Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1059 Preliminary decision

In the middle of April, there was not much going on.

Under the coordination of the Secretary Group and the Staff Group, everything was carried out in an orderly manner to restore people's livelihood and consolidate the defense line in Guanzhong.

Wei Yan in front had just passed through Hedong and entered the boundary of Shangdang, and there was not much news coming.

Really, the only thing worth noting is that the emperor sent his servant Fei Yi as an angel to come to Guanzhong to announce the decree.

Feng Yongyou conquered the generals of the west, moved the generals of the town to the east, flattened the book affairs, bestowed fake yellow Yues (the highest etiquette for holidays), and advocated the buildings and other things.

Order him to temporarily lead the military and civilian affairs in Guanzhong and Bingzhou Hedong and other places.

The former General Huwei Guan Suo moved to the East General.

Wei Yan, the former general of Zhenbei, moved to the general of Zhendong, and was promoted to Marquis of Wugong County.

Jiang Wei, as the supervisor of the Central Army, moved to General Bei.

(Note: In the original history, Jiang Wei had just joined the Han Dynasty and became General Fengyi. Not long after that, Zhuge Liang thought he was outstanding, so he directly asked him to lead the Tiger Army with five or six thousand people, and moved to the General of the West.)

(Many people think that in this book he moved up very quickly, but in fact it was much slower than in the original history.)

Wu Banqian was the general of Zhenyuan.

Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Meng Yan, Liu Hun, Li Qiu, Huo Yi and other generals were all promoted and rewarded differently.

The timely arrival of the angel immediately stabilized the soldiers who had been a little uneasy because of the prime minister's death.

After Fei Yi announced the decree, he quietly found Feng Junhou in private and asked:

"Nowadays, half of the Han country is tied to the emperor, which is the most important thing for the emperor. I don't know if the emperor has good words, do you need someone to convey them to the emperor?"

Feng Junhou knew that since Fei Yi was an angel, he came here to understand the situation in Guanzhong and Bingzhou clearly so that he could go back and report to the emperor.

At the moment he pondered for a moment:

"The prime minister died, the army and the people were uneasy, Yong was young and ignorant, and his prestige was insufficient. As the angel said, half of the country of the Han Dynasty is tied to the eternal body, and Yong is deeply afraid that he will lose the trust of the emperor."

"So I also ask the angels to go back and report to the Son of Heaven, and please send capable officials and generals to the newly established land, govern the place, lead the army to secure the border, so as not to be taken advantage of by thieves again."

Fei Yi quickly said:

"Before the prime minister died, he also said: The power of a prince is enough to guard the land in Guanzhong. Therefore, as long as there is a prince in Guanzhong, you don't have to worry about it."

"However, the Prime Minister did not arrange for places such as Hedong and other places in Bingzhou, and these places were restored by the princes and soldiers. If you say you are familiar with them, you must be the princes."

"I don't know what the king thinks about this?"

Hearing Fei Yi's words, Feng Junhou couldn't help being slightly taken aback. Could it be that his little fat brother-in-law is planning to ask him to recommend candidates?

Looking at Fei Yi's expectant eyes, Feng Junhou hesitated instead.

Recommending others to be superior, if done well, you can get a big favor.

But if something goes wrong in the future, then he will also be implicated.

Probably seeing Feng Yong's hesitation, recalling the advice of the emperor and empress before leaving, Fei Yi encouraged:

"In the past, I heard that the princes have the ability to know people, but now the princes have the power to write books, and the princes can just speak freely. Whether to use it or not is the emperor's own decision."

Hearing this, Feng Junhou could only speak:

"In the land of the east of the river, I have someone to choose."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

"Jiang Boyue, the general who conquered the west, is sensitive to military affairs, and has always been highly valued by the prime minister. It should be no problem for him to lead troops to garrison Hedong."

Fei Yi listened and nodded:

"I have also heard about Jiang Boyue's name. I heard that in this Guanzhong battle, not only did he lead the army, but he also confused the thieves."

"In the future, he was able to lead the army directly to the city of Chang'an by breaking Qiaoshan. A few days ago, he wiped out 20,000 thieves, which is really extraordinary."

This can be regarded as agreeing with Feng Junhou's recommendation.

