Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1001 Challenge

Autumn has come, and the field in Wuzhangyuan, after harvesting the crops, leaves an empty space.

Half of the tree's leaves have fallen, and as long as there is a slight breeze, some leaves will always fall off the branches, like red and purple sparrows, flying in the sky.

The autumn tiger has begun to recede, and the sun has become milder.

In the area of ​​the Qinling Mountains, there are many torrential rains in summer and continuous rain in autumn.

Especially in autumn, if you walk between the Qinling Mountains, it is normal to encounter rain for more than ten days in a row.

The gloomy, damp weather, the mud and the fog, had cast an unnatural green on the earth—the product of dreary, incessant rain—draping the fields and ridges like a thin net.

This kind of weather brought great inconvenience to the Han army in Wuzhangyuan.

After several months of stalemate, Zhuge Liang crossed the Wugong River several times, trying to gain a firm foothold on the east bank.

But whenever it rains, the Wugong water flowing from the Qinling Mountains into the Wei River will always rise sharply.

Sima Yi took the opportunity to dispatch his cavalry, trying to drive the Han army back to the west bank.

The two sides went back and forth like this for several months.

Not to mention the leading generals of the two armies, even Zhuge Liang couldn't help frowning:

For so long, Sima Yi has been holding his ground. Could it be that Feng Yong's detour to merge with the state has failed?

Seeing that autumn has already entered, and in two months, winter will enter.

At that time, the army led by Feng Yong will be thousands of miles away from Liangzhou, and it will still be a desert where white disasters frequently occur. It will be difficult to keep up with supplies, and the consequences may be unpredictable.

Looking at the motionless Wei Jun camp on the other side from the Wuzhang Plain, Zhuge Liang finally couldn't hold back:

"Come here, prepare your pen and ink."

After the pen and ink were ready, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty wrote a letter of war with his own hand and sent someone to send it to the other side, saying that he wanted to meet Sima Yi to decide the outcome.

After the prime minister's letter was delivered to the Wei army camp, Sima Yi finished reading it, just laughed it off, and then said to the Han envoy:

"Although Kong Ming and I have never met formally in person, we have exchanged letters for a long time. When I was in Luoyang, Huang Gongheng and I talked about Shu, and he often sat up and sighed."

"I didn't expect that now I'm going to compete with it."

Speaking of this, he had some emotion on his face, "Although Kong Ming and I have different ways, I deeply admire Kong Ming's ambition. I wonder if he is still in good health?"

Seeing that the other party asked about the prime minister, the Han envoy quickly replied:

"Duke Lao Ming is concerned, the prime minister is still in good health."

"Oh, can I still eat?"

"I am tired in the army, and the food is not as good as that in the house, so my appetite is worse than before."

"That's right." Sima Yi nodded, "I've heard that all affairs in Shu are tied to Kong Ming, and with his busy military affairs, he may not be free."

The Han envoy nodded:

"Ming Gongcheng is the prime minister's confidant. These days, the prime minister often eats little and sleeps late, so he really has nothing to do."

Sima Yi smiled:

"After you go back, you can persuade Kong Ming for me to take care of his health."


"Sima Yi asked me to take care of my health?" After hearing the messenger's report, Zhuge Liang was taken aback, then frowned, "What did he say at that time, tell me in detail."

Not only did he ask the envoy to explain in detail how Sima Yi asked and answered questions, he even had to cross-examine Sima Yi's demeanor and actions at that time.

After letting the envoy go out, Zhuge Liang sat alone in the tent and thought to himself:

"This Sima Yi is clearly telling me to take care of my health, but he is secretly demonstrating to me, saying that he already knows about my physical condition, and he is sure that I cannot continue to lead the army and stay here for too long..."

Before he could finish his thoughts, the prime minister suddenly clenched his fist and put it to his mouth, and began to cough.

At this time, I saw a figure shaking outside the tent:

"Prime Minister, Wei Yan asks to see you."

Zhuge Liang lowered his fist and barely stopped coughing:

"come in."

The curtain was lifted, and Wei Yan hurriedly walked into the tent. Before he could stand still, he asked directly:

"Prime Minister, what's the matter? Did Sima Yi agree to a showdown with us?"

Accompanying Wei Yan into the tent was Qiu Feng.

Feeling a little bit of coolness, Zhuge Liang couldn't help coughing twice, then glanced at Wei Yan, and said calmly:

"Sima Yi has occupied the east bank for a long time, if he is willing to agree, why wait until today?"

Wei Yan couldn't help being very disappointed when he heard this, and then he felt unwilling, so he couldn't help but said:

"Prime Minister, in the past few months, the army has failed to cross the water several times. Sima Yi has already found out the details of our army. Now the opportunity to fight has been lost. Whether to fight or not depends on the enemy and not on me."

"If the prime minister can listen to the words of the last general, after arriving at Wuzhangyuan, instead of waiting for the news of Feng Yong, it is better to prepare to cross the water early, maybe he is already under the city of Chang'an!"

