Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1084 Leek

In the era of war, population and household registration must be a mess.

In addition, most of the people Cao Cao moved to Jiuyuan to the second county of Xihe in Taiyuan were Hu people, so it is even more difficult to know the exact population number.

General Guan started from Pingcheng, pioneered the Xianbei to break through the pass, and then drove five Huns into Hedong.

According to later statistics, there were 30,000 to 40,000 Huqi.

This number is exactly the same as that of Cao Cao when he divided the five Huns.

Basically, one ride corresponds to one account.

But Cao Cao did this twenty years ago.

What's more, some of the 30,000 to 40,000 miles are the clansmen of Lord Xianbei.

For so many years, the five Huns have stayed in Bingzhou territory, so they don't have to fight each other on the grassland.

After all, the population should increase.

And a tent, in many cases, can not only have one cavalry.

Besides, in the eyes of Hu people, sheep slaves are not considered human beings.

This is why, in Deng Zhi's eyes, Feng Junhou's relocation of 70,000 to 80,000 Hu people is only the reason why 30% of the Hu people in Bingzhou were accounted for.

Of course, it could be 50%.

But in any case, it should be possible to extract another 70,000 to 80,000 Hu people from Bingzhou.

Those who are qualified to sit with him, besides Wang Ping and Liu Hun, are at the bottom, Liu Meng and Liu Bao, and several Huns commanders.

Feng Junhou and Deng Zhi talked about moving the Hu people to Pingcheng outside the Guansai, but they did not avoid them.

They commanders didn't think there was anything wrong when they heard Feng Junhou's plan.

After all, many of them moved from Jiuyuan to Bingzhou when Cao Cao gave up the four counties of Jiuyuan.

For them, it is no big deal to move from Bingzhou to Pingcheng now.

Perhaps it can be said that being able to move from inside the Yanmen Pass to outside the Pass might make some people secretly happy.

In fact, what they care most about is what benefits their tribe can get from it.

To be precise, what benefits can I get from it.

The most basic thing is not to be like when you were divided into five parts and placed in Bingzhou.

On the one hand, it is necessary to guard the gate of the Central Plains and prevent the Xianbei people from going south.

On the one hand, he was bullied by the Wei people, and his wife, daughter, cattle and sheep were plundered.

At this time, Feng Junhou's reputation among the Hu people and the money he had distributed played a big role.

Liu Meng, Liu Bao and others, in Chang'an, exchanged tickets for a large amount of wool, brown sugar and wine.

As long as the purchasing power of tickets is strong, Feng Junhou's reputation will definitely be strong.

As for things like Jiuyuan massacring the Xianbei Hu people, the Huns would only say that they killed them well.

Not to mention the original servant riding on the head, and occupying his hometown, who would be able to be calm?

I heard that in recent years, Feng Junhou has often sent things to Xianbei slaves from Liangzhou.

Unexpectedly, these Xianbei slaves dared to swallow snakes and elephants, and wanted to take the opportunity to enter Guanzhong and plunder Chang'an.


Is the old capital of our big man something these Xianbei slaves can miss?

At that time, the adults in the clan led many people to Chang'an to help the emperor. Compared with these Xianbei slaves, it is clear at a glance who is a loyal minister and who is a traitor.

Of course, trusting Feng Junhou is one thing.

There are still concerns that should be had.

After the banquet, Liu Meng quietly went to find his brother Liu Hun:

"Brother, our people have stayed in Taiyuan for twenty years, although our people's farming ability is not as good as that of the Han people."

"But after so many years, even half-cultivating and half-grazing, there are still many fields belonging to our clan. If our clan leaves Taiyuan, what will happen to those fields?"

Liu Hun had just drank some wine during the banquet, and now he was brewing a pot of tea, drinking tea leisurely to sober up.

After following Junhou for so many years, he made a lot of contributions in this battle, and now he can finally be regarded as the leader guarding one side.

The improvement of status made Liu Qing also eligible to enjoy special offerings.

Liu Hun asked his elder brother to sit down, then poured him another cup of tea, took another sip of tea, and then sighed comfortably:

"Brother, how do you think you are bigger than the Hedong family?"

Liu Meng was shocked: "How can this be compared?"

"What Feng Junhou wants to do, the aristocratic families in the entire Han Dynasty can't stop it, let alone the mere Hedong."

Liu Hun said leisurely, "How many aristocratic families in Hedong County, how many of them can keep the fields in their hands now?"

"Brother, if you really believe in me, brother, don't be kind to women and always take care of those clansmen who don't want to move away."

Liu Meng's face was a little awkward: "So brother knows everything."

