Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1065 Rumor

Simple ideas often mean the minimum requirements.

The reason why the minimum requirements are raised is often because of helplessness.

The family wanted some land, but it was just for food and clothing.

But in the face of the aristocratic families who are greedy and want to embezzle even the country's land, how difficult is it to meet the minimum requirements of the people?

Feng Junhou squatted on the old farmer's field, feeling a little depressed. After a while, he continued to speak:

"I heard that the people of Wei started farming decades ago. They not only recruited farmers to cultivate the fields, but also rented out seeds, oxen and plows."

"Isn't this a good thing? Why does the old man say that he can't get enough to eat?"

The old farmer smiled, but he didn't know whether it was a sneer or a sneer.

"Lang Jun, do you know how Cao Aman did it in the first place when he started farming?"

"I don't know."

The old farmer smiled again:

"Do you know that he wanted to spend his time on reclaiming wasteland at the beginning? At the beginning, he looked at those small families with fields and land."

"Want to return everyone's land to the public, let us farm it for him."

The old farmer sighed:

"At that time, anyone who had some land at home was not in a panic."

"Fortunately, the bandit Cao saw that people's hearts were unstable, so he ordered to stop expropriating land, and then recruited refugees to cultivate it."

As the old farmer said, his bright eyes dimmed:

"It's just that those families whose fields were confiscated at the beginning can never get their land back."

This is an old man with a story.

Feng Junhou reached out his hand to feel in his bosom, and took out an oiled paper bag. After opening it, there were pickled dried apricots inside.

"Old man, here, moisten the throat, you continue to talk."

"Lang Jun still likes to hear this?"

The old farmer was a little surprised by Feng Yong's reaction, but he stretched out his palm to catch the dried apricots, and put them in his mouth regardless of the mud on his hands.

"It's so sweet!"

"Shudi brown sugar is pickled, it must be sweet."

With dried apricots in his mouth, the old farmer smashed his mouth a few times, his eyes narrowed, and his face looked happy.

"Elderly people, even if the land has been confiscated, they can still continue to plant. For ordinary small households, where do they get the cattle at home?"

Feng Junhou moved his feet to prevent numbness from squatting:

"I heard that the Tuntian Hakka Mansion of the Wei people rented out cattle seeds to the Tuntian Hakka. Isn't that good?"

The old farmer sighed a few times with dried apricots in his mouth, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and then continued:

"A serious family, who wants to be a farmer? The farmer said it nicely at the beginning, just farm the land, share it with the guest house, and don't care about anything else."

"But in fact, if you really want to become a farmer, you won't belong to yourself anymore, so how can you have the final say?"

"It's true that the local government doesn't care about Tuntian Hakka, but isn't there a Tuntian Hakka House?"

"Those Hakka officials, why do you want to go, why don't you go?"

Probably the dried apricots stimulated the old farmer to secrete a lot of saliva, and what he said was out of control:

"That Wu, um, Cao Cao was fine when he was here. Most of the time, everyone really only needs to farm. Although the guest house took a little more, it wouldn't cause people to starve to death."

"But when it came to Cao Pi, it started to fail. The court only said that everything about the Tuntian Hakka was decided by the Tuntian Hakka Mansion."

"Since then, this village has truly been corrupted."

When the old farmer said this, he couldn't help sighing:

"Without the supervision of the imperial court, the Hakka Mansion will either sell the farmland to the local big family privately, or take more harvest from the farmer's hands."

"I've been doing this job for more and more year after year, and I can't be idle all year round. It's said that I don't need to serve the government's corvee, but you can also take the time to do it!"

As the old farmer spoke, his expression became a little excited:

"Over the years, who has the opportunity and doesn't want to escape? If there is no way out, who would want to escape?"

Seeing his appearance, Feng Junhou couldn't help but also sighed.

The history books only know that the Wei State had the largest farmland, which saved a large amount of grain for the Wei State.

But how many people know that it took only twenty years for Cao Wei's farming from its peak to its decline.

And this kind of corruption is based on the blood and tears of many farmers?

The madness of Hedong Tuntian Ke is the rebound of this extreme oppression.

No wonder, the old farmer said that he only dared to eat half full, and being able to eat enough was a prosperous life in the world.

Feng Junhou stood up and pointed to the other side of the field:

"How many people are there in the old man's house now? Is your grandson over there?"

On the other side of the field, there was an old woman and a child in her teens, who didn't dare to approach them at first.

But he kept looking this way, as if he was worried about the old farmer.

