Chapter 1910 Fan Fan: Innocence (41)

Watching the woman leave, everyone in the room didn't dare stop, including good songs.

That person is no longer the slave who they can call and drink.

The Red Bean County Master ... silently read these four words and sneered at the song. The three silver spindles had hit her in the face.

And Red Bean went back to Shibao thoughtfully.

"How come out for so long?"

As soon as I entered the stone hall, a voice came.

"Goed to the Notre Dame." He looked up at the man waiting there and crossed his eyes, Hongdou said coldly. "Who made you talk to me? Laughing at me stupid, I haven't forgiven you!

The man on the stone chair, "..." He thought she could go almost out of a circle.

Looking at his appearance, Red Bean narrowed his eyes, and suddenly he put his eyes against the man and leaned very close. "July, do you know what the two saints said to me? They said you were right I have an unspeakable mind. "

Observing the expression of the man carefully, Red Bean bent his eyes and smiled softly, "What is the unspeakable mind?"

Tian Qiu's eyes shrank invisible for a moment, then relaxed without traces, and raised his lips and smiled, "What do you want?"

"What I hope is, I'm asking you, you answer first!"

"What did Sister Hongdou think of me, then what I thought, I have listened to you since I was young."

Red beans are a little dumbfounded, how can you answer like that? "July, you're foolish!"

The arc angle of the man ’s lips was a little deeper, and a finger pushed her little head almost against his face.

"any solution?"

"I think."

Hongdou was so dumbfounded that it was a little different from what she thought.

It should have been explained to her by all means, but now how could she become her to find a way to tease him another look?

She suddenly changed from active to passive. The bad boy, Qiqi, was really capable.

Raising a small chin, Red Bean slanted the man, smirking, "Do you want to know what I think of you?"

This time, she observed carefully, and found that the man's hands on the armrest of the stone chair were not obviously white.

Obviously he was nervous, he was just restraining himself to avoid being noticed.

Seeing this, Red Bean's heart settled inexplicably, and the subdued smile on his face increased.

Her gaze fell on the girl's playful face tightly, and God gave up because of her words, her heart pounding, her voice uncontrollable dumb, "What do you think of me?"

"Want to know?" The young girl was so proud that she threw back what he had just said. "If you want to know, try to jump out of my mouth."

"..." Tian Qi suddenly felt a sense of crying and laughing. Remember even this one and put him in the army. It's not the right time.

On the other side, Red Bean was satisfied with a feeling of exultation, "You slowly think, I'm waiting for you to pry the answer, ah."

The small hand patted on the man's head, and Red Bean slowly left the stone hall with his hand on his back, leaving the man to twitch at the corner of that mouth.

After avoiding the man's eyes, Hongdou's shoulders suddenly relaxed and panted.

Whoops is she nervous? What is she nervous about?

The words of good dance came to mind, and Red Bean bit his lip and looked back.

Here, the man in the hall can no longer be seen, but even so, knowing that he is there, her heart can be extremely firm.

(End of this chapter)

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