Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1108 I said it was a coincidence, do you believe it?

Why do people read more books?

Because the predecessors have written the principles and perceptions of life in books.

In other words, you can get the experience and lessons that the predecessors can only get by taking a detour, you can get it through reading, and you don't have to go through it yourself.

For example, Confucius said: A gentleman is a metaphor for righteousness, and a villain is a metaphor for profit.

It seems to be talking about the difference between a gentleman and a villain, but it is actually teaching future generations the principles of life.

When you get along with a gentleman, you should talk more about righteousness.

When talking to villains, talk more about benefits.

Especially for a real-tempered villain like Qin Bo, Feng Junhou hit him with a lot of money, and he was smashed on the spot regardless of east, west, north, and south.

When he walked out of Zhendong General's Mansion, Qin Bo was still a little dizzy.

Before coming here, the school affairs office was actually quite worried about this trip.

the reason is simple.

The matter in the military is not the director of the school office.

Hastily intervening in the procurement of the army, if one is wrong, not only will it cut off people's wealth, but something will really go wrong in the future.

For example, if someone loses a battle, those military leaders, in order to shirk their responsibility, will push someone to the head of the school office.

The school affairs office doesn't have any cronies in the army, and they don't know anything about the army. If someone bites him like this, it's really hard to argue.

That's why Wu Zhongshu prepared a big bargaining chip in advance when he came here this time, just to impress Feng Junhou.

I never thought that Feng Junhou would treat people with sincerity, but upon hearing what the school government wanted, he gave two solutions on the spot.

One is the method of leasing.

Great Wu sent people to learn how to ride and fight, which of course solved the problem of the leader.

However, the formation of cavalry, especially the weapons and armor used by armored cavalry, cannot be produced overnight.

The war horses in the army cannot be cultivated in a year or a half.

It has to be piled up with real gold and silver, and it has to be fed with countless money and food, and it has to be piled up and fed continuously for a long time.

Time-consuming, labor-intensive, costly, and food-consuming.

Feng Junhou felt this, and in order to help Wu Neng form an army as soon as possible, and together with the big Han to fight against Wei thieves, he was willing to rent horses, armor and weapons.

At that time, Da Wu only needs to send out people, train a little, and then lead the army by someone who has learned the method of riding and fighting, and he will be able to form an army immediately.

Save time, effort, money and food.

For the school affairs office, these armors and weapons were supplied by the Han Dynasty, and the school affairs office just changed hands.

If those military leaders really wanted to be capable, they would go to Han to ask the Han to blame—the Han repeatedly defeated the Wei thieves, but you were defeated with the same weapons. Why should you blame the weapons?

The second is installment loans.

As Feng Junhou said, the world has been in war for a long time, and all places are suffering. At that time, seven out of ten Wei countries in the world could not maintain tiger and leopard riding.

How did Wu Guo have enough money and food to form an armored cavalry army?

But if there is no armored cavalry army, how can we fight against Wei Guojing cavalry in the plains of Jianghuai, take Hefei, and fulfill Sun Dadi's wish?

Therefore, for the sake of the pledge of the two countries, Feng Junhou was willing to come forward to guarantee that the Xinghan Society would lend a sum of money and food to the school affairs office every year, and return it in installments after five years.

Of course, this is to take care of Sun Dadi's face.

After all, one of the most important responsibilities of the school affairs office now is to make money for Emperor Sun.

As for the Xinghan Club, they happen to have some spare money.

Most of this money must flow into Emperor Sun's treasury.

As for the small part... that's normal wear and tear.

The combination of these two methods can not only help Wu to form a powerful cavalry army in the shortest time, but also reduce Wu's financial burden.

Hearing these two methods, Qin Bo's mind was still immersed in shock even though he came out of the house.

The Han Dynasty has such great talents as Feng Junhou, no wonder it can be prosperous.

Thinking about it again, if the school affairs office can facilitate this matter and help His Majesty go north to eliminate the thieves and take Hefei, that would be a great achievement.

Qin Bo's heart beat again uncontrollably.

The only thing to worry about is that no matter whether it is a lease or a loan, Da Wu must be mortgaged.

After all, how can there be any benefit in the world?

And it's such a huge benefit.

Shipbuilding is just one of them.

It is only a trivial matter for Da Wu to send a group of shipbuilders to Han.

Jingzhou has to meet the Xinghan Association's rough sugar quantity requirements within three years... This seems to be a key point.

But it happened to coincide with the bargaining chip in the hands of the school affairs office.