"In the land of Bingzhou, who does not know who is the king?"

Feng Junhou shook his head:

"The land of Bingzhou seems to be easy to defend, but it is actually related to the stability of the country, which is the most important thing. Therefore, I don't have too many suitable candidates for a while."

"Oh?" Fei Yi was far inferior to Feng Junhou in terms of military affairs. Hearing this, he asked modestly, "I don't know what the Junhou said?"

"In the 20th year of Jian'an (that is, 215 A.D.), the Cao thief abandoned the four counties of Yunzhong, Dingxiang, Wuyuan, and Shuofang in Bingzhou, and made each county lead its people, and they were combined into Xinxing County."

That is to say, Cao Cao gave up the four counties of Jiuyuan, moved the people of these four counties into Yanmen, set aside a part of Taiyuan County, established Xinxing County, and resettled these people.

The four counties of Yunzhong, Dingxiang, Wuyuan, and Shuofang seem to be isolated in the north, but they are actually the crown on Guanzhong's head, protecting Guanzhong.

How to use the old place of Jiuyuan as a barrier in Guanzhong, from the Qin Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, all dynasties have exhausted their minds.

One of the most important reasons why Qin Shihuang asked Meng Tian to build straight roads, build the Great Wall, and drive away the Huns was to ensure the stability of Guanzhong.

Qin Zhidao went straight to Jiuyuan in order to quickly transport troops and food to support the Northland.

In the former Han Dynasty, this practice of Qin was also inherited.

But this approach has a downside.

That is, Guanzhong is the land of the capital. With the stability of the society and the increase of the population, the food supply in Guanzhong will become more and more tense in the late Han Dynasty.

Coupled with the need to supply the army in the north, it put a heavy burden on Guanzhong.

In Luoyang, the capital of the Later Han Dynasty, the original land of Jiuyuan was assigned to Bingzhou. In fact, Xihe County in Bingzhou was connected with the original land of Jiuyuan.

In this way, the defense of the Hetao area can be better integrated.

At the same time, you can get material support from the Kanto from Luoyang, and then transport it to Bingzhou from Luoyang.

In addition, in Jiuyuan, half of the defense was borne by the Southern Huns, so the burden was greatly reduced.

(Readers at the starting point can see the map in the comments at the end of the article, and those who read it elsewhere don’t ask me why I can’t see it)

In order to save trouble, Cao Cao gave up the old place of Jiuyuan and evacuated all the people and army officials, which is equivalent to removing the northern barrier in Guanzhong for hundreds of years.

As long as you can enter the old place of Jiuyuan, you can go south along the Qin Zhidao, cross Qiaoshan, and go straight to Guanzhong like the Xiongnu for hundreds of years.

Or like Feng Junhou, taking advantage of the unexpectedness of the enemy, the iron cavalry broke through various mountain pass checkpoints in Bingzhou, and went south to the bank of the big river.

"If it wasn't so, how could I enter Hedong from Bingzhou?"

It can be said that Cao Cao's operation back then planted the root of disaster for his grandson.

It is naturally impossible for Feng Junhou to make this mistake again.

After hearing this explanation, Fei Yi suddenly realized, and said again and again:

"In this way, the four counties of Yunzhong, Dingxiang, Wuyuan, and Shuofang in Bingzhou must not be lost! In Yiyi's opinion, we should set up a governor's office to unify the talents."

When Feng Junhou heard it, he laughed on the spot:

"What Fei Shizhong said is exactly what I think!"

Fei Yi couldn't help being happy when he heard that Feng Junhou thought of him together:

"So, Feng Junhou already has a candidate in mind?"

"I can't make a decision yet as governor of Bingzhou, but I have already made up my mind about the governor of Jiuyuan's hometown."


"Huo Shaoxian (Huo Yi)."

"Oh? Junhou thinks that he is the right candidate?"

"Huo Shaoxian is a loyal follower. Since he followed me, he has made great military exploits for a long time. Over the years, he has also served as the governor of Jiuquan County in Liangzhou. He also knows a lot about the Hu people."

"The original place of Jiuyuan is the place where Hu people gather, so I think this person is the most suitable candidate."

