Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1127 Preparation

People started talking about things after drinking for three rounds, but for Xu You's place, it was after drinking a jar of wine that they were only halfway through the serious business.

Seeing that Wu Niu was so interested in the introduction fee, Xu You also became interested.

He patted Wu Niu and said affectionately:

"Chief Wu Niu, in fact, apart from war horses and big black cattle, you still have other ways to get wool from me."

"Also, what else?"

Both Wu Niu and the translator were at a loss.

In addition to horses, cattle and sheep, there is only horse dung, cow dung and sheep dung left on the grassland. Does the Han man in front of him also need that dung to keep warm?

"There are still people."

Xu You chuckled, rubbing his hands subconsciously, "Now we need a lot of labor, uh, labor."

"labor force?"

"Yes." Xu You nodded, "For example, the pasture here needs people to help raise cattle and sheep, the workshop needs handymen, and the mine needs miners. We need a lot of people to work."

The two of them didn't know what a handyman and a miner were, but they could understand the need for manual work.

But Wu Niu's eyes lit up:

"Anyone can?"

Speaking of this, Xu You is much more proficient:

"It depends on the type. Our manpower here is mainly divided into two types."

"Which two kinds?"

"The first type is labor. In fact, it is like the sheep slaves in your tribe and the slaves you captured. We only need young adults and children, men and women, for this kind of work. Don't be unable to work."

Wu Niu nodded: "Understood."

How could you not understand?

In the tribal disputes on the grassland, which tribe is really going to be annexed by others, the ones who can survive in the end are basically young and strong.

For the victors, those old, weak, sick and disabled have no other use except wasting precious food.

Even in many cases, if the victor's tribe was short of food, even the young and strong men of the defeated tribe would be killed, leaving only livestock and women.

"A healthy slave, I can give you ten horses for the price of half a war horse!"

"If you can introduce others to sell slaves, for every slave they sell to me, I can also give you another piece of material for free."

When Wu Niu heard this, his eyes straightened.

The translator couldn't help swallowing.

Isn't this more profitable than introducing war horses?

There are many four-legged war horses on the grassland, but there are more two-legged people everywhere!

Seeing their expressions, Xu You smiled satisfied, then took a sip of his wine, and continued:

"Of course, we also know that everyone is on the grassland to survive better."

"So we have prepared the second situation for the sake of everyone on the grassland."

"That is, if you can persuade other tribes to come and join us."

As he spoke, he stretched out two fingers, "In this case, we will count everyone, regardless of age."

Wu Niu's eyes became straighter.

"Elders can too?"

"Yes. As long as there are people on the grassland who can't survive and come to join us, they can be counted."

Xu You talked eloquently: "As long as the people who come here are willing to obey the arrangements, whether it is grazing on the grasslands or working in the workshops and mines."

"Not only have food and clothing, but also wages, monthly payments! Whether it's money or food, it's easy to talk about."

"Is there such a good thing?"

Wu Niu thought to himself, if this is the case, then I haven't directly turned to the Han people!

Xu You seemed to know what he was thinking:

"Leader Wuniu, this is naturally a good thing for the tribe. But you have to understand, what we want is someone who is willing to obey our arrangement."

"So when the time comes, the tribes in the tribe will definitely be dispersed."

"Those leaders, we can arrange for him to have no worries about food and clothing, but at the same time he will lose the power to issue orders to his followers."

Wu Niu was startled, and then said another word.

The translator translated:

"Then I'm afraid no one will be willing to come and seek refuge."

Xu You smiled calmly: "That's not sure."

When it's really hard to survive, who can make them survive, who is the real leader, isn't it?

"The leader of Wuniu just needs to spread the news."

Although Wu Niu couldn't figure out the reason, but this matter didn't do him any harm, so he nodded his head as a acknowledgment.

Maybe if there is a guy who ate sheep dung, he is really willing to bring someone over to join him?

Then wouldn't he be able to make a lot of money for nothing?

Compared with Wu Niu, the translator thinks more.

Buying and selling slaves does not require the old, weak, sick and disabled, but taking the initiative to seek refuge can be counted in it.

Even if there are leaders who don't want to be human, and want to take advantage of the loopholes and pull their own people over to sell their heads, they are stuck in the old, weak, sick and disabled.

Will there be leaders who don't want to be human?

Judging from the translator's experience of living on the grasslands for so many years, there are not many such leaders, but they are certainly not rare.

So I don't know whether the Han people set this rule because they have rich experience, or because they are thoughtful and can think of this level in advance.

Two days later, the rest of Wuniu's tribe came to Pingcheng Quchang through the mountain pass, and happily began to carry materials like hills.

When entering the mountain pass and preparing to leave Pingcheng, Wu Niu turned his head and took a deep look at the new city behind which had not been fully built.