As for the specific amount of coarse sugar, Feng Junhou never cared about such details, and will discuss it with Xing Hanhui later.

There are also checkpoints between Han and Wu, and no vehicle and boat tax will be collected from Han caravans traveling between the two countries in the future.

According to Feng Junhou's meaning, this is to use the vehicle and boat tax paid by the Han Dynasty caravan in Dawu as collateral.

Especially for the caravans of the Xinghan Society, if someone is in trouble in the territory of Wu State, the school affairs office must come forward to help-this point, for the school affairs office, is a piece of cake.

In the past, it was tacit understanding. If this matter can be facilitated in the future, then the school affairs office will be able to stand uprightly.

Feng Junhou seems to attach more importance to the mortgage business tax, but it is also a good thing for the school affairs office.

As long as the cooperation with the Xinghan Association can be put on the bright side, then His Majesty will only pay more and more attention to the school affairs office.

The last one is that in the territory of Dawu, the notes of the Xinghanhui must be recognized and allowed to circulate among the people.

This doesn't matter anymore.

Doesn't the government admit that those big families will not use the notes that circulated from Shu?

In fact, as long as there is material exchange between the Han and Wu countries, tickets are the best choice—who made Da Wu need things from the Han?

As long as the Han Kingdom recognizes these notes, they can get good things in exchange.

If one day the two countries cut off contact, these notes will become waste paper in the territory of Dawu. Who would want to use them?

School Qin went all the way and thought about it all the way, and suddenly he sighed in his heart:

"It's really a blessing that the school office can get to know such a bold person like Feng Junhou!"

"For so many years, Feng Junhou has been helping me Da Wu, he is really an old friend of Da Wu!"

Not to mention the school affairs of Qin sighing all the way, in General Zhendong's mansion, after he left, two people walked out from behind the screen in the living room.

It was General Guan and Zhang Xiaosi.

"Ah Lang is really generous. He not only wants to send money and food to Wu, but also horses and weapons!"

Zhang Xiaosi, who had talked about this topic with Feng Junhou yesterday, only halfway through the conversation, and went to climb the mountain together with Feng Junhou.

The two of them were traveling in the mountains and rivers on the couch, and they were so excited that they forgot to continue talking about this topic in the end.

Today I heard that Feng Junhou made his own proposal, promising such great benefits to the people of Wu.

No matter how hard Zhang Xiaosi refused to give in, but with the limitations of the times, how could she see through the vicious methods of the economic and financial wars of the later generations?

"It's a lease, not a gift." The old god Feng Junhou sat on the ground and emphasized to the two wives, "Lease and free gift are different."

"What's the difference? So these horses, weapons, armor, money and food are in the hands of the Wu people. Could it be that Alang still expects them to return them?"

General Guan and Zhang Xiaosi sat next to Feng Junhou respectively, and they agreed with what Zhang Xiaosi said.

If it hadn't been for many years of husband and wife, knowing Feng Junhou's character well, if he was replaced by the violent iceberg beauty before, he would have to draw a knife and torture him, and ask if this person is a traitor sent by Wu Guo.

Feng Junhou heard Zhang Xiaosi's words, but smiled:

"I'm not a fool, why don't I know that if these things fall into their hands, there is absolutely no reason to return them?"

"So didn't I propose to let them mortgage?"

Zhang Xiaosi still has doubts:

"Even if there is a mortgage, you can get back the money in the future, but after all, it will help the Wu people grow stronger."

Feng Junhou couldn't help laughing out loud anymore:

"When do I do business, when do I need to pay back my capital? What I want to see is the ten-fold and hundred-fold dividend."

"How can there be a ten-fold and a hundred-fold bonus?"

"Controlling Jingzhou, and even controlling the lifeline of Wu Kingdom in our hands, isn't it a ten-fold and a hundred-fold bonus?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaosi smiled happily: "I'm just waiting for your words, why don't you hurry up and tell us?"

It's not like she didn't have no guesses about Feng Junhou's real purpose, at least she already knew about controlling Jingzhou's food supply.

But at this time, she was surprised and delighted to hear that Feng Junhou was no longer satisfied with this.

Feng Junhou looked at the two good wives sitting on his left and right, and then pointed to the north triumphantly:

"Bingzhou was brought down by Sanniang, and the right to smelt iron in Bingzhou was taken down by Siniang with her help (Note: Bingzhou also includes Jiuyuan's hometown)."

"In the future, the ironware produced in Bingzhou will definitely be much stronger than those produced by Hanzhong Metallurgical Metallurgy."

