Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 993 The Last Pass

With Li Xi's help, General Guan saved a lot of trouble.

After the army rested in Jinyang for a day, General Guan left a small number of troops to garrison Jinyang, and then continued to lead the army south.

Just when General Guan led the army to leave Jinyang, Governor Feng finally led more than 10,000 people to Guangwu County under the Yanmen Fortress.

"Meet the king."

Huo Yi, who stayed behind in Guangwu County, knew that Governor Feng was coming, so he waited in Guansai early.

"No, no, is there any soup that has been dried?"

At the time when Qiuhu was in full swing, Governor Feng led his men to hurry all the way, all of them were thirsty and tired.

Even without armor, just wearing a tight shirt with narrow sleeves still made Governor Feng feel unbearably thirsty.

"Knowing that the prince is coming, so the last general has already prepared food and drink."

"Excellent!" Feng Cishi showed admiration on his face, took the boiled water from Huo Yi's hand, gulped it down, wiped his mouth, and asked, "How is the situation now?"

"Your Majesty, according to the news sent by the cavalry, General Guan has broken through the mountain pass north of Jinyang, and his troops are approaching the city of Jinyang."

Between Guan Ji and Guangwu County, Chuanqi sent back and forth news every day.

One is to ask Huo Yi from Guangwu to prepare in case the going south goes wrong.

The second is to prevent Wei thieves from coming from Youzhou to attack Yanmen Fortress.

As Guan Ji gets farther and farther away from Yanmen Fortress, the news between the two will also lag behind.

The news that Huo Yi got now was a day and a half ago, or even two days ago at the earliest.

The news of General Guan's attack on Jinyang is still on the way.

But even so, Governor Feng was very satisfied, he nodded, and let out a long breath:

"The speed is not slow."

Scamming Pingcheng, outsmarting Yanmen, attacking Jiuyuan, and lightly capturing the mountain pass north of Jinyang, General Guan's journey is like breaking a bamboo.

In this way, whether it is Cao Rui in Luoyang or Sima Yi in Guanzhong, it is too late to rescue Jinyang.

When General Guan returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors, the reinforcements sent by Cao Rui and Sima Yi could reach Hedong at the same time, which was considered the fastest.

Knowing that his mother-in-law was going well, Governor Feng asked again:

"Is there any news from Youzhou in the east?"

Huo Yi shook his head:

"Not yet, but the end of the day not only asked many local natives, but also sent people to the east to investigate."

"As far as the general knows, it may not be easy for the bandits in Youzhou to reinforce Bingzhou. Although there is a flying fox road in the east of Guangwu County that connects Youzhou, it is rough and difficult."

"I heard that the widest part of this road is only four feet, and the narrowest point is only more than one foot. The mountain road does not see the sun all year round, and only the black wind howls along it."

"That's why even if the bandits from Youzhou dare to come from this way, their strength will definitely not be too many, otherwise the food and grass will not be able to keep up."

Upon hearing this, Inspector Feng nodded approvingly: "General Huo really has a heart."

Huo Yi hurriedly said: "The honor of the prince is just for being in his position and doing his duty."

Knowing that the threat from Youzhou was not that great, Governor Feng went through the situation in Guanzhong and Bingzhou Hedong again in his mind.

Then suddenly he laughed.

Sima Laogui, no matter how hard your tortoise shell is in Guanzhong, can it compare with the Maginot line of defense of the later generations of Gallic chickens?

Do you know what a German stick is?

Do you know what blitzkrieg is?

The three-piece set of excellent war horses, dry rations, and cavalry cultivated by the scientific system, with more than one rider, isn't it the tank army of this era?

As for the Air Force...

Forget it, this gentleman is merciful, so he won't bully the ancients.

Governor Feng looked at Huo Yi again:

"How many sergeants are there in the city now?"

Huo Yi kept bowing his head, as if he didn't see Feng's self-satisfaction, until he heard the question, and then he answered:

"General Guan left 3,000 soldiers for the last general, and then one after another recruited the soldiers who fell behind. Now there are more than 6,300 soldiers."

