Farmer Fubo is open for business

Chapter 16 Selling Dementia

"It's worth it. Our sixth brother went out to look for work in the winter. His hands and feet were frozen to death, and he couldn't earn more than 200 coins."

Sister-in-law Qian asked in a low voice: "Can I learn how to make beads from you?"

Wu: "Okay, let's go look for it in the mountains if we have time to see if there are any wood soapberries."

"That's a good relationship." Sister-in-law Qian patted Wu Xiuying's hand happily: "If we find the wood soapberry, we will go to the market together."

Wu smiled and nodded.

The ox cart did not return to the village until evening. Song Sanshun took the ox and returned it to someone else's house. He gave the owner of the ox ten cents, which was counted as the labor fee for borrowing the ox.

The man resisted in every possible way, and finally accepted.

Song Sanshun bowed his hands to the owner of the cow, said goodbye and went home.

As soon as he walked to the door of his house, he saw his father Song Baqi standing not far away with his hands behind his back. He looked at him coldly: "Where have you been? Are you back so late?"

"Going to Tieniu Town to catch the temple fair." Song Sanshun said with a low eyebrow.

When Song Baqi heard this, he started to scold: "Didn't we gather here? Traveling so far? Are you full after eating?"

Song Sanshun was speechless.

Seeing that his son was acting like a pig and not afraid of boiling water, Song Baqi shouted: "Didn't you know how to fill the water tank at home before you went? What's the use of giving birth to your son?"

"Dad." Song Sanshun couldn't hold back his anger and asked, "Can't Song Jizu carry it? No matter what, can my younger sister and sister-in-law carry two barrels? If I die, your family will not be able to drink water?"

"You treacherous son!" Song Baqi took off his shoes and hit his third son head-on: "Even if you are still breathing, you have to carry water for me!"

Mrs. Wu came out after hearing the sound, pulled her husband home, slammed the door, and left Old Man Song jumping around outside and cursing angrily.

Next door, Song Laoliu said in a strange tone at the door: "I'm talking to Uncle Baqi, your son Song Jizu is taller and stronger than Sanshun. Is it possible that he can't even carry a load of water?"

"He's still injured, what's the point?" Song Baqi didn't want to get along with Song Laoliu, so he kicked the wooden door and went home angrily.

Before leaving, he left his last words: "Song Sanshun! You will fetch water for me before dawn tomorrow! Otherwise, get out of the old house! I will keep this house for rats, and I won't let you live in it!"

Song Laoliu curled his lips, pouted at the ground, and cursed: "Old fool, you are violating your own son like this. If you have the ability, you will never come to your son for the rest of your life!"

Inside Song Sanshun's house.

Mrs. Wu poured all the money from selling the bead strings on the kang and called her unhappy husband to come over and count them together.

This time, twenty-four strings of beads were sold, and a total of one hundred and twelve cents was obtained. After excluding the ten cents given to the ox cart, there was still one hundred and two cents left.

When Song Sanshun saw so much money, he also smiled and said softly: "I didn't expect that the beads made from the woodja seeds can be exchanged for money. Let's go to Xi'aozi tomorrow and pick back all the remaining woodja seeds."

"Yes." Mrs. Wu put the copper coins on a thin hemp rope, ten in a string, ten strings in total. The remaining two copper coins were given to Chang'an to play with.

Chang'an also wore a thin hemp rope and hung it around his neck, with his eyes smiling like crescent moons.

She also had money. When the salesman came, she went to buy candy. One copper coin could buy five.

Wu collected the coins, got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Scoop out a bowl of wheat flour from the dough hopper and prepare to cover the pancakes.

Song Sanshun came over to help light the fire and chatted with his wife: "I will crush the pulp when I have time. I can use it for washing and washing my hair in the future."

"Okay." Mrs. Wu said while talking to each other: "There are still some soapberries at home, and they have been peeled out enough to make skewers for forty or fifty times. Sister-in-law Qian also said she wants to go into the mountains with me tomorrow. Let's go together. "

If the husband stayed at home, he would only be asked by his father-in-law to work. It would be better to let him go picking wood soapberries with him.

Song Sanshun groaned and lit the stove with flint.

Dinner is very simple to make. Add water in the middle of the pot and place the pancakes around the edge of the pan. When the water boils, the pancakes will be cooked.

The family of three finished dinner with the only dried radish left at home. Wu boiled some more water and gave it to Chang An to wash his feet.

Chang'an's little head had begun to doze off little by little, and when he was tucked into the bed, he was still having sweet dreams.

She finally saw the little goldfish again, and she was so happy that she quickly shared her knowledge with the little goldfish.

"My uncle and aunt and I went to the market today! My aunt sold a lot of beads and made a lot of money. I also picked up a small yellow stone a few days ago and gave it to my aunt to keep."

She talked a lot in confusion, and finally remembered the sapling in her hand and showed it to the little goldfish: "Zhuzhu only has three leaves left. Will it grow back?"

The little goldfish took a look and said softly: "It's easy to make them grow leaves. If you learn the same skill, you can make the leaves grow a little." 】

Changan's eyes widened: "What kind of chicken can that do?"

Another little goldfish threw a drop of water and hit her on the head: [Just because you are too stupid! That’s why the leaves can’t grow! 】

Chang'an covered his forehead in grievance and defended: "Chang'an is not stupid!"

[Since you are not stupid, can you recite to me a three-character sutra that enlightens human cubs? 】The little mermaid with blue hair was spinning in circles in the water.

Changan was at a loss.

She didn't know what the Three Character Classic was, so she twirled her fingers and thought about it, then said, "I can sing and sell dementia."

[Sing and listen. ] The blond-haired Xiaoyu smiled and encouraged: [It’s okay to know a few words. 】

Chang'an cleared his throat and began to sing: "Selling you stupid, selling you stupid, selling you stupid with thousands of dollars. When you sell all the money, give it away. If you want to come with me on credit, I don't need money. I will give you dementia for thousands of years."

The blue-haired little goldfish chuckled: "Who wants to buy your dementia? Who doesn't have these two things?"

Changan was stunned and looked carefully at the little blue-haired goldfish in the water.

The little goldfish was so frightened by the little doll that he threw a bead at her: "Don't look at it!" 】

Chang'an wasn't angry either. He leaned over and picked up two beads on the ground, smiling and narrowing his eyes.

It turns out that the beads of the little blue-haired fish are blue. Use them to make steamed buns and eat them to increase your strength.

Although it can only last half a day, it is still amazing.

It was because I ate the steamed buns made by Lan Zhuzhu that day that I beat my younger cousin and younger cousin.

The golden fish also smiled and threw two green beads to her: [As a reward for you, tell me what you learn in the future.]


Chang'an happily picked up the beads on the ground. Before he could say goodbye to the little goldfish, he suddenly woke up.

It was already broad daylight.

Uncle and aunt had already gotten up to cook.

Chang'an put on his coat and trousers, then slid off the kang and put on his little cotton shoes.

After going to the latrine outside to relieve himself, he picked up a wicker branch and chewed it.

When Mrs. Wu saw her niece getting up, she quickly called her over to wash her face and rinse her mouth.

"Today you, Goudan and Qiao'er are playing at home, while my uncle and aunt are picking wood soapberries. They will be back in the afternoon."

As he spoke, he wiped his niece's face and led her to sit down at the small square table to eat.

"While we are away, you are not going anywhere. You are just staying in the house with Qiaoer Goudan. Do you hear me?" Mrs. Wu also sat down and picked up the porridge bowl to eat porridge.

Changan nodded obediently: "Listen, I heard it."

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