now tell me about the three who walked out of the atrium The Midgard civilization! The Xandars have protested several times against the Soviet Union’s extinction of species living on other planets. Warn them, stop using high-energy lasers to burn glass on living planets!”

"And the Kree, who demand an explanation for the disappearance of Ronan the Accuser from Earth!"

"Explain!" The old Odin raised his hands and held the hammer angrily: "When did the upper Cree ask for an explanation from Asgard? Is there any explanation for being missing on the earth? Isn't that what it should be? Arriving on Earth... this galaxy, even the most dangerous place in the universe, to lose track... How normal is this!"

"Someone wants us to explain?"

"He may have been pulled by the dangerous newborn human beings on the earth to make experimental specimens, and he may have died from the murder of super criminals emerging here, he may have died from the ancient civilization of the earth, he may have died from war, famine, plague, death, It may even be killed by us Asgardians."

"Is there any reason to be missing on the earth? Thanos threw the infinite gems here, did he fart on us?"

"If Hela was around, I would smash his dog's head and let him explain to me what 'explanation' is!"

"Father, please calm down!" Thor worriedly stepped forward to support the old Odin, holding his old hand.

Odin let out a long sigh: "Thor, I'm getting old! My hand seems to be unable to hold Kungunidine anymore... But we are in an unprecedented crisis, and I always worry about you... Especially you, Thor. You are often so arrogant, proud, and you regard yourself as a god, but you must know that the Creator did not create us as gods. We are the same group of giants, dwarves, elves, and humans in the nine kingdoms Originated from monkeys."

"The entire Milky Way was sown by Apocalypse with the seeds of the Creator, and so many lives and civilizations were born. For this reason, Apocalypse led the four knights to destroy the Titan civilization, kill all the mechanical Zerg assemblies, and Thanos personally destroyed himself. Only the civilization that was born can survive. Gao Tianzun has been huddled in the planet Saka, and the collectors are running around the world. Half of the gods are dead, so that those star-born gods have no one to teach. The civilization of the previous generation has been completely destroyed. , the newly grown seeds on the ruins, such as Kerry and Xandar, are completely unaware of what kind of dark age the universe has experienced."

"It was a desperate era when war, plague, famine and death ravaged the universe, and the apocalypse laid down half of the universe for the Creator."

"The natives of these galaxies have never seen the battle between the five cosmic gods and the four horsemen of the apocalypse, far away from the galaxies, tens of millions of galaxies away."

"The flames of war have never been extinguished, and the Milky Way is just a seedling re-growth from the embers."

"Do you think the four knights are strong enough for the apocalypse you saw? That's just an insignificant part of them, and they remain silent for some unknown reason."

"You missed the wars when Asgard was born. You know, we were not born to be gods. We became gods after we conquered the re-growth civilization of the Milky Way after the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse left... that At that time, your elder sister, Hela was the one who was always by my side."

"At that time, we saw many war relics left over from the previous era, peeking into the corner of that terrible war, many titan corpses as big as planets, suspended in the void of space, star gods who were born and stars were killed and abandoned , the plague on the corpse revived the star soul, and a new angel came out of the corpse of the old god.


"The Celestial God group is trembling, lest the eyes of the four knights return to them."

"In that era, the best era that the Asgardians had caught up to, the Milky Way was still trembling in the shadow of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the old civilization had been destroyed, and the new civilization was still sprouting, we captured the most What a great opportunity to get to today's position in a single leap."

"We became gods...but you have to remember, Thor! We were not born to be gods, but we used terror, blood and power to make the galaxy recognize our status."

Odin, who had spoken for a long time, was a little out of breath, exhausted, waiting for Thor to answer.

However, Thor became interested in a name that appeared frequently: "Father, I rarely hear you mention that I have a sister?"

"Hella?" Odin mentioned the name reflexively: "When you were young, I thought Asgard had reached the time when it needed peace. So I don't want to mention him like you, because Thor, at that time I It can be seen that you don't lack courage, but lack the responsibility of a king, so in order to prevent you from becoming more manic and uncontrollable, I rarely mention her."

"But it should be now, the time to tell you these things!"

"Hela used to be my right-hand man. Like Loki, she is my adopted child, but you know, I don't care about that. She is tough and persistent, with fierce and ruthless methods. She is a very successful goddess of war. Her prestige in Asgard has also flourished with one victory after another."

