I don't know which small stone on the street was run over, the carriage suddenly shook, and then there was another "shaking" sound.

It woke up Sima Shi who was meditating.

Thinking of the calculations in his heart, Master Sima felt a little guilty.

He carefully glanced at Sima Yi who was opposite, for fear that his adults would see what he was thinking.

Unexpectedly, Sima Yi was already sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, as if he didn't care what Master Sima was thinking at all.

Only then did Master Sima secretly heave a sigh of relief.

He lifted the curtain of the car and looked out of the car, only to realize that this was not the direction to return to Tai Tuo's mansion, and he was a little surprised:

"My lord, are we not going back home?"

Sima Yi didn't open his eyes:

"One more thing."

Sima Shi suddenly remembered the humiliation he received outside Xiahou's mansion, and his heart tightened: "I don't know what else is there for my lord?"

If it happens again, Master Sima doesn't know if he can hold on.

Fortunately, this time, the family Sima Yi went to had no conflict with Master Sima.

It can even be said that there is almost no communication.

This family, surnamed Huang, surnamed Quan, styled Gongheng, is currently the Great General of Zhennan.

Since Huang Quan voted for the Wei State, he has never been involved in Wei State's court disputes.

Of course, he appears to be honorable, but in fact he has no power, nor is he qualified to participate in Wei's court struggle.

But he happened to be an example set up by Wei Guo, so his status was extremely detached.

As long as he doesn't cause trouble, basically no one will come to trouble him-probably this is the power of political correctness.

If you win, you won't win by force, and you may be called a bully by others, and you may even be looked down upon by some bigwigs in the court:

You bully others like this, what do those people in the world who want to turn to the light think?

If you lose, it will be even worse: if you can't even compete for the surrender, you are simply a waste!

Anyway, no matter what the result is, I will lose, and I will lose.

The other party wins, and the win is numb.

So when he heard that his lord was going to visit Huang Quan, how could Master Sima not be surprised?

The carriage stopped, and Sima Yi got out of the car, looking up at the high steps, the thick gateposts, and the gate with shiny copper nails in the Huang Mansion.

He couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

This mansion was built by Emperor Wen himself when Huang Quan came to vote.

The purpose is to show the grandeur of Wei, and encourage more thieves to abandon the dark and turn to the bright.

But who would have thought that in just fifteen years, the Great Wei and the Shu captives were already in different positions in offense and defense?

If Emperor Wen knew about it, would he regret building such a splendid mansion for Huang Quan?

While thinking about it, the gate of Huang's mansion was opened, and Huang Quan went out to greet the Grand Tutor himself:

"I don't know if the Grand Tutor came here, but I feel disrespectful, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Although Huang Quan's temples were gray, but when facing the most powerful Sima Taifu in the Wei Dynasty, he still behaved calmly, neither humble nor overbearing.

It seemed that the life of living in seclusion for more than ten years did not make him depressed.

But Master Sima, who was standing behind Sima Yi, was a little surprised when he looked at the old man in front of him.

Not for anything else, just for the change in the other party's appearance.

In the early years, Sima Yi, as Emperor Wen's most trusted minister, met Huang Quan at banquets more than once.

Even Sima Yi and Huang Quan commented on the characters in Shu many times.

At that time, Master Sima also met Huang Quan several times with his own adults.

In his impression, although Huang Quan was a descendant, he never lost his celebrity demeanor.

The most famous thing is that when the news of Liu Bei's death spread to Wei, all the officials congratulated each other, but Huang Quan didn't smile at all.

Emperor Wen wanted to try to surprise him, so he sent left and right edicts to question Huang Quan.

Huang Quan was still on the road, and Emperor Wen had sent several groups of envoys to urge them to gallop on horseback, criss-crossing the road. The official attendants were all frightened, but Quan behaved calmly.

It is precisely because of such a capacity that he can subdue the monarchs and ministers of the Great Wei, and make people treat each other with courtesy.

Unexpectedly, Master Sima had a good impression of a quick-witted man. Although he tried his best to straighten his back, he still couldn't hide his slightly stooped figure.

If you look carefully, even if there are no ravines on the face, it is already an unconcealable old look.

It's only been fifteen years, not only the world seems to have changed, but even people have completely changed their appearance.

"General Huang is serious. Someone suddenly took the liberty to visit. I should be the one who was rude!"

Sima Yi looked at Huang Quan in front of him, thinking that when he talked about people in Sichuan with Huang Gongheng in the past, he was full of praise for Zhuge Kongming, and would often sit up and sigh.

Now Zhuge Kongming is dead, and Huang Gongheng has grown up like this.

Sima Yi stroked his beard, feeling even more in his heart: I am old too.

Huang Quan did not reject Master Sima from the door like Xia Houxuan did, but personally welcomed Sima Yi and his son into the mansion.

He even asked his son to come to see him.

