Zhu Ju, who had been walked for more than half of the Han territory, thought that his unexpected visit would allow him to meet Feng Mingwen and force him to personally agree to learn how to ride and fight.

But they didn't expect that after some conversation, Feng Junhou, who was rumored to be the reincarnation of the ghost king, was unexpectedly easy to talk to.

Without the imaginary evasion, he just took the initiative to ask what kind of riding and fighting method he wanted to learn.

What kind of mind is this?

Zhu Ju suddenly felt that his previous thoughts were really taken for granted, and he misunderstood Feng Junhou.

People's words are terrible, but people's words are really terrible!

Thinking of this, he felt a little embarrassed:

"Before the princes, Wei Jing was known as the best cavalry in the world, and his cavalry was truly unstoppable."

"However, in the battle of Xiaoguan, Junhou was able to break through Cao Zhen's 100,000 army with three thousand armored cavalry. It can be seen that the iron armored cavalry is really the best in the world."

"My Great Wu has suffered from the thieves of Wei's cavalry! If you can learn the art of armored cavalry from the king, why should you be afraid of the thieves of Wei?"

Hearing what the other party said, Feng Junhou understood, nodded and said:

"Understood, General Zhu seems to want to learn the art of armored cavalry."

Zhu Ju, who was originally embarrassed in his heart, also had a look of embarrassment on his face:

"Of course, if it's possible, I would also like to look at the elite cavalry under the command of the monarch."

"After all, Wei's thief's fine cavalry is still a strong enemy to Wu. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy can win a hundred battles."

"Junhou's fine cavalry is stronger than Wei's bandit. If you can understand the fine cavalry tactics of Junhou's command, what fear will Wei thief's fine cavalry have?"

Hearing this, Feng Junhou was not dissatisfied at all because Zhu Ju's lion opened his mouth, but said happily:

"To tell you the truth, general, in the Han army, there are two people who are best at leading elite cavalry. One is General Liu who is now in Bingzhou, and the other is General Yang who happens to be in Chang'an."

"And there is only one person who is best at armored cavalry, and that is General Zhao."

"If General Zhu only wants to learn armored cavalry now, I'm still a little embarrassed."

"Because General Zhao led the armored cavalry to Liangzhou a few days ago, and I'm afraid he won't be able to return until winter."

"Now that General Zhu wants to see Jingqi, it will save trouble."

Feng Junhou said, and turned to Zhu Ju's side to show his sincerity:

"General Zhu is from Wu, and he rarely sees cavalry, let alone armored cavalry, so it's understandable that he doesn't understand some things."

"This armored cavalry is indeed extremely powerful in charging, but it is not invincible, but it also has a lot of requirements on the terrain."

"More importantly, it is not like other armies that can form an army alone. It needs other cavalry to serve as auxiliary troops before it can form an army."

Feng Junhou said, stretched out his hand again, and introduced his number one general to Zhu Ju:

"This General Guan is one of my subordinates. He is the most proficient in using fine cavalry to cooperate with armored cavalry."

Zhu Ju heard the words, got up quickly, clasped his fists and said:

"But the Lord Guan Xiaojun who led Wanqi to fight for thousands of miles and swept across the river in Bingzhou?"

General Guan has not yet been named a Marquis, strictly speaking, it is not appropriate to be called Guan Xiaojunhou.

But obviously, the name "Guan Xiaojunhou" is because she gained a great reputation in the battle in Guanzhong, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is famous in the Central Plains.

It really deserves to be the Empress Guan Laojunhou of Megatron China.

General Guan has never had a good impression of the Wu people.

But according to Zhu's title of "Guan Xiaojunhou", her cold face was slightly thawed:

"General Zhu has won the prize."

She turned her head away, nodded slightly, and a servant came over with a booklet.

General Guan picked up the booklet, handed it over and said:

"Ms. is not good at speech, and likes to be quiet. She doesn't like to be disturbed by others on weekdays. Over the years, Ms.'s experience in using cavalry before the battle is all recorded in this booklet. Please read it, General Zhu."

