Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1103: Chips

Hearing that His Majesty asked the school affairs office to send people to the Han country to participate in the armored cavalry, Lu Yi suppressed the ecstasy in his heart. He didn't laugh out loud until he left the palace and returned to the school affairs office.

The people below come together:

"The school secretary seems to have met a happy event?"

After Lv Yi laughed, he patted the other person on the shoulder and said with a smile on his face:

"It's not that I have a happy event, it's that we have a happy event. Go, call everyone over, I have something to tell everyone."

When the people in the school affairs office learned that they were going to send people to Han, they were all overjoyed.

Since the school affairs office has an errand to raise money for His Majesty, everyone knows that doing business with Han people on weekdays is the most profitable.

Not to mention things like military procurement.

Although they don't know how much food the armored cavalry will pay.

However, among the three countries, military purchases accounted for the bulk of the imperial treasury's expenditure, so it is conceivable that the amount of money and food is huge.

Since it is a necessary expenditure, who will build these weapons and armor and how to build them.

You don't need to deliberately touch it, oil and water will automatically get on your hands.

You said your material is good, he said his material is good, as long as the difference is not too big, which one you choose is very particular, right?

Over the past few years, Xinghanhui has taken good care of the school affairs office, and only then has the school affairs office gained a firm foothold in front of His Majesty.

The school office also reciprocated, and gave Xinghanhui a lot of convenience in Wudi.

There is a close relationship between the two.

"The matter of purchasing horses from the Han Dynasty was obviously negotiated by the school affairs office, but in the end it was cheap for Zhu Ju."

Someone said angrily: "This tone is really hard to swallow!"

Lu Yi waved his hand, speaking softly:

"Let's let the past matter pass by. Although the Iron Armored Cavalry is a matter in the army, we don't know it very well. Even if we want to intervene, it is not easy to intervene."

"But now that His Majesty has encountered difficulties, he finally remembered the goodness of our school affairs office."

Qin Bo nodded and echoed, "Thinking about Zhu Ju, he has never been to Han, let alone has any friendship with Feng Junhou."

"Thinking about the money and food consumed by the armored cavalry that Feng Junhou handed over to him, it is impossible to discount it at all. If you don't say more on purpose, it's all for His Majesty's face."

Lu Yi understood, smiled and said:

"We are different. Not only have we met Feng Junhou, but we also have close contacts with the Xinghan Society."

"If we are asked to talk, it is not an official talk. We can make friends with Feng Junhou in private."

"When necessary," Lu Yi said here, paused, and said leisurely, "Xinghan Society has always wanted to grow some sugarcane in Jingzhou."

"It's just because of the face of the general, we have been more cautious."

When the last general led the army to garrison Jingzhou, he wrote to His Majesty to let the soldiers garrison fields in Jingzhou.

Therefore, although sugarcane cultivation is very popular in Jingzhou, most of them are private activities.

Although there are some farmland for lieutenant officers and soldiers, most of them are in the south. The core areas such as Nanjun have not let go of restrictions.

"If Feng Junhou can really make us gain face in front of His Majesty, we can also think of ways to give Feng Junhou face?"

At this time, Lu Yi also has the confidence to use the sugarcane planted in the farmland as a bargaining chip.

That is the grain of Shu.

Although the Han and Wei thieves fought in Guanzhong in the past two years, grain from Shu was still continuously shipped to Jingzhou, which greatly enriched the supply of grain and grass in Jingzhou.

This credit must also be recorded on the head of the school affairs office.

Because it is the school affairs office that is coordinating this matter in the middle.

Now that Han has won Guanzhong, it is a veritable Land of Abundance.

According to people from the Xinghanhui, the leader of the meeting once mentioned that after the situation in Guanzhong stabilizes, we can continue to increase the supply of grain to Jingzhou.

The only requirement is to release restrictions on the fields in Jingzhou and help Xinghanhui grow some sugar cane.

In fact, the school affairs office is not without suspicion. Since Shu and Guanzhong are both called the land of abundance, why can't they grow some sugar cane in Shu?

