Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1028 Hidden Front

The sudden cold snap made the streets of Luoyang much deserted. Even the occasional passers-by on the road lowered their heads and walked in a hurry.

The extremely bad news from the west, followed by the emperor's sudden eastward expedition, caused some bad rumors to spread in Luoyang City.

Not only did these rumors spread quickly, but they also spread so clearly that it was hard to tell whether they were true or false, which added a lot of panic to Luoyang City.

After all, anyone with a little bit of information could feel that the emperor was driven to Xudu by the Han army from the west.

The current Luoyang City is a bit lifeless, as if its backbone has been taken away.

The dignitaries in the city have already started to use various excuses to quietly arrange for some family members to leave Luoyang.

On the contrary, the relatives of the Cao family who stayed in Luoyang were forced to stay in Luoyang because of too many constraints and no imperial orders, so they had to leave Beijing without reason.

Princess Qinghe, as the emperor's aunt and also the eldest princess, is one of the most distinguished figures in the clan.

These days, Princess Qinghe's mansion has been full of people.

The members of the Cao clan kept coming to the door, and they just wanted to get news from Princess Qinghe:

Is His Majesty really planning to stay in Xudu for a long time as rumored outside?

If so, how does His Majesty plan to arrange the people of Luoyang?

As the rumors became more and more rampant, some people couldn't help but want to find some connections from the Eldest Princess, to see if they could go to Xudu with His Majesty, or their hometown in Qiao County.

Princess Qinghe was so annoyed that she had to thank guests behind closed doors.

"When Emperor Wu was here, when the princes of the world heard the arrival of the Wei army, they all lost heart and avoided it. When Emperor Wen conquered the world, the bandits still focused on self-protection."

"It's only been a few years? The majestic Wei actually allowed the bandits to invade Luoyang. The emperor didn't want to retreat from the bandits, so he hurriedly patrolled the east."

"I really don't know, what face will I have to meet Emperor Wu when I go under the yellow soil in the future!"

Close the gate of the mansion tightly, screen back and forth, Princess Qinghe actually complained about Cao Rui.

She is the daughter of Cao Cao, and she can be said to have witnessed the whole process of how Wei was established step by step.

Now that the state of Wei has become what it is now, as an elder, Princess Qinghe is really a little annoyed.

Back then Cao Cao wanted her to marry Ding Yi, but Ding Yi was close to Cao Zhi, so Cao Pi got in the way and persuaded Cao Cao to marry Princess Qinghe to Xia Houmao.

Cao Pi's move was originally intended to attack Cao Zhi's henchmen, and at the same time win over Xiahou's clan by the way.

Unexpectedly, it caused the misfortune of Princess Qinghe's marriage—Xia Houmao not only had little concern for Princess Qinghe, but also kept a large number of concubines in Chang'an while guarding the pass.

Xia Houmao's attitude caused Princess Qinghe to conspire to frame Xiahoumao.

Although it didn't work out in the end, the husband and wife completely tore apart their faces and became strangers.

Until Xiahou's family was suspected by Cao Rui, Princess Qinghe thought that this was a good opportunity for her to get rid of her marriage with Xiahoumao.

But Cao Rui didn't know whether it was due to other considerations, or because he had been ill for a long time and his energy was exhausted, so he didn't think of this matter.

So Princess Qinghe and Xia Houmao have been allowed to maintain this marriage in name only.

This approach made Princess Qinghe even resent Cao Rui.

There is something to complain about in national affairs and family affairs, and she is Cao Rui's elder, so it is not surprising that she said no in private.

It's just that if she dares to say it, others may not dare to answer it.

Mi Shishilang, the only listener present, subconsciously looked left and right.

"Princess, you have to be careful with your words."

"What are you afraid of? The emperor is now in Xudu, can he hear it?"

Facing the handsome lover in front of her, Princess Qinghe seemed very relaxed.

She leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and glanced at Mi Langjun slightly charmingly.

He casually shook the celadon wine glass in his hand, the rose peach wine in the glass was rosy, he raised the glass and drank it down, and then licked his lips.

I don't know if it was stained with wine or for other reasons, Princess Qinghe's red lips seemed more alluring than usual.

When Mi Shishilang saw the other party's appearance, his calf hidden in his robe suddenly twitched.