"Even if we can't cross the water later, we can raise our troops to the west and wait for an opportunity to attack Chen Cang. This is a good strategy. Why is there a dilemma?"

Wei Yan is now the number one general in the prime minister's army, and concurrently serves as a military adviser general. It is within the scope of his duties to suggest to the prime minister.

Under the current situation, with Wei Yan's character, it would be abnormal if he didn't make a few complaints.

If it were someone else in high position, upon hearing Wei Yan's words, this person would have been thrown into limbo long ago.

But Zhuge Liang knew Wei Yan's temperament and cherished his bravery, so he didn't bother to argue with him.

Just wrote another letter, and then ordered:

"Come here, bring me some women's clothing."

"Prime Minister, there are no women in the army, so where are the women's clothes?"

"There are no women in the army, so we take food and go to the people to exchange some clothes."


Hearing the prime minister's weird words, Wei Yan couldn't help asking:

"What does the Prime Minister want women's clothes for?"

"Sima Yi has more troops than me, and has a favorable location, but now he dares not go out to fight. It can be said that he is not even as good as that woman."

"Since he wants to be a woman, I will give him a few sets of women's clothes to see if he can still sit still."

Wei Yan smiled:

"The prime minister's action, how is it different from a child's anger? If he really wants to make up his mind and doesn't want to fight, he will think of an excuse to stop."

Wei Yan chattered endlessly, which made Zhuge Liang a little impatient.

The prime minister said, "You have to try it before you know."

Seeing that the prime minister was still unwilling to listen to what he had to say, Wei Yan had no choice but to come out in dismay.

Although Zhuge Liang led the army out of Hanzhong this time, although he had planned with Feng Yong long ago, with Zhuge Liang's prudence, he would not pin all his hopes on Feng Yong.

As a preparation for Feng Yong's failure, Zhuge Liang asked the auxiliary soldiers and civilians to live in Wuzhangyuan and the banks of the Weishui River to garrison fields, thinking that they would be stationed for a long time to prevent the shortage of military supplies.

Therefore, although there are indeed some common people near Wuzhangyuan, there must be no big families.

The women's clothes recovered by the soldiers were all the clothes worn by some rural women.

The prime minister had already written the letter, and sent someone to send it to the other side together with the woman's clothes.

When Sima Yi learned that Zhuge Liang sent another letter, he smiled and said to the left and right:

"I think Zhuge Liang is really in a hurry, and he keeps urging me to fight. As the saying goes, what the enemy wants, what I block, the more anxious he is, the more secure I have to be."

After finishing speaking, he ordered, "Come, present the letter from Zhuge Liang."

The personal guard got permission, and then let the Han envoy enter the commander's tent.

"I've seen Duke Ming."

Sima Yi smiled all over his face and said kindly:

"Let me see what Kong Ming is going to say this time..."

The Han envoy held a box and replied: "Go back to Minggong, the prime minister sent Minggong a gift in addition to the letter."

"Oh, Kong Ming really has a heart." Sima Yi laughed, "Present it."

Left and right took the box from the Han envoy and put it on Sima Yi's handsome case.

Sima Yi unsnapped the nose button, opened the box, and saw that there were neatly folded clothes inside, he couldn't help but let out a "huh", thinking to himself that this is a strange thing, why did Kong Ming send me this?

Out of curiosity, she reached into the box, took out the clothes, and subconsciously shook them off, and then a woman's skirt was suddenly displayed in front of everyone.

What's even more striking is that following Da Sima's shaking of his clothes, a tube top just floated down to his feet...

It turned out that the soldiers of the Han army even brought back the tube top to the prime minister in order to make up the whole set of women's clothes, and the prime minister sent over the set of clothes intact.


The entire tent was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop to the ground.

The generals on the left and right were stunned, and they all looked blankly at the big Sima holding the woman's skirt with both hands... and the tube top on his feet.

Rao Sima Yi's endurance is already in the state of Dzogchen, but facing such an embarrassing situation, his old face still twitches uncontrollably.

He wanted to throw the clothes directly on the ground, but seeing the generals on the left and right looking at him blankly, he took a deep breath and forced a smile:

"The cloth that Zhuge Liang sent is too poor. Could it be that Shu is too poor? Can't even send better clothes?"

No one answered.

Because no one knows how to proceed.

Sima Yi looked at the Han envoy, and shook his skirt again:

"What did Zhuge Liang ask you to send this to?"

"Back to Minggong, the prime minister said that the Wei army is more than the Han army, and they occupy a lot of land, but they can't shrink back. They are worse than that woman. If Da Sima really intends to be a woman, the prime minister intends to make it happen."





The generals in the tent, upon hearing this, drew their swords and glared angrily:

"Bold! Thief An dares to humiliate us and seek death!"

The more irritable ones want to step forward directly:

"Wait for my sword to kill the thief, and then go find Kong Ming and fight to the death!"

"Stop!" Seeing this, Sima Yi immediately yelled loudly, "Who would dare to kill someone without my permission?"

