Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1010 Fishing

Compared with the muddy ground near the Wugong River, it is difficult to walk, but the autumn is refreshing and the ground is dry by the big river, which is very suitable for marching.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty kept his hands on his hands and tightened his siege on Qin Lang, but he was very worried in his heart, for fear that Governor Feng was in a hurry to cross the river and accidentally fell into Sima Yi's trap.

Who does not know that Feng Cishi stood by the river, pondered the meaning of life, and pondered the future of the big man.

Then I came to a conclusion: the future governance of Dahan is far more important than crossing the river in front of me.

So with a big wave of his hand, Liu Hun led the troops and went straight back to Hedong.

Of the three places in the world that produce sulfur mines, Hanzhong was originally the domain of the Han, and Liangzhou is now also the domain of the Han.

Only Bingzhou, which has the largest output and the highest value, has not been controlled by the big man.

However, Hedong, next to Bingzhou, is actually the gathering place of aristocratic and wealthy families. How can this be tolerated?

The decisive battle in Guanzhong is a duel of fate, the reincarnation of history, what does it have to do with me, the governor of Liangzhou?

It's not me bragging, the prime minister can hang and beat Sima Yi even under disadvantaged conditions, let alone the army is strong now?

Taking advantage of this great opportunity of lawlessness, first killing some of the aristocratic families and laying the foundation for future governance, that is what the governor of Liangzhou should do.

After arranging everything, Governor Feng asked someone to move a small horse and start fishing.

It is said that the carp of the Yellow River is bright in color, tender in texture and fragrant in smell. There is a saying in the ancestors that "the carp of the Yellow River must be the carp of the river".

Now that it's all here, how can you not have a good taste?

Of course, Governor Feng wasn't just doing it for fishing.

After all, lead some people to guard the river, so that it is convenient to grasp the situation in Hedong at any time.

On the side of Hedong, there is Jiang Ji who is huddled in Zhiguan, who may come out to bite him at any time, and this has to be guarded against.

So Governor Feng wanted to ensure the safety of his back road.

After debuting for more than ten years, you can't let me be cut off every time I fight, can you?

Even a fool, who has been cut off so many times, will have a conditioned reflex.

Do you think I look like an idiot like a dignified governor of Liangzhou?

The second reason is that Feng Cishi led some troops to guard the east bank, so that they could echo with General Guan who had already crossed the river, in case of accidents.

The last reason, and the most important reason:

The Liangzhou army has fought far enough from Liangzhou to Hedong in one go.

The so-called end of the crossbow can not wear onyx.

Cao's wife also let tigers and leopards march forcibly, chasing Liu Bei all the way, wanting to complete their merits in one battle, but in the end she fell into disgrace and missed the opportunity to unify the world.

We have to learn a lesson now, hold our hand firmly, don't worry, and trust the prime minister.

If the guess is correct, the troops in Zhiguan should be the strategic mobile force assembled by Wei Guo from Hebei.

In this way, it is impossible for the Wei thief to have enough reinforcements to enter Bingzhou from the north.

So as long as you squat in the strategic area of ​​​​Hedong, you can threaten the rear of Guanzhong to the west, and Luoyang in the Central Plains to the east.

At that time, don't say that Sima Yi has the courage to stay in Guanzhong and not leave, even if Cao Rui from Luoyang can sleep peacefully, he will be considered powerful.

As for Sima Yi taking the opportunity to escape from the prime minister's hands, that's not important.

According to the current situation, as long as he stays in Hedong and does not leave, the three places in Guanzhong Bingzhou and Hedong will all be in the pocket of the big man sooner or later.

As long as these three places are really recovered, the big man will have the best terrain advantage in the world.

The Wei thief in the east and the Wu Kou in the south took jujube pills.

Governor Feng was leisurely holding the fishing rod, and was seriously thinking about whether there were any omissions in his arrangement, when he suddenly felt his hand sink, and his wrist lifted subconsciously.

I didn't mention it, it seems to be a big fish!

He stood up quickly, holding the pole with both hands, and started to walk the fish in a horoscope.

If the fish goes to the left, pull the rod to the right; if the fish goes to the right, pull the rod to the left, and pull it vertically.

After a while, a big fish began to emerge from the water.

Feng Cishi's eyes were sharp, he saw the big fish showing his true face, and immediately shouted: "Good guy!"

Whatever he wanted, he caught a big carp with golden scales and red tail.

Governor Feng had the opportunity to take a break from his busy schedule and go fishing before the battle, of course he was not arrogant.

Rather, General Guan has already seized the ferry, which means that the Liangzhou Army has completely taken the initiative and can move forward and retreat freely between the big rivers.

As the saying goes, a good wife in Taoism is safe from misfortune, Feng Cishi said that the situation is small.

A family with a good wife who can lie down and win is called true love.

Soft rice hard to eat understand?

General Guan, who didn't feel that he had been given soft food at all, after he understood his own Alang's strategic intentions.