In the past two days, under the introduction of Xu You, he took a general tour of Pingcheng, at least to get some information.

As promised by Xu You, the lives of the Hu people living around Pingcheng are indeed much better than those on the grassland.

Thinking of this, Wu Niu suddenly said to the translator:

"You said, if we finish what Mr. Xu told us, then we don't have to worry about it anymore?"

The translator was a little puzzled when he heard this nonsensical sentence.

Only Wu Niu continued to say:

"In the future, even if you can't survive on the grassland, you can still lead your clansmen here to seek refuge with Lord Xu."

Although he will lose the power of the leader at that time, he will also be compensated, right?

No wonder!

Wu Niu felt that he finally understood what Master Xu meant when he said "that's not sure".

After all, when there is no way to go, survival is the most important thing.

It turned out that he had already thought of this level.

Hearing the leader's words, the translator knew that the leader had such thoughts, and was speechless for a while.

But thinking of the thick and exquisite wool in Xu You's hands, the inexhaustible grain, the snow-white salt, the clear snow and fire...

The translator swallowed a mouthful of saliva:

"Your Excellency is right. This time, we are at least one step ahead of others. As long as we can further gain the trust of the Han people in Pingcheng, we will no longer have to worry about our tribe being frozen to death or starved to death."

Wu Niu laughed: "That's right, so we have to hurry up and try to persuade other tribes to come to Pingcheng to exchange things before the news is known to others."

When Wuniu's tribe gradually disappeared at the mountain pass, two people were standing on the wall inside Pingcheng, watching them leave.

"They come from the farthest place this year, and I don't know if they can help us spread the news."

Xu You let out a breath of white air, and said to a young man beside him.

This young man has a straight figure and is wearing a thick and long military overcoat.

The coat was unbuttoned, and the chilly wind blew by, lifting the corners of the military coat at the calf from time to time.

He wears cowhide boots, trousers unique to the army, and a palm-wide leather belt around his waist.

If he wears a military cap of later generations on his head, he will look like a young and promising warlord leader who makes those little bourgeois girls who dream of going back to Shanghai scream.

The only fly in the ointment is that this young man has a slightly sinister face that makes people afraid to get too close.

Xu You was older than the other party, but he also did not dare to underestimate this young man.

Because this young man is Zhang Yuan and Zhang Muzhi, the chief masters of the Royal Academy's lecture hall.

At the same time, he is also a student that Feng Zhong Duhu has been bringing with him to train.

After the reorganization of the Liangzhou Army, he, who was originally the deputy chief of staff of the Liangzhou Army, was recommended by Feng Zhong Duhu as the head of the Xianbei school lieutenant's house.

Although Wang Ping, the lieutenant who protects Xianbei, is better than a soldier, he doesn't know much about crosses.

The long history Zhang Yuan is good at planning and handling documents.

One person leads the army to defend the various mountain passes in Pingcheng, and the other person sits guarding the city to handle affairs. The cooperation is pretty good.

It can be said that Zhang Yuan's promotion represents that the students who were born in the early days of Cangtou Guishou's children officially entered the middle level of the Han Empire's military and political circles.

If you add the students of the Royal Academy who participated in the exam, the rot kun hatching pool created by a certain soil turtle finally hatched a little rot kun.

Although the teeth of these little rot kuns are still immature, the cold light is already looming.

"It's enough. Since they can come, it means that our news has been spread."

Although Zhang Yuan is not very old, he has a calmer mentality than his peers:

"They brought so many things back with them, and they definitely couldn't hide it."

Having said that, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly:

"With their example, I believe that by next year, more tribes will come to trade with us on the Danhan Mountain side."

"Maybe at that time, they will drive over not only livestock, but also prisoners of war and slaves."

After Kebi Neng left the northern border of Youzhou, the Xianbei Hu people who stayed there scattered and invaded each other.

The strong stayed away from the frontier fortress and set up another leader; the weak stayed in the frontier fortress to ask the Wei people for their submission and provide the Wei people with horses, cattle, sheep and other livestock.

Originally, the Gaoche people's southward movement had already caused more chaos to Monan.

All the big man has to do now is to turn this chaos into chaos.

"As long as Wu Niu and the others help spread the news of Pingcheng, as long as the Hu people who hear the news next year can really get what they want from us."

The corners of Zhang Yuan's mouth widened, "Then in the next few years, the killing of the barbarian tribes on the grassland will only become more intense."

As the first student to follow the head of the mountain, Zhang Yuan went from Nanxiang to Longyou, then from Longyou to Liangzhou, and from Liangzhou to Bingzhou. He had seen too many barbarians.

So he knew very well that in previous grassland wars, prisoners of war were just incidental, and the purpose was to rob grasslands, women, and livestock.

But as long as the news of Pingcheng spreads, even prisoners of war can become wealth, and it is still a huge wealth.