After the Wei generals stopped, Sima Yi said coldly: "The two countries are fighting each other, don't behead envoys! Zhuge Liang has lost the style of a gentleman, but I can't lose etiquette."

"This person is just a person with words, killing him is not only useless, it will only make us like Zhuge Liang, and be laughed at by the world as a woman's act."

He asked everyone to stand back to their original positions, then looked at the Han envoy, and said word by word:

"I originally thought that Zhuge Liang was a famous person in the world, but I didn't realize that he acted like a villain to humiliate others."

"Since that's the case, if he wants to fight, then I will fight. Go back and tell Zhuge Liang that as long as I prepare my soldiers and horses, I will choose a day to send a letter to him and decide the outcome!"

But seeing Sima Yi bursting with anger, he wanted to rush to the crown.

After all, no one else could bear this insult.

Han made Sima Yi's reply, and he didn't stay too long at the moment, so he left.

After the Han envoy left, the generals of the Wei army asked one after another:

"Great Sima, have you really made up your mind to fight the Shu captives to the death?"

It's no wonder they asked such a question, after all, as Ge thief said, it is clear that his side has the upper hand, and they are fighting at home, so they have a good location.

In the past half a year, he was about to be ridden on the head by the Shu captives, and whoever changed would feel extremely aggrieved.

If you hear that Da Sima is finally going to fight, is there any reason not to be happy?

With a gloomy expression, Sima Yi bent down, picked up the tube top on the ground, and put it back into the box together with the clothes in his hand.

Although the movement was slow, everyone could feel the anger on him:

"Ge Bandit insults people too much, how can I swallow this breath?"

"Big Sima is wise!"

Zhuge Liang couldn't help being a little surprised after listening to the Han envoy's report in Wuzhangyuan Commander's Tent:

"Sima Yi really agreed to the challenge?"

"Back to the Prime Minister, that's exactly the case."

Zhuge Liang frowned slightly, but Wei Yan was overjoyed before saying anything:

"I only thought that Sima Yi still didn't dare to fight like before, but I didn't expect the prime minister's plan to actually work!"

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while, and then looked at the messenger with some doubts:

"Then Sima Yi, was really provoked?"


Zhuge Liang asked the envoy to tell the story in detail, and then waved his hand: "You step back first."

After the envoy retreated, Wei Yan saw that he bowed his head and seemed to be thinking about something, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious:

The prime minister will not start to hesitate again, will he?

Hasn't the prime minister learned his lesson from the confrontation in the past few months?

"Prime Minister, Sima Yi agrees to fight. This is a rare and good opportunity. The last general asks for his orders and is willing to be the vanguard."

Zhuge Liang didn't answer, instead he said to himself:

"I thought that Sima Yi would continue to defend the east bank like before. His sudden promise was beyond my expectation."

However, Wei Yan couldn't wait to say: "The prime minister is angry with women's clothes, and he can't be provoked. What's so strange? The prime minister should not hesitate."

Zhuge Liang glanced at him.

Earlier you said that giving women clothes is like a child's anger, but now you say that he can't be provoked?

"Sima Yi is quite powerful, how could he be easily provoked? There must be something inside that I couldn't think of..."

"The Prime Minister has repeatedly challenged him before, which shows that he is eager to fight. Now that Sima Yi finally accepts the challenge, why is he looking forward and backward again?"

Hehe, I am eager to fight, and I do it for Sima Yi to see. I don't know if the other party has been fooled, but I didn't expect you to take it seriously...

Zhuge Liang thought to himself, if I hadn't acted like this, how could I appease the soldiers in the army? How can you confuse the thief?

It's just that he won't say these words, so he nodded and said:

"Forget it, if that's the case, then you go down to prepare your troops and wait to see when Sima Yi will send the letter of war."

Hearing this, Wei Yan immediately clasped his fists excitedly and said, "The last general takes orders!"

Just as the two sides were gearing up for a battle at any time, Tan Ma suddenly sent a message:

"Prime Minister, report to the Malays. In the direction of Chencang, there is an army of Wei thieves coming to Wuzhangyuan."

When the prime minister heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows, and then he seemed to think of something, and suddenly laughed:

"Why did my Taoist Sima Yi dare to fight? That's why!"

Zhuge Liang was smiling, but his gaze was glancing towards the northeast, his face was full of joy, and at the same time, there was a trace of unnoticeable ease:

"Feng Mingwen finally lived up to my high expectations."

PS: It's none of my business that I can't read the map. I originally had this account, but now I deliberately re-registered a reader account and charged 50 oceans.

Originally, I wanted to use the new account to post the pictures, but I found out that they are all of a urine nature: only I can see them, and no one else can see them.

I heard it was going to be audited, this ah, it reminded me of a certain platform that successfully summoned Dragon Ball.

It seems that the map is a little tight...

Another PS: I am currently in the hospital. I have been working overtime for the past two weeks. I am really tired. After sitting down for more than half an hour, my back hurts badly. I went to register for an examination, and the doctor directly issued a hospitalization order.

There's really no way to guarantee an update.

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