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Chapter 97 Sugar Chicken Shit

Song Sanshun never expressed his position, which made the patriarch a little discouraged.

After eating porridge and cakes, he went to the well of Song Sanshun's house with his hands behind his back, and looked down.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a shrine on the wall of the well, and something seemed to be placed inside.

The patriarch blinked and thought for a moment before leaving the yard with his hands behind his back.

He called his second son, Song Erlang, to the well on the other side of the stream and said, "Tie it with a rope and go down a little bit to see if there is a shrine there."

Song Erlang: "You don't need to look. I also participated when the well was dug. There is indeed a shrine. It was dug by Sanshun. He also put a clay statue in it, saying it can pray for water."

The clan leader frowned even more tightly.

After thinking for a while, he walked back with his hands behind his back.

Song Erlang came over and asked, "Dad, why are you asking this?"

The patriarch said nothing and walked home quickly.

The next day, the water level in the pond dropped again.

This frightened the villagers of Songjiacun.

Someone went to the patriarch's house again to ask what to do.

The patriarch sighed: "Wait, we'll talk about it in a few days."

His grandson Song Chengqi came back and told him that Sanshun did not go to dig a well today, but helped Chang'an burn molds.

Chang'an currently does not have a finished statue of the Dragon King, but only a few round and fat dolls.

Time flew by, and soon it was the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May.

Chang'an put on a red shirt made by her aunt, her head was combed into a double bun, her wrists were tied with colorful silk threads, and a net bag hung around her neck, with an egg in the net bag.

She held a rice dumpling in her hand and ran out of the yard to play with Qiangwei while eating.

Qiangwei is Little Hoe's younger sister. She is six years old this year. She is also wearing a red shirt and has the same braids on her head as Chang'an.

The two children walked to Qiaoer's house hand in hand, like twin sisters.

Dahei and Baihuahua followed their little master closely.

When the two children came to the pond, they saw that only the bottom of the once overflowing pond was left. There were still people washing vegetables and laundry, washing rice and carrying water.

At this time, two mule carts came and stopped by the pond.

Several people got off the mule cart. One of them was wearing a long linen gown. He was a strong man with a big belly and a mustache. He wore a huge gold ring on his hand, and he looked very wealthy.

He stroked one side of his beard and said to the people around him: "This is the village favored by the gods? Don't laugh to death. A man-made pond with a little water occasionally can scare you."

A man wearing a brown gown said: "Brother Xue Huang, when I came here last time, the water in this pond was indeed strange. The current situation must be caused by the villagers' continuous luck."

Xue Huang waved his hand and said impatiently: "Don't say it's useless, just tell me how much the land costs, right?"

"One hundred strings, and the bamboo forest will be yours as well." Chen Mian said.

Xue Huang sneered: "I'm from a remote place, do you think I'm a fool? For a hundred dollars, I can buy a second-class house in the county town."

Chen Mian said helplessly: "Brother Xue Huang, that piece of land is connected to the back mountain and has dozens of acres. One hundred guan is really not that much."

If it hadn't been for more than a year of severe drought, he would have been reluctant to sell the house and mountain land here.

"Okay, okay! I'll give you eighty guan. I'll get the deed done when you get back!" Xue Huang returned to the mule cart.

Chen Mian hurriedly walked to the mule cart and whispered: "Brother Xue Huang, eighty guan is too low, maybe ninety guan."

Xue Huangli ignored him and drove the mule cart away.

Chen Mian had no choice but to get on another mule cart, and Yaren followed immediately.

The two mule carts drove away from the village again, attracting a group of children to follow and watch.

Chang'an watched the mule cart drive away, feeling a little envious.

She hasn't ridden in a mule cart yet, and she really wants to take a ride on it.

"Chang'an, I picked up a clay statue here last time. It's very beautiful. Do you want to take a look?" Qiangwei said proudly.

Chang'an turned his head, "What clay statue?"

"Hey, I'll take you to see it." Qiangwei pulled Chang An and ran towards a patch of grass.

The two children lay on the ground with their buttocks stuck out, and took out a broken clay statue from under a big stone in the grass.

Chang'an's eyes widened. Isn't this the Dragon King statue he made?

She took it over and found that the arms and legs of the clay statue were broken and she couldn't put it back together at all.

"No more." Chang'an placed the statue on the ground: "It's broken."

Qiangwei couldn't bear to throw it away, so she picked it up again and put it back under the stone.

She wants to keep it for playing house.

Chang'an lay on the ground and looked inside, and found that there were many large and small clam shells hidden under the big rock, all of which were toys picked up by Qiangwei.

She got up, patted the dirt on her little hands, and asked, "Would you like to learn to weave grasshoppers? I can teach you."

Grasshoppers and grasshoppers are more interesting than clam shells.

Qiangwei nodded quickly: "Yes."

She envied her brother for being able to learn crafts from Chang'an, but her mother-in-law wouldn't let her learn.

Chang'an picked up a few pieces of grass from the local materials, sat on a big rock and showed them to Qiangwei.

Qiangwei also picked up a piece of grass and followed suit.

The two kids unknowingly forgot about looking for Qiaoer to play with, and carefully prepared grasshoppers.

"Woof woof!" Dahei became impatient and wandered around the little master.

It is tired from running outside and now wants to go home.

Bai Huahua looked at it with disdain, and sat at Chang'an's feet, acting as a guardian angel.

Suddenly, several boys from other villages ran over, pointed at Chang'an and said, "That's her! She robbed Song Chengye's dog, and she dared to take it around with her!"

"Beat her! Get their eggs!" a boy shouted.

Bai Huahua immediately stood up, stopped in front of Chang An, bared her teeth and growled at them.

Chang'an looked at several boys, and there were two she knew. One was named Xiao Shuanzi and the other was Chunshan. They were both children from Zuozhuang who were close friends with Song Chengye.

"How dare you!" Qiangwei bent down, picked up a stone from the ground, held it in her hand, and confronted them.

Several boys did not dare to approach because of the presence of Bai Huahua and Dahei, but they did not give up. They raised their eyelids at Chang An and made faces: "Little stammer! No mother! Crying! Want candy! Seeing candy chicken shit on the ground, Oh, eat it in one bite!"


She instantly became angry, waving her fists and rushing over to hit someone.

So irritating! She won't whine for candy.

Qiangwei quickly pulled her and said hurriedly: "Ignore them, let's go home and tell brother."

Her eldest brother is fourteen years old this year and can definitely beat them.

Changan refused to leave.

Today we have to let them all taste the candy chicken shit!

No one saw anyone. Dahei behind him looked around and saw that there was no one else nearby. He rushed out with a yelp, threw down the child who yelled the loudest, opened his big mouth and bit his head.

The other children were so frightened that they pissed themselves and fled in all directions.

The kid who was knocked down was so frightened that he felt the dog's saliva dripping onto his face.

"Wow! Help. Don't bite me. My meat doesn't taste good."

The boy cried loudly, feeling hot all over his body and peeing all over his crotch.

Dahei closed his big mouth in disgust, but stared at him with his eyes, a low threatening sound coming from his throat.

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