The members of Xinghanhui just sighed:

"The land in Shu, especially the land around Jincheng, mostly belong to aristocratic families."

"The princes and the aristocratic families in the Shu region are extremely at odds, so the Xinghan Society can only go to Nanzhong to plant sugarcane at the beginning."

"Besides, the prime minister has always been fair and strict. Even Feng Junhou was punished by the prime minister before, so he didn't dare to go too far."

"Although the prime minister has passed away, the prince has not returned to Sichuan for many years. You can't give up the achievements ahead and go back to Shu to work on this matter for mere sugarcane, right?"

"Besides, when Junhou was young, because of some trivial matters, people in Sichuan made up a lot of ugly words."

"Now that I have become an important minister in the court, I don't know how many people are staring at it, let alone do it too much, otherwise, people's words are scary..."

The reasons are very good, and the tone is extremely regrettable.

There is no way, what kind of cunning talk is so cruel, what about Xiaowen and Feng Guiwang, those are all real rumors, even the people in Wu Guo's school office have heard of it.

The people in the school affairs office heard about it, and for some reason, they felt a little bit of sympathy.

Yeah, why is it so difficult to do something?

In the eyes of many people in Wudi, the school office is like a wolf and a tiger, hated by people and ghosts?

"Don't look at the great achievements of the Xinghan Hui family, in fact, there are many difficulties inside."

"Just a few days ago, someone took advantage of the prime minister's death to put eye drops on the meeting, and the leader had to send someone to investigate the meeting."

"I heard that some people were found out because their hands and feet were not clean, not to mention their wives and daughters, and in serious cases, they even lost their lives..."

"Hey, don't look at Junhou's current glory, in fact, he is walking on thin ice behind his back, just afraid that if he is not careful, he will be caught by someone!"

"Anyway, there are sugar cane from Nanzhong and sugar cane from Jingzhou. You think it's good now, so there's no need to go to war."

All kinds of things made the school government feel a little sympathetic.

It turns out that Feng Junhou is not easy!

However, it is precisely because of knowing this that the school affairs office finally made the final determination to completely release the land restrictions in Jingzhou.

For His Majesty's Iron Armored Cavalry, it is not a bad thing to use the fields in Jingzhou to grow sugar cane.

Even some generals in the Jingzhou Army may be grateful to the school affairs office.

After all, watching others grow sugar cane makes a lot of money, and they can get brown sugar every year.

The farmland that I have worked so hard to cultivate can only grow food. Who will be happy?

This is the so-called not worrying about scarcity but suffering from inequality!

Of course, this kind of thinking has also arisen in recent years.

If it was a few years ago, when Jingzhou was short of food, then of course it would be another story.

It's just that I don't know why, although more and more private fields are being used to grow sugar cane, but the price of food is getting lower and lower.

It is really strange and strange that there is no such thing as thousands or even tens of thousands of grains per hu.

The big bosses in the army didn't understand, but Lu Yi and the others, who personally handled the matter, understood it all too well.

Even this matter, they regarded it as the merit of the school affairs office.

After all, this is to make Jingzhou military officials no longer suffer from food shortages.

However, compared to Lu Yi's optimism, Qin Bo is a little worried:

"The school book order, if what Zhu Ju said is true, and the armored cavalry really needs so much money and food, what should we do?"

Lv Yi heard the words, smiled slightly, and said slowly:

"This matter depends on the ability of the Qin school."

"Me?" Qin Bo was a little stunned.

"Yes." Lu Yi nodded, "I must stay by His Majesty's side and cannot leave for a moment, lest someone secretly trick us without knowing it."

"School Qin, you have frequent contacts between Wu and Han, and you are the most suitable person who is familiar with the situation of Han."

"This time you are going to the Han Dynasty, you will not only complete the armored cavalry for our school office, but also do it to the satisfaction of His Majesty."

The school affairs office is different from other courtiers.

Your Majesty's trust is the foundation of the school affairs office.

No matter how difficult the matter is, as long as it is something that His Majesty has instructed, it must be done well.

"It would be best," Lu Yi's voice became dark, "so that the school government can intervene in the cavalry affairs in a reasonable way."

