Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1044 Entrust

Originally, I wanted to get a general idea of ​​Jiang Wei's current encirclement and suppression, but I didn't expect to hear news from Deng Ai.

Feng Junhou couldn't help talking to Jiang Weiduo until General Guan came in quietly and gestured with his eyes.

Feng Junhou froze for a moment, but did not react.

General Guan's eyes fell on Jiang Wei, his brows frowned, and then he silently made a mouth shape.

Feng Junhou just slapped his head:

"Look at my memory, Boyue was sent out by the prime minister, and when he came back, he should repay the prime minister in time. I actually neglected this point."

He looked at the sky outside, "Later, the prime minister may be going to rest, why not take advantage of this time to meet the prime minister?"

When Jiang Wei heard this, he quickly got up and cupped his fists and said, "The general will obey."

"Go, I'll take you there."

"How dare you trouble the Lord, the Lord only needs to send someone to lead the last general over."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the band of thieves that Bo Yue exterminated is the last Wei bandit in Guanzhong, and I just want to ask the prime minister for his views on the current situation in Guanzhong."

Seeing Feng Junhou enthusiastically pulling Jiang Wei towards the courtyard where the prime minister was recuperating, General Guan frowned slightly.

Naturally, Feng Junhou couldn't see the weird look of General Guan behind him, so he led Jiang Wei to the prime minister's house to ask for an audience.

Sure enough, the prime minister didn't stop and let the two of them in.

"The last general, Jiang Wei, pays homage to the prime minister."

As soon as Jiang Wei entered the room, he immediately saluted the prime minister.

"Get up, there are no outsiders, there is no need to do this."

The prime minister's eyes were on Feng Yong and Jiang Wei, and his joy was beyond words.

"When will Boyue come back?"

"Prime Minister, I just came back, and after meeting Junhou, I came to see the Prime Minister."

"Okay, okay!" Cheng said yes three times in a row, patted the side of the couch, and said happily, "Come here, both of you come here."


Feng Yong and Jiang Wei stepped forward and sat in front of the couch, one on the left and one on the right.

The prime minister looked at the two of them, and the more he watched, the happier he felt, and he asked:

"Is Boyue's trip going well?"

Jiang Wei quickly replied: "Thanks to the prime minister, thousands of thieves will be wiped out and nearly ten thousand captured by the end of this battle."

The prime minister seemed to be in a very good mood, and said jokingly:

"What blessing do I have for you to entrust? It's because of your own ability that you can wipe out thieves."

Then he pointed to Feng Yong, "Just like Feng Mingwen, he never said such things to me. I can't teach him his skills."

"Prime Minister, if you praise Boyue, you praise Boyue, so why mention me?"

The prime minister smiled heartily: "See? He won't be polite to me."

Jiang Wei was a little restrained in front of Feng Junhou, how could he dare to imitate Feng Junhou in front of the prime minister.

Looking at the two of them now, with an awkward smile on his face, he subconsciously twisted his body, as if there was something on the chair that made him uncomfortable.

"The prime minister was joking, how can the last general, He De, dare to compare with the prince?"

"Hey!" The prime minister waved his hand, "When it comes to appeasing the government, supplying the military, and strategizing, Bo Yue, you are indeed not as good as him!"

"Mingwen has the ability to know people. He can drive generals and defeat enemies. He is the talent of generals. But when it comes to leading troops in battle and fighting between two armies, he is absolutely inferior to you."

Then he pointed to himself again and sighed:

"It's a pity that I'm already old, if not..."

Hearing this, Feng Yong hurriedly interrupted without regard for impoliteness:

"Guang Luxun (Xiang Lang) has reached the age of seventy, and he still refuses to accept his old age. He is still teaching the students at the Royal Academy. The year when the prime ministers are connected to each other has not yet come. How can we say that we are old?"

The prime minister smiled indifferently: "Xiang Juda (Xiang Lang, courtesy name Juda) is open-minded by nature and doesn't love power. Today, he devotes his love to literature, devotes himself to classics, and lures the backward. How can I compare with him?"

He raised one hand, then pressed it down, signaling Feng Yong not to comfort himself.

"I've reached the age of my destiny, what else can I not see? There are some things that I have always wanted to say to you, but I just have no chance. Now that you two are here, I just said it."

"Prime Minister, please speak."

The prime minister looked at Jiang Wei:

"Bo Yue, you were the first to lead the army to the city of Chang'an, but instead of letting you attack the city, I sent you to surround the thieves. Do you know why?"

"The prime minister wants me to make more contributions."

The prime minister smiled and shook his head:

"Isn't it possible that the credit for entering Chang'an City for the first time is greater than killing more than ten thousand thieves?"

Jiang Wei said respectfully: "The general will have self-knowledge, knowing that it may not be possible to capture Chang'an City at that time."

At that time, there were still some Wei soldiers defending Chang'an City, and more importantly, there were many deep ditch barriers outside Chang'an City.