Zhu Ju was able to say "Guan Xiaojunhou", so he naturally expected that the Guan family might have resentment towards Wu.

It was beyond my expectation that the other party could give me the experience of cavalry combat. This move can be described as magnificent.

He didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly stepped forward to take it with both hands: "Thank you for passing the pass, little gentleman."

Guan Xiaojunhou pursed his lips, his face regained his sternness, and he stopped talking.

Feng Junhou laughed:

"I also have something to send to General Zhu."

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands.

I saw another servant coming up with a stack of notebooks.

"General Zhu, as I said, I'm not good at the things before the battle, but whether it's the fine cavalry or the armored cavalry, they are all built by me."

"These materials are the method of forming the cavalry, both fine cavalry and armored cavalry."

"Even for those who don't understand at all, if you follow the above method, as long as you are willing to spend money and food, you can definitely build it."

Zhu Ju took over General Guan's notebook, and before he sat down, he still sighed in his heart about Guan Xiaojunhou's mind.

I never thought that Feng Junhou would throw out another big gift.

This surprised and delighted him.

I can't even control my emotions a bit.

But he didn't hear the implication of Feng Junhou's words.

He held the heavy materials in his hands tremblingly, and Zhu Ju felt his throat was dry:

"Jun...junhou, these are all for me?"

Feng Junhou nodded: "That's natural. As long as General Zhu studies hard, he will definitely gain something."

The method of forming a cavalry army and the method of using it before the battle are all in his hands.

If you really want to count it, this is an art of war that is hard to find!

With the guidance of General Yang and General Zhao later, if I can't learn it anymore, I can only kill myself to thank the emperor.

Zhu Ju bowed deeply and saluted: "Ju, thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Ju was originally a person who despised wealth and valued righteousness, so he couldn't help but be impressed by Feng Junhou's boldness:

If it is verified that the thing at hand is real in the future, whoever dares to say Feng Junhou's bad reputation in front of me in the future, I will reprimand it!

"General Zhu, you are being polite. Han and Wu are allies. Didn't we, the great Han, send people to Wu to learn how to steer a ship?"

"It's just that the great Han boat master is too weak after all, so this shipbuilder has never been able to build a warship like Wu Di."

"So I thought, if possible, can General Zhu ask Master Wu for me, and then send some experienced craftsmen who can build large ships to Hanzhong to give advice."

According to the agreement between Han and Wu, the state of Wu exchanged the skill of manoeuvring the ship for the skill of riding and fighting, and the man used the method of forming an armored cavalry army in exchange for the skill of building warships of the state of Wu.

Wu Guo is now teaching college students to fight on water, which can be regarded as an expression of sincerity to the big man in advance.

Now that Feng Junhou has revealed everything about the cavalry, it is considered to be a response to Wu Guo's sincerity.

Yong'an is the best place for shipbuilding, but because it is in the upper reaches of Jingzhou, in order to avoid Wu Guo's worries, it is definitely not possible to build warships there.

Although the Han River is smaller than the Great River, it is not difficult to sail the big ship of the State of Wu.

According to Zhu's trip, it went smoothly unexpectedly, and the harvest was extremely fruitful. In a happy mood, he agreed with all his mouth:

"Your Majesty has something to ask, so I will do my best!"

At this moment, he desperately wanted to go back to his residence and check whether these books were genuine.

So he bid farewell to Feng Junhou.

Feng Junhou saw his thoughts, so naturally he would not keep him, but before leaving, he pointed to the documents that Zhu Ju was holding tightly in his arms, and reminded:

"General Zhu, these things are the military secrets of the big man, and now they are all given to General Zhu, because you can trust the general."

"But the general must be very careful not to let people who shouldn't see see it, and not to lose it, otherwise, it will cause great harm to both countries."

