Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 128 How ridiculous

Lu Jingzhou said calmly: "My son wants to take his aunt out for a walk to fulfill her dying wish. I hope my father will fulfill her wish."

Lu Huainian's expression calmed down, he thought for a moment, and said, "I went to see her yesterday. Your aunt is indeed not well. Otherwise, you can use the father's post to invite Dr. Chang from Jikang Hall to come into the house and have a look."

Lu Jingzhou shook his head: "It's useless. My aunt is already terminally ill. Her only wish is to visit her grandfather's tomb, so my son doesn't want her to be unable to close her eyes before she dies."

He spoke so sadly that he kept wiping his eyes with his sleeves.

Lu Huainian sighed, and finally relented, "Okay, I will ask someone to prepare a road guide tomorrow, and you can take your mother out for a look. But you must come back for the government exam in May. My father also hopes that you will pass the exam with a minor of three yuan." .”

In fact, Lu Jingzhou is now the head of the county case, and he will be admitted as a student even if he does not take the government examination. However, if he has a small three-yuan name, it will be the icing on the cake, and the capital will pay more attention to him.

Lu Jingzhou cupped his fists and said, "Thank you very much, father. If my aunt can hold on until the day of my son's examination, my son will definitely give her best."

Lu Huainian nodded, stood up and said, "Today is your special day. Let's go to the yard with my father to see your aunt."

"Yes." Lu Jingzhou picked up the silver box and the red sticker, and followed his father to the inner courtyard.

Arriving at Xiuzhuyuan, Lu Jingzhou walked into his aunt's house again and felt that the smell in the house was not as bad as before.

Aunt Yang was sitting by the bed. She saw her master and son coming to see her. Just as she was about to get up, she was supported by Lu Jingzhou, who was walking quickly: "Auntie, why are you getting up? Hurry up and lie down."

Aunt Yang obediently lay back on the bed, her eyes passing over her son and then towards Lu Huainian. Called softly: "Master."

Lu Huainian took a few steps forward and saw that the once beautiful woman was already haggard. He sighed in his heart: "Chu Yun, how is your health today?"

Yang Chuyun covered his mouth and coughed lightly: "It's still the same."

Lu Huainian was silent for a moment and said, "Jingzhou wants to take you out for a walk, can you still walk?"

Yang Chuyun's eyes lit up, then he lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: "I want to walk even if I can't walk. I haven't left the house for many years."

Lu Huainian was silent for a while and said, "You mother and son have a good chat and discuss where you plan to go. Then write down the route to me later and I'll have someone prepare the ultimatum."

Lu Jingzhou: "Yes, my son will write you the route later."

Lu Huainian nodded, turned around and left the room.

Lu Jingzhou sent his father out of the hospital and gave Lan Xiang two bunches of money to buy some candied fruits.

Lan Xiang understood that the second young master wanted to talk to her aunt alone, so she took the money and left happily.

Lu Jingzhou returned to the house and asked about his mother's condition again.

Yang Chuyun said softly: "I don't cough much these days, and my body is much better. Mom, I listen to you. During the day, I cover my lips with powder, and apply indigo around my eyes. I don't want the maid to look at it." There is a flaw.”

"That's right." Lu Jingzhou said in a low voice, "We can leave the house the day after tomorrow. When the time comes, we will take Xinrou with us and don't need the rest."

Yang Chuyun was a little worried when he heard this: "Son, do you want to take your mother and run away? Don't do this. You just passed the county criminal examination, how can you ruin your future?"

She is a sin slave. Although the new emperor has granted amnesty a few years ago when he ascended the throne, she is still a concubine of the Lu family. This status cannot be changed unless the lady returns the deed to her and goes to the Yamen to cancel the slave status. She can't go out privately in this life, let alone run away.

"I'll tell you in detail when we leave the house." Lu Jingzhou reassured, "Let's go pay homage to our grandfather and grandmother first, and then we can make plans."

Yang Chuyun's eyes turned red and he couldn't help but choked up.

She was also a young lady, but her house was confiscated by the late emperor because of a crime at home. Her father, mother, and grandfather were killed in a collision in prison, and her uncle was beheaded.

All the men in the family who were over ten years old were exiled to the frontier, and the rest were sold into slavery.

She was bought at that time and later given to Lu Huainian as his concubine.

"Mom, please stop crying. When I am able, I will re-investigate the case of my grandfather's family thoroughly and give justice to the Yang family." Lu Jingzhou closed his eyes and clenched his fists.

In fact, in his previous life, he had already found out who framed the Yang family, but it was a pity that he was stabbed to death on the way to court before he could compile the evidence and bring that person to justice.

In this life, he must plan for it slowly and never rush forward.

It's best to treat the other person the same way he was treated, and let that person have a taste of having his home confiscated and his family exterminated.

Perhaps he was extremely unwilling to die, so he actually saw what happened next in his soul body.

His aunt actually forced his wife to commit suicide and was buried in his honour.

Poor Chang'an didn't know anything, so he was strangled to death with a piece of white silk.

Later, he saw that the child who was not his own flesh and blood inherited his family property and affectionately called his aunt as his grandmother.

But his brother-in-law actually had two wives and two wives at the same time.

One of the first wives is the child's biological mother, his ex-wife.

How ridiculous!

It was only then that Lu Jingzhou realized that a mere residence was comparable to a court, and he did everything possible.

Therefore, in this life, he will never let his aunt stay in such a mansion.

As for Chang'an, what he owes her will be repaid one by one in the future.

On the third day, Lu Jingzhou left Luzhai in Qingzhou Prefecture with his biological mother, boarded a large ship and went to his grandfather's hometown hundreds of miles away to pay homage to his deceased elders.

On the way back, Yang Chuyun suddenly began to fall ill and was about to die.

Lu Jingzhou quickly rented a private house to live in, and asked the accompanying boy and Lan Xiang to return home to report the news.

Ten days later, when the servant and Lan Xiang hurried back with the doctor, they saw Lu Jingzhou holding an urn and crying, while Fang Aina and Feng Shan were wiping their tears.

"Aunt Yang left, and we were worried that the body would rot on the road, so we asked the local villagers to help burn it."

Feng Shan wiped his eyes vigorously and explained the situation to the doctor.

The doctor in the government was also surprised, but Aunt Yang had always been in poor health, and walking so far now would definitely be too much for her, so her death was inevitable.

It's just a pity that the second young master will not be able to participate in the government examination in May. The master still expects him to get a minor three yuan.


The doctor of the government gave some words of comfort and then followed the second young master back to the city.

Lu Huainian was saddened for a long time after hearing the news of Aunt Yang's death, so he asked people to build a mourning hall in a thatched cottage outside the city. Lu Jingzhou stayed there for five or seven days before burying the ashes in the mountains.

Later, Lu Jingzhou went to the county school to take two years of bereavement leave, and then left the city with Feng Shan and Nanny Fang.

Three months later, Lu Jingzhou and his party came to Songjia Village again.

It's autumn now and the weather is not too hot.

Songjia Village is still lively and lively. A paper sculpture story is performed every few days under the old locust tree in the village, attracting many people to come and watch.

This also resulted in a lot of stalls in the village, most of which sold snacks and toys. There was also a salesman who was determined to carry a load with all kinds of knickknacks hanging on the baskets.

Now Chang'an has given up the paper sculpture performances to a few village children. After they go up to perform, they always get some maltose or snacks.

Seeing two mule carts coming to the village, the villagers were not surprised. They all thought it was some gentleman from the county town who came to fetch the sacred water again.

However, Dahei and Baihuahua barked and ran over, wagging their tails excitedly, eager to pounce on the visitor.

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