Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1003 Crossing the River

About thirty miles west of Wuzhang Plain, there is a stream from the Qinling Mountains that flows into the Wei River, named Fenxi.

Compared with Weishui, Fenxi is not too big, but it is very famous.

Because there is a stone platform in this stream, it is called Diaoyutai.

It is said that this platform is the place where Jiang Taigong, who assisted Zhou to destroy Shang and established Zhou for 800 years, fished.

The Wei River flows here and turns a bend to the south, but the Qinling Mountains extend northward for a while.

The flat land between the remaining veins of the Qinling Mountains and the Wei River is less than five miles away, and it is the narrowest point in this area.

Not far to the east of Diaoyutai, there is a place where the Han army stored grain.

Therefore, after Wu Ban led the army to Diaoyutai, he stationed here, one is to protect the place where the grain is stored, and the other is to rely on the terrain to block Qin Lang.

On the second day after Wu Ban set up camp, the scouts sent to the front to check the situation had already fought with the Wei Jun scouts.

Before the battle of Xiaoguan, the scouts of the State of Wei had a strong psychological advantage against the scouts of the State of Shu and the scouts of the State of Wu.

Because the great Wei cavalry is the best in the world, this is Wei Qi's self-confidence.

After the first battle of Xiaoguan, the Kingdom of Shu seemed to have a powerful cavalry army overnight.

And it's a power the world has never seen before.

This battle completely reversed the psychology of the soldiers of the Shu and Wei countries.

Especially soldiers like Qin Lang who had faced the iron cavalry charge directly, only then did they truly understand how terrifying the ghost cavalry that seemed to be summoned from the underworld was.

So this time, he led the army to approach Wuzhangyuan, being cautious all the way.

When he learned that there was a Shu army ahead, he immediately ordered the whole army to stop, and at the same time sent a large number of scouts to investigate.


An arrow feather flew over not far from the Wei Jun scout with a sharp sound of piercing the air, causing the Wei Jun scout on the horse to subconsciously shake his body and curse in a low voice.

Looking up, the scouts of the Han army in front were hanging the crossbow on the horse's back, and at the same time took out the soft bow specially designed for horses, with easy and smooth movements.

In the past, Wei Guo's scouts could make a judgment at once. The other party rarely said that there were elite scouts with ten years of riding skills.

But it's different now.

The cavalry army of the Shu captives popularized a thing called a stirrup.

It allows cavalry who have only learned riding skills for one or two years to make actions that only ten-year-old cavalry could do before.

"It's not what the Son of Man did!"

The Wei Guo scout cursed in a low voice.

Shu captives like to make these things that are hard to guard against-whether it is a crossbow or a stirrup.

It is simply invincible.

After riding the horse for a few steps, he can be sure that there must be people ambushing around the opponent.

Just like behind him, there are also companions.

Acting alone, it may seem heroic, but it is an act of folly.

The Wei Guo scouts circled around twice and made a provocative gesture towards the opposite side.

The scouts of the Han army seemed to be unable to hold back, and rushed forward a few steps.

Just when the Wei State scouts thought they were about to be fooled, the Han Army scouts laughed strangely.

But he pinned the soft bow to his waist, and then picked up the crossbow again, using his feet to help him, trying to reload the crossbow immediately.

The Wei scout couldn't help but cursed loudly, then beat his horse and ran away.

Every time I meet the Han army, I have to receive one more round of crossbow arrows than the opponent, which is already very uncomfortable.

Now that the other party is making such a difficult move, it's okay to say that if it doesn't work, if it really does, it will only make yourself more uncomfortable.

Anyway, I can't take advantage of it, so I might as well leave.

The insolent laughter of the Han army scouts came from behind.

This is just a microcosm of the scouts from both sides investigating the news.

But zooming in on the confrontation between the two armies, Qin Lang became a little worried:

"Didn't find out how many Shu captives there are on the other side?"

