Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 137 Paid player Sun Wukong, your cheat is online

On the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor is sitting on the throne, but he is playing chess with Chen Ang.

He took the black stone first, blocked Chen Ang's air hole, and created a robbery material, and said with a smile: "Infinite Heavenly Venerable, this time, I won first."

Chen Ang looked up at him, and said in a threatening tone: "Da Tianzun, I can't stand you bullying my monkey cub like this!"

"If you can't bear it, how can you be real?" Jade Emperor Da Tianzun laughed and said: "We have made an agreement in front of Brother Taiqing, I don't ask Yuanshi himself to help you, and you can't help your disciple. Now I Even though you use Haotian's honor to open up for that Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, what can you do? If you don't accept it, hit me!"

"If you talk like this, believe it or not, I'll show you right away!" Chen Ang pointed at his nose.

"Come on! Turn your face and turn your face! The three of us brothers always go up together. For you alone, the three of us go up together. Against thousands of troops and countless creatures in the universe, we go up together. I don't believe it, you This punk is capable of overthrowing the three of us! I started my life in this multiverse because of brotherhood!" Jade Emperor Tianzun wanted to lift the chessboard.

"You're talented enough!" Chen Ang secretly calculated, he and Master Chen may not be able to fight against the three people on the opposite side, if there is Tianqi to make a move, he will not be afraid of the opponent. But that guy Tianqi has always had his own ideas, originally he came to this world to invite Taiqing to attack Tianqi. Although Tian Qi is happy to see this, he doesn't necessarily sell his face. Other identities such as Styx are not easy to sell.

Chen Ang made up his mind, and immediately laughed and said: "Brother Yuan Shi was born noble, and he is the ancestor of the universe at the beginning of the universe. Why should you learn the common sayings in the world and act like a child. Come here... play chess and chess!"

"Haha, you made Daoist Chen a joke!" Jade Emperor Tianzun also faded his anger instantly, and said with a smile: "I was once created in a strange universe. Pangu, however, is a kind of zombie-like filth. I saw that the universe was quite strange, so I stayed for a while. I learned some slang words in the makes people laugh...haha!"

"Speaking of it, it's a coincidence. It seems that the universe has also seen a fellow daoist. It's a glimpse!"

"Oh?" Chen Ang asked in surprise, "Fellow Daoist is...?"

"Although fellow daoist has the name of Pangu, how could a fellow daoist possess the filthy body of a zombie with his spirit?" Chen Ang pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "It turned out to be a heavenly book. I said that the three books of the universe, heaven, earth and people seem a little weird. , that thing of fate has a strange origin, it turns out that a fellow daoist is intervening."

As if nothing happened before, Chen Ang bowed his hands to the Jade Emperor and smiled.

The Jade Emperor is waiting to answer,

Suddenly his face changed, and he shouted: "Chen Daoyou is not treacherous, but he is plotting against me!"

It turned out that when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva below invited out the deity of all the Buddhas in the sky, he couldn't help but uttered a Buddha's name: "Namo Amitayus Buddha, Namo Infinite Light Buddha, Namo Amitabha Buddha!"

Chen Ang slapped the table and said with a smile: 'Friend Daoist, the people below are calling me by my name! Let me distract myself and take a look! "

The Jade Emperor Da Tianzun wanted to stop him, but Chen Ang's voice came from beside his ear and said: "Da Tianzun, you must not make a move. We made an agreement in front of Taiqing Taoist friends that you and my deity will never make a move. I think it is because of your deity. Be stingy, Da Tianzun, you feel a little wronged, he blocked the entrance of the Three Realms universe, forcing me to sign the alliance under the city."

"But in the agreement, it didn't mention that you can't make a move with the Great Tianzun. That's why the Great Tianzun used the Haotian personality to give Guanshiyin Bodhisattva a frenzy this time. , called the Buddha of Infinite Life, the Buddha of Infinite Light, and the same as the Great Heavenly Venerable, are not within the agreement!"

"This time, it's just a projection of onlookers. If the Great Heavenly Lord wants to take action in person, it is impossible for the Buddha of Infinite Life to do it himself, and strangle such absurd actions of the Great Heavenly Lord in his infancy."

"Blast you to pieces!"

The Jade Emperor Tianzun paused when he heard the words, released Chen Ang's divine sense avatar, and descended to the lower realm, but said in his mouth: "Forget it, let Tianzun you a little divine sense to the lower realm, but I don't know that I will deceive you with the Haotian personality, Tianzun How can I deal with it?"

After all, he raised his hand and made a move, but he watched the changes quietly and planted the dragon's hand on the armrest.

Chen Ang didn't answer, but just followed, but pointed directly at the dragon of the Jade Emperor... In the void below, the Buddha of Infinite Light and the Dharma Body of the Buddha of Infinite Life suddenly appeared in the void, and the Buddha of Infinite Life looked back faintly Glancing at Avalokitesvara, the expression in his eyes was full of meaning. From Avalokitesvara's perspective, he was clearly saying:

"You are crazy and bullying my cub. Have you ever thought that it also has a backstage! I will also support him!"

The Buddha of Immeasurable Light over there also said with his eyes: "You dare to fight the monsters with the backstage! It's better to fight openly! Are you bullying that there are no adults in the family?"

As soon as the two Buddha deities came out, they also began to chant mantras frantically.

The names of the Buddhas in the mouth are nondescript, one after another: "Namo Immeasurable Heat Buddha, Namo Immeasurable Power Buddha, Namo Immeasurable Entropy Buddha, Namo Resolute Buddha Great Bodhisattva, Nanwu Nuclear Energy Zunwang Buddha, Nanwu Strong Nuclear Power Buddha, Namo Unified Field Buddha, Nanwu Infinite Light, Infinite Heat, Infinite Radiation Nuclear King Buddha, Nanwu Future Devil Ancestor Buddha, Nanwu Minghe Blood Sea Buddha..."

Every time he recited the Buddha's name, a Buddha himself appeared from the void.

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva!"

With a declaration, there is a sound in the void, and immediately there is a statue wearing a Vairocana hat, wearing a necklace, bracelets, armbands, shawls, shawls, heavenly clothes, and Mani beads. The bodhisattva dharmakaya steps out of the void. He has nine heads and six arms. Several heads are the size of mani beads, gathered on top of his head like a crown.

Among the six arms, each holds a magic weapon.

There are crowbars, AK47, RPG rocket launcher, 107 rocket launcher, and two hands pressing the Gatling six-barreled machine gun, defensive and attack grenades wrapped around the shoulders and waist, and a tactical dagger stuck in the waist. The golden Sanskrit script is flying up and down, and on the six machine gun barrels, the six-character Great Brightness Seed Mantra shines brightly.

The most striking thing is that Gatling Bodhisattva sits down. The mythical beast, with its angular body made of steel, powerful engine power, and durable operating system, is exactly the pickup truck mythical beast——Optimus Prime.

As Gatling Bodhisattva's six-barreled Gatling shot out huge gun flames, AK, RPG, and 107 rockets also roared and burst out of flames, and the pickup truck Optimus Prime roared when he sat down, and the surrounding heavenly soldiers would , fell neatly like mowing grass. Guanshiyin Bodhisattva didn't check any of them, and was blasted in the face by an rpg.

Gatling Bodhisattva bared his teeth and laughed, holding down the Gatling six-barreled machine gun with one hand, clenched his fist with the other hand, and rapped: "Yes! RPG!"

The many buddhas and bodhisattvas who emerged with the immeasurable life Buddha behind them also chanted: "yes! rpg!"

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