After seeing that Feng Junhou and his party were not malicious, they became curious again.

"No, it's my son, he should be fifteen."


Is this... a human speech?

How can any parent not know the age of their child?

Seeing Feng Junhou's unclear eyes, the old farmer smiled, hiding endless sadness:

"This is a child picked up by the roadside, the old man's own child. Two died of starvation, two died of illness, and the last one was taken away by the Tuntian Hakka Mansion to repair the river. There has been no news of it."

"Later, the old man was transferred from Runan to Guanzhong by the imperial court. I happened to see this child on the side of the road. At that time, he was almost starved to death."

"The old man was soft-hearted for a moment, so he fed him some of the things he saved, but he didn't expect him to survive, so he regarded him as his own child."

This fucking world!

Feng Junhou let out a long breath:

"Old man, the days to come will get better."

What the old farmer experienced personally seems to be more open than Feng Junhou:

"I hope."

Of course, it is also possible that it has been numb.

"Most definitely."

Feng Junhou said firmly.

The old farmer's face was full of regret:

"I heard that the people in Sichuan can eat enough and wear warm clothes. It's all thanks to the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty. If the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty has not died, it is impossible to say that they will have a good life!"

"It's a pity, the prime minister of the big man died just after the big man's army came to Guanzhong. Now Guanzhong is the master of Feng Junhou. Some people say that he is cruel and merciless, but I don't know if it is true."

Feng Junhou: ...

"Old man, half of Feng Junhou's credit is for the fact that the common people in Sichuan can eat enough."

Someone from Feng seriously explained to the old farmer:

"Feng Junhou has taught the people of Shu a lot of farming techniques!"

Hearing this, the old farmer had a slight hesitation on his face, and finally nodded and said:

"I hope it's as good as what your lord said."


Feng Junhou was slightly surprised, shouldn't be, there is no reason for his reputation in Guanzhong to be ruined so quickly, right?

After thinking about it, it seems that I really didn't do anything bad in Guanzhong!

The thing about Hedong... What the hell, I didn't come forward, isn't that what Tuntian Ke did?

"I think the old man seems to have heard about Feng Junhou?"

"Who in Guanzhong has never heard of Feng Junhou? I heard from the old people in Guanzhong that he is the reincarnation of the ghost king, and he can summon ghost riders from the underworld!"

"Back then, the 100,000 Wei army cut off his retreat, but it was broken by the 20,000 troops he led."

"I heard that in that battle, at the last moment, he summoned three thousand ghost riders, and even an army of one hundred thousand could not hold back..."

As the old farmer spoke, he looked around, as if talking about ghosts in broad daylight still made him a little worried.

I wipe!

Feng Junhou's face turned blue.

When the old farmer talked about Feng Guiwang, a little worry appeared on his face:

"In the past few years in Guanzhong, there have been rumors that this person is the most ruthless and merciless. This kind of ruthless person is in charge of Guanzhong. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse..."

Feng Junhou's complexion began to turn from blue to black:

"Old man, it's life and death in battle, so it's normal to be cruel, right?"

After thinking about it, he handed over another dried apricot, hoping that the other party would show mercy.

The old farmer chewed up the dried apricot core in his mouth before spitting it out.

He put the dried apricots that Feng Junhou handed over into his mouth again, and smacked his lips again.

The chatter was once again opened by Xinggan:

"What Lang Jun said is also reasonable, but I have also heard a lot about Feng Junhou from those little Lang Jun who measured the land."

"Oh, what did those little gentlemen say?"

"Those young gentlemen all said that Feng Junhou was their teacher. Not only did they run a school to teach them how to read and write, but they also sent them to take the maocai exam."

"I heard from them that their family used to be a farmer, but now they have suddenly become members of the government."

"Tell me, how much ability is needed for such a thing? If that Feng Junhou can help one or two, it's fine, but he can accept hundreds of students every year."

"How much does it cost? He can't make money so fast, can he?"

The corner of Feng Junhou's mouth twitched.

Minting money is a fart!

What if people print money?

The old farmers who survived the war and moved from the Kanto to the Kansai, and are still alive and kicking, must have a lot of knowledge and have their own understanding.

At this moment, he didn't even notice that Feng's face had turned black.

The old farmer looked like he had seen the world, and said earnestly:

"Lang Jun, to tell you the truth, there was a major incident in Kanto in the early years, and you must have never heard of it."

"What's the big deal?"

"In the early years, the emperor of Wei State dismissed many officials and arrested many people. Do you know why?"


