Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1071 Comprehensive investigation

"Feng Guiwang planned..."

"Nonsense, even a pig can see it now!"

The voice suddenly became louder, excitedly said:

"I mean, from the day he entered Liangzhou, he had premeditated!"

The listener is still in a low tone:

"I think he planned it before he entered Liangzhou. How many people had contacts with Longyou Hanzhong in secret back then?"

Maybe from that time on, Feng Guiwang has been planning how to divide the interior of Liangzhou.

No, it's only been a few years?

Not to mention those guys who stood by and watched, even Qiang Hu, who has always been unable to withstand the instigation, is silent now.

Occasionally, when I was moved, once I learned that there was an armored cavalry, I turned my face on the spot, put the person sent to lobby in a sack, and turned it over to the government.

It's called catching the traitor and doing meritorious service-the sack that covered the traitor's head was made in Nanxiang!

Who are you going to reason with?

People's hearts are scattered, there is no such excitement as before, one after another.

At that time, Zhang Gong, even if he became the Jinwu of the Wei State, he was unwilling to leave Liangzhou for Luoyang with excuses.

And now?

The Zhang family is determined to be the lackeys of Han.

"This imperial court is holding a butcher's knife in one hand and tickets in the other, forcing everyone to stand in line! There are many people who want to get tickets, but few dare to fight the butcher's knife!"

This nonsense made the people next to him roll their eyes.

If it wasn't for the children in my family, I would also be willing to take the ticket...

If there are no bloody examples, maybe there are still people who are willing to give it a go.

But now, seeing that the government is really daring to be cruel and slaughter two families, they don't care about the possible turmoil in Liangzhou.

Before the butcher's knife was lifted to the top of his head, someone was already beating a drum in his heart.

It's really going to be the last moment. I don't know how many people present have the courage to drag the whole clan to bury the unworthy children of the clan?

"The Zhang family said, let us send people out within a month. One month, it shows that the government is not afraid of people running away, let alone that we will..."

The last words were not uttered, but everyone knew what he was going to say.

Regardless of whether you want to rebel or uphold righteousness, block the cavalry if you have the ability.

If you can't stop it, you will exterminate the family.

That's the attitude of the government.

It's simply ignoring the century-old chaos in Liangzhou, it's too deceiving!

Compared to Zhao Guang who caused a bloodbath in Liangzhou, Li Yi was much more low-key.

After the death of the prime minister, the prime minister's mansion naturally ceased to exist. Li Yi, who joined the army as the prime minister's mansion, transferred to Shangshutai as Shang Shulang.

It's just that Shang Shu ordered Jiang Wan to have his own team when he stayed in Jincheng.

Naturally, all of them were brought to Hanzhong now.

In addition, Shangshutai officially took over the Prime Minister's Mansion and had just assumed the responsibility of handling all government affairs. The relationship between the various households had not yet stabilized, and it was chaotic for a while.

Li Yi was transferred from the Prime Minister's Mansion again, and these days he has nothing to do.

Unexpectedly, one day, Shangshutai suddenly received a letter from General Zhendong sent from Guanzhong.

He said that he hoped to send Li Yi to Jincheng to coordinate with Dongfeng Express to transfer grain and grass.

Every time there is a big war, the Xinghan Society will assist the imperial court to run part of the grain and grass, which is already a common practice.

In addition, Feng Zhendong is the leader of the Xinghan Association, and he is now on the front line, leading the army.

In his capacity as a minister of calligraphy, Jiang Wan had no reason to stop Li Yi from personally naming Shang Shulang Li Yi.

"Guanzhong is the old capital of the Han Dynasty, so the matter of food and grass for the army is the most important thing. Shang Shulang must not neglect it when he arrives in Jincheng."

Before leaving, Jiang Wan gave some earnest instructions.

Although the war has been subsided for half a year, the thief Wei must be careful.

Jiang Wan knew that Li Yi's status in the Xinghanhui was not low, so he sent him to Jincheng to coordinate, and believed that he was the most suitable candidate.

After Li Yi agreed, he returned to his mansion, packed his luggage, bid farewell to his wife and children, and left for Jincheng.

He looked relaxed on the surface, but after leaving Hanzhong, he suddenly quickened his pace and hurried all the way. In less than ten days, he arrived in Jincheng.

"Wenxuan, we meet again!"

Outside Jincheng, there were already chariots and horses waiting.

Seeing the dusty Li Yi, someone laughed and shouted from a distance.

Li Yi saw the person who was greeted clearly, and immediately walked a few steps quickly, and greeted him:

"Weizhe, how did you know that I'm going to Jincheng today?"

"I've been sending people ahead to inquire about the news these days, just because I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up."

Deng Liang, who had been guarding the entrance of the Jincheng hall of the Xinghan Hui, smiled and held arms with Li Yi:

"Seeing you, my heart is half broken."

Over the years, whenever there was a war in the imperial court, Li Yi was either sent by the prime minister to Liangzhou, Longyou to contact Feng Junhou, or he was sent to Jincheng to coordinate the operation of grain and grass.

