Fantasy World Transmigration

The end of Marvel's second volume trailer

"There is only darkness in front of my eyes!" Odin said in a low voice. He sat on the throne, bowed his head in the shadows, and watched the embers slowly burning in the ruins of Asgard. A black demon wolf with mane fluttering in the wind, its pupils glowing with a faint blue color.

The divine blood flowed down Odin's right hand, onto Kungunir's Eternal Spear, and dripped onto the throne along the tip of the spear.

"Where is hope! Where does it end?"

Odin looked back at his beloved Asgard, the shadow of the black dragon covered the Nine Realms overwhelmingly, Thor and Loki led the Asgardians to fight desperately in the ruins, twisted, hideous bugs came from all directions Pounced on.

The black dragon was wearing iron armor, and lava dripped from the cracks in the iron armor, igniting the entire Asgard, the continent was burning in death, blood-red magma flowed everywhere, where the shadow of the black dragon spread, countless indescribable existences emerged from the darkness He reached out and dragged the Asgardian into the darkness.

The weak Odin could no longer lift the Eternal Spear. He laughed miserably, and the demon wolf opposite suddenly rushed up, biting his throat.

Kungunil slipped from his hand weakly.

Thor in the distance saw this scene and wailed in grief. He ignored the countless ferocious monsters rushing towards him, and rushed towards his father. Loki had to use all his strength to resist attacks from all directions for him.

Thor picked up Kungnir and threw a fatal blow at the black wolf.

On the Spear of Eternity, Odin's blood flowed through a series of runes, activating the runes, which glowed with a faint blue color. The runes——the power of Kungunir, locked the probability cloud collapse in the infinite variables in the future. The only solution that shrank, in an impossible way, passed through the barrier of time and space, surpassed the chaotic algorithm represented by the magic wolf itself, and penetrated countless possible magic wolves that spread on the timeline at the same time, Kungunir passed through The heart of that monster.

At this time, the twilight of Asgard cast the last ray of light on Odin, but the blind old man had already lost his breath on the throne.

Thor angrily roared at the shadow of the dragon in the sky: "Ancient snake! Asgard may be destroyed, but it will never bow its head. The gods may usher in their twilight, but you are also doomed We are buried together!"

The magic dragon smiled and said: "Really? You think highly of yourself too much! Don't add drama to yourself!"

At this time, the land of Asgard undulated, and the whole continent shook violently. All the matter seemed to have the breath of life. The land and the shadow of the dragon combined together and turned into a giant that encompassed Asgard. Duc the python of all matter.

Thor holds the spear of eternity and shoots towards the dragon. The ground under his feet and the entire palace of Asgard have turned into the head of a giant python, opening its abyssal mouth to swallow Thor. Loki was about to burst into tears, but was overwhelmed by countless insects that rushed up like a tide. He could only watch helplessly as the figure of the dragon twisted into a man and grabbed Kungunir's spear point.

Thor held the hammer of the storm in one hand, and shook the figure of the man with the other.

He wanted to hammer to death the head of the giant python that devoured him. The hammerhead, which was comparable to a neutron star, merged into the giant python's body. Thorton was stunned, and with regret and roar, he was swallowed into the mouth of the mortal python and fell into the giant python. The endless abyss.

Loki yelled towards the place where Thor fell: "Thor! Thor!" But he was unable to lift his sword, and more and more monsters rushed up from all directions, and finally he was thrown on the scales of the worldly python , he saw for the last time that the king of the flame giant, Shirtel, knelt down in front of the black dragon, and the kingdom of elves and dwarves was also swallowed by the worldly python.

The nine kingdoms fell into boundless darkness at the same time!

The black dragon spread its wings, and Pluto outside the solar system collapsed first, followed by Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. A fleet outside the solar system made of crystal and steel, presenting a mysterious geometric shape, was facing a twisted sea of ​​insects, void energy and The psionic matrix is ​​confined to the battleship's thermal area emitter array,

Form the core of the prism.

The professor sits in the command cabin of the flagship of the fleet. His powerful psychic ability connects the psychic energy fields of all the protoss. The void glow ship controlled by the light consul and the dark consul first deployed the emitter, and the mechanical arm resembled Slowly opening like a petal, the complex array composed of energy beams and phase crystals guides the prism core to gather energy into a destructive beam, irradiating the sea of ​​insects in front of you, and the other two focusing arrays will also enter the alignment state , eventually these 3 separate beams come together.

A few seconds later, the energy intensity of the radiation doubled exponentially, and thousands of dazzling light beams interweaved into a sea of ​​light energy.

At their focal distance, all matter was wiped out, and the dense sea of ​​insects was evaporated in large areas in the interweaving of the light beams.

