Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1036 Chapter 1045 You might as well speak clearly

Wanting to bring down the great general is not something that will happen overnight.

Regarding this point, Lu Yi was very clear in his heart.

The year before last, Li Heng bluntly spoke about the incident and almost moved His Majesty, leaving Lu Yi with lingering fears.

It made him have to reflect on what the school affairs office had done over the years, and found that the school affairs office had indeed offended too many people.

Even the prime minister, Gu Yong, was charged with crimes by the school affairs office, which caused him to be reprimanded by His Majesty, and even once thought of replacing the prime minister.

If it weren't for the fear of Gu Yong being withdrawn, Taichang Pan Jun, who guarded Wuchang with Lu Xun, would be transferred to Jianye to replace the prime minister.

It can't be said that Lu Yi at that time would really encourage Sun Quan to let Gu Yong go home to retire.

Although all the officials from the imperial court to the local officials dared not speak out, but Lu Yi knew that secretly, there were many people who formed the same party, intending to kill the school administration.

So in the past two years, the school affairs office has restrained a lot.

Especially for things like bringing down a great general, there is no rush, you have to do it little by little.

One sentence of praise and derogation today, two sentences of persuasion and two sentences tomorrow, and three sentences of slander and slander the day after tomorrow...

The Son of Heaven is mostly a ruthless person, and no matter how important a courtier is in His Majesty's heart, they can't stand such piecemeal provocations.

The Great General is in charge of half of the Great Wu, and he stays in Wuchang all year round, so he rarely has the opportunity to meet His Majesty, so he is suspected of having too much power.

Under the accumulative sowing and discord, Lv Yi believed that His Majesty, in his heart, would one day gradually lose his relationship with the Great General.

As long as it fades to a certain level, and when the time comes, it will be no dream to seize the opportunity and knock down the general.

Once the great general falls, there will be only the last opponent left in the school affairs office - Donggong.

In the case of Li Heng's blunt statement, the school affairs office was the one targeted by the sword. Naturally, they must try their best to find out the real driving force behind this incident.

As the emperor's most trusted eyes and ears, he is professional in this regard.

So what if it was just found out?

The position of the crown prince of the Eastern Palace cannot be shaken by the school affairs office.

At least not yet.

It just so happened that the top general, Lu Xun, was the biggest supporter of the Eastern Palace.

Of course, since the matter of bringing down the great general cannot be rushed, Lu Yi usually does it as he sees fit, without being too deliberate.

Because the school office has more important things in front of it.

In the past two years, in order to raise military funds, His Majesty has asked Yousi to mint a lot of five hundred coins, called "Daquan Five Hundred".

Prices have risen a lot among the people, and local complaints have begun to spread.

Therefore, in addition to its own job, the school affairs office: to help His Majesty arrest the officials and spy on local states and counties.

At the same time, we must find ways to raise money, food and various materials for His Majesty.

As long as these two things are done well, His Majesty will rely more and more on the school affairs office.

Speaking of supplies, it seems that it has entered the coldest time, but there is still a batch of woolen materials that have not been delivered on time in the Kingdom of Shu.

When Lv Yi returned to the school office, he first sent people to Jingzhou to check, and then he turned around and went to the post house.

Knowing Lv Yi's arrival, Ma Su hastily came out to greet him:

"Lv Zhongshu, it's so cold, why bother you to come here in person? Please come inside."

"It's just that it's cold, that's why I have to come here all the more!" Lu Yi may have faked a smile to others, but to Ma Di, it was a real smile.

"It's cold outside, let's talk first."

Ma Di welcomed Lv Yi into the post house and made him a cup of hot tea.

Lu Yi took a sip of hot tea, and then exhaled:

"This year's winter seems to be much colder again!"

Ma Di nodded: "A few days ago, I took my students to the north of the river, and found that some places along the river seemed to be frozen. It was really cold."

Lv Yi sighed: "Over the past few years, it's not uncommon for the riverside to freeze in winter."

"In spring and summer, droughts and floods are often erratic, and locust plagues occur frequently. If it weren't for the support of your country in the past few years, Da Wu might not be able to organize a big war this time."

