Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1042 Self-defeating

"Yang Weigong can be regarded as an old man who has followed the prime minister for many years. Now he is humiliated by a younger generation sent by your brother-in-law?"

Seeing more than a hundred elite riders roll up the snow mist, covering their own figures, Zhang Bao, who was standing on a high tower somewhere in the camp, asked with some emotion.

Guan Xing beside him also felt something:

"Looking at the big man, I'm afraid it would be impossible for anyone to remove Yang Wei's power so easily, except for Feng Mingwen."

Several staff officers from the camp said they were helping them with military affairs.

But in fact, everyone knew that the role of these people was more likely to be Feng Mingwen's eyes and ears in the army.

At the same time, there is a hidden meaning of demonstration:

When it comes to assisting in military affairs, the staff under his command is enough to replace Chang Shi.

Talking about military leadership, the Liangzhou army under his command is the best soldier in the world.

Today, if the commander of the army dares not cooperate, he dares to make him empty.

Some generals in his Japanese army rebelled against him, so who can guarantee that he dare not replace others?

Hearing Guan Xing's words, Zhang Bao nodded again and again, agreeing:

"Not to mention that Yang Weigong has a narrow temperament and often disagrees with others. If he goes with his will, he will be reasonable, and if he goes against it, there will be gaps. He is a long history, and even if others have disagreements, he will not say much."

"But who is your brother-in-law? He is far-sighted and has a reputation for being ruthless. It is a blessing that he does not seek trouble from others. Yang Weigong dares to disgrace him. Isn't this just asking for disaster?"

When Zhang Bao said this, he couldn't help smacking his lips:

"Think about it carefully, besides the prime minister, the only one who can restrain him now is probably His Majesty?"

Guan Xing's eyes flickered, and after a long time, he said slowly:

"How do you know that the Prime Minister didn't do it on purpose?"

Without the prime minister's permission, no matter how powerful my brother-in-law is, it would be impossible for Yang Yi to lose power so easily.

Zhang Bao sighed, "I'm afraid no one would have thought that in order to push your brother-in-law to the top, the prime minister would actually disrespect even an old man like Yang Yi."

Guan Xing finally couldn't hold it anymore:

"Don't you want to talk about my brother-in-law as if he is my brother-in-law alone! Isn't he your brother-in-law?"

When Zhang Bao heard this, his complexion changed drastically, as if he had poked his sore spot all of a sudden, he jumped and said:

"Nonsense! He hasn't married Si Niang yet, how can he say he is my brother-in-law?"

Guan Xing sneered:

"What's the difference? I heard that the Prime Minister has personally submitted a proposal to marry the fourth wife of the Zhang family on his behalf. With such a big face, the whole man can't find a second one. Could it be that His Majesty will not allow it?"

"Brother-in-law, you will call sooner or later, it doesn't matter if you call sooner or later!"

Zhang Bao blushed, quite a bit like gnashing his teeth:

"If Si Niang doesn't marry into Feng's residence, he won't be my brother-in-law. Anguo, we have been brothers for many years, don't force me to turn my face!"

Standing in the position of the royal family, the prime minister begged for someone to marry the fourth lady of the Zhang family.

But from the perspective of the Zhang family, Zhang Bao only wanted to fight Feng Zhanan for 300 rounds with a Zhangba spear—if Guan Huwei didn't stand up for him.

But thinking of Feng Zha Nan's marriage with Siniang, he must have got Guan Huwei's consent.

Zhang Bao couldn't help being a little angry:

"Anguo, Sanniang is also a woman who can't give up her eyebrows. She leads tens of thousands of elite soldiers, sweeps across the Northland, and is famous in the Central Plains. Why can't even Feng Mingwen look down on her?"

This time it was Guan Xing's turn to be furious:

"That's Guan Suo, it's Guan Family Silang, what does it have to do with San Niang? Who doesn't know that the Guan Family San Niang is virtuous and virtuous, otherwise how would he agree to this matter?"

The virtuous and virtuous Guan family tiger girl?

Zhang Bao said hehehe.

If he didn't know that his little sister is not a simple woman, brother Zhang said that he would never agree to let his little sister marry into Feng's residence.

Just like Yang Yi who kept shouting "Prime Minister? I want to see the Prime Minister!" as soon as she entered the city, she was unwilling to bow to someone Feng.

Zhang Yuan, who brought the man to the government office, was not in a hurry, and said to Yang Yi:

"Yang Changshi, please wait for a moment, I will report to the prince right away."

"Hmph, everyone in this military city knows that I was brought here by Feng Mingwen's people. If you dare to prevent me from seeing the prime minister, I will see how Feng Mingwen can cut himself off from the world!"

Regarding Yang Yi's words, Zhang Yuan just smiled, as if he didn't care, he went to the hall to report.