"Yes, the Shu captives not only sent a large number of scouts, but those scouts look different from the previous Shu captive scouts."

"What's the difference?"

"Horses, weapons, etc. are all top choices, beyond the reach of ordinary scouts."

When Qin Lang heard it, he subconsciously became excited:

"The top choice? How good is it?"

The most elite group of people in the army, the scouts must be among them.

Scouts may not represent the overall level of an army, but they can get a glimpse of what the elite level of the army is.

Before the scouts found out more information, Qin Lang decisively ordered to set up camp.

"General, Da Sima asked us to come and attack the Shu captives. If we don't see the enemy camp, it's just like this... Uh, be careful, wouldn't it be too good?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Qin Lang looked calm, "There are more cavaliers than thieves, and we still need to be cautious. How many of us are there?"

"If you act rashly and give the thieves a chance to break through the situation in the pass, then you will die without redemption."

Qin Lang's biggest advantage is that he has always been very clear about his own position, he will keep his duty, and will not try to grab the limelight.

This is also an important reason why Qin Lang, who is also the adopted son of Cao Cao, is reused by Cao Rui, but He Yan is rejected.

Da Sima's army of more than 100,000 troops can't help Zhuge Liang. Qin Lang doesn't think he can change the situation in Guanzhong with less than 40,000 soldiers.

After all, since Sima Yi was able to block Zhuge Liang for so long with martial arts water and Weishui.

Then Zhuge Liang can also do the opposite, relying on Weishui and Wugongshui to block Sima Yi, and then secretly mobilize the army to turn around and deal with him.

In his view, sending Deng Ai to force back the Shu captives along the way was already the only record that the Great Wei had achieved since the start of the war in Guanzhong.

So even if the battle situation is so rotten now, it is impossible to blame anyone and blame yourself.

As one of Cao Rui's most trusted people, Qin Lang is very clear about one thing:

If the Battle of Guanzhong is fought like this, there will definitely be people who will be unlucky later.

If you don't want to be that unlucky person, you have to be more careful, and you can't make any mistakes, so as not to fail.

With such thoughts in mind, after Qin Lang ordered the entire army to set up camp, he immediately asked people to dig trenches, erect barriers, cloth antlers, and erect archery towers...

Wei Jun's abnormal actions not only made Wu Ban a little confused about the other side's mind, but also Guan Xing and Zhang Bao couldn't hold back.

It's just that the strength of my side is no more than half of the thieves, and before the war, the prime minister has repeatedly warned not to advance rashly.

Therefore, after the three of them discussed, they hurriedly dispatched scouts to investigate the enemy's situation, and at the same time sent the situation to Wuzhangyuan.

After Zhuge Liang received the military report, he said with a smile:

"Qin Lang seems to be attacking but actually defending. This is timid, and there is no worry in the east!"

Immediately, the three of Wu Ban were asked to stick to Weinan and not to enter Weinan lightly, and then sent someone to deliver a letter to Sima Yi, only asking when the decisive battle would be.

Sima Yi wrote back saying that he hadn't finished preparations yet and had to wait two more days.

Zhuge Liang was very suspicious, so he sent troops to try to cross the martial arts water.

Sima Yi reacted very quickly, repeated the old trick, and tried his best to block the place where the Han army was crossing east.

This made Zhuge Liang even more suspicious.

It's just that the opponent's strength is at least twice that of his own, and it also occupies a defensive position.

No matter how much the Prime Minister of Han suspected that Sima Yi was delaying time, there was nothing he could do.

Before Sima Yi confirmed the date of the decisive battle, an autumn rain began to fall again.

If it is said that summer rains often come in torrents, at most it will only take two or three days for the rain to rest.

Then the autumn rain is continuous, not to mention two or three days in a row, even five or ten days, which is not common.

This is still at the foot of the Qinling Mountains.

If one is in the Qinling Mountains, even the next month's autumn rain is not out of the question.

