Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1095 Transfer

After Pei Jun left, Feng Yong sat in the original position, moved a little, and after a long time, he said quietly:

"Come out and tell me what's going on."

"What's going on?"

Secretary Zhang turned around from behind the screen in the hall, walked up to Feng Junhou and sat down, and asked.

Feng Junhou looked at Secretary Zhang:

"Don't tell me that the palace doesn't know Pei Jun?"

"So what if you know? He is just a little Yilang. Even if he knows, why don't we send someone to tell you?"

Secretary Zhang said nonchalantly, and then saw Feng Junhou's face, seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, he was a little dumbfounded:

"My dear Alang, you are General Zhendong. If His Majesty asks you to take charge of all affairs in Guanzhong, then the whole Guanzhong will be entrusted to you."

"The Pei family is just a family from Hedong, and Pei Jun is just a child of the Pei family."

"You dare to uproot the entire River East, so does the palace still care about a mere Pei Jun?"

In the past, it might have been of concern.

But it's different now.

The former Nanxiang College has been renamed the Royal College.

The Liangzhou exams have also been carried out to the sixth year.

The students who come out of the academy every year, as well as the smooth progress of the exams, are important confidence for the imperial court and the palace when facing the aristocratic family.

Feng Junhou didn't like this, he squinted at Zhang Xingyi: "That is to say, the palace did investigate Pei Jun?"

Zhang Xingyi looked calm:

"How do I know? It's not an important matter. Even if it's an investigation, I probably heard about this person, and maybe I did a temporary investigation."

"However, the palace should not pay much attention to him. Otherwise, how could it be possible to just send him here without notifying me in advance?"

Feng Junhou nodded.

Well, that makes sense too.

"That is to say, the palace doesn't care about this matter?"

"Why does the palace care about this matter?" Secretary Zhang looked at him strangely, "You made such a big deal in Hedong, and the prime minister didn't say anything."

"Now it's just a Hedong Pei family, and the palace still cares what you do to them?"

"Gong Liguang sent Pei Jun here, but didn't say anything. Doesn't it mean that he is handed over to you and you can handle it?"

Seeing Feng Junhou's thoughtful look, Secretary Zhang became a little impatient:

"Oh, don't worry, the imperial court does not allow Xinghan to enclose land in Guanzhong. That's official business. But in private, General Zhendong is definitely one of the people His Majesty trusts the most."

"Besides, the palace is busy now, as long as you can guard the pass well, it will be considered a great achievement."

Feng Junhou still believed Zhang Xiaosi's words.

"What is the palace busy with? Moving the capital?"

Anyway, there are no outsiders, gossip between husband and wife is not considered spying on the affairs of the palace.

At most, it is to ask about the current situation of the brother-in-law and sister-in-law.

Feng Junhou dared to ask, and Zhang Xiaosi really dared to answer. She shook her head and said:

"It's not just about moving the capital, it would be nice if we were just busy moving the capital."

Feng Junhou felt a little strange when he heard this.

The prime minister has been dead for so long, let alone a female prime minister standing behind Ah Dou.

Even if Ah Dou himself, according to the prime minister's arrangement before his death, he would probably be able to stabilize the situation by himself.

Not to mention that over the years, as the big man has won many battles and victories, Adou's foundation is much stronger than in history.

Although Liangzhou had said something was wrong, it had already been suppressed.

It can be said that now is the respite period of the Three Kingdoms of Han, Wei and Wu. The big man has no external troubles and no internal worries. What is there to be busy about?

"Something happened in Shu."

"Shu land?"

Zhang Xingyi nodded: "Yes."

"What happened?"

"Li Zhengfang and Wu Ziyuan are seriously ill."

"Wu Ziyuan?"

"It's Wu Yi."

Feng Junhou lost his voice and said, "Li Ping and Wu Yi are seriously ill at the same time?"

Zhang Xingyi nodded:

"Wu Ziyuan fell ill when you were inspecting Bingzhou. It was just an ordinary illness at first, but it became more and more serious."

