Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1025 Calamity

In the past, when he knew that he had the advantage, he was tricked by the opponent, but he could only watch the opponent leave.

Inspector Feng had to be furious, jumping by the river and cursing, to relieve the depression in his chest.

If the scolding is on the rise, it is simply a routine operation to send Sima Yi something like "Sima who is immovable as a turtle" or "Sima who turns around Emei".

It's just that today is different from the past, Governor Feng is already a mature commander, and he rarely does things like cursing to lose his status.

"Smart words and tricks" and so on are all floating clouds...

At this time, Governor Feng had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. After learning about Sima Yi's latest move, all he had to do was to make new responses to the new situation.

Hold up the binoculars and look to the other side.

If it weren't for the war, Dahe's early winter would still be remarkable.

The ice layer on the river surface was exposed to the sun, and the fog slowly rose, covering the far and near with a layer of seemingly light but thick smog.

The scenery was good, but at this time, Governor Feng was not in the mood to appreciate it, and was even a little impatient.

The smoke blocked the view, and even with a telescope, they could only vaguely see some dark shadows on the opposite bank.

Those are the arrow towers and beacon towers built on the shore by Xianyu.

Looking at the ice layer on the river again, Governor Feng sighed:

"Here's an order, the whole army is going to break camp and go to Anyi (Hedong County)."

"Ah? Junhou, are we not going to cross the river?"

Feng Cishi wondered: "If you can't catch up with the thief, what are you doing crossing the river?"

"The thief is gone, we happened to go directly to Chang'an, that was the first achievement..."

Inspector Feng let out a "chi" laugh:

"We still need the first work? As long as we guard the east of Bingzhou, it will be better than any first work."

"Besides, if you really want to win this first achievement, how many troops will you have to mobilize?"

"In case of insufficient troops in Hedong, the thieves counterattack and lose Hedong, and Bingzhou will also be unable to hold it. At that time, the first victory will become the first pass."

Taking the first place is something that people without background do.

Governor Feng needs a background, ability, ability, strength, and strength, and also needs to take the lead?

"Chang'an is right there, and you can't run away. The prime minister is leading the army, so why can't we take down a mere Chang'an, and we don't have luggage, so how can we help in the past?"

Now most of the engineering battalion is in the hands of Old Demon Zhuge.

Inspector Feng's hands are full of cavalry, or mounted infantry.

There is no engineering camp, how about going to the theater?

Sima Yi has already withdrawn from Guanzhong, and there is no need to cut off the food road or harass the reinforcements.

Over the years, the old demon Zhuge probably dreamed of Chang'an countless times.

Now that the opportunity has come, let him realize his dream with his own hands.

Governor Feng still has things to do.

With no threat in Hexi, the stability of Hedong will be put on the agenda. After so much tossing, it's almost over.

There is also Bingzhou. At the beginning, the army went south along the Fenshui River, although it has completely controlled Taiyuan County, the main county of Bingzhou.

However, there are still remnants of Wei thieves in Shangdang County and Leping County in the east to resist stubbornly.

In addition, there are many Hu people in Bingzhou, and many Hu people took advantage of this war to turn into a small group of horse thieves and ran around and plundered.

In the past, it was an enemy-occupied area, so there was chaos.

It's different now, since it has become the territory of the big Han again, it is natural how to stabilize it.

Although the possibility of Sima Yi turning around and taking a bite is very low, after all, in this case, neither side can cross the river to sneak attack, but it should be just in case.

Inspector Feng arranged for some people to stay on guard by the river, and he took most of the people and rumbled towards Anyi.

Shi Bao, who had heard the news a long time ago, hurried out of the city to meet him.

Outside the city has become a concentration camp for refugees.

The temporary sheds are connected one by one, and there are ditches between the sheds.

Each piece is managed by a dedicated person, and it is directly registered to the person.

In addition to the role of separation, the ditches are also used to prevent water from leaking, so as not to burn them all when they are burned.

The straw shed may not be able to completely block the coming cold wind, but it is still a place to live.