After Huang Quan arrived in Wei State, he married another wife and gave birth to his son Huang Yong, who is only twelve years old now and is weak and sick.

Seeing the son who obeyed his lord's words and mechanically greeted Sima Yi and his son, he was a little overwhelmed.

Huang Quan was apologetic, but also helplessly said to Sima Yi:

"Since the dog was born, he has rarely left the mansion to make friends with others, so he is a little bit ignorant of his life and doesn't know the etiquette. Please forgive me from the Taifu and the Central Guard."

Cao Shuang intended Xia Houxuan to serve as the Central Guard Army, and at the same time moved Sima Shi, who had originally served as the Central Guard Army, to the Central Supervisor Army.

It's just that this appointment has just been passed from Xuchang to Luoyang, and has not yet been officially spread, so Huang Quan's name for Sima Shi is still the old post.

Sima Shi was at least as famous as Xia Houxuan and others back then.

As long as he wasn't facing the Xiahou family, Master Sima had a reputation for morale, so he wouldn't care about Huang Quan's negligence.

He even smiled warmly at Huang Yong who was hiding behind Huang Quan.

"I heard that your son is weak, and the medical workers in my family have some medical skills. Why don't you let them come over and show your son?"

After Sima Yi and his son sat down with Huang Quan as host and guest, Sima Yi looked at Huang Yong who had withdrawn, and asked with some concern.

Huang Quan smiled bitterly: "Thank you for your kindness, but the dog's weakness is brought from the womb."

"Emperor Wen also sent a medical worker in the palace to look at it, and said that it can only be recuperated slowly the day after tomorrow, and there is no other way."

"Emperor Wen..." Sima Yi followed up with a half-sigh.

After a while, he suddenly smiled wryly:

"I remember that after the First Battle of Yiling, the Great General of Zhennan abandoned his rebellion and followed the righteous. Emperor Wen was very happy, but he thought that the Kingdom of Shu had declined since then, and sent people to Shu to persuade him to surrender."

At that time, the Great Wei Dynasty was in its heyday and ranked the most upright in the world.

There are two in the world on Wednesday, and seven out of ten in the Great Wei, which is even more powerful than Zhou.

"But it's only been a few decades, and the situation in the world has become like this!"

If it were someone else, they might think that Sima Yi was mocking him to his face.

However, since Huang Quan voted for Wei, he has never said that the monarchs and ministers of the Shu Kingdom are wrong, and even praised Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and others unabashedly.

Even if others are mocking, it is impossible to use this kind of thing to mock.

Besides, the majestic Sima Taifu couldn't do such a boring thing as deliberately visiting the door to mock him.

Therefore, there is only one reason why Sima Taifu said this:

"Teacher, is there something going on in the Kingdom of Shu?"

Sima Yi looked at Huang Quan, with a wry smile on his face:

"Over the years, Great Wei has not won a single victory against Shu. It seems that even the Great General Zhennan has gotten used to it."

Huang Quan had a complex look on his face, and said in a somewhat shy voice:

"But the Shu people captured Shangdang?"

Sima Yi sighed: "Not yet, but according to my estimation, it should be soon."

"Hebei has no extra troops to reinforce the Shangdang, and the troops in Hanoi who are capable of supporting the Shangdang have never been ordered by Xu Chang."

"Secondly, Bandit Feng has not only stayed in Hedong for the past three months, but also according to the news from the elaboration, he has continued to increase his troops in Hedong, which seems to have the intention of going east."

"That's why the 50,000 troops of the leading general (Jiang Ji) dare not move easily. If things go on like this, no matter how dangerous Shangdang's terrain is, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop the Shu people!"

Huang Quan was silent.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"Zhuge Kongming and Feng Mingwen are indeed rare talented people in the world. They took Bingzhou to see Hebei and the Central Plains, so that the Great Wei has no more dangerous terrain to speak of."

Sima Yi nodded in agreement:

"Before the people of Shu took Bingzhou, they didn't know the importance of Bingzhou. After the Great Wei lost Bingzhou, they realized that Bingzhou was really a barrier for the world."

Huang Quan said slowly:

"If Bingzhou is the barrier of the world, then Shangdang is the backbone of the Central Plains, defending Heluo. If it is lost, the Central Plains will be in trouble."

Whether in Shu Han or Wei, Huang Quan can be respected, certainly not without reason.

He is outstanding in terms of strategic vision.

These words are not words of intimidation, but facts.

From Hanoi to Hedong, there is Zhiguanxing.

From Hanoi to Shangdang, there is Taihang Xing.

If Shangdang is lost, then Hanoi will not only have to bear the pressure from the east of Zhiguan, but also face the pressure from Shangdang in the north.

Under the attack from both sides, how long Hanoi can survive is something that no one can guarantee.

"So Shangdang cannot be lost, at least not all of it." Sima Yi said firmly, "Even if Huguan is lost, Gaodu (that is, Jincheng in later generations) must be defended."

Huang Quan couldn't help but take a deep look at Sima Yi when he heard that.