Zhu Ju nodded again and again: "How can you not know the evidence? You can rest assured that these things are the life of the evidence, but if the evidence is breathed, there will never be a piece of paper lost."

"That's good. I'll send General Zhu off."

"Your Majesty stay, please stay."

"You're welcome, General Zhu, please."

"Thank you, sir, please, sir."


After leaving the gate of the mansion, Zhu Ju stopped in his tracks, seeing that Guan Xiaojunhou did not follow him, he hesitated to speak.

Feng Junhou looked at it and couldn't help feeling a little strange:

"General Zhu, is there something else?"

Zhu Ju shook his head and said with some emotion:

"Only when I saw Junhou today did I realize how ridiculous the rumors I heard about Junhou were."

"Remembering that I actually believed some of these rumors, I feel even more ashamed."

He looked at Feng Junhou and said sincerely:

"Jun Hou, when Ju was ordered to come here, the crown prince once entrusted Ju to convey his admiration to Jun Hou, saying that it is a pity that he cannot get to know Jun Hou."


Feng Junhou was startled, and it took him a while to realize: Is it Sun Quan's heir, Sun Deng?

Seeing the unnatural expression on Zhu Ju's face again, Feng Junhou remembered:

Oh, so it's the dog that the tiger daughter of the Guan family doesn't want to marry?

Thinking of this, Feng Junhou came back to his senses.

Sun Deng is also a prince after all, but in his early years he was said by his father-in-law to be a dog and not worthy of a tiger girl.

This can be regarded as public humiliation.

After so many years, if the tiger daughter of the Guan family did not get married well, Sun Deng might not be able to let it go.

It's a pity that the tiger daughter of the Guan family married so well, and her husband's reputation is so famous all over the world. I'm afraid Sun Deng was stimulated to miss her even more?

This so-called admiration means, I'm afraid he took a breath and wanted to compare?

As men, who doesn't know who is thinking about this?

Feng Junhou thought in his heart, but there was a smile on his face:

"Yong Zao heard the name of Prince Sun's virtuousness. If we have a chance to meet each other in the future, we must make acquaintance with our hearts."

Zhu Ju saluted and bowed again before leaving.

Seeing Zhu Ju's back disappear, Feng Junhou turned back to the mansion.

When he returned to the front hall, he saw Guan Xiaojunhou still sitting in his original position with a calm face, not knowing what he was thinking.

She raised her head when she heard footsteps.

Feng Junhou walked over and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Guan Xiaojunhou hesitated to speak, but finally asked:

"Ah Lang, is it too hasty for us to send these things out so easily?"

Feng Junhou sat back on the chair and exhaled:

"I see what you mean, it took us nearly ten years to do this."

If you count the years when Feng Junhou laid the foundation in advance, I am afraid it will be more than ten years.

The fruits of more than ten years of hard work were given away so easily.

And the opponent is destined to be the enemy of the big man in the future.

Whoever it is, hesitation can be regarded as a pattern, let alone being able to give it away.

Feng Junhou sighed and said:

"But there is no way. We need ships from the Wu people. We can't spend more than ten or twenty years figuring out how to build big ships and fight on water, right?"

After losing Jingzhou, the big man not only lost the commander of the water battle, but also lost the navy.

Everything can only start all over again.

As long as the Great Han consolidates Guanzhong and Bingzhou Hedong, a few years later, with the current split situation of the Wei State, there is no ability to resist the Eastward advance of the Great Han.

Otherwise, Sima Yi wouldn't seem to be secretly sending someone to deliver the letter, but in fact he was secretly probing.

Once the demise of Wei State is on the agenda, the alliance between Han and Wu will break down again.

"There are no two suns in the sky, and no two kings in the earth. After the merger of Wei, the king has not deeply understood the destiny. The kings each prosper their virtues, and the ministers each show their loyalty. When the drums are raised, the war will begin."

This is what Deng Zhi said in front of Sun Quan when he was an envoy to Wu.