When the prime minister looked at the misty autumn rain and felt a little depressed, a small boat came from the east bank, and Sima Yi sent another messenger with a message: Fight immediately after the rain.

Upon receiving the news, Zhuge Liang did not show off his face.

After coming to Meicheng for a few months, the grain in the field has been harvested, and the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is also familiar with the weather here.

According to the descriptions of the local natives, coupled with their own experience, this kind of autumn rain may not slow down in five or six days.

In this case, the martial arts water will definitely rise again, and if you fight immediately after the rain, you have to pass through the martial arts water to fight.

Even if Sima Yi had the good intentions to let him cross the water safely, would he dare to let the big man soldiers cross the water while the martial arts level was soaring?

It will take at least ten days to delay it like this.

Thinking of this, Prime Minister Dahan couldn't help but "tsk".

Compared with the continual autumn rain in Wuzhang Plain, the autumn rain in the east and west of the river is much simpler, but it only fell for two days in a row before the rain stopped.

Even so, Xianyu Fu University stationed in Hexi was relieved.

This time, he finally bet right.

Bandit Feng seems to be leading the army southward, intending to cross the river from Fenglingdu and attack Tongguan, but in fact he wants to mobilize the defenders in Hexi and expose the defensive flaws.

Over the past few days, the thieves on the other side wanted to cross over by force several times. Fortunately, I personally led the army to guard Pubanjin and repelled the attack of the thieves.

As for the news from Tongguan, Feng Zei made a lot of fanfare from the beginning, saying that he was going to make a raft to cross the river, but in fact he hasn't really crossed the river until now.

This made Xian Yufu further affirm his thoughts.

After the autumn rain this time, the river water has risen a lot, and the defense will be easier.

At the same time, he was a little rejoicing:

Fortunately, on the opposite bank were Shu captives and not Wu Kou. Most of Feng Thief's men were from Xiliang. The land battle may be unparalleled in the world, but the water battle is weak.

Seeing that there are many people on the opposite side, but every time the river is crossed, it is always chaotic. Often, halfway through the crossing, they are forced to retreat, so there is nothing to fear.

The autumn rain had just stopped, and the Shu captives on the other side didn't seem to have any plans to cross the river. Xian Yufu felt that he could sleep peacefully tonight after inspecting various places.

On the second day, when the sky was just getting bright, a loud noise suddenly sounded from the east bank of the river, "Wow!

A huge raft was lowered into the water, followed by a second, a third...

Yang Wanwan personally tied sheepskin airbags on both sides of his horse. There was no bow or crossbow on the horse's back, not even the most basic leather armor.

As for Yang Wanwan himself, he was only wearing a leather armor, but this leather armor was made of leather.

It is refined by the best cobbler in Xiliang.

Although it is a bit worse than the real iron armor, it is better in lightness.

The most important thing is that it does not sink in water and helps to float on the water.

Zhao Guang came over and helped Yang Qian tie up the hemp rope with his own hands, and said enviously:

"Wei Ran, if you succeed in crossing the river this time, it will be your first achievement."

Yang Wanwan took the long spear handed over by Zhao Guang, with a look of joy and worry on his face, he glanced at the foggy water.

Compared with the past when you could see the clearness of the other side at a glance, the sky is not clear at this time, and after the autumn rain, there is a lot of fog.

Not to mention being able to see the opposite side, even the center of the river can't be seen.

Yang Wanwan let out a breath, turned his head, and whispered to Zhao Guang:

"Yiwen, if this wading is successful, then there is nothing to say, and I will be ashamed if I don't give us Xinghan."

"If anything happens to me, I just hope you can tell my elder brother that my wife, concubine and children left in the clan can take care of me for a while."

They have seen a lot of life and death before the battle, and the two of them have no taboos about whether they should die or die.