She was very obedient and reinforced the fence on the camp left by Wei Jun, preparing for the soldiers to have a better rest.

As a general, she certainly hoped to continue to lead the army forward and kill the enemy for meritorious service.

Contrary to Feng Cishi's opinion, she believes that the Liangzhou army has not reached its limit.

Dahe is certainly not the last layer of plain onyx that the Liangzhou army can penetrate.

It's just that she didn't have much confidence in where, when, and in what way that layer of plain onyx would appear.

Governor Feng asked her to hold off on her journey, inadvertently reminding her of a fact:

Crossing the big river is considered to have officially entered Guanzhong.

According to pre-war intelligence, there are at least 200,000 Wei troops here, which is far from what the unprepared Bingzhou and Hedong can compare.

Coupled with the reinforcements from Kanto to Guanzhong during the war, the number of Wei troops will only increase at this time.

After figuring this out, General Guan was eager to replicate the results of the battle in Bingzhou in Guanzhong, and immediately calmed down.

Once she relaxed, she realized that the continuous raid for nearly half a year was unexpectedly exhausting both physically and mentally.

This kind of exhaustion not only refers to physical exhaustion, but also various negative emotions accumulated mentally and psychologically.

Physical fatigue can be almost recovered after a few days of rest, but mental and psychological adjustments cannot be adjusted in a day or two.

Therefore, it is necessary for the soldiers to take a big rest.

From the perspective of the strategic direction of the future governance of the Great Han Dynasty and the actual situation of the frontline soldiers from the perspective of General Guan, the two reached a consensus that the Liangzhou Army should suspend its advance.

Logically speaking, this is a good thing for the Wei army in Guanzhong, which is about to become a frightened bird.

But what Feng Cishi, the husband and wife team did, made Sima Yi almost spit out old blood.

When Ping Mengda rebelled, he led the army and traveled 1,200 miles in eight days, which shows his ability to command the army.

This time, the distance from Meicheng to Tongguan was only 800 miles, more than ten days was more than enough.

In fact, Sima Yi knew that Shaoyu led 30,000 men to defend Hexi, and it was very likely that he would not be able to stop Feng thief from crossing the river, so he still did not send more reinforcements.

In order to make this scene more realistic and prevent Zhuge Liang from discovering any flaws, he even asked Qin Lang to lead the army from the west, and then left this team behind, letting Qin Lang face the Shu army alone.

Anyway, according to the secret letter sent by Liu Fang and Sun Zi, His Majesty has not been able to be a director for a long time, and intends to prepare for the funeral.

And according to the current situation, even if Qin Lang is not regarded as an abandoned son, Sima Yi reckons that with His Majesty's temperament, it is almost impossible to let him go after the war.

Instead, he should take good care of the 100,000 troops in his hands. If His Majesty loses the Chinese army led by Qin Lang, Sima Yi believes that he will be fine after the war.

What is too big to fail?

In Sima Yi's eyes, Hedong is far more important than the Chinese army led by Qin Lang.

Because he knew very well what was behind him.

In order to hide it from Zhuge Liang, he didn't even want to lose face, and he wanted to secretly lead the army back to Tongguan in the rain, setting up such a situation.

After making such a big sacrifice, the result...

That's it! ?

"How could Bandit Feng not cross the river? How could he not cross the river?"

Sima Yi is actually two years older than Zhuge Liang, but compared to the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, Sima Wei is well-maintained and looks much younger.

It's just that after learning about Feng Thief's abnormal behavior, Sima Yi panicked, and his well-groomed beard looked a little messy, like a messy master in the wind.

He sneaked and hid in Tongguan for several days, but did not wait for the news of Feng thief crossing the river. Instead, he saw Feng thief suddenly staying on the east bank.

Whoever replaces it will be messy.

After all, in Sima Yi's view, Bandit Feng fought from west to east, and from north to south, unstoppable all the way, so he should be full of ambition.

Now that the ferry is occupied again, as long as they go south to defeat Xian Yufu's 20,000 remnants and block Tongguan, it will be regarded as an indelible achievement.

In this world, who can resist this temptation?

Not to mention that Feng Zei is young and energetic, and has never lost a single defeat since his debut. Judging from his past behavior style, he does not look like a conservative person.

In the end, I worked my life out to finish the arrangements in Luoshui and Weishui, Feng thief didn't move, he didn't move...

Feng thief's steady behavior made Sima Yi feel like he was holding back his strength, but he punched him in the air. How could he not almost vomit blood?

"Is there a ghost?"

This was Sima Yi's first reaction.

But that's not right either.

In order to make Xian Yufu make up his mind to stick to it, he didn't even tell him, let alone anyone else.

"Feng thief has found himself?"

Sima Yi thought of the second possibility.

But... this is impossible.

I walked along the Wei River, and the nearest Longmen Ferry to the Wei River was three hundred miles away.

Feng thief's scouts didn't even arrive at Pu Banjin, so how could they find him?