After a while, he came out again:

"Yang Changshi, please come with me, the prime minister said he wants to see you."

When Yang Yi heard this, she was overjoyed.

Following Zhang Yuanqi, he turned into the corner, passed several corridors and arches, and then saw a person standing in front of a doorway.

When Yang Yi saw this person, her eyes were tearing apart: "Feng Yong!"

Feng Junhou was not angry when someone called his name directly, but just looked at Yang Yi with a half-smile:

"I heard Yang Changshi's voice, and I was full of energy. It seems that the illness is about to recover?"

"Shameless boy!"

When Feng Junhou heard the words, his face showed surprise:

"Yang Changshi's words are wrong! I am worried about Yang Changshi's health. I asked Yang Changshi to go to the city for treatment. Why is he called a shameless villain instead?"

When Yang Yi heard this, her face flushed with anger. If she hadn't looked at Feng Zei's hunchback, he would have stepped forward to fight this person desperately:

"Smart words and tricks, really smart tricks!"

"Yang Changshi has won the award. Liao Gongyuan also commented on me in the same way back then. Speaking of which, I have accepted his good words!"

Then Liao Gongyuan was demoted to Hanjia County to herd sheep, and became the laughing stock of Shu.

But Feng's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and finally he is famous all over the world.

Yang Changshi naturally knew this story.

He had never seen such a brazen person before.

He originally meant to scold someone Feng, but now someone Feng said that, isn't that saying that he is blindfolded just like Liao Gongyuan?

He couldn't say it, but he didn't dare to hit him, so he pointed at Feng with parallel fingers, "you, you, you..." for a long time, but he couldn't speak.

At this time, there was a scolding voice in the house:

"Well, Yang Changshi is your elder, how can you be so rude?"

As soon as Yang Yi heard this voice, for some reason, she immediately felt full of grievances, and almost shed tears: "Prime Minister!"

The prime minister in the room said again: "Why don't you invite Yang Changshi in soon?"

Feng Yong turned sideways slightly, let the door open, stretched out his hand and said, "Yang Changshi, the prime minister is here to invite you."

Yang Yi snorted, and without looking at Feng again, she went forward and opened the door.

When he was about to enter the house, he heard Feng Yong say again:

"Yang Changshi, when you enter the house, don't get too close to the prime minister, remember to stay at least one zhang away."

"The prime minister is weak, and you have caught the wind and cold again, but you dare not show your illness to the prime minister."

Yang Yi turned her head abruptly, her teeth rattling, looking at her, she wished she could devour Feng's flesh and blood.

Feng Yong waved his hands again and again:

"Hey, hey, don't look at me like this. I didn't mean to make things difficult for you, I just reminded you. If the prime minister catches a cold because of you, don't blame me for being rude."

Yang Yi snorted again, he really didn't want to talk to this person, so he went straight into the room.

"Prime Minister!"

"Come on, sit down directly, between you and me, there is no need for those empty etiquette."

The prime minister was half lying on the couch, he seemed to be in good spirits, pointed to the chair, and said.

Looking at the chair two feet away from the couch, Yang Yi's mouth twitched.

According to his idea, he should have rushed directly to the prime minister's bed, crying out about Feng's arrogance.

Just thinking of Feng's warning and reminder just now, and seeing the prime minister's actions, he had no choice but to sit down on the chair resentfully.

"Tell me, why do you want to come to see me?"

The prime minister looked at Yang Yi and asked.

Yang Yi was full of words, but after being provoked by someone Feng at the door just now, and seeing the prime minister's current appearance, she didn't know how to start.

After a long while, he said slowly, "Prime Minister, Feng..."

After saying the word Feng, he subconsciously turned his head and looked at the door.

"Don't pay attention to Feng Mingwen, I'm not so confused that I can't tell right from wrong, and the big man is not so defensive yet."

Feeling that the Prime Minister's gaze was as real as it was, piercing her mind, Yang Yi's heart suddenly tightened.

He suddenly realized: Prime Minister, you don't talk about personal affairs.

Thinking of someone's foresight, Yang Yi realized:

The affection I have followed the prime minister for many years is not comparable to the affection that the late emperor entrusted the prime minister with state affairs.

Didn't Feng Zei have expected this a long time ago, that's why he acted so recklessly?

Yang Yi sat on the chair, her thoughts were churning, and she didn't say anything for a while.

The prime minister waited for a long time, seeing him being so impolite, he couldn't help urging:

"Wei Gong, why are you silent?"

After all, Yang Yi is a talented person. He collected himself and said:

"In the past few days, there have been rumors outside that the Prime Minister is seriously ill and his heart is unstable. Yi is also very worried."