Zhao Guang patted his chest:

"Even if I don't need to say more, when did elder brother treat brother badly? Is Xinghan Society just a display? Don't worry!"

"If you are worried about your wife and children, I will go and tell General Guan that I will cross the river for you."

When Yang Wanwan heard this, he quickly waved his hands:

"No way!"

"After following my brother for so long, I finally got this opportunity to be a pioneer. How could I give it to you?"

"Besides, you still have to lead the cavalry battalion. After I cross the river, it's your turn to play."

As he spoke, he glanced not far away.

But I saw General Guan riding a war horse, standing on the bank, standing upright like a statue carved in stone.

The battle flag behind him whistled against the strong wind blowing from the river.

Judging from the news from Pubanjin, the main force of the Wei thieves is still guarding Pubanjin.

The other side seems to have seen through the tactic of the princes.

But in fact, it is true that Junhou went to Fenglingdu as a feint, but Pu Banjin's massive offensive was also a feint.

General Guan sneaked back to Linfen a long time ago and took over the reinforcements brought by Junhou.

Then, seeing the right time, he led the rested army down south along the Fenshui River to the Longmen Ferry.

The autumn rain seemed to increase the difficulty of crossing the river, but it also paralyzed the defenders on the other side.

Coupled with this heavy fog, it created a rare opportunity for crossing the river.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, General Guan made a decisive decision and immediately forcibly crossed the river.

Wei Guo only cared about his defensive weakness, and at this moment his fatal flaw was finally exposed.

Even if Fenglingdu is not counted, only the distance between Pubanjin and Longmendu is counted, and it is about three hundred miles.

Xian Yufu's division and cooperation against General Shangguan and Feng Junhou, coupled with the cooperation of Liu Hun, Zhao Guang and others, it would be a miracle if they could hold it, and it would be normal if they couldn't.

"Water detection scout, enter the water first!"

More than a dozen soldiers with excellent water quality hula-la crossed the mudflat and plunged into the vast yellow water.

They spread across the river a mile wide, among the billows of mud,

Gradually, their figures disappeared into the thick fog, and they couldn't see anything anymore.

Just as the people on the bank tiptoed and stretched their necks, anxiously waiting for the news, a sharp whistle suddenly came from the river.

"Two long and two short, the water is more turbulent than before, but it can be crossed."

"Cross the river!"

The soldiers of the Han army who had been waiting on the bank for a long time began to lead their horses into the river after receiving the military order. The sheepskin airbags on the horse's back immediately floated up to help the horses swim to the opposite bank.

The pawns stepped onto the raft one after another and began to paddle towards the opposite side.

Before and after Yang Wanwan, each had a bodyguard, not only them, but also the others, and the three formed a swimming group.

Thirty groups marched side by side, and the river surface became lively. There were continuous sounds of whistling horses and shouts, and people on the bank were frightened.

Seeing that the first row had opened up a certain distance, General Guan immediately gave an order:

"The second column!"


The second batch of horses began to enter the river.

Using sheepskin to cross the river is originally the way of crossing the river in the Hexi area. In addition, Feng Junhou planned before moving, and the horses and soldiers who entered the water were carefully selected.

As long as you follow the previous training, there will be basically no major problems.

Wei Jun, who was guarding the west bank, heard the whistle sounded suddenly on the river, and couldn't help looking at the river with some vigilance.

It's just that the surface of the river is still hazy, and nothing can be seen clearly.

The companion yawned and asked vaguely:

"What's wrong?"

"Did you hear something rattling in the river?"

The companion chuckled, "Are you confused on night duty? Isn't the river ringing every day?"

As he spoke, he muttered again: "Why hasn't the successor come yet? I'm going to be sleepy..."

"Horse barking?"


"It's the sound of a horse!"

In the thick fog on the river surface, a black mass of people suddenly appeared, and in the water waves, there were horse heads floating in it...

The sound of horses is what they make.

"Enemy attack!"

A shrill voice sounded.

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