Therefore, it is not the first time that Li Yi and Deng Liang have cooperated, and they are very familiar with each other.

Hearing Deng Liang's words, Li Yi sighed a little:

"Weizhe and I have the same worries. I'm just afraid that Weizhe will go to Nanzhong before we reach Jincheng."

In a few words, the two each saw the pressure under the seemingly relaxed state from the other's expression.

"Let's go, let's go back and talk."


In the carriage, instead of entering the city, he walked around the city wall and went to the warehouse of Xinghanhui Wharf outside Jincheng.

After so many years of construction, it has almost become a satellite city of Jincheng.

Countless goods are loaded and unloaded here, or transported to Jincheng, or to Nanzhong, or to Hanzhong, or to Yong'an.

The warehouse of Xinghanhui, named as the warehouse, is actually a large market integrating trade, entertainment, eating, drinking and fun, and it is really lively.

The carriage entered the guest house dedicated to the Xinghan Club, and the two got out of the carriage and walked into an elegant courtyard.

The hustle and bustle outside was immediately isolated from the outside.

The exquisite small house has already set up wine and food.

Wine is good wine, not only honey wine, fruit wine, but also apple wine.

Only there is no spirits, which no one likes to drink except the northern barbarians.

Everyone still likes to drink some soft wine.

The dishes are even more delicious, steamed, boiled, fried and fried.

A maid came up with a basin, Li Yi picked up the soap to wash his hands, then wiped off the water, and then sat down.

After pouring the wine and eating a few mouthfuls of food, he let out a comfortable breath:

"In the past half a month, in order to hurry, I haven't eaten hot food a few times. Weizhe knows me, knows me!"

"Hahaha... Come on, Yin Sheng!"

"Okay, please."

After drinking for three rounds, Deng Liang asked the servants who were serving him to go out.

Then he looked at Li Yi, his face changed into a little dignified color, and asked:

"Wenxuan, brother, what happened this time? How could it be..."

Li Yi was half full after eating, and finally slowed down. He took a bite of the food and chewed it in his mouth. After swallowing it, he replied:

"What did brother tell Zhe Wei in the letter?"

"Just let me check the Nanzhong branch to see if there is any violation of the rules."

Li Yi nodded:

"Brother asked me to come to Jincheng, and that's what he told me."

Although they had a hunch for a long time, but after the two confirmed each other, they still couldn't help being a little surprised and even shocked.

"Brother, why is this?"

Deng Liang said in a slightly shy voice.

Li Yi shook his head and smiled wryly: "I don't know."

He pointed to himself: "My ancestral home is Nanzhong. It stands to reason that I am more familiar with Nanzhong than you."

Then he pointed to Deng Liang, "As for the area of ​​Jincheng, you have stayed here for more than ten years, and you are more familiar with it than me, but brother..."

But the elder brother just let the two switch.

Is this... not trusting them?

Deng Liang hesitated to speak, but Li Yi seemed to have seen his thoughts, and comforted him:

"Weizhe doesn't have to be like this, brother's arrangement must be intentional."

"Oh?" Deng Liang looked at Li Yi, "From Wenxuan's point of view, what does brother mean?"

"It should be because we are afraid that we will not be able to do it by then."

Li Yi poured himself a glass of wine, raised his neck and drank it down, his face was already slightly red.

Not knowing whether it was because of the alcohol or through the alcohol, Li Yi let out a mouthful of alcohol:

"Our Li family has a bit of a face in Nanzhong now. Although the adults went to Hanzhong to recuperate in the early years, most of the Li family members still stay in Nanzhong."

"If something really happened to Nanzhong, there might be many uncles and elders who would come to me at that time."

"Thinking about this situation, I feel embarrassed..."

He looked at Deng Liang again:

"Weizhe stayed in Jincheng for ten years, right?"

Li Yi stretched out his index finger and drew a circle in the air, "The Jincheng area has a lot to do with it."

"If something is really found out by then, and someone begs Vizhe at that time, what are you going to do?"

Deng Liang also poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip slowly, and then said:

"so serious?"

Li Yi smiled and shook his head:

"Weizhe, don't underestimate this matter. You may not know that Zhao Erlang was sent to Liangzhou by his brother a month ago."

If you recognize the most important figures in the Xinghan Association, except for the leader Brother Feng.

Next came Zhao Guang, Li Yi, and Deng Liang.

Liangzhou, Jincheng, and Nanzhong each sent one person there, which shows that they attach great importance to this matter.

Deng Liang nodded silently upon hearing this.

Seeing his appearance, Li Yi added one more sentence:

"Before I came here, I read a document at Shangshutai, which was transferred from Guanzhong."

Deng Liang looked up at Li Yi.

"Brother transferred three thousand armored cavalry to Liangzhou."


Deng Liang spit out the wine all at once, and shouted: "Iron Armored Cavalry?!"

There is currently only one cavalry army in the big man, and it is also the most powerful cavalry army in the world today-this is the common understanding of the whole big man.

It may also be the perception of the world.

It may be an exaggeration to say that one ride is worth a thousand, but if one ride is worth ten, that is to underestimate it.