But those Zergs did not die, but transformed into another form that was more distorted and crazy, and more deviated from life. The quantum fluctuations of countless dead Zergs were expanding and entangled with each other, forming a more complex quantum movement and entanglement phenomena.

The professor's body began to turn blue, and he was suspended from the wheelchair, his eyes were blue.

He stared at the entangled quantum loops of the countless Zerg races in front of him, forming a dark and chaotic huge amorphous mass. In the dark void of the universe, it seemed to be beating an invisible giant drum, which would only emit disgusting, The flute with monotonous timbre, boring and monotonous, harsh sound, mixed into the background sound of the universe.

On the battlefield of the cosmic star sea, the protoss is still fighting with various Zerg biological warships that are constantly evolving.

But in the deeper background of the universe, the professor and Azathoth are entangled together in high dimensions, a distorted, extremely crazy quantum cycle composed of countless crazy and impoverished Zerg minds, Azathoth is only Relying on the murmurs radiated by itself, many protoss battleships can be plunged into madness, and the biochemical substances rapidly proliferate from those protoss, covering those elegant warships made of crystal and metal, turning them into The twisted, flesh-colored biological warships of the Zerg.

On the high-dimensional battlefield, the two launched data entanglement and information attacks calculated in Planck time.

Outside the earth, there is an innumerable and complex space structure that distorts a space about the size of a galaxy to form a huge space bubble system that surrounds the earth one thousand kilometers away from the ground. It is drawn out from the river system, and injected into the space bubble defense system.

Every moment, energy reflections at the river system level are happening here, and millions of dimensional fighters from the Republic are cruising in the defense system of this strange man-made space structure wonder.

Yang Qi looked at the not far away from the solar system, those planets that began to deform, at the bottom of the low-dimensional space observed by the Republic, where the dark matter and dark space are located, a completely distorted space structure, with countless distorted shapes that the Republic could not understand. The space bubble constitutes a peculiar existence.

In that space, matter existed in the form of matter one second, and was distorted into a completely indescribable state the next second.

"Those distorted monsters are all data calculated by Tianqi using chaotic algorithms. In terms of information, they are specific to the general universe information background. This may be another kind of mathematics observed by Apocalypse when he traveled and studied in certain universes. Information, this kind of mathematical information is completely different from the mathematical system we have come into contact with."

"Its biggest characteristic is that it has no characteristics and laws—mathematics is composed of characteristics and laws, so informatics is also composed of laws. Discovering and summarizing laws is the foundation of scientific existence. The reason why the universe appears in this way , according to the unified theory of information, it is the role of law and order in information.”

"It is impossible for them to have no laws. This completely chaotic and distorted information state, which can be called chaos, must hide a core law and science, but this law completely violates our current scientific system. It may only be meaningful in a higher dimension. This kind of chaotic system that we can't understand for the time being is named Chaos Algorithm!"

"What we are facing is the space application of the chaotic algorithm called Yog-Sothoth, which is infecting the space bubble defense system we built. Today, nearly half of the space bubbles the size of the Milky Way have been infected. If the chaotic algorithm cannot be cracked within a few days, the space defense system will be completely ineffective, and all the weapon systems and space systems we have constructed, which is the space we live in, will all become part of Yog-Sothoth."

"At that time, without Apocalypse, our civilization would have perished!"

On the earth, countless twisted tentacles covered with slime are facing the indiscriminate bombing of the Soviets. A fog of chaos enveloped the earth. Human beings are slowly disappearing in the middle, and the existence of information is becoming less and less. Adolf waved his hands Said: "The 40 million Nazi compatriots will die together!"

"The nameless existence we know nothing about." Stark whispered: "On the earth, information and data about human beings are disappearing on a large scale. I don't know how many people are already on the information level I don’t know how much information people have forgotten about their family members, colleagues, and friends. Now I still remember the names of nine people and the information about more than fifty people. I am trying my best to preserve this information. Otherwise, Mr. President, We will forget all of America, and we will be forgotten. Ultimately, this civilization will never exist. Not in every sense of the word."

"Our future depends on the past, and the past depends on information. If we forget each other, if everything about us disappears at the level of information. Then, Mr. President, our past will not exist! Let alone the future!"

"By the way...Your Excellency, what's your name?" Stark asked doubtfully, "Bush?"


"Yes, President Kennedy! I get it!"


"President Washington, you don't have to keep mentioning it, I understand what you mean."

"...Wait, who am I calling?"

Stark yelled over his shoulder, "Friday, get the record, tell me who I'm talking to. I can't hear his response! Hello? Hello? No signal!"

"Sir, the number you dialed is empty. This number is meaningless... I can't find out who you just talked to. There is an error in the data during that time, and it cannot be understood!"

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