Qin Bo was startled: "In this way, I'm afraid Zhu Ju..."

Lu Yi said in a low tone, "We don't understand the matter of leading the army, but Zhu Ju also doesn't understand matters such as money and food."

"He led his army, but we can't let him say what the armored cavalry is wasting."

Lu Yi looked at Qin Bo coldly, "You have to ask more. It would be best if you can ask Feng Junhou in person to see what's going on."

This time, Qin Bo heard that School Secretary Lu was saying that if he had no other choice, he could ask Feng Junhou if he could do anything—Jingzhou farmland is the bargaining chip.

For a win-win situation, I believe Feng Junhou would be very happy to see it happen—no, it should be said that it is a three-win, four-win situation.

After all, there is still the Jingzhou family, and now with the Jingzhou army lieutenants, they can finally get involved.

It's hard to win!

The only price in this matter is nothing more than a mere evidence.

Anyway, Zhu Ju and Feng Junhou have no friendship at all, and our country of Wu is willing, there is no reason why Feng Junhou is not willing.

"Go down and understand."

Qin Guan bowed his hands to Lu Yi and saluted.

Only then did Lu Yi smile in satisfaction.

Feng Junhou, who was thousands of miles away, didn't know the dirty things inside Wu, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

After the former prime minister, Shi Yangyi, defected to the enemy, he knew that although the big man had already beaten Wei Guo to half, even Wei Guo had begun to split.

However, Sun Dadi would be even more helpless in the face of Wei Guo, who had obtained the advanced posture of the great man.

When the prime minister of the Han Dynasty was there, there were two long histories in the prime minister's mansion.

One is Shi Yangyi, the commander of the army, and the other is Shi Jiangwan, the commander of the residence.

As the name suggests, Shi Yangyi, the commander of the army, followed the prime minister to lead the army.

Chang Shi is the number one person under the prime minister in the prime minister's mansion.

Logically speaking, if the prime minister is not around, the army should indeed be temporarily commanded by Chang Shi.

So in the original history, there were conspiracy theories that the prime minister originally asked Wei Yan to succeed him as the leader.

As a result, after the death of the prime minister, Yang Yi ignored the prime minister's will, colluded with the big men in the army, and pushed Wei Yan out. This is somewhat untenable.

Because no matter in terms of jurisprudence or procedure, Prime Minister Chang Shi is indeed the most suitable person to succeed the prime minister's temporary command of the army.

Unless Wei Yan can lead a large army alone like Feng Junhou, he is not a subordinate official of the prime minister's mansion and has a detached position.

This is also the reason why the prime minister insisted on letting Feng Junhou take over from him to lead the Guanzhong army even though he knew that Feng Junhou was still young and his qualifications were not enough.

As long as the procedures are in place, at least in the name of righteousness, people can't find faults.

And the prime minister also believed in Feng Junhou's ability and overall view.

Although on this historical line, Feng Junhou became the person who succeeded the prime minister in charge of the Guanzhong army, not Yang Yi in the original history.

But before that, Yang Yi, the commander of the army, could openly access most of the army's secrets.

Feng Junhou has reason to believe that Wei Guo has the secrets brought by Yang Yi.

Coupled with the lessons of being beaten by the cavalry of the Han Dynasty, there is also the experience of beating Wu Guo.

Even if the state of Wei cannot restore the iron cavalry of the Han Dynasty, the cavalry of the state of Wei will definitely have a qualitative improvement in combat power.

Based on Sun Shiwan's reputation, he can't even beat the original Wei Guo cavalry. If there is another Wei Guo Jingqi PLUS, maybe he will evolve into Sun Wanwan?

But think about it, if you want to evolve into Sun Wanwan, you have to add up all the males in Wu Kingdom?

Feng Junhou has always been kind-hearted, and he couldn't bear to see Emperor Wu become Sun Wanwan, so he naturally taught the great man's cavalry to form an army.

Only in this way, the military generation gap between Han, Wei and Wu will be greatly shortened—if Wu can really form a cavalry.

But even if Wu Guo failed to form a cavalry, Feng Junhou didn't care.