One hundred thousand troops to fight in Hefei City?

Ma Di smiled slightly:

"Han and Wu are allies, and they echo each other, which makes sense. This time, I brought these young gentlemen here to learn the art of sailing. Didn't I also get Lu Zhongshu's strong support?"

"It should be!"

The bridal sedan chairs were carried by everyone, and Lu Yi hurriedly gave in and said:

"Your Majesty has not hesitated to send fleets to Liaodong repeatedly in order to obtain war horses. This skill of maneuvering the boats is originally an agreement when we exchanged war horses with your country."

In the Battle of Jingzhou, the Shu people lost most of their navy.

Then in the battle of Yiling, the last remaining navy was also lost.

Anyone with a little foresight in the state of Wu would not be willing to see the Shu people rebuild their navy, let alone teach them how to build and operate a ship.

But for Lu Yi, the school office was already in crisis at that time, so who cares whether the Shu people took the opportunity to rebuild the navy?

Besides, the school office is to relieve His Majesty's worries.

If His Majesty wants a war horse, the school affairs office will naturally do everything possible to find a war horse.

The warship is the most important weapon of Wu's country. Isn't the armored cavalry the most important weapon of the Shu people?

Without enough sincerity, why should the Shu people help you build an armored cavalry army?

Of course, the most important thing is that the Shu people gave too much.

War horses, wool, brown sugar, grain...

Which one is not a bulk material that Da Wu needs?

On the other hand, Ma Di, upon hearing what Lv Yi said, couldn't help praising him: "Lü Zhongshu really believes in people!"

Lu Yi was humble again.

But when it comes to the word "integrity", Lu Yi just looked at Ma Su:

"Mr. Ma, Wu and Han are countries that are allied with each other, so it is natural to be faithful, right?"

Ma Di nodded: "It's natural."

Lu Yi patted his thigh: "I'll just say it, I see exactly the same thing as my husband!"

Then he turned slightly sideways and approached Ma Di:

"Sir, you have also seen that this winter is extremely cold. The soldiers in the army are eagerly looking for warm clothes."

"However, there is still a batch of raw materials in your country, which cannot be transported to Jianye as agreed. Is this a breach of trust by Your Majesty?"

For a mere batch of raw materials, Lu Yi not only sent people to Jingzhou to check, but also personally went to Ma Su to urge them.

It looks a little petty.

But Lu Yi knew that at least a considerable part of the reason why the Northern Expedition was in vain was because of the early arrival of winter this year.

The 100,000 troops led by His Majesty did not have enough clothing to keep out the cold, and the epidemic in the army greatly reduced their combat power. They failed to capture Hefei in time, and finally had to retreat in a hurry.

Anyone who is old can see that in the past few decades, although there have been occasional warm winters, on the whole, the winters have become colder and colder.

Therefore, warm clothes in the army have always been a heart problem for His Majesty.

Lu Yi's visit this time is exactly what His Majesty is anxious about.

Having been with Mr. Ma for so long, Lu Yi naturally knows that Mr. Ma has quite connections in Shu.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to become the leader of this group of students?

Not to mention rare things like brown sugar honey wine, etc., Mr. Ma can produce a large number of stocks at any time.

Ma Di has never concealed his status as a local tyrant.

He even made a slip of the tongue after getting drunk. He is a close friend with a senior brother-level figure in the Xinghan Association, and he can get the material quota from the Xinghan Association that others cannot get.

Xinghanhui is now hidden as a chaebol. With Feng Huishou as the leader, there are ten top chairs:

Zhao Guang, Li Yi, Wang Xun, Huang Chong, Li Qiu, Deng Liang, Yang Wanwan, Li Feng, Liu Liang, Xu Xun.

Not to mention Huishou Feng, but the ten elder brothers in the association are either generals in the army or local officials, who are in charge of the material delivery of the Xinghan Association or the allocation of materials for the Xinghan Association.

The Liangzhou army was invincible and never had any logistical worries. To a large extent, it relied on the Xinghan Society with a strict system under the leadership of these people.