It's just... Why do you need to mobilize the armored cavalry to investigate such matters within the Xinghan Society?

"Wenxuan, remember to mention the most important things first!"

Deng Liang was so excited that he almost flipped the table, and looked at Li Yi viciously.

Looking around, making sure no one heard him, he moved closer to Li Yi's side, breathing out alcohol, but did not forget to lower his voice:

"Brother, are you really all right?"

"Brother needs something, can he mobilize the armored cavalry? The one who should worry about something is Liangzhou."

Li Yi smiled lightly, and drank another glass of wine with his neck raised.

Deng Liang heaved a sigh of relief, sat back down, and followed suit with a drink:

"Liangzhou, what happened?"

Someone else might not know about this matter.

But Li Yi would not be ignorant.

Deng Liang was very sure of this.

Sure enough, only Li Yi replied:

"Last year, my brother led the army on the front line in Guanzhong, and someone in Liangzhou crossed the line."

Deng Liang frowned, what line did he cross, and he wanted to use the armored cavalry?

It can't be rebellion, can it?

No matter how strong the old soldiers in the club are, they will not use Zhao Sanqian and the three thousand armored cavalry if they have no crossbow or armor.

Could it be that the Liangzhou branch has produced a peerless general who is comparable to his elder brother, leading people to rebel?

"Liangzhou is powerful."

Li Yixi's words were like golden fields, and he spit out four more words.

This time, Deng Liang finally understood. He shook the cup in his hand and nodded, "It's time to kill!"

This is to destroy the foundation of Xinghanhui.

Not killing is not enough to deter future generations.

"Say it."

Deng Liang was taken aback: "What?"

"Jinchengtangkou, do you need to remind me?"

Deng Liang was stunned again, then laughed, pointing to Li Yi:

"You, you."

Then he shook his head, "I can't say for sure, I can only guarantee that there shouldn't be any problems with the people in this warehouse."

"Out of this warehouse, I can't guarantee it. You check it yourself, and if you find anything, you can do what you want, and don't worry about me."

It has been ten years, and it would be a lie to say that there is no human relationship.

But Deng Liang only dared to say that he could only guarantee the people in the warehouse.

And he didn't expect that one day, outside Jincheng, a cavalry or something would suddenly come.

At this moment, he finally understood why his elder brother asked him to investigate with Li Wenxuan.

It's not that they can't be trusted, but to keep them out of trouble.

The little knot in my heart was finally untied.

He drank another cup and said with some ease:

"Tomorrow, I'm leaving for Nanzhong. What about you, is there anything you need to tell me?"

Compared to Li Yi, who had already inherited the title, Deng Liang's adult, Deng Zhi, had always been in good health, plus he had the Xinghan Society and his elder brother as his back road.

In order to take care of his mother who stayed in Jincheng conveniently, he never became an official.

Right now, as long as someone arranges for someone to take good care of the old mother, they can just leave as soon as they say it, but it is much more convenient than Li Yi who has an official position.

Li Yi also shook his head: "No."

Xinghan will develop Nanzhong, and the Li family, as the leader of the local area, naturally has mixed up a lot of industries.

But for Li Yi, even if something went wrong at Nanzhong, it would not be difficult to have a righteous family extermination.

After all, he and his younger brother Li Qiu have already joined the government. As long as his brothers are fine, the Li family will not fall down.

Besides, if the branches and leaves of the trees grow too lush, it is not necessarily a good thing.

Occasionally pruning, the trunk may grow better.

In the face of big right and wrong, political alignment, you say the same surname as me?

"The prime minister has passed away, and the news should have spread throughout Nanzhong by now. Whether the Yi people will have other ideas, no one can say for sure."

"If something goes wrong, there are two people who must be credible, and one of them is Zhuge Bosong."

The prime minister passed away, and there was a will not to let his family members go to Guanzhong for the funeral, so Zhuge Bosong still stayed in Nanzhong.

Listening to Li Yi's instructions, Deng Liang nodded to express his understanding, and then asked, "Is there another one?"

"Meng Huo's daughter, Lady Hua."



Deng Liang hesitated for a moment, then couldn't help asking:

"Over there, what should we do?"

Although Yuejuan also belongs to Nanzhong, it is rather special.

"My elder brother has asked Zishi (that is, Wang Xun) to be the governor of Liangzhou, and Yizhi (that is, Huang Chong) to be the prefect of Yueyu."

When Huang Yizhi took office, he must have immediately checked it out.

"The imperial court agreed?"

"I agreed, because my brother didn't say who will succeed Nanxiang county magistrate."

If you don't say it, it will be left to the court for arrangement.

It seems that it is a big profit to exchange a county magistrate for a prefect to add a long history.

But if this county is Nanxiang County, it is another matter.

It is estimated that even if Feng Junhou recommends one more border prefect, the court may be willing.

"It's bleeding profusely."

Deng Liang sighed, "Brother, for the sake of the future of us brothers, he has done his utmost benevolence."

Li Yi nodded in agreement, and then added:

"But it's time for Nanxiang to let go."

The prime minister is gone, and the world has changed.

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