Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1120: Going to court for the first time

"Alang, get up soon!"

In Chang'an Zhendong General's Mansion, before dawn, the lights in Mrs. You's yard were already on.

Madam You shook Feng Junhou, who was soundly asleep, and called out.

Feng Junhou, who was soundly asleep, turned over reluctantly, and muttered and asked:

"What time is it?"

"It's Yin time, get up soon, if you don't get up, you will be late."

"Yin time?"

Feng Junhou's mind was in a state of stagnation, and the uncomfortable feeling from his body was urging him to continue falling asleep.

He didn't even realize when Yin's time was.

After working hard with his right eye for a long time, he narrowed his eyes and glanced out of the window. It was pitch black and the night was thick.

"Yinshi? It's Yinshi, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Feng Junhou was about to fall asleep again, Mrs. You became anxious and pulled Feng Junhou desperately:

"Ah Lang, I can't sleep anymore! Otherwise, it will be late for court!"

"At that time, my sister will definitely blame me, saying that I don't know the general idea, and it delays Ah Lang from getting up..."

"Going to court?"

Hearing this extremely unfamiliar word suddenly, Feng Junhou felt that he seemed to have missed something.

"Go up!"

This word stimulated Feng Junhou, and finally his brain began to resume activity.

He turned over again and sat up like a dead body, "I want to go to court?"

"Today is the first court meeting since the emperor's brother-in-law moved the capital to Chang'an. Alang is the general of Zhendong, so naturally he wants to go to court."

Madam You pushed Feng Junhou while speaking, "Come on, open your arms."

Feng Junhou was not fully awake yet, his expression was dull, and he sat on the couch in a daze.

Madam You had no choice but to help him put on his inner robe while pulling his arm.

After tossing for a while, he threw the pants to him again, signaling him to put them on by himself.

Go to the bed again, and shout to the outside:

"Amei, Amei, bring the water in quickly."

The door "Zhi Ya" was opened, and the first person to come in was not Amei, but Mrs. Zuo.

Guan Xiaojunhou glanced at the room, frowning slightly:

"Why isn't Ah Lang coming down?"

Feng Junhou, who was still dawdling at first, saw several wives and concubines rushing in, especially the dissatisfied eyes of Mrs. Zuo.

He finally came to his full senses, and said while fastening his trouser belt:

"Drowsy and sleepy, I forgot to go to court today."

Mrs. Zuo was very dissatisfied when she heard the words: "How can you forget such an important matter?"

At the same time, he signaled to Li Mu, Li Mu understood, and quickly stepped forward to help Feng Junhou.

Ah Mui was holding the toilet items and placed them one by one.

"Isn't it that I have never been to court..."

Feng Junhou was a little guilty, and glanced at Ye Leu. According to the time of day, it was only half past three.

Isn't it too difficult to be a Beijing official in ancient times?

In the past few months since the little fat man announced the move of the capital, there has never been a court meeting.

Until all the officials from Hanzhong and Jincheng moved here one after another, Chang'an finally managed to set up a general framework.

Today is the first official court meeting held in Chang'an, which is of extraordinary significance, so I dare not be late.

"You also know that you have never been to court, so you are not willing to wake up earlier!"

While rambling, Mrs. You went over the court clothes that were prepared last night carefully, in order to avoid any omissions.

The big crown of Wubian decorated with sable tails, inlaid with gold and attached to jade cicadas, the purple crown robes that only princes can wear, the ribbons measuring one foot and seven feet, the hook belts inlaid with white jade, the jade rings used to hold down the clothes, and There are ivory wat boards...

It is very cumbersome and expensive, and it is something that ordinary people can't get in their lifetime.

Feng Junhou didn't say a word, he was letting Amei serve him to wash.

Following Madam Zuo, who was curiously looking at the busy people in the room, Hua Niangzi couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard Madam You's nagging:

"Became an official at the age of sixteen, and became the general of Zhendong. It is really rare to see an important court official who has not been to the court for more than ten years!"

Madam Zuo turned her head and reprimanded:

"Still talking sarcastic here, go ahead and have a look, is the food ready in the kitchen? This morning, you won't be able to come down for two or three hours."

"Two or three hours is an ordinary court meeting!" Madam You interrupted after checking Feng Junhou's court clothes, "Today is different!"

"Today is the day when the emperor bestows rewards on the ministers. In my opinion, at least it will be noon, when Alang can have a palace banquet in the palace."

Upon hearing this, Lady Hua stuck out her tongue, turned around and ran towards the kitchen.

Mrs. You is still reminding the precautions: "But you can't eat too much before going to court, otherwise, if you can't help it, you will lose your etiquette..."

Madam Zuo looked at Feng Junhou who had finished washing:

"Last night, did Alang remember the court etiquette taught by Si Niang?"