As long as they know how to deal with the new cavalry that may appear in Wei State, it will be fine.

Anyway, in Feng Junhou's heart, he never had much hope for Emperor Wu at all.

Regardless of whether the Wu people are willing to admit it or not, the situation of the Three Kingdoms has become clear until now:

The protagonist who dominates the world is either Han or Wei, and Wu is just a supporting role.

Unless Wu Guo can break through Hefei, or Xiangyang.

These two places are the support points for Wei State to suppress Wu State.

If the state of Wu can't take these two places, it can only be suppressed in the south forever.

Otherwise, even if Emperor Wu wanted to backstab the big man again, he could only attack Yong'an.

If Hefei and Xiangyang are difficult modes, then Yongan is hell mode.

Originally, Wei Guo had a third support point, which was used to suppress Ji Han, and that was Qi Shan.

It's a pity that with the help of a certain ground turtle, the Prime Minister of the Great Han's first Northern Expedition finally won this key point permanently.

After Wei State lost Qishan Fort, the battlefield in the west has been a nightmare for these years.

Emperor Wu naturally saw all this in his eyes, so his desire to capture Hefei became more and more urgent.

Lv Yi is Emperor Wu's caring person, and he is good at figuring out what he wants, so how could he not see such thoughts of Emperor Wu?

As a lucky minister, Lu Yi had no opinion on state affairs.

So he doesn't know how to lead the army to help His Majesty take Hefei.

But for so many years, His Majesty led the army to attack Hefei every year, but failed to win this place.

From Lu Yi's point of view, it may be difficult for His Majesty to fulfill his wish only by relying on the soldiers of Great Wu.

But in this world, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

For example... can the allies help?

Feng Junhou is a famous general in the world. Over the years, he has conquered cities and lands and conquered everything.

The Battle of Guanzhong and the battle of thousands of miles shocked the world even more.

Not to mention the internal and external rivers and mountains, how many dangerous cities are there?

Why can people attack it?

Since Wu Han is an alliance, Feng Junhou is now willing to teach Da Wu even the iron armored cavalry, which is the country's most important weapon.

So why not ask him if he has a way to capture Hefei?

The school affairs office helps His Majesty spy on the courtiers and the local situation, and collecting information is instinctive.

Right now, everyone in the state of Wu is just staring at the armored cavalry of the state of Han.

However, according to the information inquired by the school affairs office, Han Guo, or Feng Junhou, still has a siege weapon in his hands.

In the battle of Xiaoguan that year, Feng Junhou used three thousand cavalry to smash the barracks of one hundred thousand bandits of Wei, which attracted the attention of the world.

However, few people have noticed that Guan Jiashiro, who was so popular in the first battle of Guanzhong, actually showed his face in the battle of Xiaoguan.

At that time, Guan Shilang was leading a partial division, but he was able to destroy two important cities of the bandits in a short time.

According to a close relationship with Xinghanhui, Mr. Ma, who did not want to be named, accidentally mentioned:

What Guan Shilang used was a siege weapon called a stone cannon.

When activated, the sound is like thunder, and it hits the ground and sinks. No matter what big city you have, it will not be able to withstand the blow of such a magical weapon.

Those generals in the state of Wu couldn't be ashamed to ask for advice, but for Lu Yi, it didn't matter at all.

As long as it can make His Majesty happy, what is shame?

But Lu Yi also knew that even if it was the Wu-Han Alliance, Feng Junhou was not a great benevolent person, and there was no reason why he would help without reason, let alone such a magical weapon.

Therefore, it depends on whether the chips you have opened can impress the opponent.

PS: Although the land in Jingzhou is fertile, it is in the land of the Fourth World War. The three families of Liu, Cao, and Sun took turns to sit in the manor, so when it was finally in the hands of Wu State, it was already a barren land.

Because of the lack of food in Jingzhou, Lu Xun once wrote to Sun Quan, requesting that the generals in the army lead the troops to reclaim wasteland, which can be regarded as the beginning of Wu's farming.

Therefore, the lack of food in Jingzhou at that time was recorded, not the author's imagination.

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