Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1048 funeral (two)

"It's hard to make a choice in my heart!" The Prime Minister's face was slightly sad and unwilling, "If God gives me another ten years of life, why should I be in such a dilemma?"

Seeing the prime minister like this, Li Fu couldn't help but feel tense.

After carefully repeating what the prime minister had said, he leaned closer and said in a low voice:

"The Prime Minister's difficult choice and dilemma is not because no one can choose, but because he doesn't know which one to choose, and whether someone is right or not?"

The prime minister sighed: "Even if there are candidates, they are all inexperienced, and it is difficult to convince the public!"

"What the prime minister said was referring to General Zhengxi?"

"Although Feng Mingwen has repeatedly made military exploits, his qualifications in the army are still insufficient. Some old people in the army may not be willing to listen to his orders."

"Mr. Shi Yang Wei, the commander of the army, has been with the prime minister for a long time, and he is the most familiar with military affairs. The prime minister also cherishes his talent, is it?"

"Mr. Yang Wei is different from others. If he obeys, he will be happy, and if he goes against it, he will hate. He is not a person who can gather people with lofty ideals and prosper the Han Dynasty."

"The prime minister has repeatedly recommended Jiang Gongyan to the emperor, and the day before yesterday he praised him as a talent worthy of praise for the king's career. Now he is the Minister of Ministers. Wouldn't it be reasonable to let him succeed the prime minister?"

"Although Gongyan has the weapons of the country, he has no military achievements, and his prestige in the army is not as good as that of Feng Mingwen. How can he lead the army to destroy the bandits and rejuvenate the Han?"

Rejuvenating the Han Dynasty is not about ruling the world under horses.

Not only do you have to possess the skills of governing the people, but you also need to know the military strategy.

It took less than ten years for the prime minister of the Han Dynasty to save the people of Shu from suffering from hunger and cold.

At the same time, he performed military exercises in Hanzhong, and led the army many times to defeat the bandits until the old capital was recovered.

Such gems are ahead, if the latecomers will only submit to the case to approve documents, or will only lead troops to fight.

At that time, not to mention convincing the public, it would be nice not to be despised by others.

Li Fu mentioned the names of several people, although each has their own strengths, but how difficult is it to really succeed the prime minister?

Only then did he understand why the prime minister said he needed another ten years.

Li Fu couldn't help worrying and said:

"In that case, what should we do?"

The prime minister sighed:

"It's hard to have the best of both worlds, that's all. There is a secret performance under my pillow, and you can send it to the emperor for me."

"If one day things go wrong and your Majesty can't make up his mind, he can act according to my legacy."

Hearing this, Li Fu reached out his hand to touch it according to what the prime minister said, and when he found a memorial, he couldn't help being overjoyed:

"It turns out that the prime minister has already prepared!"

"Just in case." The prime minister said helplessly, "Don't let others know about the secret rehearsal."

"Fu Zhi!" Li Fu carefully hid the secret note close to his body, "Does the prime minister have other things to explain?"

"Be sure to send the secret note to the Son of Heaven. You tell the Son of Heaven that I will make arrangements for the matter in Guanzhong, so don't worry about it."

Li Fu stood up and bowed deeply to the prime minister:

"So, good fortune is gone! Prime Minister, take care!"

After talking so much with Li Fu, the Prime Minister once again exhausted his strength and fell into a coma.

After sleeping for a day and a night, the prime minister woke up suddenly again. This time, his spirit was much better, and he even ate more than before.

After eating two big bowls of rice, Cheng told Feng Yong:

"You summon the generals, I have something important to tell them."

When Wei Yan, Yang Yi, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Wu Squad and other main personnel in the army arrived, the Prime Minister lay down on the couch, and said straight to the point:

"I know my fate is not long, but Guanzhong has just settled down, people's hearts are unstable, and the thieves always want to fight back."

"So just in case, I want to set the rules here. If one day I'm not around, the Guanzhong army can be temporarily controlled by Feng Mingwen. Do you have any objections?"

After a while of silence in the bedroom, Wu Ban looked at the crowd, but none of them had any intention of speaking. He was the first to stand up:

"Since the prime minister's attack on the bandits, no military merit has been more important than the prince's. Not to mention the past, even if he was able to recover Guanzhong this time, the prince will also take the lead."

"Furthermore, the prime minister is lying on the couch these days, and matters in Guanzhong are mostly decided by the princes and marquises. Everything is safe and there are no mistakes."

"Therefore, in the opinion of the general, it would be most suitable for the princes and marquises to lead all the armies in Guanzhong."

Anyway, when he was in Wuzhangyuan, he had already expressed his attitude, so he might have offended Wei Yan and Yang Yi.

Now at this last juncture, there is no reason to back down.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be half ninety for those who travel a hundred miles?

The prime minister wrote a letter to ask His Majesty to grant a marriage and marry Miss Zhang, basically he knew almost everything he should know.