Even if the quality does not improve much, the standards will be more uniform, and the output will be a leap forward.

In fact, if anthracite coal could be found in Bingzhou, the quality of ironware would definitely be greatly improved.

It is not a dream to have a magic weapon in the hands of the Han army.

"So after the first battle in Guanzhong, the military equipment of the big man may have to be replaced again."

If it is said that before the prime minister's Northern Expedition to Longyou, the mainstream weapons in the Han army were the same as those of Wei and Wu, and they could be regarded as the first generation.

Then after obtaining Longyou, the team headed by Amei used the Hanyang manufacturing standard formulated by the Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau, and then delivered the armor and weapons manufactured in batches by Hanzhong Metallurgy, which is considered the second generation.

The second-generation weapons are forged with advanced technologies such as large blowers, coking coal, and hydraulic power, and their quality is much better than that of Wei and Wu weapons.

But it also has its downsides.

That is, although the standard was formulated early, this standard was designed on the basis of the first generation, with the limitations of the first generation.

The most important thing is that various adjustments need to be made continuously through actual combat.

Take the current Modao camp as an example, the weapon configuration is more rational than that in the battle of Jieting.

The earliest second-generation weapons are quite different from the second-generation weapons that have changed in recent years.

And these years of repeated battles have accumulated a thick pile of experience for the team led by Amei.

The conditions for formulating standards for third-generation weapons have gradually matured.

Obviously, after switching to the third-generation weapons, it was to compete with Wei Guo for the Central Plains and Hebei.

"When the time comes, the weapons eliminated in the army can't all be used to make farm tools, right?"

Farm tools do not have that high requirement for iron, so it would be a waste to use all of them to make weapons.

It certainly cannot flow into the hands of barbarians on a large scale like the elimination of the first generation of weapons.

At most, that is to add some more to Yicong Huqi.

"So it's better to lend it to the state of Wu to lure Sun Quan and keep him from falling to the state of Wei as much as possible."

Still the same sentence, even if Sun Quan is thinking about backstabbing now, does he really dare to open the hell-level dungeon of "Down with Yong'an"?

Then it would be better to open Hefei and Xiangyang, the two difficulty-level dungeons.

Especially after having the Puppet Iron Armored Cavalry Army, Sun Dadi, who believed that he was strong enough to fight against Wei Guojing cavalry, how could he be reconciled if he didn't try to realize the dream of Hefei?

Anyway, if it was Feng Junhou, he would definitely not be reconciled.

To judge others by himself, Feng Junhou believes that Sun Dadi, who has never forgotten Hefei, will only be more unwilling.

This is the human heart and human nature.

Luting Sun Dadi and Wei Guo to continue bloodletting under the city of Hefei—whether it is Wu Guo's blood or Wei Guo's blood—is only good for the big man, and there is no harm.

"As for the second thing," Feng Junhou chuckled, "As the saying goes, building is worse than buying, and buying is worse than renting. Most people in the world just want to take refuge and make it easy."

"How can it be so easy to build an armored cavalry army? Wu needs to start everything from scratch, and it is even more difficult."

It took Feng Junhou more than ten years to establish a Dahan workshop industry that doesn't even count as the weakest industrial foundation.

Wu Guo wants to start from scratch, how easy is it?

"If you can buy it, it must be more convenient to buy, save worry, effort and time."

"If you don't even have the money to buy it, but want it, then you can only rent it."

This is also human heart and human nature.

"It's just that whether it's renting or buying, on the surface, it's indeed a temporary convenience and an advantage."

"But over time, you will become more and more dependent on others, and in the end you will only be controlled by others."

"One day, the two countries will turn against each other, and the big man will no longer provide these things to Wu Guo. How can Wu Guo build them in a hurry?"

You can't say to the big man, wait, give me a few more years, let me find a way to build a batch of weapons that have never been built before, right?

The initial price reduction, and even making a profit at a loss, were all aimed at cultivating the consumption habits of users, only for the future monopoly position, and even control the lifeline.

After explaining all this, Feng Junhou looked left at General Guan and right at Secretary Zhang, and said with a smile:

"How is it? Is my policy of seeking the country considered appropriate?"

It doesn't matter if there are loopholes, anyway, it's not him who made the final decision.

Isn't there another emperor in Hanzhong?

At that time, A Dou hummed a few words, indicating that something is wrong here, let's discuss it again, isn't that all right?

How do you say that?

Send you to death, and I will take the blame?

Now Feng Junhou said: I have finished all the work, as a brother-in-law, what's wrong with you being a scapegoat?