"Later, the palace sent both Li Yigong and Fan Yigong there, but there was only a slight improvement. It has only been two months, and it is no longer possible."

"Li Zhengfang, on the other hand, is even more seriously ill than Wu Ziyuan. I just received the news that he just fell down, and he seems to be dying soon."

Feng Junhou frowned when he heard this.

Li Ping is okay to say.

Anyway, judging from the Taifu Zhizun arranged for him by A Dou, he must have no intention of using him again, and it is estimated that he will be allowed to retire until he dies.

And this person should have followed the prime minister.

The prime minister lived a few more years, and he followed suit, and lived a few more years, which is not a loss.

But Wu Yi is different.

He was Jiang Wan's candidate to stay in Jincheng after he went to Hanzhong.

At the same time, he is also the governor of Yizhou who will lead the affairs of Yizhou after the emperor moves the capital in the future.

It never occurred to me that before the emperor moved the capital, Wu Yi was going to meet the late emperor and the prime minister.

"Is there no other way for Li Yigong and Fan Yigong?"

Zhang Xingyi shook his head:

"It is said that he lost too much blood in his early years and couldn't stand it anymore."

Feng Junhou stopped talking.

If those two people have no way, then there is really no way.

After a long while, Feng Junhou asked sullenly:

"Then who does His Majesty plan to appoint to replace General Wu?"

"Wu Yuanxiong."

Wu Ban?

Feng Junhou nodded, but he was a good candidate.

Although it is a foregone conclusion that the emperor will move the capital, after all, Jincheng is regarded as Jihan's Longxing Land, and at least it will have the status of accompanying capital in the future.

Besides, now that the empress dowager is still in Jincheng, it is not necessarily reassuring to have someone else stay behind.

"General Wu made a lot of contributions in the battle of Guanzhong, and he is qualified to stay in Jincheng."

Zhang Xingyi sighed:

"After all, he can't compare with his clan brother, and now is the time when the big man is employing people. General Wu's departure has made the army lose another veteran."

Feng Junhou also knew this, and the students of the college could only deal with the low-level officials and generals of the Han Dynasty.

It is not so easy to cultivate such a prestigious, experienced, and trustworthy leader.

Thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find, that's all.

For this situation, Feng Junhou can only offer suggestions:

"If you are worried, another person can be appointed as Chief Inspector, Shi Zuozhi."

Zhang Xingyi nodded:

"Your Majesty has exactly this intention and wants Jiangzhou prefect Xiang Chong to be the chief governor of Yizhou."

"Then who will be sent to Jiangzhou?"

To the east of Jiangzhou is Yong'an, and to the south is Nanzhong. It is a strategic location in central Shu, which plays a role in supporting Yong'an and keeping Nanzhong in check.

Zhang Xingyi glanced at Feng Junhou, then immediately looked away: "Prefect Zhang."

Feng Junhou was taken aback: "Which prefect Zhang?"

"Zhang Boqi."

"Zhang Yi?"


Feng Junhou looked at Zhang Xiaosi with a strange face: "Prefect Zhang is just Prefect Zhang, why are you guilty?"

"I don't!"

Feng Junhou laughed "heh", lay back in the chair, and said:

"If you don't have it, you don't have it. I don't have any objection to Zhang Yi's transfer, but Liu Xiande will stay with me."

"Tongguan has been repaired, but there is no suitable candidate yet. I plan to put him there."

With Feng Junhou's current status, he also shoulders the important task of guarding the pass, leading the elite army of the Han Dynasty, and facing the powerful enemy of the Wei State.

In this case, it is necessary to use some trustworthy people who can be used.

What cultivates cronies, what nepotism, is bullshit.

It is the right way to promote the virtuous and not avoid relatives.

Wang Ping and Liu Hun gave it to Deng Zhi, Jiang Wei and Shi Bao put it in Hedong, and Ju Fu and Meng Yan guarded Lantian and Wuguan.