Knowing that the threat from Youzhou is not that great, it seems too much to defend such a small city with more than 6,000 people.

Inspector Feng said decisively:

"I came all the way, and many soldiers were left behind. You continue to gather the soldiers in the rear. I will take away 3,000 soldiers from the city and go south to support General Guan."

Calculated, he only set off from Wuyuan County three and a half days later than General Guan, and General Guan had already spent three and a half days in Pingcheng, Guangwu, and Jiuyuan counties to rest.

Even so, Governor Feng's speed is not too slow - General Guan's marching speed is really too fast.

Governor Feng gathered many soldiers who had been left behind by General Guan along the way, and at the same time he himself fell behind a lot of soldiers.

The men and horses that Huo Yi gathered up again were just as supplements.

The Liangzhou Army has a grassroots organization that surpasses this era. Even if it is disrupted, it can quickly reorganize itself.

Facing the exact same request from a certain couple, Huo Tool Man Yi had no objection other than quickly agreeing.

Just when Governor Feng led the army south from Guangwu, he was in a hurry to support his mother-in-law.

Two thousand miles away, in the camp of Wei Jun's commander-in-chief on the east side of Wugong River, the roar of Wei Guoda Sima resounded:

"How did Feng thief come from there? Isn't he still in Yinshan? Where is Ke Bineng? Is he dead? Feng thief killed so many of his clansmen, and he didn't think about revenge?"

Born in a prominent family in Hanoi, Da Sima, who has always paid attention to manners and self-cultivation, no longer has the calmness when confronting Da Hancheng.

In this hot and dry weather, because of tension, anger, and even fear and so on.

Sima Yi's heavy breathing came out of his lungs, wheezing, and the clothes inside had become a little sticky.

"Da Sima, according to Bingzhou's report, it is only said that the Shu captive who led the army into Bingzhou was not a traitor Feng, but was surnamed Guan..."

"It's Thief Feng!"

Sima Yi could no longer control his emotions, and he didn't know whether he was frightened or furious.

"Except for the Liangzhou Army led by Feng Thief, who else can come from there? The man named Guan is just Feng Thief's forward!"

After saying this aloud, Sima Yi leaned on the table in a dejected manner, and murmured:

"Tie Feng, so cunning and ruthless..."

Twenty thousand horses!

In order to be able to deceive Guo Huai, in order to be able to deceive himself, in order to be able to deceive the king and ministers of the Great Wei.

This guy actually took the lives of 20,000 barbarians to make a shocking show in Qiaoshan!

Cruel enough, poisonous enough!

Sima Yi could already imagine the scene of Feng Zei leading the army back north.

Since he dared to kill so many barbarians in Qiaoshan, Ke Bineng in the Yinshan Mountain in the north is likely to be more or less auspicious.

Sima Yi did not believe that Ke Bineng could escape Feng Wenhe's premeditated strangulation.

Yes, Ke Bineng might really be dead.

After Feng thief killed Ke Bineng, he immediately turned to the east and raided Yanmen...

Thinking of these years, Ke Bi Neng has been entrenched in the Yin Mountains and received help from Liangzhou, so he thinks he can do it.

Sima Yi couldn't help letting out a few piercing laughs from his throat.

His back was already drenched.

As expected of Xiao Wenhe, he actually deceived everyone in the world!

The ridiculous thing is that I actually followed this person's way, focused on the Hu people in the north of Guanzhong, and tried my best to strengthen Qiaoshan's defenses.

But he didn't expect that Thief Feng simply raised Ke Bi Neng as a pig, and when the time came, he would kill the pig for military rations.

Even slaughtering pigs at the most critical moment can paralyze the entire Wei Dynasty.

What's even more ridiculous is that in the past few years, Great Wei thought that the borders of Anyou were stable, so he mobilized a large number of troops to support Guanzhong...

"Tens of thousands of horses..."