"Because those people can only brag and can't do practical things. They say that if they are allowed to enter the government, they will only talk and make mistakes."

The old farmer said, shaking his head:

"That's why I'm worried when I hear those little gentlemen describe Feng Junhou as a rare hero in the world!"

Feng Junhou was a little surprised:

"A rare hero in the world, isn't that good?"

The old farmer continued to shake his head:

"Lang Jun, you are still young. How can there be such a hero in this world? In my opinion, he is just a braggart, and I don't know if he can do practical things in the future."

"If the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty is still there, maybe the people in Guanzhong will be able to eat enough."

"Now that Feng Junhou is replaced, it is of course not bad to be able to share the land with everyone. Let's see what happens in the future!"

This old man just ate two dried apricots, and he said everything.

Originally, I wanted to give him all the dried apricots in my hand.

Unexpectedly, as he talked, he actually made Feng Junhou depressed.

In a fit of anger, he simply wrapped up the dried apricots and put them back into his arms:

"Old man, I heard that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty was buried in Lantian. If you have the heart, you might as well go to pay homage if you have the opportunity. Maybe you can fulfill your wish?"

He was speaking in a fit of anger, but the old farmer stood up with a look of excitement on his face:

"Hey, when Lang Jun said that, I remembered it. There is indeed such a thing."

After thinking about it, he seemed to have made up his mind:

"If in the future Guanzhong really knows no famine like Shuzhong, I will definitely go to worship."


Feng Junhou didn't want to talk to this ignorant old man anymore, so he turned and left.

"Ah Lang, where are we going now? Going home?"

Back on the official road, Zhang Xiaosi opened his mouth to Feng Junhou and called A Lang, which was Hong Guoguo's provocation.

Feng Junhou really wanted to go back to his residence, but when he saw the expressionless General Guan, his calves trembled:

"To inspect the farming, how can it be a joke? Send someone back to the mansion to say that we will not go back for two days."

"Then where are we going?"


Go straight along the Bashui River and you will reach Lantian.

From the former Qin Dynasty to the former Han Dynasty, Lantian has always been the place where Guanzhong garrisoned troops.

Because this is the only way to Wuguan.

After passing Lantian, the rolling mountains made the road rough.

Moreover, Wuguan cannot station troops all year round.

After all, it is not an open place, and only when there are police in Wuguan, the army stationed in Lantian will go to support it.

Even if there is a loss in Wuguan, Lantian's army can also block the enemies who invade the pass here.

Compared with Guanzhong, from Wuguan to Nanyang is not only much farther, but also difficult to travel.

So when the Wei army in Chang'an withdrew from Guanzhong, they did the same thing as Sima Yi, destroying all Wuguan, and then withdrew.

Unlike Tongguan, which is blocked by the entire plateau, Wuguan is located between two mountains and blocked by a river.

At this time, Feng Junhou didn't have enough manpower at all. While repairing Tongguan, he also repaired Wuguan.

So at this time, Wuguan was completely unguarded.

The leader of the army stationed in Lantian to guard against Jingzhou was Jufu who was specially transferred from Longyou by Feng Junhou, and at the same time he sent Meng Yan as his deputy.

Knowing Feng Junhou's arrival, the two rushed to greet him:

"Meet the king."

"You don't need to be polite."

Feng Junhou got off his horse and did not enter the camp. Instead, he walked to a high ground and looked in the direction of Wuguan:

"Is there anything unusual in Jingzhou?"

"Back to the Lord, everything remains the same."

Counting the time, if that bastard Yang Yi really surrendered to the enemy, then he should have arrived in Jingzhou by now.

"If you have any news, you must report it in time."


"Forget it, you don't have to follow, I'll go and see the prime minister."

The prime minister's tomb is on a mountainside, and there is a mountain road leading there.

There were soldiers guarding the mountain, and Feng Junhou saw some remnants of sacrifices by the road at the foot of the mountain.

He couldn't help being a little puzzled, and the soldiers who summoned the guards pointed to the sacrifices on the ground and asked:

"what happened?"

"Your Majesty, some people came to offer sacrifices privately. They did not go up the mountain, but only worshiped at the foot of the mountain. It is not easy for us to drive them away."

"Who are they?"

"Most of them are business travelers from Hanzhong. They said that they worshiped the three vows at the Zhongyi Temple in Hanzhong. Now they have to pay homage to the prime minister when they arrive in Guanzhong to pray for safety."


Is this the worship belief with Chinese characteristics?

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