He was able to stay safely in Wei State for so many years, and still maintain a detached status, so it is naturally impossible for him to be blind and deaf.

Now the relationship between Luoyang and Xuchang is very delicate.

If Sima Yi really wanted to keep Shangdang, why did he bring up this matter when Shangdang was about to fall?

Sima Yi seemed to see the deep meaning in Huang Quan's eyes, and there was a little self-mockery on his face:

"I'm really powerless to protect the party! Xuchang, let alone agreeing to Luoyang's sending troops to the north, I'm afraid they won't listen to their suggestions."

"Let me tell the truth to General Zhennan. The reason why I want to keep Gaodu now is actually to keep Hanoi."

Hanoi is the base camp of the Sima clan, so there must be no loss.

Sima Yi did not hide this thought from Huang Quan.

But Huang Quan still didn't quite understand:

"Teacher, you have a lot of troops in your hands, and you still say that you are powerless to keep the party. I can't do anything about such important national affairs. Why did the Tutor tell me this?"

Who doesn't know, I, Huang Quan, seem to have a great reputation, but I don't have any power at all.

Even the subordinates who were brought here back then are now either scattered everywhere without any news, or they are depressed, and they can only live for a day.

Sima Yi picked up the teacup, took a sip, then looked at Huang Quan and said:

"Gongheng, do you think I don't want to send troops north? It's just, alas!"

Sima Yi put down his teacup and shook his head with a sigh, "How dare I mobilize troops without His Majesty's order?"

"Besides, there are 50,000 soldiers and horses in Hanoi!"

Luoyang soldiers and horses wanted to cross north and enter Hanoi, so Jiang Ji had to agree.

When Sima Yi said this, he turned to Huang Quan, and his voice became a little deeper:

"I came to the door this time to ask Gongheng to go to Hanoi and give me a message for Jiang Zitong (that is, Jiang Ji)."

"Even if he is forced by Feng Mingwen to dare not send troops to reinforce Shangdang, he must at least send troops to defend Gaodu."

"I hereby assure Gongheng that if Bandit Feng in Hedong really changes, even if I violate the holy will, I will reinforce Hanoi and try my best to keep Hanoi safe."

"From Gongheng's point of view, I can definitely see that if Gaodu is lost, Hanoi will not be guaranteed. I hope Gongheng can make this clear to Jiang Zitong."

Although he vaguely guessed something, Huang Quan was still shocked when he heard Sima Yi say this himself:

"How did this happen? Without the emperor's order, how dare Quan dare to leave Luoyang?"

"It doesn't matter." Sima Yi smiled slightly, "The late emperor ordered me to be the assistant to the government as the emperor, and also asked me to record the affairs of the minister, and gave me the right to hold festivals."

Having said that, he emphasized word by word:

"Nowadays, I am responsible for everything in Henan. I just need to report it to the emperor afterwards."

Huang Quan was stunned when he heard what Sima Yi said.

From a legal point of view, what Sima Yi said was correct.

He does have that right.

But this matter has violated Huang Quan's code of conduct over the years.

Especially in the current complicated situation, it is easy to die unclearly when involved in this kind of matter.

Of course, Huang Quan is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of hurting his wife, family and children.

It will even implicate the old officials who followed him to the Great Wei.

Over the years, Huang Quan has always felt guilty for these old officials.

I can remarry a wife and have children here, but most of these old subordinates are not even qualified to remarry.

After all, how could it be possible for them to get their turn based on Wei State's new-born-wives policy?

So they can only look at the land of Shu, and I am afraid that they will not be able to see their wives and children until they die.

Seeing Huang Quan's appearance, Sima Yi took out a letter from his sleeve, put it on the desk, and gently pushed it towards Huang Quan:

"I know that Gongheng has rarely left the government these years, but he is very concerned about the news of the former subordinates."

"This list is the news of the people I can find so far."

Huang Quan stood up suddenly, staring fixedly at the letter on the desk.

Sima Yi pressed his finger on the letter and tapped it lightly a few times:

"In my army, there may still be a dozen or so soldiers from the past. If Gongheng can help me persuade Jiang Zitong, I will let them all remove their armor and send them to Gongheng's mansion to do a part. How about it?"

Sima Taifu can disarm these ten or so soldiers, and naturally he can also make them become vanguards and attack the enemy.

Huang Quan moved his lips, finally clenched his fists heavily, and then said:

"Since the Taifu has entrusted him, Quan should do his best."

Since Sima Taifu wants to use his reputation, so what if he sells his reputation to help old officials?

PS: There are four steles in the tomb of Huang Quan and his wife, two of which were erected by his son Huang Yong and old officials, which shows that until his death, the old officials were still by his side.

Central Plains Situation Map: Open the comments, the first floor has not been simple since ancient times.

Finally, happy new year - except that I was forced to update by the tiger girl on the first day of the tiger, and I don't feel very happy.

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