Zhao Guang and Yang Wanwan can only lead the army.

As soon as Li Ping's incident came out, even Li Feng probably had to return to Shu.

Therefore, the most important Tongguan has not yet been determined.

Originally, Feng Junhou intended to belong to Liu Yin and Zhang Yi. Of the two of them, one is strong in defense and the other is capable of attacking.

Now that the palace wants to transfer Zhang Yi away, Li Qiu can only make up for it.

It's just that in this way, everyone around me has to be released, and there are no people who can help.

When Zhang Xiaosi heard this, he quickly leaned over obediently:

"Your Majesty also knows that Alang needs manpower to sit in Guanzhong, so besides Zhang Yi, he won't need anyone else."

Feng Junhou snorted and didn't speak.

I secretly said in my heart:

Among these people, Zhang Ni's ability is the most balanced, both civil and military, never thought that the palace would be very picky.

This kind of vision, it is estimated that the little fat man must not have it, and it may be the queen's idea again.

Just thinking about it, even Li Ping and Wu Yi are going to die.

Calculated in this way, the old ministers left by the late emperor are really rarer and rarer.

Thinking of this, Feng Junhou suddenly remembered something:

"As soon as the matter of Li Ping comes out, Haoxuan will also leave Guanzhong and return to Sichuan. I have to ask for someone else, otherwise the matter of military rations will not be taken over."

"Who does A Lang want?"

"Zhuge Bosong (that is, Zhuge Qiao), he was sent by the prime minister to Hanzhong as a grain and grass officer in his early years, and later in charge of grain transportation during the Northern Expedition to Longyou. He is very familiar with this matter."

"So after Li Haoxuan goes back, I want him to come to Guanzhong to take over the position of food and grass officer."

This time, it was Zhang Xingyi's turn to take a strange look at Feng Junhou, and finally said with some emotion:

"The prime minister accepted you as a disciple, and finally he did not make a mistake."

Zhuge Bosong was originally transporting grain in Hanzhong, but he was overworked during the Northern Expedition and almost died of illness.

After he recovered from his illness, he was sent by the prime minister to places like Nanzhong, where he stayed for more than ten years.

In the first battle of Guanzhong, the big man was almost the soldier of the whole country, and all kinds of materials were consumed a lot.

Zhuge Bosong has maintained the stability of Nanzhong over the years, and at the same time transported the copper mined in Nanzhong to Jincheng continuously.

Usually, it seems that the mountain is not obvious, but it has indeed accumulated a lot of credit.

If it were someone else, they would have worked hard and been promoted long ago.

It's a pity that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is surnamed Zhuge.

So Zhuge Bosong has been staying in Nanzhong to feed mosquitoes all these years.

Obviously, what A Lang meant at the moment was that he wanted to pull Zhuge Boxong.

Feng Junhou did not hide his purpose, and said frankly:

"The prime minister devoted himself to the great man, and he didn't let his family members come to Guanzhong to offer sacrifices before his death."

"At present, Guanzhong has settled down. Brother Bosong came over, just in time for Madam to bring the child to take a look."

"I'm taking both public and private interests into account. If others really want to say that I am using power for personal gain, then I will admit it."

Zhang Xingyi let out a "squeak": "You are humane, do you think others are heartless?"

She imitated Feng Junhou and lay down in the chair, "Your Majesty killed someone for the sake of the prime minister. Now who will offend you for this matter?"

"Oh, that's good, you can write a memorial for me."

It's fine if Feng Junhou didn't talk about it, but when he talked about it, Secretary Zhang, who was already lying in the chair, turned over immediately.

Then he started beating Feng Junhou mindlessly.

"What are you doing? Crazy?"

Feng Junhou was beaten dumbfounded.

"I don't write!"

"If you don't write it, you don't write it. If you don't write it, I will let Sanniang write it."