"Just after we conquered most of the Milky Way, something happened to her, which finally made me understand that the out-of-control chariot of Asgard should be stopped! Otherwise, our race will only have car crashes and human deaths end."

"What happened?" Thor asked incredulously.

Odin said sadly: "She discovered the relics of a battlefield, located on Saturn's satellite Titan. At that time, the nine planets in the solar system were a mysterious place. It is hard for us to imagine why there are so many alien relics. Gathering on these nine planets allows our races from the nine planets to develop rapidly."

"We Asgardians were born on Mars, and we settled there before we discovered the world tree system covering the nine planets."

"The Nine Kingdoms originally referred to the Nine Planets."

"Later, we discovered the war skynet at the center of the sun, the famine matrix hidden as the moon, and the relics of civilizations on various planets. From the documents in the relics, we realized that the solar system is not a native galaxy, but was created. The created experimental field imitates the hometown of a different universe civilization."

"That is human beings, or ancient humans. The Soviet Union, the European Community, China, Atlantis, the Lemurians, and the Protoss civilization in the center of the galaxy are all descendants of that civilization. civilization."

"An unimaginable disaster occurred in a different universe. In the disaster, the Creator was born from the ancient human civilization. He created the original four knights, and the guardian of civilization he left behind - Apocalypse. Apocalypse brought The newly sprouted four knights came to this universe. They fought in all directions and destroyed countless civilizations. At the same time, they also grew into a very terrifying existence. Following the will of the creator, they established the solar system and wiped out the mothers of the enemies they defeated. stars, as the nine planets around the solar system."

"Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen left! To conquer the wider universe and parallel universes, they left their insignificant part here, waiting for the arrival of the Creator. And monitoring the civilization in this huge laboratory as an experiment, So the Cree came, they built a civilization on the moon, trying to get the approval of the apocalypse, the Skrulls came, the Shia came, the Eternals came, they all left their relics here, besides In addition, there is also a family of Titans from Thanos, whose home planet was destroyed by War Skynet, and the wreckage became a satellite of Jupiter."

"This is the disaster of the apocalypse that the Milky Way and the Nine Kingdoms said. In essence, the four horsemen of the apocalypse are left behind to correct the operating mechanism of the experimental data. When it is judged that a civilization is worthless, they will take action and bring a new civilization. Destroy those civilizations, destroy or drive them to other places, and test them regularly."

"Hela discovered the ruins of the four knights of the apocalypse destroying the Titan family on Titan, including the traces left by the death knight and the goddess of death. I am afraid that only Thanos, the dead species, will know what happened! "

"Hela was confused by the power of the death knight and the goddess of death. She tried to pursue the power that did not belong to her, and even wanted to drag Asgard into the war between the two. Of course I will not allow her to have such a Stupid idea. So had to take action to correct her crazy behavior."

"Prison her in the dark, and reflect on her heart seduced by the power of death."

"But Hela let me down again and again! Instead of waking up, she became more and more addicted to that great power. She even called herself the Goddess of Death!"

Odin said disappointedly: "From then on, I began to reflect on myself, did I lead the Asgardians on a path of destruction, did too many victories make us lost! If this continues, will Apocalypse be left behind?" The mechanism below judges us to be worthless? This leads to destruction? So I decided to change the way the Asgardians cook, no longer conquer and destroy other civilizations, but as a god, use another way to rule the universe!"

"We are lucky. Giants, dwarves, and elves are all obsessed with conquering and expanding their strength. As a result, they have attracted the test of the apocalypse, and their civilization has been severely damaged. .”

"During that time, I watched those races that were by no means inferior to us, those races that worked together with us for a while to create ether particles, and the glorious civilization of the Frozen Box to decline. At that time, I knew, We will also face the twilight one day, and the test of the apocalypse will not be too far away from us."

"So I paid the price of one eye to pray for the way out of our civilization!"

"But hope is not something you ask for, it only exists in pain... My child, I cannot guide you how to get through this period of disaster. I am going to grow old... and you, will be crowned king!"

Odin personally handed the Eternal Spear into Thor's hands. In the shadow behind the throne, Loki, who had escaped from the US government at some point... burst into tears!

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