Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 102 Silkworm Cong and Yufu

Today's big and small sword mountains can't be called Jianmen Pass. A few years later, the old demon Zhuge led his troops to the Northern Expedition. Seeing that this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack, he built a gate with stones on the cliff, so it got this name.

Feng Yong and his party came to this point, and the plank road began to become rough, and the horse-drawn carts and ox carts could no longer move forward, so everyone found a slightly flat place to stop and began to rest.

"Brother Feng, after passing Jianshan Mountain, you can no longer drive a car, you can only carry it with a horse or an ox. I don't know if your body can still support it?"

After getting out of the ox cart, Feng Yong, who was on the ground, seemed to have regained some energy. Hearing the words, he nodded: "Thank you Brother Wenxuan for your concern. I am not afraid of walking or riding a bull. I just need to rest for a while. Just recover some strength."

At the same time, I swore in my heart that when I arrived in Hanzhong, I would learn how to ride a horse no matter what.

"That's good."

After listening to the first half of "The Road to Shu is Difficult", Li Yi was obsessed with the second half of the article, like a hundred mice scratching in his heart, he moved to Feng Yong's side whenever he had something to do, and asked around, just to get the full text. Helplessly, Feng Yong was dizzy from motion sickness, how could he have the energy to think about this insignificant and brain-consuming thing?

"Brother, drink some water first."

Just as he sat down on a lawn by the side of the road, Zhao Guang, whose face was bruised and purple, handed over the water bag obsequiously.

Feng Yong pushed it away in disgust, and Ah Mei, who was not as fast as Zhao Guang, took the opportunity to hand over Feng Yong's special water bag, which contained boiled water that had been boiled and dried in advance in the morning.

Zhao Guang was bored, took a sip by himself, and took out half a piece of dry food, "Brother, do you want to eat something to pad your stomach?"

Feng Yong shook his head slightly, and said: "I can't eat it, it's even more uncomfortable to eat this thing, let's eat some hot food later."

The Jinniu Road built by the king of Shu ordered Wuding to open the mountain. Because the terrain in front of it is relatively flat, ox carts and horse-drawn carts can barely pass. But after passing the plank road behind Jianshan, the car can no longer drive, so the oxen and horse-drawn carts that followed all the way have to turn around here and return to Jincheng.

Feng Yong and his party also happened to rest and cook here, so as to better walk the next stage of the journey.

Looking at Zhao Guang's swollen face, Feng Yong was secretly surprised, thinking that Guan Ji's attack was really dark enough, without any thought of pity, he beat a handsome young man into a pig's head.

Thinking in this way, he pretended to relax his neck, turned his head inadvertently, and glanced at Guan Ji who was sitting not far away. After a few quick glances, he saw Guan Ji holding a dagger expressionlessly. I don't know what I'm cutting.

Guan Ji's senses seemed to be very sensitive. When Feng Yong's gaze fell on her, she immediately noticed it, and turned her head to look at her calmly.

After Feng Yong was caught, he nodded generously to her and smiled with his eight teeth.

If you are caught secretly looking at beautiful women, don’t feel guilty and don’t turn your eyes away all of a sudden. This will make you appear obscene and make others dislike you.

To avoid this, act like you're curious about something about her. For example, what Guan Ji has now is a better reason.

Feng Yong's eyes naturally moved down from her face and landed on her hands.

Seeing that Feng Yong didn't meet her gaze, Guan Ji lowered her head and continued to cut the bamboo in her hand.

Guiltyly, Feng Yong turned his head and glanced at Li Yi next to him, only to see that he was looking at him without blinking, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest in fright. Anyway, this Li Yi, at least for now, is very likely to become Guan Ji's beloved.

It won't be discovered, will it?

Unexpectedly, Li Yi suddenly smiled strangely at Feng Yong, looked at Guan Ji, blinked again, turned his head to look elsewhere, and suddenly said, "Little brother, go over there to change first." He got up and walked away.

After looking at Zhao Guang, who was scratching his head and scratching his head, wanting to talk to him, but didn't know how to speak, and then at A Mei, who had a pleasing eyebrow, Feng Yong pondered for a moment, and asked, "Where's Zishi?"

Zhao Guang was worried about how to complete the task assigned to him by his elder sister. When he heard Feng Yong took the initiative to ask him for a question, he was overjoyed and said, "Zi Shi saw that my brother was exhausted, so I went to the forest over there to see if I could find some wild game. Brother, give it a try. Brother, I like the article you read today, I like it very much, I wonder if you have the blessing to listen to it again?"

Feng Yong thought for a while, "Although I was confused at the time, I still remember that you didn't go to shoot the ape with Zishi? How could you hear me?"

Zhao Guang's expression froze, he glanced at Guan Ji, and then he said, "Someone must have told me, little brother."

Feng Yong nodded, and didn't pursue it, and said the first few sentences: "Hey, the danger is so high! The road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky! Silkworms and yufu, the founding of the country is so at a loss!"

Then he stopped suddenly, looked at Zhao Guang seriously, and asked, "What do Cancong and Yufu mean, do you know?"

Zhao Guangzheng winked at Guan Ji excitedly, thinking that it was not in vain for me to call him elder brother, he still loves me after all. Unexpectedly, Feng Yong stopped after reading two sentences, and asked him questions with a serious expression on his face, which left him stunned.

Brother, does this mean that you don't love me and want to harm me?

Zhao Guang was crying, and Ai Ai was speechless. Although he learned to read with his aunt since he was a child, his mind was still on the battlefield, and he could read a lot, but it was impossible to be good at reading. When he was young, his aunt told him a lot of strange things about immortals in order to coax him, but he had never heard of Cancong and Yufu, how could he know?

Feng Yong suppressed the anxiety in his heart and didn't let it show on his face. Is it not easy to get rid of you?

Immediately, he patted Zhao Guang's shoulder earnestly and said, "Well, you should think about what you mean here first, and I'll go over there to change clothes first." After speaking, he was about to get up.

"Brother, don't do this. You are so weak. I don't worry about it. I'd better let my brother help you. You can also tell me what you mean by that sentence, okay?"

Zhao Guanggang was beaten up by Guan Ji, how dare he be alone with Guan Ji at this moment? Immediately begged hard.

"What are you talking about? Am I so weak?" Feng Yong shouted, "You'd better stay here first and talk about it when I come back."

Like an abandoned milk cat, Zhao Guang shrank his neck, glanced at Guan Ji, and nodded pitifully: "The elder brother will come back earlier."

I also know that you are suffering, but sorry, there is still a Li Yi waiting for me over there.

Feng Yong got rid of Zhao Guang's entanglement, avoided everyone's eyes, and looked around in the direction Li Yi had just walked towards.

"Brother Feng, this way."

A low-pitched voice came over.

"It turns out that brother Li is here, so it's easy for me to find him for a while."

Feng Yong saw a head popping out of the woods, who could it be if it wasn't Li Yi? Turning his head to look around, no one found himself, so he jumped a few steps and dodged in.

"Brother Feng really has clear eyebrows and eyes. I was worried that I couldn't understand my gesture just now."

Seeing Feng Yong approaching, Li Yi quickly went up to meet him.

You have hinted so clearly, how could I not know?

"But I don't know why Brother Li called me here, what's the matter?"

Although it is hidden here, it is inevitable that someone will come suddenly if the security is not complete, Feng Yong said straight to the point.

"I have something important to do." Li Yi, with the appearance of an underground worker, leaned over and said something that almost scared Feng Yong to pee on the spot.

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