Part of the reason why Lv Yi wanted to make friends with Mr. Ma was that he wanted to establish a good relationship with a powerful person in Xinghanhui through Mr. Ma.

At worst, you can also get some extra quota from the Xinghan Club through Mr. Ma.

For His Majesty, Lu Yi doesn't even care about his own reputation, let alone save face?

Naturally, Ma Su didn't know what was going on in Lu Yi's mind. When he heard that a batch of raw materials had not been handed over on time, he was a little surprised:

"Oh? There are other things like that?"

Then he thought about it: "As Lu Zhongshu said just now, this winter is much colder than in previous years. The south of the Yangtze River is like this. I'm afraid it will be much more difficult in the north."

"Combined with this war, it is possible that there will be a temporary shortage of supplies on the side of the big man."

"However, please rest assured Lu Zhongshu, Xinghan has always been well-known for its ability to handle affairs. If it is really missed, there will be enough compensation in the future."

Of course Lu Yi knew that Xinghan would do things reliably, so he came to the door this time, ostensibly to ask Mr. Ma to urge Xinghan to deliver the goods in time.

But in fact, it is to come to the door to get closer to the other party.

Isn’t human relationship and relationship established through mutual interactions?

But seeing Lu Yi's stunned look, he nodded repeatedly:

"Mr. Ma's words really solved the confusion in my heart. It seems that I was short-sighted and didn't think about this level."

Ma Di didn't point out Lu Yi's slightly exaggerated performance, but saw a slightly apologetic look on his face, and said sincerely:

"Lu Zhongshu, if it is true that this batch of raw materials cannot be delivered in time, please ask Lu Zhongshu to say a few words in front of Lord Wu."

As he spoke, he reached into the sleeve of his robe, took out a few bills, gently placed them on the table, and gently pushed them along the smooth surface.

"There is Lau Lu Zhongshu."

Lv Yi's eyelids twitched. Although he couldn't see the amount on the ticket, he knew that Mr. Ma has always been generous and never disappoints.

"Don't dare." Lu Yi hurriedly pressed Ma Di's hand, "There are many mountains and dangerous waterways between Han and Wu, and it is normal to make mistakes occasionally."

"I came here to inform Mr. about this, just to vent my breath and have no other intentions."

Ma Su's hand was as steady as Mount Tai, not moving at all, with a smile on his face:

"Hey, Lu Zhongshu, as I said, this intention is to ask Zhongshu to say a few words in front of Lord Wu, not just for this batch of raw materials."

As he spoke, he drew out his hand and left the ticket alone.

At this moment, Lu Yi's face became clear.

"I'm rude, I'm sorry! I'm ashamed to accept it, I'm ashamed to accept it!"

He said "I am ashamed of receiving it", but the bills that were originally placed on the table floated into the sleeves like a silky silk, and properly "disrespected".

In fact, tickets are not popular in Jianye.

In other words, the ticket is in the capital of Wu State, and only the top circle knows it.

Because Jianye does not have a ticket number for Xinghanhui.

Only those who conveniently commute between Jiangling and Jianye will accept ticket transactions.

Downstream from Yong'an, passing through Zigui and Yiling, you arrive at Jiangling.

Jiangling was the largest transit point for transactions between Han and Wu.

In the city, there is the only ticket number of the Xinghan Club in the country of Wu. Next to the ticket number is the transfer warehouse of the Xinghan Club.

Anyone who goes there with a ticket can exchange for supplies at any time.

Lv Yi is one of the few people who can travel between Jianye and Jiangling conveniently, even if he doesn't have to go there in person, someone will help him to do it properly.

Seeing Lu Yi put the ticket into his cuff, Ma Di continued:

"Lu Zhongshu attaches so much importance to this batch of woolen materials, could it be that your country's supplies are also in short supply?"

"Huh?" Lu Yi immediately looked at Ma Su vigilantly.

Ma Di chuckled, his expression remained unchanged, and he even took a sip of tea in the mood, and then said slowly:

"Su has dabbled a little bit in economics. Your country minted 50 big coins a few years ago, and another 500 big coins two years ago. Is this a move by Lord Wu to fill the treasury?"