At this moment, a maid suddenly heard a report from outside the house:

"Reporting to the princess, the heavenly lady asks to see you."

This made the little ambiguity that had just arisen between the two of them vanish in an instant.

Subconsciously straightening her clothes, Princess Qinghe sat upright:

"Please come in."


The celestial girl with a light veil entered the house slowly under the leadership of the maid, swept her eyes, and then slightly pulled back her coat to Princess Qinghe:

"Meet the princess."

But he didn't even look at Mi Shishilang who was sitting on the side.

"The goddess is a distinguished guest, why should I be so polite? Come, come, please sit down."

Princess Qinghe got up quickly, and enthusiastically pulled Tiannv to sit beside her.

"Thank you princess."

"No thanks, no thanks, speaking of it, I invite you to come and pray, I still have to thank you first."

Cao Rui built a palace in the harem for the goddess to live in, and let her pray for the royal family.

Don't say that you are an idle person on weekdays, even dignitaries can't see him.

Princess Qinghe is one of the very few people who can please her.

"The princess is serious. Praying for the heavenly family is the job of a concubine. If the princess invites me, how dare I not come?"

"You can't say that. Apart from His Majesty, who would dare to order you? I'm not a person who doesn't know good and evil. You have given me a great face by coming here."

Princess Qinghe held Tiannv's hand and talked affectionately.

Seeing Princess Qinghe talking to herself as if no one was around, Tiannv couldn't help but glance at Mi Shishilang who was sitting opposite.

Princess Qinghe had long been waiting to bring the topic to Mi Shishilang. Seeing the goddess like this, she quickly laughed and said:

"Don't blame me, Goddess. In fact, I invited you to pray for blessings this time. It's not for me, but for someone else."

It's not the first time for Tiannv to come to the princess mansion, and she already understood what Princess Qinghe said.

"Could it be for Mi Langjun?"


Princess Qinghe looked at Mi Shishilang, with concern in her eyes:

"To tell you the truth, Mi Lang-jun went to Chang'an some time ago, but who would have expected that he almost didn't come back."

"After returning to Luoyang, for some reason, he was always restless, as if he had been hit by an evil spirit, so I would like to ask the heavenly girl for a favor, to see if I can help Mi Lang-jun drive away the evil energy from his body."

When the goddess heard the words, she looked at Mi Shishilang with complicated eyes.

Princess Qinghe has sincere affection for this person, but it's just a pity...

"My concubine sees that Mi Langjun's Yintang is red, his eyes are dull, but his whole body is weak?"

Yintang's redness was due to drinking, and his dull eyes were due to being drained.

Mi Shishilang replied weakly:


The celestial girl got up, approached for a closer look, and then asked:

"When Mr. Mi Lang was in Chang'an, did you encounter any strange things?"

Mi Shishilang shook his head:

"I went to Chang'an this time because I wanted to buy some goods. Unexpectedly, not long after I arrived in Chang'an, there was a military incident in Guanzhong."

"I was afraid of staying in Chang'an. I didn't dare to delay. I hurried to Luoyang without even picking up the goods. It was safe and sound, and I didn't encounter any strange things."

"Mr. Mi Lang think about it again?"

Mi Shishilang frowned, as if trying to remember:

"If you really want to say something strange, the only thing I have some impression of is that near Chang'an, there was a civilian husband who pulled the dew plate and accidentally dropped the dew plate into a deep ditch. The noise was extremely loud."

"I happened to be by the side at that time, and I was deaf and dazzled by the shock..."

Before he finished speaking, the goddess cut off his words:

"Okay, I see."

"Does God know the reason?"

Princess Qinghe asked in surprise.

The goddess nodded:

"The Princess has heard about the Chenglu plate. The Chang'an bronze man and the Chenglu plate were cast by the Han Dynasty. Your Majesty wanted to inherit the luck of the Han Dynasty, so he ordered them to be transported back to Luoyang."

"Unexpectedly, the bronze figure was too heavy to be transported back. It was abandoned outside Chang'an City. It was transported to the vicinity of Tongguan on a dew plate, where it fell into a deep ditch and broke."

Speaking of this, the goddess sighed, as if she was talking to herself, and she seemed to be speaking to the two people present:

"This matter of luck, it really cannot be forced, probably God's will is like this..."