More importantly, staying here has a much higher chance of surviving than staying elsewhere.

People take care of eating, drinking, and drinking.

Although he can only hang himself with a small half full, but at least he can survive.

To drink water, drink boiled water.

Lazar must gather in one place...

There are many anti-formal rules, but most people can abide by them, because if you don't follow the rules, you can only go hungry.

In short, it is a semi-militarized management. Whoever dares to jump around, there are plenty of ways to rectify it.

There is no such thing as human rights.

The advantage of the high literacy rate in the Liangzhou Army was brought into full play in this situation.

Record, organize, count, manage...

Everything is in order.

The sound of horseshoes rumbled past, and someone quietly peeped through the gap in the thatched shed, watching the tall horse and the knight in fine iron armor go away, with a little panic in his eyes.

"How is it going?"

Governor Feng sat on the horse, looked at the layers of grass sheds, and asked.

"Half of the refugees are gathered here."

Also sitting on the horse, Shi Bao, who was a horse head behind, answered quickly.

Anyi is the county seat of Hedong, and it is also the largest county seat of Hedong.

In this era, any place that can become a big county or city must have convenient transportation, abundant water sources, and fertile land. All three are indispensable.

After years of war, the population dropped sharply, and the surviving population further gathered around the big cities.

Of course, there are also many people who fled to the mountains to escape the war, but in the end, there are not one out of ten who can survive.

These people, in order to survive, can only fight against the sky, the earth, the nature, and the wild beasts in the mountains...

In the process, they will gradually lose their civilization and degenerate into savages. If they are lucky, they will become barbarians.

Compared with ten out of ten, a large county where life and death are divided is naturally a better choice.

It's just that after decades of war, even in a central county like Hedong, most of the population is concentrated in Anyi, Wenxi, Xie County and other places.

It is no longer the grand occasion when the population of the later Han Dynasty was at its peak.

However, this also provided convenience for Governor Feng to clean Hedong.

This is also the reason why Shi Bao said that half of the refugees were gathered in Anyi - as long as they control a few major counties, they can control most of the apparent population in the county.

Coupled with this riot, more than half of the hidden population of the aristocratic and powerful families can be driven out.

Because the aristocratic family no longer has any extra food to feed them.

In other words, the food in the hands of the aristocratic family has been looted by some caring people.

"Half? How much is half?"

"According to the current statistics, there are about 100,000 or so."

That is to say, with Wenxi, Xie County and other places added, the people in the whole of Hedong are only about 200,000?

If you add those who have not become refugees, those who have fled into the mountains, those who have not been collected, and those who are really disorderly.

All together, it is estimated that the population is only 300,000.

It may be a little lower than some big counties before the turmoil of the Later Han Dynasty.

A county is compared to a county, and it is still a heavy county in the Central Plains that has forced out the hidden population.

It is conceivable that this turmoil, which has lasted for decades, has caused much harm to the world.

Governor Feng was silent for a while, then looked up into the distance again.

Someone was holding a pole in the wilderness, as if they were measuring something.

There are also some ragged people watching in spite of the cold weather.

Hedong is originally a grain-producing area with a lot of arable land, and it is also an important salt-producing area in the Central Plains.

In the past few days, so many aristocratic families have been looted, coupled with the support of Bingzhou behind them.

Let alone more than 100,000 refugees in this area, if it doubles again, it may not be a big problem to support them for three or four months.

According to the current battle situation, not to mention half a year, even half a month later, maybe the Liangzhou army has successfully joined forces with the prime minister's army.

Therefore, I am not afraid of too many people, but only feel that there are too few people.

Besides, it's not for nothing.

Raising for nothing will only breed lazy people.

The so-called hugging the grass and beating the rabbits is the right thing to do. After beating the local tyrants, the next step is naturally to divide the fields.

At that time, no matter whether it is digging ditches and building water conservancy for the coming year, or building ridges to prepare for the division of fields, the workload will not be small.

In addition to being unable to work during the coldest time, these refugees must have to work in the rest of the time to get rations.