"Remember, remember!" Feng Junhou responded, and at the same time stretched out his arms, asking Amei and Li Mu to put on court clothes, "I've only remembered this for a few days."

Three days ago, the palace sent someone over to teach him court etiquette. It is estimated that the little fat man is also afraid that his brother-in-law is going to court for the first time, and he does not know the rules.

After the people in the palace finished teaching, Mrs. You strengthened him again in the past two days to prevent him from making mistakes.

Feng Junhou didn't move, and let the two concubines arrange the court clothes on him. He turned his head to look at Mrs. Zuo, winked, and asked with a smile:

"General Zhengdong really won't go to court with me?"

Madam Zuo rolled his eyes at him angrily, gave a "tss", and said, "Not interested."

Seeing that Alang was already at this time, he was still in the mood to talk and laugh, and the two concubines, who were a little nervous at first, couldn't help but pursed their lips and smiled at this time, and their mood relaxed.

That's right, A Lang is the emperor's most trustworthy courtier, even if something went wrong at the court meeting, the emperor would not blame him too much.

At worst, fine some money and go through the motions...

The Feng family is still afraid of fines?

After putting on the court clothes, the kitchen also brought the food that had been prepared to the front hall under the supervision of Mrs. Hua.

Seeing a group of wives and concubines busying themselves, Feng Junhou's vanity was greatly satisfied.

When you are in a good mood, your appetite is good.

As soon as I have a good appetite, I want to eat two more bites.

Unexpectedly, Madam You would snatch the job from him:

"Why can't I remember what I said! Don't eat too much, just eat half full."

Mrs. Zuo also advised:

"Si Niang is right, Ah Lang bear with it."

Ah Mei brought another gargling tea, but Feng Junhou had no choice but to take it and took a sip, raised his head and "gurgled" a few times, and then spit it into the basin.

Just about to take another sip, suddenly a servant came to report:

"My lord, General Zhao is here to visit."

"He is positive." Feng Junhou muttered, and then said, "Let him in."

Zhao Guang is one of the very few people who can directly enter Feng Junhou's inner courtyard.

At the same time, after coming in, the wives and concubines of the Feng family don't have to avoid them.


Zhao Guang rushed in, seeing the food on the desk, he picked up a pastry and threw it into his mouth, and then picked up a meatloaf and took a big bite.

Unlike Feng Junhou who was wearing court clothes, Zhao Guang was wearing armor all over his body, which was no different from being ready to go into battle.

Since the emperor moved the capital to Chang'an, Zhao Guang led the only armored cavalry army in the Han Dynasty, which was upgraded to the imperial guards and renamed the Tiger Cavalry Camp.

The status is the same as that of the northern and southern armies, and they jointly defend Chang'an on weekdays and go out in wartime.

Zhao Guang also became a general of the Chinese army and served as a member of the Chinese army, under Guan Xing and Zhang Bao.

The Han army is divided into five armies, that is, the front, back, left, and middle armies.

The first batch of commanders of the left and right armies were Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong.

The Chinese army was led by the first emperor Liu Bei himself, and the person who assisted the Chinese army was Zhao Yun.

After the death of the first emperor, the prime minister was in charge of state affairs, and most of the elite troops of the Han Dynasty belonged to the Chinese army, which was under the command of the prime minister's office.

It wasn't until Feng Junhou trained a Liangzhou elite army in Liangzhou that the Han army formed a pattern of Chinese and foreign armies again.

After the First World War in Guanzhong, the prime minister passed away, and the emperor moved the capital. Feng Junhou officially entered the power core of the Han Dynasty as a Ping Shangshushi.

In order to unify the command of the army in a legitimate way, the Liangzhou Army also began to reorganize, and the main combat force was converted into the Central Army stationed there.

Otherwise, the Liangzhou army would have to return to Liangzhou and be under the control of Liangzhou governor's office-this is definitely impossible.

The most elite foreign army has turned into the Chinese army, and now the foreign army of the Han Dynasty is basically the county soldiers of each county—the battalion of the Dudu Mansion, which basically belongs to the Central Army.

This is one of the major events that Chang'an has been busy with in the past few months.

In the current Han Dynasty, the government affairs are handled by the Shangshutai, but the daily military affairs of the Central Army and the wars in various places are made by the Zhendong General's Mansion, and then submitted to the emperor for decision.

Unless there is a big battle, the emperor feels it is necessary to hold a group meeting and convene all the ministers to discuss it openly.

Although General Liu Yan of Chariots, General Wei Yan of Zhendong, and General Wu Ban of Zhenyuan are all above Feng Junhou.

But they are all missing one of the most crucial rights: Ping Shang Shushi.

Although Pingshang Shushi is not like Lushang Shushi, it is the final decision maker of Shangshutai.

But with the status of Ping Shang Shushi, at least he can participate in state secrets, and even put forward his own suggestions.