With the strength of Wu Guo's water warfare, Feng Junhou really didn't have the patience to fumble for another ten or eight years to retrain a navy.

If you want to train, start training now, and train according to the standards of the Wu Guoshui Division.

After destroying Wei, Dang went south to destroy Wu with a single drum.

Seeing that Guan Xiaojunhou was still somewhat dissatisfied, Feng Junhou couldn't help laughing and said:

"Before Xi Jun's battle, although his heroic appearance is not as good as his eyebrows, but at this time, he is so fussy?"

"The enmity between my concubine and the people of Wu has not yet been avenged, how can I see it?"

"You don't need to be like this, after we are destroyed, I will definitely find a way to let Guan Xiaojun raise 100,000 troops to go south to destroy Wu in order to sacrifice the spirit of my uncle in heaven."

When Guan Xiaojunhou heard Feng Junhou's words, his face was fresh and he gave him a blank look:

"Starting to be unruly again."

"I'm not sleazy, I mean it."

Feng Junhou lay back in his chair lazily, "Yang Yi's traitorous traitor, the secret of the cavalry of the great man, can no longer be hidden."

"The Wei thief's fine cavalry has been overwhelming the Wu people. If they are allowed to learn the secrets of the big man's cavalry, the Wu people will have no good fruit to eat."

"In the next few years, we still need Wu to contain the Wei thieves, so the purpose of teaching the Wu people to cavalry is to prevent the Wei thieves from pulling away the Wu army too much."

After hearing the words, General Guan finally understood, but she still hesitated and said:

"Although I don't know the court's plan, I also know that the Wu people are the most untrustworthy, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they have both ends. Now that the big Han is powerful, the Wu people may not join forces with the Wei thieves in order to protect themselves. "

Feng Junhou laughed and said:

"It's not impossible. In my opinion, it's inevitable. That's why I sent students ahead of time to learn the art of sailing in Wu."

"Just now I gave all the secrets of the great Han cavalry to Zhu Ju, in order to get the shipbuilding skills as soon as possible. If the Wei and Wu alliances, the Wu people will definitely not teach us any more."

Guan Xiaojunhou suddenly realized, and then she was still a little worried:

"What if the Wei thief and the Wu people secretly form an alliance before we learn it?"

Feng Junhou smiled again:

"If Cao Rui was here, it would be possible. Unfortunately, Cao Rui died too early."

"Currently Sima Yi and Cao Shuang are in power in the State of Wei. The two occupy Luoyang and Xuchang respectively, and they cannot be of the same mind."

"Whoever dares to propose joining forces with the Wu people first will definitely be attacked by the other side."

"Therefore, even the visionaries in the Wei Kingdom may be powerless at this time."

Once this thing of party struggle is started, how can it be easily stopped?

Emperor Wu is the King of Wu proclaimed by the State of Wei. Now that Great Wei wants to put down his dignity and join hands with his courtiers, it is simply embarrassing for Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen. If you don’t criticize who?

A country is a country, and a home is a home.

Sacrificing one's self, risking damage to one's reputation, but also to complete the country and seek benefits for the Great Wei, can Sima Yi do these things, or can Cao Shuang do them?

Unless, someone later beat Wei Guo into pain, and the pain was so unbearable that it had to join forces with Wu Guo.

Now it seems that Wei Guo's party struggle has just begun, and the big man probably won't have a chance to take action against Wei Guo in the next few years.

Therefore, there is no way for Wei and Wu to form an alliance for the time being.

When Guan Xiaojunhou heard Feng Junhou's analysis, he couldn't help admiring:

"Alang's opinion is indeed far-reaching. Is this the calculation of the temple?"

Feng Junhou coughed dryly without explaining.

The person who made the calculation is probably still sleeping soundly on the couch.

And even if Wei and Wu really form an alliance, the Han army they will face in a few years may be another scene.

Feng Junhou chuckled.

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