Princess Qinghe thought of the deteriorating situation of the Great Wei in recent years, and felt sorry for her.

It's just that these are not things she can worry about. What she cares about now is the lover in front of her:

"But Tiannv, how could His Majesty's fate have something to do with Mi Lang-jun?"

"It stands to reason that it has nothing to do with Mi Langjun, but..."

Having said that, the goddess hesitated to speak.

"Goddess, please don't worry, no one else can hear this place except us and the three of us, so please speak clearly."

The heavenly girl looked at Princess Qinghe and said slowly:

"It's all because of the princess."

Princess Qinghe was startled: "Because of me? Why?"

"Your Majesty represents the luck of the royal family, and the princess is a member of the royal family and a relative of your majesty. The luck of the Great Wei will naturally affect the princess."

"As for Mi Langjun, it is precisely because of his unusual relationship with the princess that he will be affected accordingly."

When Princess Qinghe heard the words, she subconsciously said "ah", and then her face suddenly turned red.

The celestial girl's tone was calm, as if she was saying something unimportant:

"If this was the case alone, Mr. Mi Lang would not have become like this. The most important thing is that he witnessed the dew plate falling into the deep ditch and heard the sound of breaking."

Shaking her head, the goddess looked at Mi Shishilang with some pity:

"This can be said to be too deep, and there is a fear of losing one's luck and killing one's life."

Mi Shishilang, who was a little sluggish at first, turned pale, and he stood up immediately in fright:

"Kill your luck? Goddess, what... what does this mean?"

"Royal luck is unbearable for ordinary people, and it is also bad luck that the dew plate is broken. Mr. Mi Lang is neither a clan relative nor a foreign relative. He is suffering from the bad luck of the royal family. I am afraid that he may die."

Upon hearing this, Mi Shishilang asked tremblingly, "Then, what should we do?"

The blood on Princess Qinghe's face also faded, and she begged tremblingly: "My God, please save Mi Langjun!"

The goddess was silent.

It doesn't matter if she groaned, Mi Shishilang was so frightened on the spot that she was about to kneel down:

"Goddess, look, do I still have a chance?"

Seeing that both of them were looking at her anxiously, Tiannv said:

"A matter of luck can be as short as a few years or as long as hundreds of years. Mr. Mi Lang returned from Chang'an in just a few months, so there is naturally a chance."

As soon as these words came out, Princess Qinghe and Mi Shishilang breathed a sigh of relief.

Princess Qinghe asked in a low voice:

"Goddess, what should we do?"

"Princess, please find a quiet room for me. There are a few pens and ink on the table, nine seats and nine lamps, and a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one candles."

"Mi Lang-jun enters the room after taking a bath and sits quietly, and I will write the talisman to eliminate the bad luck on Mi Lang-jun."

"Be careful not to be disturbed by anyone during the practice, otherwise not only will all previous efforts be wasted, but there will also be fear of backlash."

"No problem, no problem!" Princess Qinghe said repeatedly, "There are many quiet rooms in my house, and no one can disturb them without my permission."

The heavenly girl looked at Princess Qinghe:

"The princess is a member of the royal family, and she has royal luck on her body. During the practice, she can't go near the quiet room."

"Okay, okay!" Princess Qinghe nodded repeatedly, expressing her understanding, "I will not let anyone approach the quiet room."

After finally inviting the celestial girl, it is naturally impossible for Princess Qinghe to choose another auspicious day for the zodiac.

Immediately, she immediately arranged and arranged the things needed by the celestial maiden for the practice.

And Mi Shishilang didn't care about being reserved, so he went down to take a bath first.

When everything was ready, Mi Shishilang, who had finished his bath, entered the quiet room with his hair barefoot.

After a while, there was only a "squeak" sound from the door, and then it was closed tightly again.

When there were only two people left in the room, Tiannv lost her composure. She rushed directly to Mi Shishilang, lowered her voice, but her tone was extremely urgent:

"I need your help!"

Mi Shishilang, who should have been the most anxious, now has a calm expression:

"What happened, please tell me slowly."

"Can't slow down!"

The goddess sat down directly in front of Mi Shishilang, staring at him:

"The emperor has sent me a letter, and I may go to Xudu at any time!"

Mi Shishilang frowned slightly: "It's just going to Xudu, what are you afraid of?"