Anyone with a discerning eye can guess that after today's award, Feng Junhou may be able to justifiably rule the internal and external military.

But at this time, Feng Junhou frowned, as if he was very dissatisfied:

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you. There is no food in your house?"

Zhao Guang, who was drinking and eating, drank another big mouthful of soy milk, then heaved a sigh of relief, and replied:

"No, the one in my family has to take care of the child. She hasn't slept well these days, so I came out quietly and didn't dare to disturb her."

Zhao Guang and Huang Wudie's second child is just over one year old, younger than Feng Yong's three youngest sons.

"Why don't you ask someone to prepare it for you?"

"My family's servants are not as delicious as what my brother's house cooks. Anyway, my brother is going to the morning court today, so it's better to come to my brother's house to eat."

Zhao Guangli said bluntly.

Feng Junhou was too lazy to be angry with him, so he got up directly, took the Dawu hat from Mrs. You and put it on:

"Eat less, His Majesty will hold a banquet in the palace today, let's go!"

Outside the general's mansion, the guards had long been waiting with lanterns.

Feng Junhou took the reins from the guard and got on the horse.


"Tat Tat Tat..."

The personal guards guarded Feng Junhou and began to move towards Weiyang Palace.

In Chang'an in October, it was the darkest time of the night, and it was quite chilly.

Especially when walking on horseback, it is even more windy, and I feel a little cold pain on my face.

There is no way, the great Han is martial, and there is no formal distinction between civil and military, and now is not the time when there is a shortage of horses. Most of the ministers in the court are on horseback.

Riding in a car is a sign of weakness and will be looked down upon.

"Brother, it's better to live closer to the palace. Fortunately, the younger brother woke up and built a yard not far from the elder brother's residence. Otherwise, it would be difficult to travel at night."

Zhao Guang rode a horse, leaned over and spoke.

After Zhao Yun's death, Zhao Tong inherited Zhao Yun's title.

Even if Zhao Guang was separated into another family.

Huang Wudie was originally a rich woman, and with Zhao Guangxing's status as the second leader of the Hanhui, there was no shortage of money on hand.

The elder brother was in charge of the rebuilding of Chang'an, so he was naturally one step ahead of others, picking a good location not far from the elder brother's residence, and built a big yard.

But he still has a conscience.

After the yard was built, he only lived in half, and left the other half for his elder brother Zhao Tong and mother Zhao Ma.

It is convenient for the two brothers to go to and from the courtyard without going out at all.

Feng Yong glanced around. Under the shroud of the chilly night, apart from a few lanterns, he could only feel someone walking silently in the dark.

"No matter how close you are, what's the use of getting up in the middle of the night?"

Feng Junhou yawned, feeling that he didn't have enough sleep, tears flowed out:

"Fortunately, it is once every five days. If I go to court every day, I might have to ask for sick leave."

Zhao Guang didn't care when he heard this somewhat disrespectful words, instead he laughed:

"If you really want to go to court so early every day, not to mention brother, just, hey, no one can stand it!"

Otherwise, what is the Shangshutai used for?

The emperor needs rest too!

The two were talking, and before they knew it, they had already reached the gate of the palace.

At this time, the palace hadn't opened yet, but the sudden increase in the number of lanterns reflected shadowy figures. It seemed that many ministers had come to wait in advance.

Zhao Guang didn't get off his horse, but said to Feng Junhou:

"Brother, let's go, younger brother will go first."

He came here in armor, not to go to the court, but to lead the men and horses of the Tiger Riding Battalion, to be a hero in the hall, lined up on the left and right sides of the road, and the ministers of the majesty entered the hall to go to the court.

Coming here with Feng Junhou is actually acting as a guard along the way.

It's the first time to go to court again, and no one knows if there will be criminals with evil intentions.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Feng Junhou waved: "Go."

After Zhao Guang left, Feng Junhou got off his horse, and under the guidance of the guards, he walked towards the ministers in front of the palace gate.

A waiter had been waiting somewhere for a long time, and when he saw Feng Junhou appearing, he trotted over first:

"Your Majesty, it's time to wait for you, this way please."


Feng Junhou was a little confused, so he looked at the little yellow gate in front of him.

"Your status is noble, how could you be allowed to stand in front of the palace gate and wait?"

Xiao Huangmen explained with a smile, "There is a warm room next to it, you can wait inside first, and when the door is opened, someone will lead you into the palace first."

There is also a VIP channel?

Feng Junhou glanced at the group of officials standing there with their necks shrunk, feeling a little ashamed of being separated from the crowd.

Ti Sui said honestly, "I'm sorry, please lead the way."

Feng Junhou gestured as he spoke.

The personal guard understood, and quietly stuffed a ticket into Xiaohuangmen's hand.

"Don't dare, dare not, this is what the villain did as ordered, please, please!"

Xiao Huangmen immediately became more enthusiastic, and bent even lower.

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