Liu Hun drank the tea in the cup in one gulp:

"Brother, over the years, I have seen too many things in Hanzhong Longyou Liangzhou and other places. Believe me, move the tribe to Pingcheng, and they will thank you in the future."

"On the contrary, if the opportunity is missed, I'm afraid it will be too late to regret. As for the fields in the clan, what's so distressing?"

Liu Hun poured himself another cup of tea, then looked at Liu Meng:

"If my brother can't find a way, I can help my brother find a way and sell them all at a high price."


"If you don't sell it, why don't you give it away?"

Liu Meng was surprised and said: "Who can eat so much land? Besides, we are not the only ones who have land, there are other tribes too!"

Liu Hun didn't answer immediately, but smiled meaningfully again.

Why is Taiyuan County the county seat of Bingzhou?

Why is it the core and most important area of ​​Bingzhou?

Because in addition to the difficult terrain, Taiyuan County is also the largest grain-producing area in Bingzhou.

Without Taiyuan County, Bingzhou is nothing.

Jun Hou wants to build a new city in Pingcheng, but he doesn't build it out of thin air.

This new city needs a lot of food, a lot of food, to maintain its normal operation.

Taiyuan County, which is adjacent to it, happens to be a very good grain production base.

As for the Xinghan Society, in terms of farming, especially in the area of ​​large-scale farming, it has unparalleled technical advantages.

You said, isn't this a coincidence?

Of course, whether it was a coincidence or someone did it on purpose is a matter for the beholder to see the benevolent and the wise.

Seeing his brother's smile, Liu Meng suddenly felt that he seemed to have overlooked some extremely important information.

He tentatively asked:

"Brother, there are no outsiders here, just tell me the truth, this time the Lord asked everyone to move to Pingcheng, but..."

Having said that, Liu Meng paused, as if he didn't know what language to use to express his thoughts.

It seems that some people don't want to believe what they think.

Feng Junhou kept his promise and had no prejudice against Hu Rensu.

The good things I transported back from Chang'an are proof.

Besides, with the banknotes in Junhou's hand, I'm afraid he can buy all the cattle, sheep and horses in his clan, right?

How could it be possible that like Wei thief, he only thinks about the little things in his own clan all day long?

Liu Hun seemed to see Liu Meng's concerns, he put down his teacup, and emphasized his tone:

"Brother, as I said, someone will pay a high price to buy the fields in our tribe, not to drive us away."

"Food, tea, spirits, brown sugar, as long as my brother asks, I believe anyone who buys land can get it."

"So don't worry about the previous things will happen under the rule of the lord. I believe most of the clan will be satisfied with what the clansmen exchanged for the fields."

Having said that, Liu Hun paused, as if organizing his words:

"Brother can regard this as compensation for our clan's relocation to Pingcheng, but I hope my brother can understand one thing."


"If you get the benefits, lead the clansmen to move away as soon as possible. You must let the people in the clan know that you can get more benefits by delaying more time."

Seeing his brother's serious expression, Liu Meng completely understood this time.

The tribe must move to Pingcheng.

But instead of leaving for nothing, there will be compensation.

"Brother, don't worry, Cao Cao didn't do us any good when he moved our clan to Taiyuan."

"If someone is really willing to pay a high price for us to move out, how can we take the opportunity to raise the price?"

Liu Hun didn't explain too much, just nodded:

"hope so."

The barbarians in Liangzhou also thought so at first.

It's just that later, there were some people who could have benefited, but in the end they became laborers.

Because they find that the benefits are too easy to get, they want to ask for more.

Liu Hun has not been following Feng Junhou for a day or two.

With the continuous victories of the big man over the years, Feng Junhou's attitude towards the Hu people became more and more obvious: Shunchang perishes.

To say good, that is really good.

All the tribes are divided into grasslands, and each family is not allowed to cross the border to go to another family's grassland without authorization. How much disputes have been reduced?

They even arranged for Hu people to work in the workshop, and everyone's life was obviously much easier.

But if you want to say ruthless, it is really ruthless.

Anyone who is disobedient will either be exterminated or become a labor force.

Ke Bineng's tens of thousands of elite riders were slaughtered without blinking an eye.

And my current clansman, including all the old and young, may not be in the tens of thousands.

As the little prince of the clan, he naturally didn't want to see Feng Junhou furious because of his greed for petty gains.

Feng Junhou's actions always reminded Liu Hun of the legendary attitude of the emperors of the Han Dynasty towards the northern and southern Xiongnu.

The prestige of the great Han has probably been carved into the bones of the Southern Huns.

Liu Meng didn't have Liu Hun's insight, so naturally he didn't have these complicated thoughts.