Rao Wei Guo Da Sima had seen the big wind and waves, and the more he thought about it, the more he trembled, and he repeated to himself, "The cruel and merciless Xiao Wenhe really deserves to be the ruthless and merciless Xiao Wenhe!"

With 20,000 in Qiaoshan, plus Kebi Neng's troops in Yinshan, there must be 30,000 to 40,000.

In this way, Xiao Wenhe used it as a stepping stone to enter Bingzhou.

This person's behavior is extremely deceitful, and it is impossible to speculate with common sense.

"Da Sima, what should we do now? Should we immediately send reinforcements to Bingzhou?"

Grand Sima's military adviser Du Xi, seeing Sima Yi's distraught appearance, was very anxious, and he didn't care about being rude, so he stepped forward and asked.

"It's too late, and Bingzhou is gone." Sima Yi shook his head, his face grim. "Bingzhou has a small number of soldiers, and this person, Bigui, cannot be Feng's opponent."

According to the current situation, even if reinforcements are sent immediately, as long as the Shu captives go south quickly enough, the two sides may collide in Hedong or Pingyang.

Whether it is Pingyang County and Linfen County in Pingyang County, or Wenxi County and Jie County in Hedong County, they are all counties on flat land. What can they do to stop the cavalry of Shu captives?

Anyi, the prefecture of Hedong County, is on the east side of the mountain, but what's the use of that? Shu captives don't have to pass through there.

Not to mention that the Ge thieves on Wuzhang Plain are watching.

Sima Yi's eyes were distracted, and he seemed to have no focus, but what he said was extremely calm:

"The best way now is to use the land on the west of the river to use the Yellow River and the Luoshui River as gullies to prevent the bandits from crossing the water and entering Guanzhong."

(Note: Before the Western Han Dynasty acquired the Hexi Corridor, Hexi specifically refers to the area sandwiched between the Yellow River and the Luoshui River, see the comments at the end of the article)

When Du Xi heard Da Sima's words, his body shook, and he lost his voice and said:

"Wouldn't that be handing over Hedong to Thief Feng?"

"That's better than letting Thief Feng enter Guanzhong and threaten the rear of the Guanzhong army!"

Sima Yi's eyes began to recover, and there was a hint of ruthlessness in his tone.

"Da Sima, the matter is of great importance, and we should consider it carefully."

Du Xi took another step forward and emphasized his tone, "Hedong is a big county, if you give it up to Bandit Feng, even if you are the chief Sima, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to your Majesty!"

Sima Yi was startled, and subconsciously looked at Du Xi.

His eyes were a little complicated, and finally he sighed secretly in his heart.

The expression on his face quickly became rejoicing, and he nodded again and again:

"Zixu is right, I lost my mind."

He pondered for a moment, then said slowly:

"I thought about it for a while, and I remembered that if the Shu captives wanted to go south from Taiyuan to Hedong, they had to pass through Pingyang County. To the north of Pingyang County, there is a dangerous pass called Guanjuejin Valley."

"Guanjuejin Valley has tens of miles of dangerous passes. It is a valley formed by the Fen River flowing through the mountains. It is extremely rugged and steep. There is a saying: Only storks with great strength and no friends can fly over."

"Guanjuejin Valley belongs to Xihe County in the north and Pingyang County in the south. If we send troops to guard here, it would be a good idea."

Du Xi was overjoyed:

"In this way, if it is really possible to prevent the Shu captives from going south, then the Great Sima is really the pillar of the Great Wei's security and stability!"

Sima Yi waved his hands, but there was no joy on his face:

"What I'm worried about is the Ge thief on the opposite side. We may not be able to easily support Bingzhou. Let me think about it carefully so that Ge thief will not take advantage of the gap."

Du Xi understood, and immediately excused himself to resign.

After he left, Sima Yi's face suddenly became gloomy as if it was about to drip water.

Meicheng is more than a thousand miles away from Pingyang County, and it will take a lot of time to dispatch troops and generals in Guanzhong.

And what about Taiyuan County?

To the south is Xihe County!