Relief with work can be regarded as a good prescription for managing refugees and displaced persons.

"What about the security order? How many rioters responded?"

Since it is a riot, whether it is an organized or spontaneous riot, there must be many ambitious people, big and small, taking advantage of troubled waters during the period.

Organized riots have begun to subside, but spontaneous riots don't just stop.

"The small group of rioters in the vicinity were dubious when they learned that the Lord planned to redistribute the land, but the leader has already sent someone over to discuss the matter of incorporation."

Governor Feng nodded:

"As long as they are willing to talk, that's a good thing. Whether they dare not fight against us, or they really want to surrender, as long as they come here, they are not afraid of causing any disturbances."

It's not that Governor Feng looked down on these rioters, but that in terms of organizational strength, Liangzhou didn't dare to say, but the women's army organized by Nanxiang and Yuejuan was probably stronger than them.

Especially in Nanxiang, the Detachment of Women contributed a lot to help coordinate transportation, maintain order, and maintain the operation of workshops during the war.

Hundreds of thousands of refugees are separated from hundreds of thousands of refugees who have begun to accept semi-military management. Even if some people are dissatisfied, it will not cause any trouble.

Follow the army with rations. Although they can't eat enough, at least they don't have to starve to death.

The most important thing is that as long as they are enrolled in the household registration, they will be able to allocate land in the future-ten tax one field.

This is also the reason why Feng Cishi began to prepare for the division of fields before Hedong was completely settled down.

Because it can give refugees hope.

Even if it may take until the spring of next year to actually start taking action, as long as they see this hope, they are willing to wait.

Instead of being easily bewitched by others, restless and chaotic.

And this trust was won by the Han army's act of giving them rations while protecting them.

The so-called those who win the hearts of the people win the world, not just talking about it, but taking real actions.

The behavioral style of decision makers in the first few decades of each dynasty will have a profound impact on the future of the country.

Even if they are both big men, the former Han and the later Han give people completely different impressions.

Emperor Gaozu and the Guanzhong fathers and elders made an agreement in three chapters, and the later emperors implemented the township system across the country on the basis of the prefecture and county system, allowing the former Han to reach a new level of control over the grassroots.

That's why the former Han Dynasty had such a strong military mobilization ability, which marked the basic scope of the territory for the later generations for two thousand years.

If the former Han was a pioneer, then the later Han is more like a defender.

When Emperor Guangwu pacified the world, he not only relied too much on powerful landlords, but also promised the army to plunder after entering the city in order to capture the city.

The result is the weakening of the central government's control over the local area, and at the same time, its military strength is even more difficult to match that of the former Han Dynasty.

The former Han Dynasty included the Hexi Corridor under the direct jurisdiction of the imperial court, and the later Han Dynasty spent a hundred years, but failed to put down the Qiang and Hu rebellion in Liangzhou.

As for Ji Han, the foundation of establishing a country with loyalty and righteousness has gradually become the foundation.

Not to mention loyalty.

Those who are righteous, their prestige comes from themselves, so follow me; those who follow sheep, agree with goodness and beauty.

Doing good and beautiful things with dignity is righteous!

The Liangzhou army expelled the thieves, eliminated tyranny, abolished heavy taxes, sheltered the people, provided rations, and divided the land.

Feng Cishi has a high position and authority. He is not only the chief military and political officer, but also the general of Zhengxi.

So everything he is doing now represents the meaning of the emperor of the Han family.

That is to say, as long as the big Han can really regain Hedong, the people of Hedong can look forward to a better life—at least a much better life than before.

Unless the emperor of the Han family is shameless, contradicts what he says, and is not afraid of being scolded by others.

(Note: Before the Jin Dynasty, envoys did not distinguish between levels. "Fake Festival", "Chi Festival", "Envoy Chi Festival", "Fake Festival Yue (or "Fake Yellow Yue")" are all of the same status, which means that the emperor does not There are only differences in etiquette.)

This is also one of the reasons why Governor Feng is not afraid of instigation by those with other motives.

When it comes to clever words, the majestic King Feng Gui, who was he afraid of?