In Wu Ban's eyes, Feng Junhou is not only a real relative, but also the top figure among the relatives.

If you don't support your own people at this time, should you support others?

With Wu Ban's words, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao hurriedly said in unison:

"What General Wu said is very reasonable."

Li Feng glanced at Wei Yan and Yang Yi, coughed, and said:

"The prince has an order, and the last general dares not to obey."

The so-called virtuous do not avoid relatives.

Anyway, Li Haoxuan would be the first to dissatisfy if someone else was replaced to lead the Guanzhong army instead of the prime minister.

Jiang Wei clasped his fists and said:

"Does Wei An dare to disobey the order of the prime minister?"

Hubu Supervisor Meng Yan said:

"Junhou has fought for thousands of miles, and his reputation has shaken the world. The thieves are terrified when they hear about it. If there is a Junhou in Guanzhong, there will be nothing to worry about!"

For those who are officials, the higher they go, the more difficult it is to get to the top.

But in the same way, if you want to pull down someone from the top position, you must either have a big enough reason or a strong enough background, otherwise it will be even more difficult.

Take Yang Yi as an example, that is, she met Feng Junhou who has enough horses and younger brothers.

And it was he himself who took the initiative to hand over the handle to Feng Junhou, so Feng Junhou was able to lift him up.

It's just overhead, not pulled down.

If it were someone else, who would slap the commander of the army in the face when Guanzhong was at the beginning and the foreign enemies were still there?

Feng Junhou came forward on behalf of the prime minister and has been in charge of Guanzhong affairs for so long, the prime minister's intentions have long been obvious.

If there is nothing wrong, unless the emperor or the prime minister intends to replace someone else, this position will not be someone else's.

Of course, if you are convinced, there will definitely be dissatisfaction.

For example, Yang Yi who has been doing nothing these days.

Although she knew that this day would come sooner or later, Yang Yi blushed immediately when she heard that everyone supported King Feng Gui.

Come and wait for my mother!

He thinks that he has the highest authority below the prime minister. These days, he has been humiliated by Feng Mingwen in front of everyone.

Now even the prime minister has made his attitude clear, giving up himself and choosing Feng Mingwen.

This made Yang Yi's face burn, and she felt that she had been greatly insulted.

Feng Mingwen, junior ear!

How can He De dare to be above himself?

Yang Yi stared fixedly at Feng Yong who was standing in the front, his eyes almost burst into flames.

I thought that I had worked hard all these years, and I didn't know how many military affairs I had assisted the prime minister.

He never expected to end up in such a situation, which made him feel aggrieved and angry at the same time.

Everything in front of him now completely extinguished the last glimmer of hope in Yang Yi's heart.

Burning with anger, he even resented the prime minister.

Compared to Yang Yi's angry expression, Wei Yan's reaction was a bit unexpected. He just kept his face sullen and didn't say a word.

The prime minister looked around for a week, seeing everyone's reactions, and asked:

"Since that's the case, this matter is settled here. Before the emperor's edict arrives, anyone who refuses to obey General Zhengxi's order in the future will be regarded as violating the military order!"

Wu Ban and others agreed in unison.

The prime minister looked at Feng Yong again:

"All the generals are convinced by you, do you dare to take over the post of coach?"

Feng Yong saluted in front of the prime minister's bed:

"Yong's talent and virtue are meager, but he is wrongly loved by the prime minister. The only way to repay the country is to spare this seven-foot body!"


The prime minister smiled, took out the tiger talisman at the same time, put it in Feng Yong's hand, pressed his hand heavily at the same time, and said earnestly:

"I hope you don't let me down!"

Looking at Zhuge Liang and Feng Yong, and hearing their conversation, Yang Yi was almost frantic.

Even Wei Yan could hardly contain his emotions, his face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

It's a pity that the prime minister didn't seem to notice the expressions of the two, he just continued to Feng Yong:

"Now that you are the coach of Guanzhong, what do you think of the current situation?"

Feng Yong has been so busy these days that his feet do not touch the ground, so it is not for nothing.

Regarding the next military action, he had long ago discussed how many times with General Guan.

Now when the prime minister asked, he said directly:

"Since the Great Han Dynasty returned to Yongzhou and merged with the two prefectures, I have sent people to Shangdang many times to persuade them to surrender, but he is very firm in his attachment to the bandits."

"So I thought, as soon as the ice age of the Great River is over, I will immediately send troops to Shangdang to quell the chaos."

Today, the Han army has initially gained a firm foothold on the recovered territory.

Similarly, Wei Jun on the opposite side has also stabilized his front.

But the Battle of Guanzhong was not completely over, because Bingzhou and Shangdang were still in the hands of Wei thieves.

Between Shangdang and Yecheng, there is Baixing, one of the eight Xings of the Taihang, as the main link.

If you take down Shangdang, you can pose a threat to Yecheng, one of the capitals of Wei State.