If I really want to send a large army there, as I said before, I am afraid that I may not have the opportunity to rush to Pingyang, and there is a 90% possibility that I will meet Feng thief in Hedong.

It is certain that all the troops of the Shu captives who raided Bingzhou must be cavalry.

On the flat ground in the east of the river, I suddenly met Feng Zei's cavalry army...

Sima Yi no longer dared to think about what kind of situation it would be.

If the reinforcements are defeated, there will be Ge thief in the front and Feng thief in the back, and the Guanzhong army will be in danger!

But if you don't send reinforcements to cross the river east, His Majesty will definitely blame himself in the future.

After much deliberation, Sima Yi failed to come up with a solution that could achieve the best of both worlds, which made him feel a little restless, like a light on his back.

At this moment, he really knew what a dilemma is.

I don't know if it was because of hesitating for too long, or for some other reason, this time Da Wei Da Sima did not show the decisiveness in the past.

After three days of "careful consideration", Sima Yi began to dispatch troops from Guanzhong to Chang'an.

Prepare to gather with the people who stayed in Chang'an and cross the river to Pingyang together.

At this time, General Guan had already led the army to the north entrance of Guanjuejin Valley in Jiexiu (that is, near Jiexiu City in later generations).

Looking at the mountains in front of him that separated Bingzhou and Sizhou, and at the same time it was the last obstacle to the east of the south, General Guan let out a long breath.

"How is it going?"

"General, there are thieves guarding the valley in the south."


General Guan nodded.

This is to be expected.

When he entered Jinyang, the Wei bandits in the south would react no matter how slow they were.

In addition, Hedong County is a big county, and it has been a land of grain production since ancient times, and it is also an important county for the Wei thieves to garrison fields. How can the Wei thieves not pay attention to it?

"The thief in Jingu in the southern section, what is the specific situation, have you found out?"

"General, I heard that the Wei thieves gathered all the young and strong Huns and drove them to the valley in order to prevent the Huns in the southern part of Puzi County from following suit."

"Then the bandit Wei personally guarded the southern Taniguchi in the rear as a backup, in order to prevent our army from going south."

General Guan listened, nodded slightly, and asked again:

"Do you know how many Wei thieves are guarding Taniguchi?"

"I don't know."

Guan Ji pondered:

"Even in Bingzhou, there are no more than 5,000 people staying behind. The rear area of ​​​​Hedong has to support Guanzhong on the other side. It is impossible for more than 5,000 people. I think about 3,000 people..."

It's just that although Guanjuejin Valley is the Fenshui River Valley, it is narrow and difficult to navigate, and the terrain is dangerous. Thousands of people are enough to stop tens of thousands of people from moving forward. What can I do?

"Come here, let Liu Meng and Liu Bao come and see me!"

Liu Meng and Liu Bao soon came over: "Meet the general."

"According to the spies, people from the southern tribes are stationed in the southern river valley."

General Guan looked at the two with clear eyes, and said slowly, "What do you say, what should I do?"

Not long after Liu Meng and Liu Bao joined forces, their hearts skipped a beat when they heard General Guan's words!

After looking at each other, Liu Bao gritted his teeth and said:

"General, although our two tribes and Nannan are of the same clan, but now we have returned to righteousness, but he is working for the thieves. This can be said to be different, and we are not conspiring with each other."

Liu Meng went on to say:

"That's right, in order to show our loyalty, the villain is willing to lead the people to the valley to clear the way for the general!"

When General Guan heard the words, he smiled with satisfaction, and looked at the two with deep eyes:

"Don't I know the loyalty of the two commanders? How about this, I still have some Hu people from Yanmen and Xinxing who went south, and I will hand them over to you now."

"When the time comes, you will drive them to explore the road ahead, which will also reduce the casualties of the tribe."

Liu Meng and Liu Bao shuddered together: "The villain thanked the general!"

The general in front of me, despite his handsome appearance, his ruthless methods are beyond the comparability of ordinary people.

PS: For the map of the two counties in East Pingyang, please click on the comment, the first floor is not simple since ancient times.

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