After listening to Feng Junhou talking about his plan, the two regular wives of the Feng family remained silent for a long time.

General Guan subconsciously remembered his family Alang's plan for Youzhou when he was in Bingzhou.

At that time, Zhidao was considered a rare poisonous scheme.

She never thought that hearing about the plan for the Wu country would refresh her knowledge once again.

But seeing General Guan couldn't help blurting out:

"The concubine also said that it was a far-sighted plan to kill Ma Yuan in Youzhou. I didn't expect that it wasn't too long before Alang came up with an even worse plan!"

"My concubine still underestimated Ah Lang. Compared with this plan, the barbarian is not the number one in Hanzhong..."

Feng Junhou, who was waiting for his two wives to praise him, turned dark immediately when he heard the words!

Zhang Xiaosi pondered for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands:

"Sister is right! I think back then, Alang got a lot of benefits from the strategy of relocating to Hanzhong. From my point of view, this time, I'm afraid he will want to repeat the same strategy."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Feng Junhou categorically denied, "I am offering advice for the country. If you are one or two, you can't have good things to say!"

Zhang Xiaosi imitated Feng Junhou and raised his head and laughed:

"Your Majesty, there is still something in your plan that has not been fully explained. Do you know that I don't know?"

Feng Junhou squinted, displeased.

Zhang Xiaosi did not show any weakness, gritted his teeth, and said bitterly:

"Xinghanhui got the right to smelt iron in Bingzhou, and just found a lot of coal in Bingzhou. You immediately proposed this plan."

"Now that Guanzhong is exhausted, even if the emperor moves the capital, the imperial court will have to spend at least two or three years to resume production in Guanzhong. How can there be extra effort to make so many ironware?"

"If you really want to find iron ore in Bingzhou, who else can the imperial court buy iron from Xinghan Society?"

The more Zhang Xiaosi said, the more he felt that this person had been plotting this day long ago!

If the big man wanted to eliminate the old weapons in the army, and sell a batch of armor weapons used by the armored cavalry to the state of Wu, how much iron would it take?

Relying on Hanzhong Metallurgy alone, when will it be built?

Counting from the battle of Longyou, it may not be accurate to say that it took ten years to replace the weapons in the big man's own army, but there should be some in six or seven years.

If you are going to plan against Wu now, how can you wait so long?

Not to mention winning Bingzhou and Guanzhong, the big man will definitely expand his army, how much iron will be needed to make new weapons? Plus Wu Guo... I can't even imagine it!

This link is intertwined, and there is no leakage. If it is not planned by someone, ghosts will not believe it!

"No, you must know that there is an iron mine in Bingzhou, maybe you have already found it, but you have been hiding it from me, haven't you?"

Feng Junhou immediately blushed and argued:

"Nonsense! How can you defile someone's innocence out of thin air?!"

"You're innocent!" Zhang Xiaosi heard this, and then looked at this person's face, and he completely understood it in his heart.

She couldn't hold back her anger, and in front of General Guan, she threw herself on him and scratched him:

"Even my concubine lied! My concubine saw that Xinghan would give up the land in Guanzhong, and I felt guilty for so long! Lie! You can lie to me!"

"You actually asked my concubine to help you ask the palace for the right to smelt iron in Bingzhou! Do you have a conscience, do you have a conscience! Thank you for being able to do it! I hate it!"

"Ghost king! Really ghost king! There are so many lies, you can't believe a single word!"

The more you talk, the more angry you are, so you just bite your mouth directly.

"No, no, really no, how can there be any iron ore, nothing!"

Feng Junhou screamed and begged for mercy.

Just when General Guan couldn't see it and was about to stop it, there was a sudden knock on the door.


Amei's voice came: "Mr. Jun, it's me."

Feng Junhou is like hearing fairy music, he is indeed my good concubine, who knows the savior at critical moments.

"Come in and talk!"

Amei with a happy face pushed the door in. Before she could see the situation inside the house, she couldn't wait to say:

"Ah Lang, there is good news from Taiyuan, the iron mine has been found! It's a big iron mine! It's made of explosives..."

Before she finished speaking, she swallowed her words.

Because she seems to have seen a scene that should not be seen.

The male gentleman's face had turned pale, he lowered his head, and said to Mrs. Zhang:

"Si Niang, would you believe me if I said it was a coincidence?"

Mrs. Zhang, who was lying in the man's arms, raised her head and heard what she said, suddenly opened her mouth again, lowered her head and bit down hard!


Feng Junhou's tragic cry sounded in the Zhendong General's Mansion.

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