Huo Yi grew up in the palace since he was a child, and he was regarded as a person in Adou's pocket.

Although he was often oppressed (by mistake) by General Guan these years and did dirty work, but as long as he was entrusted to him, there had never been any mistakes.

Even with the combat achievements accumulated over the years, he should be able to stand out now.

Besides, after explaining the importance of Jiuyuan to Fei Yi, A Dou (aunt Zhang Xingcai?) must keep this place in the hands of the person he trusts the most.

Otherwise, I'm still in the old capital, and I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep peacefully at night.

Therefore, Huo Yi, the governor of Jiuyuan's hometown, is the most suitable candidate.

Fei Yi was also well aware of the relationship between the Son of Heaven and Huo Yi, so he immediately said:

"Since the lord said so, then I will write it down, and I will tell the emperor when I go back, but this Bingzhou..."

Feng Junhou sighed:

"After thinking about it, this is not the position of governor of the state, and one person may be barely suitable."


"Former general Deng Bomiao (i.e. Deng Zhi)."

This time, Fei Yi frowned:

"Deng Bomiao is firm and simple, and he forgets his family when he is in office. He is indeed a candidate, but Bingzhou is a newly established place, and it is also close to the bandits."

"However, Deng Bomiao has been leading the army for these years, and he can only be said to be quite satisfactory. If there is something outstanding, it is rare. Is he really suitable?"

Feng Junhou first nodded in agreement: "The former general led the army really not very well."

Then the topic changed: "But Shizhong Fei doesn't need to worry. Although the land of Bingzhou is adjacent to the bandit territory, it is separated by Taihang Mountain. The mountain is dangerous and obstructive. The former general only needs to guard the territory by the mountain."

"Furthermore, Prince Jun, the general guarding Longguan, is strong and strong, and he has the general strategy. There is a general in the Liangzhou army, surnamed Liu and named Hun, who is good at riding and fighting. He was originally Hu'er, a Xiongnu in Bingzhou, and he is familiar with Bingzhou."

"If there are these two people to assist, why worry about Bingzhou?"

When Fei Yi heard this, he smiled and said:

"Hearing what Junhou said, it's really appropriate."

The two of them talked up to this point, and they were already exchanging words.

Fei Yi leaned closer to Feng Junhou, and deliberately lowered his voice:

"Junhou sits in Chang'an and guards the east and west of the Dahe River. It can be said that he has a high position and authority. However, there are not a few people in the army who are more senior than Junhou."

"Just like Yang Yi, who absconded and disappeared, she heard that she didn't want to submit to the lord, so she ran away angrily."

"In my opinion, Yang Yi is not the only one who disobeys the emperor. Therefore, before Yi left, the emperor once said that the emperor has difficulties, so he can say it."

You mean Wei Yan?

If Zhang Xiaosi hadn't reminded him a few days ago, maybe Feng Junhou would really mention Wei Yan.

But at this moment, he just raised his eyelids slightly, and glanced at Fei Yi as if nothing happened.

Then he lowered his eyes again, raised his cup and took a sip of tea, and finally shook his head:

"Now that the Son of Heaven has ordered me to temporarily take charge of everything in Guanzhong, Bingzhou, Hedong and other places, who would dare to disobey?"

"Please ask the angel to go back and report to the Son of Heaven. Although Yong is not talented, he will definitely do his best and will not let the thieves take advantage of it."

Hearing this, Fei Yi looked at Feng Junhou seriously.

It is true that he was not being polite, and finally nodded:

"Okay, since Junhou said so, then it's inconvenient for me to ask more questions. I don't know if Junhou has other things to explain?"

Feng Junhou thought for a while, then shook his head: "Not for the time being."

Fei Yi was afraid that he would forget what he talked about earlier, so he got up immediately and said:

"That being the case, Na Yi will leave."

"I'll send it to the waiter."

"Don't dare to trouble your lord."


"Your Majesty, please."

After sending Fei Yi out of the gate of the mansion, Feng Yong subconsciously glanced to the east, thinking to himself:

"Wei Yan, Wei Yan, this time, don't let me down..."

Fei Yi didn't know what Feng Junhou was thinking. Under the protection of his guards, he strolled on Chang'an Avenue, feeling the stable atmosphere of Chang'an, and walked towards the temporary residence not far from the government office.