"However, the act of casting big money is also harmful, that is, it is easy to cause private prices to rise."

Having said that, Ma Di put down his teacup, looked at Lu Yi, and showed a gentle smile:

"Su stayed in Wu for a long time. Since this year, the food price has almost doubled, right?"

"Not to mention the charcoal used for heating in Jianye City is always out of stock. People without connections can't buy it even if they have money."

It is often said that Feng Guiwang is half the disciple of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, but when it comes to talking about it, Ma Su is the direct disciple of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty-although this disciple finally disappointed the prime minister.

But after following the prime minister for so long, Ma Di is naturally no stranger to the way of managing the world and helping the people.

Hearing Ma Di's words, and seeing the other party's determined expression, Lu Yi's expression changed several times, and finally he sighed:

"Mr. is a great talent. You can know autumn by seeing a leaf."

You can know things like rising food prices when you go out and ask, and there is no point in forcibly denying them.

Besides, the other party has a close relationship with Xinghanhui.

Others don't know about the price of Dawu. Could it be that Xinghan will do such a big business, and still don't know?

"However, this year is a bit special. After all, there is such a big war, so the price of food has risen so fast."

Concerning His Majesty's face, Lu Yi still subconsciously defended a sentence, but he lacked confidence.

The smile on Ma Di's face remained unchanged, and he didn't know whether he believed it or not.

I only heard him say:

"Lu Zhongshu, the Han Dynasty and the Wu Kingdom are allies, and they agreed to fight bandits. As far as I know, since Lord Wu moved his capital to Jianye, he has the intention of going north every year."

"If a soldier is sent out, the price of food will skyrocket. After all, it's not a big deal! The school office led by Lu Zhongshu is responsible for preparing money and food for Lord Wu. It's hard work to think about it."

Hearing this, Lu Yi couldn't help sighing:

"Who says it's not? People in the country all resent me and hate me, and they don't know that what I did was just to share the worries of His Majesty."

Having said that, he looked at Ma Di thoughtfully, and asked tentatively:

"Sir, I don't know that Feng Langjun, the head of the Xinghan Association two years ago, promised the school administration that he would transfer grain from Shu to Jingzhou."

"It's just been so long, and the food delivered here is just a drop in the bucket. Sir, I have a very close relationship with the Xinghan Association. I wonder if I can ask for more food?"

"Oh, there is such a thing?" Ma Di was surprised at first, then frowned, and finally felt a little embarrassed, "Cough, Lu Zhongshu, after all, it was caused by this year's battle!"

"The consumption of both the Han and Wu countries may be very large. But now that the war is over, I think there will be enough food in Shu next year."

"Besides, Feng Junhou is away in battle, so he is too busy with military affairs, so he can't remember it for a while. Don't worry, Lu Zhongshu. I will write a book and ask you some questions."

When Lu Yi heard this, he was overjoyed: "Then thank you Mr. Ma!"

"Han and Wu are allies! Helping each other is the right thing to do." Ma Di waved his hand, then lowered his voice, "However, for the matter of food, Lu Zhongshu will need some effort."

"Oh, please tell me, Mr. Ma."

"Nowadays we rely on Xinghan Society to eat, but there are quite a few people, so even if Xinghan Society wants to help, it has to make some money for the people underneath."

Lv Yi looked distressed, and looked at Ma Su:

"Mr. Ma, you might as well speak more clearly."

"Lv Zhongshu, what I mean is that if the Xinghan Society transports grain to Jingzhou, at least there must be some good things back from Jingzhou."

"What good stuff? What can Jingzhou have?"

Ma Su chuckled, glanced at Lu Yi meaningfully, took another sip of tea, and then said slowly:

"Lv Zhongshu, the big family in Jingzhou, even if their manor is full of grain, the government will not be able to collect much tax in the end."

"But let them grow sugar cane, and the school administration may get some more brown sugar quota from it..."

Lu Yi's eyes lit up.


Isn't that what happened?

Feng Junhou wants to use Jingzhou coarse sugar as a guarantee?

It's easy!

You didn't say it earlier!

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