And if Shangdang is left alone, Wei Guo can use Shangdang to protect Yecheng.

So this nail must be pulled out.

But Shangdang is a basin surrounded by mountains, and the terrain is dangerous.

If the thieves really wanted to defend, no matter the Liangzhou army who was trying to find food and grass at that time, or the Hanzhong army far away in Chang'an, they would definitely be restrained too much energy.

In addition, the cold winter was about to enter at that time, which was even more unfavorable for marching, so the Shangdang matter was temporarily put down.

Now that spring has begun, after a winter's rest, the morale, armor, food and grass of the soldiers are all ready.

In order to completely consolidate the entire Bingzhou, it is time to deal with the Shangdang.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty nodded:

"That's right, in your opinion, who is the right person to send to lead the army to quell the chaos?"

"Shangdang's terrain is dangerous, so we must send a brave general to go there. I am in Chang'an, and I can't leave it lightly. Although the Liangzhou army is an elite soldier, it is not enough."

Feng Junhou clearly stated that it was the current situation of the Liangzhou Army, and at the same time secretly praised himself for his bravery.

The Liangzhou army counted the Yicong army who came from Liangzhou, and at the same time transferred some of the troops from Qiaoshan to the army. There were no more than 40,000 soldiers.

The main force is stationed in Hedong to guard against Wei thieves in Hanoi, and at the same time, a part of the troops must be divided to guard Bingzhou.

If it weren't for the Hu Qi recruited by Bingzhou, I am afraid there would not be enough troops to deter Bingzhou and Hedong at the same time.

Therefore, if we want to attack Shangdang now, we can only dispatch it from the Hanzhong army in Chang'an.

"Among the generals present, General Wei is the bravest. In my opinion, if General Wei can lead the army, he will surely be able to attack and defeat them."

As soon as Feng Junhou said this, not to mention everyone present, even the prime minister of the Han Dynasty looked at him in surprise.

Now there are 150,000 soldiers in the area from Guanzhong River to Bingzhou.

With the backing of these 150,000 soldiers, coupled with the current vigor of the army, it shouldn't be a big problem to capture Shangdang.

It can be said that in the battle of Guanzhong, Shangdang is now the final credit.

"General Wei..." The prime minister glanced at Wei Yan, then at Feng Junhou.

Feng Junhou understood and turned his head away:

"But I don't know what General Wei wants?"

Wei Yan didn't speak, but looked up at Feng Junhou, with unconcealed surprise in his eyes.

Guiwang Feng is so kind, would he give this credit to himself?

It's just that Ghost King Feng is known for his foresight and foresight, so how could he let Wei Yan, who failed in politics, see what he was thinking at this time?

Guiwang Feng just stood there with a calm demeanor and a calm expression.

Seeing the other party like this, how could Wei Yan bear it?

At the moment, he said in a buzzing voice: "Shangdang, what do I have to fear?"

I saw him clasping his fists towards the prime minister:

"I ask the prime minister to give an order, and the last general will immediately lead the army across the river to destroy the Shangdang thieves!"

His move is very meaningful, it is only to the prime minister, not to King Feng Gui.

Expressed his dissatisfaction with King Feng Gui.

Guiwang Feng naturally saw what he meant, and just smiled lightly and remained silent.

The prime minister frowned slightly, glanced at the crowd again, pondered for a while, and then asked Feng Yong slowly:

"Shangdang thieves, how many people are there?"

Feng Yong quickly replied:

"Shangdang's local defenders are not many, but after Master Wang regained Bingzhou and Hedong, many thieves who had committed crimes fled one after another."

"Many people fled to Shangdang and reunited to fight against the king's division. Therefore, according to the report of the spies, there should be around five thousand thieves in Shangdang."

The prime minister nodded:

"Then I will allocate 10,000 troops, and General Wei will take the engineering battalion. How about it? Can we be sure to attack it?"

Although there is a steady stream of support from Hanzhong in the rear, once the army moves, its consumption is countless.

Moreover, it was the beginning of spring at this time, so the so-called one-year plan lies in spring, and now Guanzhong belongs to the big Han, and part of the support from Hanzhong has to be used to resume production in Guanzhong.

The art of war: Ten is to surround it, five is to attack it, and double is to fight it.

With 10,000 troops, it is just right for the Shangdang to "fight twice as hard", not to mention that there is an engineering battalion specially used for siege.

Wei Yan cupped his fists together: "The last general takes orders!"

Although the prime minister was in good spirits, after holding on for so long, he finally became a little sluggish.

"You all go out, Feng Mingwen, you stay here."


After everyone went out, the prime minister said:

"Push my four-wheeled cart here. I want to take a look at the Chang'an city wall while I'm interested."

Feng Yong wanted to dissuade:

"Prime Minister, it's still cold outside at this moment, we'd better wait for it to warm up..."

"Hugh is long-winded, go!"

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