The war in Guanzhong has subsided for half a year.

As the old capital of the Han Dynasty and the core of Guanzhong, Chang'an gradually regained some popularity.

These popularity was driven by the caravans from Hanzhong.

These caravans either have a deep relationship with Xinghan, or they are desperate to make money.

After they arrived in Chang'an, they directly placed the goods in the place specially opened by Sima Yi for trading.

Although the connection with Kanto has not yet been restored, the caravan originally wanted to explore the way.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the goods were opened, someone would come upon hearing the news.

"This, can you change it?"

Liu Hun's uncle, Liu Bao, commander of the left side of the Xiongnu, handed over a few tickets to the stall.

The weather was getting warmer, and the people in the caravan saw the barbarian in front of him still wearing a thick sweater.

The sweater was gray and black, and in some places it still shone with oil under the sun.

At the moment, there is some contempt in my heart.

Just seeing the note in this person's hand, but the amount is not small, a professional smile immediately piled up on his face:

"Of course, what do you want?"


Liu Bao pointed to the blankets piled on the ground.

This is what people in the caravan wrapped up to sleep overnight when they crossed the Qinling Mountains.

Liu Bao shook the notes on his hand again:

"These, can you buy them all?"

Is this... the wronged person came to give money?

Several guys in the caravan winked at each other, and someone stretched out his hand:

"My guest, can you let me see this note?"

Over the years, the number of people who want to make counterfeit notes is unknown, but there is no one who can make exactly the same notes.

Nanxiang's papermaking technology is the best in the world, and no one else can produce paper of the same quality.

Not to mention the raw materials and ink used in the production of tickets are top secret at all.

But just in case, the caravan was still cautious.

Liu Bao generously handed them all over.

Anyway, he still has a big stack.

Look, touch, smell, no problem.

Inviting the stewards in the caravan who specialize in identifying authenticity and falsehood, there is also no problem.

"The customer wants to use these tickets to buy our blankets?"

The steward held the ticket tightly in his hand, smiling all over his face.


"The guests are really discerning. To tell the truth from the guests, these blankets are made by senior female workers from Liangzhou, using the finest wool as material, and weaving them on the best looms."

The steward raised his thumb and praised:

"This blanket is not only thick, but also very durable. It can be worn to keep warm during the day, and can be wrapped to sleep at night."

"I see that the guests are dressed in extraordinary clothes. I think it would be a very dignified thing to spread such blankets at home or in the tent..."

The steward was talking nonstop.

Although Liu Bao had seen woolen materials before, they were all sold to them by the Kanto family who added a few extras.

And it's the worst kind.

It is the most inferior one, and only the big bosses of the tribe can afford it.

After entering Guanzhong with the army, he also saw the woolen materials in the army, which were more exquisite than what he had seen before.

But those are all military supplies, and every piece is registered, so he can't buy it even if he wants to.

When the caravan entered Chang'an, Liu Bao remembered the stack of banknotes that General Guan had flung out boldly at the beginning. Liu Bao was in the mood of giving it a try, but he did not expect to be able to exchange for these high-quality woolen materials.

In surprise, he pointed to the pile of blankets:

"All sold?"

The steward waved his hand boldly: "Just treat it as making friends and sell them all!"

Of course Liu Bao knew that the banknotes he had in hand were valuable. After all, at the beginning, there were still some people in the Rebel Army who were willing to exchange their spare weapons for banknotes.

But he really didn't expect that this ticket is so magical that even people who have never met are willing to exchange good things for tickets.

"Where is this candy?"

"Worth a ticket."

"Is there any wine?"

"What kind of wine does the guest want? Here, we have strong wine, honey wine and rose peach wine. You can choose."


Liu Bao watched the steward open a jar, smelling the mellow aroma of wine, his throat couldn't help but surge up and down.

Touching the ticket in his arms, he was very pleasantly surprised:

General Guan and Feng Junhou are true gentlemen!

Let us come to Chang'an with the ticket, and we can exchange it for whatever we want, and we are not cheated at all!

Map of the original Bingzhou: The first floor is not simple since ancient times.

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