With Jiang Wei's strength, and coming from a long distance from Qiaoshan, without even a decent luggage, it is really difficult to capture Chang'an.

It wasn't until later, after learning that the prime minister was leading an army, the Wei soldiers in Chang'an City, that they voluntarily withdrew from Chang'an and returned to Jingzhou through Wuguan.

There was approval in the prime minister's eyes, and then he thought of something, and sighed again:

"It's really rare for you to be so clear-headed. Entering Chang'an for the first time is an unworldly feat. If it were someone else, I'm afraid I can't wait to find a way to enter Chang'an city."

"Let's not mention that the soldiers came to the city of Chang'an, but they were sent to other places by me. I'm afraid there will be resentment in my heart."

Jiang Wei lowered his head slightly and remained silent.

Why has he been cautious in front of Feng Junhou?

It was because he knew that even though the prime minister valued him, his qualifications in the army were too shallow.

Most importantly, he has the status of a general.

If he is the first to enter Chang'an, it means that he will overwhelm everyone in the Han army, and I'm afraid it will be a disaster rather than a blessing.

Cheng similarly saw Jiang Wei's thoughts, and patted him on the shoulder:

"Bo Yue, you are military sensitive and courageous. Most importantly, you are still young and you will have many opportunities in the future."

With that said, the prime minister gestured to Feng Yong:

"Actually, I just asked Feng Mingwen to accompany me into the city. Just ask him how many old men in the army are unwilling to obey him these days?"

Feng Junhou, who just got rid of a certain elder history, had erratic eyes and didn't dare to answer.

"Mingwen still can't convince those old people, let alone you?"

Jiang Wei said in a low voice: "Weifei is blindfolded, how can he not know the prime minister's painstaking efforts?"

Under such circumstances, except for the Prime Minister and Feng Junhou, whoever dares to enter Chang'an City first will be envied and hated in the future.

"You can understand, that would be the best." The prime minister patted Jiang Wei on the shoulder, "I'm getting old!"

Prime Minister, you have already said it once, so there is no need to repeat it so many times...

Feng Junhou's lips moved, but he didn't speak in the end.

"In my life, I followed the late emperor and assisted the emperor, just to revive the Han Dynasty and return to the old capital."

"Seeing the old capital today, but the thieves have not been eliminated. Everything is like this, and it is impossible to reverse it. I can only do my best and die."

The prime minister looked at Feng Yong again, "I'm afraid I won't be able to last much longer. One day, if I'm not around, the emperor will definitely call you into the court to assist the government."

"If you want to guard one side like before, I'm afraid it won't work. I'm afraid there will be fewer opportunities to lead the troops in person."

"At that time, you and Bo Yue, one inside and the other outside, need to cooperate sincerely to assist the emperor to restore the Han Dynasty and worship the spirit of the late emperor."

Feng Yong and Jiang Wei looked at each other tacitly, and understood the meaning in each other's eyes:

Prime Minister, this is entrusting funeral matters?

Jiang Wei's lips trembled, he stood up abruptly, and bowed in front of the prime minister's bed:

"The prime minister has devoted himself to revitalizing the Han Dynasty, and the final general is willing to do his best to follow the prime minister's ambition!"

Feng Junhou was startled on the spot.

He looked at Jiang Wei fixedly, with a complicated expression on his face:

Boyue, do you want to be so excited?

Seeing the relief on the prime minister's face, Feng Junhou twitched the corner of his mouth, slowly lifted up his robe, put his hands on the ground, touched his forehead to the back of his hands, and said in an eloquent voice:

"Yongding will do its best to destroy the thieves and quell the chaos, restore the prestige of the Han family, restore the peace of the world, and keep the people peaceful! Master Wang will pacify the Central Plains Day, and will never forget to offer sacrifices to all the sages who are determined to restore the Han Dynasty."

The prime minister stretched out his hand, supported one person with one hand, and laughed at the same time: "Okay, okay!"

"You two, don't forget what you said today."


Seeing that the prime minister was a little too excited, Feng Yong couldn't help worrying:

"Prime Minister, you have exhausted too much energy today, why don't you rest for now?"

It seemed that something was on his mind, the prime minister relaxed and nodded in response:

"I'm really a little tired, just follow your words."

Helping the prime minister to lie down, Feng Yong and Jiang Wei exited the house, and glanced at each other at the door.

"Your Majesty, please give me more advice in the future."

Jiang Wei bowed his hands to Feng Yong.

Feng Yong hurriedly returned the gift: "Bo Yue is polite, ask each other for advice, and teach each other."

Although the prime minister did not publicly entrust the funeral, the prime minister must write a secret letter to Hanzhong later.

After Wuzhangyuan in history, because Yang Yi and Wei Yan competed, a lot of vitality was hurt.

As the successor, Jiang Wan Fei Yi, was not capable enough to compare with the prime minister.