"Now that I can see the prime minister, my mind is agitated, and my thoughts are so mixed that I don't know where to start."

When the prime minister heard the words, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional:

"You've been with me for so many years, and you and I know each other well. What else can't you say? Just say what you want to say."

Yang Yi thought for a while, then whispered:

"The prime minister's body, is it okay?"

The prime minister smiled and replied:

"It's good, I won't be able to die for a while. Especially after taking Chang'an, I can be regarded as letting go of a heart disease."

"And these days, recuperating in Chang'an City, I don't have to work as hard as before, and I feel much more relaxed."

Yang Yi was silent again.

The prime minister is relieved, but I am the one who bears the pressure, which is not what I want.

So Yang Yi tentatively asked:

"I'm relieved to hear that the Prime Minister's health has improved, but I don't know when the Prime Minister intends to take care of everything personally?"

The prime minister smiled and shook his head, "Duke Wei, my current illness is due to overwork, and now I can finally rest for a while."

"Duke Wei is now urging me to take care of everything personally. Could it be that you don't want to see me relax for a while?"

Yang Yi quickly waved her hand:

"No, no, Yi'an dares to think like that? It's just that everyone used to obey the prime minister's orders, but now they won't see the prime minister for a while, so I'm really not used to it."

"Grand Wei, don't think I'm in good spirits now, but the medical worker has said that I really can't be tired anymore with my current body, otherwise the consequences will be worrisome."

Hearing the prime minister's words, Yang Yi became anxious, and was about to say something, but his throat was itchy, forcing him to raise his sleeve to cover his mouth and cough.

Seeing his appearance, the prime minister pointed at him and said with a smile:

"Look, it's just the cold weather. You and I, one is sick on the couch, the other is suffering from the cold. We are old! We are all old, we should give way to the younger generation."

Upon hearing this, Yang Yi quickly put down her robe sleeves and opened her mouth to speak.

Unexpectedly, the more anxious he was, the more itchy his throat became.

He opened his mouth, and before he could speak, he spewed out droplets all over the sky with a "cough cough".

Feng Junhou, who was guarding the door, heard the coughing so badly inside, he poked his head in and took a look, just in time to see Yang Yi's appearance, his brows were furrowed:

"Yang Changshi, don't cough at the prime minister. Didn't I say that, be careful to let the prime minister get angry!"

I belong to your mother!

Yang Yi was about to cover her mouth, when she heard Feng Yong's words at the door, she couldn't help feeling angry and anxious.

If I'm not careful, I'll be sitting so far away?

It's just that at this time he couldn't speak, so his eyes stared away, his throat was so itchy again, he had to cover his face with his sleeve again, and coughed violently.

Feng Junhou looked at him with disgust on his face: It's still a long history, it's not hygienic at all.

Yang Yi originally wanted to stare at Feng, but after coughing, she couldn't stare, but her attention was still on Feng.

How could he fail to see what Feng thief's expression meant?

This guy Feng thief is really humiliating!

Yang Yi's temperament was already irritable and narrow-minded, seeing Feng's insulting expression that was silent and loud, his blood rushed to his head immediately!

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough..."

Well, this time, the cough became even more severe, and his face was so red that it seemed that he was about to bleed.

Even the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty couldn't stand it any longer, and said:

"Wei Gong, since you are not feeling well, why don't you go down and rest first, when will you come back when you feel better?"

Yang Yi turned to the prime minister again:

"Cough cough cough... prime minister... cough cough..."

Seeing his appearance, Feng couldn't help gloating:

Should! If you catch wind and cold, you won't die from coughing!

This person was thinking in his heart, but his mouth was not polite: "Come here, help Yang Changshi out, arrange a place to live, and let Yang Changshi have a good rest!"


Several sergeants entered the house, they couldn't help but set up Yang Yi and walked out.

"Zhang Yuan, arrange for someone to fumigate the prime minister's room with medicine."


"And this chair, take medicine and wash it."


Yang Yi, who had barely turned the corner and passed the arch, could still hear Feng's words, and finally stopped her coughing a little. The first sentence was:

"Zhuzi, ahem, you are too deceitful! Ahem..."

It's just that at this time, no one cared about what he was talking about.

After being scolded, Feng Junhou turned back to his yard after arranging the prime minister's side.

General Guan, who was helping with military affairs, said to give him a message: "General Jiang is back."

"General Jiang? Boyue is back?" Feng Junhou heard that, and his displeasure disappeared immediately.

Seeing Feng Junhou's happy eyebrows slightly raised, General Guan frowned subtly, and the alarm bells rang in his heart:

Zhao Erlang often said that his elder brother didn't love him, could he be right?

Ah Lang really loves Jiang Boyue?

Thinking of a certain junior in Liangzhou, General Guan gritted his teeth!

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