He got the answer he wanted from Liu Hun, and finally stood up with satisfaction:

"This matter is of great importance. I will go and talk to some of the Qu commanders in the clan right now, so as not to miss the big deal."

"It's so good."

Since it was decided to relocate the Hu people from Taiyuan and Xihe counties to Pingcheng, it is naturally impossible for Feng Junhou to return in Jinyang City.

He first asked Hu Qi to return to their tribes to prepare for the migration, and then asked Liu Hun to lead three thousand horses to accompany him out of the fortress to Pingcheng for inspection.

In fact, apart from the old place of Jiuyuan, the largest plain basin in Bingzhou is actually the Pingcheng Basin (that is, the Datong Basin in later generations) to the north of Yanmensai.

It's just that although the Pingcheng Basin is considered dangerous, there are too many breakthroughs around it, allowing the barbarians in the northern grassland to enter at will.

Otherwise, Han Wangxin would not have easily surrendered the Huns, and Emperor Gaozu would not have been besieged by Baideng near Pingcheng.

Therefore, the geographical environment of the Pingcheng Basin is far inferior to that of the Jincheng Basin (that is, the Taiyuan Basin) guarded by the Yanmen Fortress.

When the Han Dynasty was strong, it also built a fortress at the northern mountain pass of Pingcheng.

However, with the decline of the national power of the Han Dynasty, the northern fortress of Pingcheng had to be abandoned, and another fortress was built in a dangerous place around Yanmen.

The vast Pingcheng Basin can only be given to the Hu people to herd horses and sheep, and at the same time let them serve as the frontier of the Han border.

"Alang, aren't we here to inspect Pingcheng? Why are you continuing to go north?"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, after Feng Junhou arrived in Pingcheng, he didn't intend to look around Pingcheng at all.

He only stayed in Pingcheng for a day, and then directly led the troops to continue north.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, in my teacher's book, it is recorded that from Yanmen Fortress to Pingcheng, the underground is full of coal."

"As for where is the most suitable place to mine, I actually don't know. When the miners from Nanxiang arrive, I will check it out and make a decision at that time."

Feng Junhou explained with a smile, "I am here this time, more because I want to see the north side of Pingcheng."

"Ah Lang wants to rebuild the barrier at Pingcheng Mountain Pass?"

When General Guan heard what Feng Junhou said, he immediately guessed what he was thinking.


Of course, there is another meaning, which is to go to the place where Emperor Han Gaozu was besieged.

When I passed through Pingcheng last year, the time was urgent, and I just passed by in a hurry.

This time around, to put it bluntly, it is the outbreak of the literary and youthful feelings of literati and poets.

"Now on the border of the Han Dynasty, apart from Liaodong Xianbei and Wuhuan in the north of Youzhou, there are probably no Hu people who can threaten the border of the Han Dynasty?"

General Guan didn't quite understand:

"If we rebuild the fortress, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money and food."

Feng Junhou shook his head:

"Not now, but it doesn't mean there won't be in the future."

His gaze turned to the far north, "I talked to Xie Guini. He fled to the north of the desert with Ke Bineng, and met the Gaoche people."

"The man with the tall car?"

General Guan couldn't help being a little confused when he heard the words, "What is Gaoche man?"

"The Hu people who are further north than the Xianbei people like to walk on the grasslands with tall carts supported by oxen and horses, so they are called high carts by the Xianbei people."

"When the Northern Huns disappeared, the Xianbei people came from the north and occupied the desert."

"Now that the power of the Xianbei people is weakening, the Gaoche people in the north will definitely go south."

As long as the Little Ice Age continues, the barbarians from the north will only flock south more and more.

To put it bluntly, as long as the big man doesn't bring the northern grasslands into management, the barbarians will pop up one crop after another like leeks.

And even if Feng Junhou knew this, there was no way to stop it.

After all, the population base of the big man is only so small now, and it is a great fortune to be able to hold the original territory.

The most important thing is that productivity is there.

Only when the productivity is raised to a certain height and at the same time a sufficient number of people in the industrial class are formed to make the Dahan undergo a qualitative change, can the Dahan be able to bring the grassland into effective management.

Otherwise, there is no way to break through the dividing line between nomadic and farming set by nature.

General Guan doesn't have such lofty vision, but she has always believed in Feng Junhou's judgment.

At this time, when I heard Feng Junhou's words, my first reaction was not worry, but my eyes lit up:

"So, doesn't Pingcheng's new city have a steady stream of labor?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Li Mu's eyes widened suddenly.

Even Feng Junhou looked at General Guan in horror.

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