"What Junhou said is that we really don't need to worry about those small groups of refugees, but in places farther away, there are also people who have attracted more than tens of thousands of refugees."

"Huh?" Governor Feng turned his head slightly and looked at Shi Bao, "What do you say? They don't want to?"

Shi Bao nodded: "Yes, we have sent messages to someone several times, but there was no reply."

Governor Feng's eyes flashed: "What's behind them? Is there anyone supporting them?"

"not sure."

"The thieves who didn't answer, which one is the most powerful?"

"Dongyuan County, there is a group of rioters there, claiming to have 100,000 people, guarding according to the county seat."

It has to be said that although Shi Bao is called lustful and thin, in Feng Yong's view, it is more appropriate to say that he is not good enough.

What's more, his ability to deal with world affairs is quite impressive.

It's just that there are 100,000 rioters in Dongyuan... After gathering the entire county for so long, I only gathered around 400,000 people.

You can gather 100,000 people so easily?

Isn't the Liangzhou army even worse than the rioters?

See if I can bluff me and it's over.

The two were talking, and they had already entered the city without knowing it.

"Bring me a map."

When they arrived at the county mansion, Governor Feng ordered.

The crude map searched from the county mansion was quickly spread in front of Governor Feng.

After finding Dongyuan County, Governor Feng pointed at it with his finger, then rowed to Zhiguan, and finally knocked heavily:

"Regardless of whether there are people behind the rioters in Dongyuan County, we will treat them as if they are."

Coming out of Zhiguan, the first county that deserves to be called is Dongyuan.

The current situation is chaotic, Governor Feng is not in the mood, and has no time to identify whether the rioters in Dongyuan County are related to the Wei thief in Zhiguan.

In his opinion, whether it is a noble family with land, food and self-respect, or a refugee who wants to take advantage of the chaos, or a Wei thief who is unwilling to fail and wants to make a comeback.

They are all enemies who destroyed his pacification of Hedong.

There is no need to be lenient when dealing with enemies.

"Go and ask Coach Han and General Liu to come in."

A few days ago, Han Long led his men to sneak across to the other side to scout out the enemy's situation, and the news they brought back at last confirmed what the scouts found.

This made Feng Shishi believe that Sima Yi had indeed started to withdraw from Guanzhong.

"I have seen the prince."

"Meet the king."

Inspector Feng nodded his head in return, then pointed to Dongyuan and said to Liu Hun:

"General Liu, I'll give you 1,000 elite horsemen, and take another 10,000 horsemen to go to Dongyuan and defeat the thieves guarding the city. Are you confident?"

Liu Hun glanced at the map, then grinned:

"Your Majesty, why are there so many soldiers and horses for mere rioters?"

So what about the city?

Do you think defending the city is that simple?

Defending the city is a technical job.

Without sufficient organization and strict arrangements, it would be nothing less than a disaster to think that arbitrarily arranging some people to stand at the top of the city will count as defending the city.

Why did the rioters flee around at first and became bandits?

In addition to their inability to govern the place, they also have no ability to defend the city.

What the little Xiongnu prince learned in the Han army these years is not a little bit.

Seeing his appearance like this, Governor Feng smiled, then shook his head again:

"The rioters really don't need so many soldiers and horses, but what I'm afraid of is that there are Wei thieves behind them, so you'd better be careful."

"The general will understand."

Governor Feng looked at Han Long again:

"Mr. Han, please, find someone to send a message to the rioters in Dongyuan, and send ten copies of the content of the recruitment order."

Speaking of this, Governor Feng looked at Liu Hun again, narrowing his eyes slightly:

"If they don't surrender, don't hold back."

All the good words, all the opportunities, allotment of food and allotment of land, if you don't know the good and the bad, then you are really determined to fight against the big man.

There is nothing to say about the relationship between the enemy and us.

Kill the biggest monkey, Feng Shishi believes that the remaining chickens will know how to do it.

Hearing the meaning of Feng Junhou's words, Liu Hun licked his lips: "No!"

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