So for the grassland barbarians who lacked food and clothing, it was a great stimulus.

Where are the prisoners of war?

Naturally, it was obtained through war!

As long as you defeat the enemy, you can not only get pastures, women and livestock, but also exchange prisoners of war from Pingcheng for countless wealth.

Who has time to raise horses for the Wei people?

Besides, even if there is a horse, it is a good deal to sell it to Pingcheng!

How much did you sell it to Wei Cai? !

Does Wei thief have wool?

Is there a fire in the snow?

Is there brown sugar?

People can't just eat food, they have to wear warm clothes, and they have to learn to enjoy delicious food, right?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan showed a happy smile on his face:

"The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. If you have money, you can really do whatever you want!"

"Even if Wei thief knows that we are playing tricks in the dark, can they really pay a higher price than us?"

Well, a few days ago, on the south side of Yanmen Fortress, the Xinghan Society happened to discover a large iron mine.

Gently knocking on the city wall, Zhang Yuan continued:

"When the time comes, the people we send over will work harder there. Maybe, there will be many small tribes who have nowhere to go and come to join us on their own initiative!"

Xu You wrapped the coat around his body, and quietly moved to the side.

He is so vicious and ruthless, there is no need to doubt it, we can only say that he is indeed a student taught by King Feng Gui!

After thinking about it, Xu You reminded:

"Then what if they didn't intend to spread the news?"

Zhang Yuan withdrew his gaze from the mountain pass, glanced at Xu You, and said meaningfully:

"Xu Langjun, don't worry, unless they are Tan Shihuai, at least they must be Ke Bineng, otherwise, why should they prevent others from coming to trade?"

"It's a big deal for us to wait another year or two, but if they want to do one thing on the surface and another in the dark, they may not be able to live for another year or two."

The elite cavalry led by Liu Hou can plunder in the south of Guangning City this year, and they can also hunt in Tanhan Mountain in the north of Guangning City next year.

Killing chickens to warn monkeys can be regarded as a warning in advance to those Hu people who want to take refuge in the big man, lest they be half-hearted.

Xu You heard the words, took a deep look at Zhang Yuan, and exhaled:

"I don't understand these things, and I can't get involved. I just cooperate with your actions."

He secretly thought in his heart:

The biggest thing we did back then was just to transfer some labor. Today's young people play wilder than us.

Unexpectedly, while thinking about exterminating the clan, he dared to think about plotting the land of Hebei.

It seems that after this matter is settled, I will also want to find a serious job, otherwise, I will really be left behind by them.

Just a few days after Wu Niu left with supplies, Pingcheng finally had its first snow this year.

The snow is not too big, just a thin layer.

This cold wave only brought cold to Guanzhong.

On the second day after the snow, the sun was hollow, which brought a lot of warmth to Guanzhong.

Taking advantage of this good day, the Tiger Cavalry Army took out the horses for activities, and at the same time took a brush made of pig hair to brush off the dust, dander, and dirt on the horses.

"Hurry up, hurry up! How slow!"

The soldiers of the Tiger Cavalry Battalion yelled at the trainee cavalry pawns who were following him, "What's the matter if I didn't give you food! Go, bring some more beans!"

A look of anger flashed across the face of the scolded apprentice cavalry pawn, but he didn't dare to speak out, and turned around silently to get the beans.

This year the Tiger Cavalry Army joined a group of trainee cavalry soldiers.

This is nothing at all, because the tiger cavalry army is the unparalleled iron cavalry in the world. If you want to become a real tiger cavalry, you must go through various screenings.

It's just that this group of trainee cavalry soldiers is a bit special.

Because they are from the state of Wu.

It can be foreseen that this group of trainee cavalry soldiers will definitely be the backbone of Wu cavalry in the future.

Among them, some are the second generation of Wu Guojun.

What they didn't expect was that after they came to Han, they would start as grooms, feeding, brushing and bathing the horses...

At the same time, you have to participate in various boring basic training.

Practice stone locks every day, lift weights, run, sit on a ridiculous wooden horse, and stab back and forth with a wooden halberd...

They came here to learn how to lead the cavalry charge!

Learn these, can go into battle to kill the enemy?

It's not that no one has resisted, but for an ordinary soldier of the Tiger Cavalry Army, if he is placed outside, the lowest rate is a team.

When it comes to horse riding skills, no one can compare with these apprentice cavalry soldiers in Wu.

Not to mention that the Han army's military discipline is extremely strict, which is very different from the Wu army's habit of looting people as slaves.

Even if they have special status and will not be beheaded, military sticks are definitely inevitable.

If it is serious, it will be sent back to Wu country.

Even so, many people still harbor resentment in their hearts.

It wasn't until one day that they witnessed the Tiger Cavalry Army launching a devastating charge during their daily training, which made them calm down a little.

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