Secretary Zhang kept his hands on his hands, and cursed angrily at the same time:

"I know everything, I know everything, but I write like a dog, so I can't practice hard? Look at Shuangshuang, just follow you!"

"If it is my child, the handwriting will be like that in the future, see if I don't beat you to death!"

"Does that have something to do with me? It's obvious that Shuangshuang is not talented and doesn't study hard. Don't you think Ah Chong can write very well?"

"You also know talent! If Ah Mo really follows your talent, let's see if this concubine will strangle you to death!"

Secretary Zhang's child is named A Mo.

Because when he was born, his lord led the army across the desert, fought thousands of miles, and conquered the thieves.

"Don't worry!" Feng Junhou saw the opportunity, grabbed Zhang Xiaosi's hand, and comforted him, "Daughters follow the adults, and sons mostly follow the mother."

"A Mo definitely wants to follow you, as smart and cute as you were when you were young."

These words are both comforting and coaxing.

Rao has been husband and wife for many years, when Secretary Zhang heard this, her heart trembled slightly.

But seeing her eyes flickering: "Really?"

Feng Junhou stretched out his finger: "I swear..."

Before the words fell, there was a sudden "bang" from outside.

Zhang Xiaosi was so shocked that he almost rolled into Feng Junhou's arms.

The thunder gradually faded away, and the eyes of the two people in the room met.


Zhang Xiaosi suddenly gritted his teeth and started hitting people again.

Feng Junhou fled in embarrassment. When he fled outside the house, he couldn't help stretching out his middle finger when he looked at the sky that had become overcast at some point.


After the thunder, the icy autumn rain began to fall.

After the autumn rain, the weather is getting cooler.

Before the first snow fell in Guanzhong, an unexpected visitor came to Chang'an.

"What are you doing here?"

Feng Junhou couldn't help being surprised when he saw the flower garland:

"If you don't come here sooner, it's going to be winter. Once the snow falls, you won't even be able to go back to Hanzhong. If you don't stay in Jincheng, why don't you come to Chang'an to catch the cold?"

Standing in front of Feng Junhou, who is tall and majestic, the petite garland looks even smaller.

As soon as she came to the door with a face full of joy, she rolled her eyes angrily when she heard Feng Junhou's words:

"You care about me! I'm not here to find you!"

Just talking about the verbal dispute, how can Hua Niangzi be the opponent of Feng Langjun, who is eloquent and charming?

But seeing Feng Junhou suddenly realized:

"Oh, I know! You are Mrs. Guan! Did you come to look for your family, A Lang?"

Everyone in Sichuan knows that Meng Huo's daughter, Hualan, was captured by Guan Jiashiro during the prime minister's southern campaign, and the two made a private decision for life.

Later, Guan Silang followed Feng Junhou and made a big name. This lady Hua would definitely not be able to run away with a discerning eye.

Even Meng Huo, who had been staying in Jincheng for a long time, unexpectedly became a little bustling at the door, and many fellow villagers from Nanzhong came to the door to make friends.

At this time, Hualan heard Feng Junhou making fun of this matter, and immediately wished to use a throwing knife to penetrate a hundred or eighty holes in this guy's body.

Seeing Hualan flushed with anger, Guan Xiaojunhou next to Feng Junhou couldn't see it anymore, kicked him lightly, and said angrily:

"What are you doing? Lady Hua finally came here, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Feng Junhou stopped talking immediately.

Seeing that the flower garland is one thing and one thing, it immediately became proud again.

Feng Junhou smiled slightly, turned around and waved:

"Come on, Shuangshuang, Ah Chong, Ah Shun, come here together, I met your Aunt Hua."

After the three children finished their salutes, Feng Junhou introduced them enthusiastically:

"Shuangshuang and Ah Chong, you should know each other. Ah Shun is our third child. When you first met him, he was just born."

"Now look, does he look like General Guan?"

Looking at the three children standing in front of her, and hearing Feng Junhou's words, Hualan's face turned green.

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