"What do you know? No one knows the emperor's condition better than me. He has only a few days to live!"

There was a little fear in Tiannv's eyes, "He once asked me to make him a burning talisman to cure his illness, but I fooled him with the Chang'an bronze figure and Chenglu plate."

"He is asking me to go to Xudu now, and he definitely wants me to treat his illness. If I have no choice then, he will definitely kill me to vent his anger."

When Mi Shishilang heard the news that "Cao Rui doesn't have a good life for a few days", his eyes brightened:

"Are you sure he's dying?"

"Whether I can survive this winter is a big question!" Tiannu replied with a very firm tone, "So I can't go to Xudu!"

She stared at Mi Shishilang firmly:

"I have helped you so much before, this time, you have to help me no matter what, otherwise, if my affairs are exposed, you will die!"

When Mi Shishilang heard the threatening words from the goddess, murderous intent flashed in his eyes. He lowered his eyes and said slowly:

"Did you say the opposite? Didn't I help you from the beginning?"

"I'll help you get the candle, help you get the secret incense, help you get the special effect medicine powder as amulet water, and help you think about how to play the goddess better and deceive Cao Rui."

"Otherwise, you, a mere woman, think that everyone in Luoyang is blind and you have tricked them into going there?"

In the past, you wanted to inquire about the news inside the palace. When did I not give it to you?

Doesn't that count as helping you?

It's just that the situation is urgent now, Tiannv is not in the mood to discuss these things with Mi Shishilang, she gritted her teeth and said:

"Okay, okay, even if you helped me! Now I want you to help me one last time."

In fact, she was originally a girl boiling medicine next to Hua Tuo's disciple Wu Pu. Later, Hua Tuo was killed and his disciples scattered for their lives.

Wu Pu accidentally separated from her on the way back to his hometown Guangling.

She wandered in Shouchun, and in order to survive, she finally had to become a peasant woman.

It's just that she has a high spirit. When she followed Wu Pu in the early years, she had no worries about food and clothing. Now she is reduced to a peasant woman, so she is naturally unwilling.

After she settled down, relying on her knowledge of medicine, she pretended to be a ghost, calling the potion a talisman water, and fooling the foolish men and women in the countryside.

The most important thing is that she knows the secret art of Wu Qin Xi and the secret recipe "Qi Ye Qing Nian San" in Hua Tuo's sect.

The two, one taken internally and one externally practiced, cooperate with each other, not only can make people live longer and stronger, but also maintain their appearance, old and young.

The local people were surprised to see this woman's youthful appearance.

In order to hide her secret, she used an excuse to say that she was a goddess...

It stands to reason that during the Three Kingdoms period, there were many people pretending to be gods and ghosts, and she was not bad.

It's just that no one thought that a human figure appeared in the Shu Kingdom in this time and space, and even the Shu Kingdom deviated from the original direction, rubbing the Wei Kingdom on the ground, rubbing...

In order to please the emperor of the Han family, the aborigines of Liangzhou pointed to a piece of sapphire washed out of the mountain pass and insisted that it was auspicious.

There are not only various rare and exotic animals and nebula patterns on the stone, but most importantly, there are also three Chinese characters with distorted strokes: Great Discussion Cao.

The governor of Liangzhou didn't want to recognize him at first, but General Guan couldn't help but like him.

Of course, Zhang Xiaosi prefers it.

Two fists can't beat four hands, and his arms can't twist his thighs. Feng Cishi had to pinch his nose to admit Xiangrui, and sent it to Hanzhong quickly.

The emperor of the Han family was very happy, and placed this big stone at the gate of the palace, and everyone who passed by would subconsciously say a sentence in their hearts: "Big challenge Cao."

Little Fatty: I didn't mean to target anyone.

Cao Rui: Are you polite?

The thieves and bandits in the western frontier all have auspicious signs, but doesn't the dignified Wei have none?

So the pseudo-youthful and beautiful girl who had a good mouth was selected by the emperor's eyes.

After arriving in Luoyang, there was actually a handsome gentleman who came to him on his own initiative.

She helped her in various ways, and funded a lot of special items through special channels, so that her identity was perfectly concealed.

This is a Su-Marie story, and the little fairies of later generations must like it very much.

But Tiannu just wants to escape now.

If you don't escape, you will really go to heaven and become a fairy.

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