The most important thing is that the national strength of the Shu Han is too weak, so Jiang Wei can only lead ten thousand people to harass Longxi in the past twenty years.

Feng Yong is very clear that in this timeline, he has replaced Jiang Wan and Fei Yi.

At the same time, as long as time passes, the war potential of the great Han will surpass that of Wei and Wu sooner or later.

The big man is no longer the Shu Han who needs to count the rice grains into the pot.

In the future, Jiang Wei will not be a general who can only lead a partial division to harass Wei Guo's presence.

He will no longer have any scruples, leading an elite army of tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand, to unify the world for the great man.

Changing history with his own hands, changing the fate of historical figures, made Feng Junhou feel a little elated.

Looking at Jiang Wei's eyes can't help being a little scorching.

General Guan who came to look for Feng Junhou just saw this whole scene in his eyes.

General Guan, who didn't change his face before the battle, could not help but stare round when he heard the two say "teach each other"!

Seeing the two look at each other affectionately again, General Guan's hand has subconsciously pressed on the hilt of his sword.

It is simply intolerable!

There was Zhang Xiaosi in the front, and Jiang Boyue in the back. The world's evil towards the wife is very serious!

"Your Majesty!"

A deep voice broke Feng Junhou's imagination of the future.

He turned his head to look, and couldn't help but be surprised:

"General Guan, why did your voice become like this?"

Obviously it was very clear before?

General Guan didn't answer his question, but with a straight face, said solemnly:

"Your Majesty, there is someone from Hedong who specially sent someone over."

"Hedong?" Feng Junhou frowned, "What happened over there?"

General Guan shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know the person here. She only said that she wants to see you, and she won't answer any questions she asks."

At this time, Hedong is not only a barrier in Guanzhong, but also a strategic point between Bingzhou and Guanzhong. How can Feng Junhou dare to neglect when he knows that there are people from Hedong?

He said to Jiang Wei:

"Bo Yue, I have something important to deal with, and I'm afraid I can't accompany you."

Jiang Wei hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, please go as you please, Wei also has to go back to the camp."

After the two said goodbye, Feng Yong hurried back to the courtyard where the business was handled.

Unexpectedly, he was greatly surprised when he saw the visitor:

"Who are you?"

But it was a veiled woman sitting in the hall waiting.

Seeing Feng Yong coming in, the woman stood up and saluted gracefully:

"Is the person here Feng Junhou?"

"I am. Who are you?"

Feng Junhou looked at him suspiciously.

The woman glanced at General Guan who was guarding the door.

"It's okay, I have nothing to say to General Guan, just say it straight."

The woman hesitated for a moment when she heard the words, and then said in a low voice:

"Junhou, do you still remember Mi Shishilang from Juepinju in Luoyang City?"

Feng Junhou exclaimed: "Mi Shishilang?! Are you sent by him? You came from Luoyang?"


General Guan's eyes flashed, and he pressed the hilt of his sword again.

If I remember correctly, Mr. Mi's family seems to be a handsome man too?

"Why should I trust you?" Feng Junhou looked at the other party scrutinizingly, "Take off your veil first."

Underground workers, keeping their names incognito, shoulder heavy responsibilities, and make contributions that no one knows.

But at the same time, if it is discovered by the enemy, the harm will be great.

Feng Junhou couldn't help being careless.

The woman had no choice but to take off her veil, revealing a pretty face: "Fight against Wei and Han, eight thousand female ghosts will disturb the world."

Only then did Feng Junhou nod his head. Those who can say "anti-Wei Fu Han" are basically not sent by the Wei thieves.

"What news did Mi Shishilang ask you to bring?"

"Cao Rui moved east to Xuchang with illness to avoid the might of the Han army."

"And," the woman lowered her voice, "Cao Rui died not long after arriving in Xuchang."

Feng Junhou suddenly cried out: "What? Are you serious?"

Although Sima Yi had already led his troops out of Guanzhong, in order to prevent the big man from continuing eastward, Wei Guo had set up checkpoints on every main road.

It can be said that the war between the Han and Wei dynasties has not yet completely stopped, and both sides are trying their best to seal off the border to prevent secret messages from being passed on.

On the contrary, it can be said that the south of Xuchang is almost flat, without too many checkpoints, and the news can be spread to Wu country more easily.

"Nine times out of ten it's true, because Cao Rui was already seriously ill when he left Luoyang, and he basically wouldn't survive this winter."

When she left Luoyang, the news of Cao Rui's death had not yet reached Luoyang.

Mi Shishilang did not hesitate to expose the secret ferry and sent someone to catch up with her and let her bring this news back.

"In fact, two days earlier, there were already rumors that Cao Rui was dead, but the news was too messy, and I didn't dare to make a conclusion until I got the exact news."

"Now it seems that this rumor should be true."

Counting, Cao Rui died at least a year earlier than in history.

Feng Yong looked at the woman again: "Where is Mi Shishilang?"

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