Sima Yi felt like he was going crazy.

It doesn't matter whether Qin Lang is exchanged for sons or Qin Lang is an abandoned son, anyway, as long as he can win Feng thief—even if he can't, as long as he can defeat Feng thief and regain Hedong again, it will be profitable.

If you are lucky, after taking back Hedong, you can turn around and continue to confront Zhuge Liang.

If you are unlucky, even if you lose Guanzhong, as long as Hedong is in your hands and Tongguan is not lost, you can barely accept it.

Because as long as the ancient Xiaohan Road is controlled, it is still possible to block the Shu captives in Guanzhong.

Qin State and Wei State first fought for the land in the west of Hexi, and then in the east of the river. There were countless casualties, and it took nearly a hundred years.

What is the picture?

Isn't it for the Weihan Ancient Road, the main road leading to the Central Plains?

But Feng thief can't get up and down, whoever is anxious is embarrassed.

"No, we can't wait any longer!"

Sima Yi only waited for three or four days, and his days felt like years.

This time, he planned according to the speed of General Guan's sweep of Bingzhou, taking the time - not because he was confident in his plan, but because time was too tight and he needed to survive.

As long as Bandit Feng wanted to cut off Tongguan, he had to go through Xianyufu.

Xianyu Fu can block it best, just enough for the army to surprise and surround it from the side and rear.

It doesn't matter if Xian Yufu can't stop him, as long as Thief Feng pursues, the army between Luoshui and Weishui has already prepared pockets, waiting for the opponent to sneak in.

As a result, Feng Tubie had a whim, and just looked back at the Hedong family during the war, and then flashed Sima Yi's old waist.

"Tie Feng puts away such a great contribution and doesn't take the time to cross the river. What is he doing? He doesn't want to go fishing by the river, does he?"

Wei Guoda Sima, who was born in a family and always paid attention to his appearance, had no bearing at this time, and even cursed angrily.

The most terrible thing is that no one knows how long Qin Lang can block Zhuge Liang after knowing that he has been abandoned.

His Majesty's Forbidden Army is naturally loyal to His Majesty, so there is a high probability that they will not surrender without a fight-this is why he chose Qin Lang as an abandoned son.

But as long as Feng thief stays on the east bank for one more day, Zhuge Liang is more likely to reach Chang'an.

Once Zhuge Liang arrived in Chang'an, everything would be over.

"Come on!"


"Immediately send out a fast horse to inform General Guo on the bridge mountain and ask him to retreat and return to Tongguan."


If the big fish does not bite the bait, the net that has been laid will not be collected, so we can only continue to add more fragrant bait.

Sima Yi's eyes were fierce, and he gritted his teeth, like a gambler making his last stud at the gaming table:

"I don't believe that you can remain indifferent when you see Guo Huai's 30,000 people retreating from the bridge mountain."

Guo Huai, who was guarding the bridge hill, became a little restless when he knew for the first time that Feng Zei's troops had crossed the river.

There is no one else, because as long as the Shu captives go west from Longmen Ferry, they can cut off their retreat at any time.

There is danger in the back road, who is not in a hurry to change?

Not to mention that the other party is Feng thief!

However, the military order from Da Sima has not been sent, so he dare not retreat without authorization.

Even though Feng thief took a detour from Bingzhou, the thief general surnamed Jiang who stayed behind to confront him was not a simple character.

For months, the two sides have been testing each other.

Knowing that Feng thief could not leave too many troops, the opponent's troops were at a disadvantage.

But instead of all the thieves shrinking in the cottage, they took advantage of their own carelessness and dared to take the initiative to attack, causing themselves a small loss.

The complex terrain of Qiaoshan was originally his own advantage to block Feng thief, but now it has become the opponent's advantage.

It made Guo Huai feel a bit in a dilemma.

Now that the military order of Da Sima's retreat came, Guo Huai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he remembered a tricky thing:

"The thieves on the opposite side must be underestimated. I am afraid that we will not let us exit Qiaoshan safely, so we must first think of a way to prevent the other party from chasing us."

Someone named Guo Mo took the opportunity to say:

"There was a former general, Jia Xu, who was a talkative general when he faced the Shu captives. He only dared to stick to his camp, fearing Shu like a tiger. How about giving him the opportunity this time?"

Guo Huai was overjoyed when he heard the words:

"You really know what I mean!"

Immediately, an order was sent to ask Jia Xu to lead five thousand people to cut off the queen.

Jia Xu was not angry, but at this time Guo Huai was anxious to leave Qiaoshan.

If he didn't leave, he was afraid that bandit Feng would show up at the foot of Qiaoshan Mountain at any time, and he would really be blocked to death in Qiaoshan Mountain.

So at this time, how can he care what the other party thinks?

Immediately carried out the power given by Da Sima at the beginning: anyone who dared to disobey the military order could be dealt with by military law.

Jia Xu was forced to follow, and Guo Huai led the army to retreat hastily.

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