Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1130 Merging Governor History

Before the second snowfall in the south of Yanmen Fortress, a guest came from Jinyang's Governor's Mansion.

The guest's surname is Zhuge, his first name is Qiao, and his style name is Bosong.

Last month, he was just recommended by the right hussar general as the chief governor of Bingzhou, and now he came here to take up the post.

"Oh, Zhuge Changshi, we have been waiting for a long time, please come in, please come in!"

A group of officials headed by Deng Zhi, the governor of Bingzhou, gathered at the governor's mansion today to welcome Zhuge Qiao.

Zhuge Qiao was a little flattered by this, and hurriedly bowed back:

"How can Qiao Hede, how can he afford General Youwei to greet him in person?"

General Youwei, who is also in charge of the military administration of Bingzhou, is definitely ranked in the top five in the Jihan Dynasty Hall.

Seriously, it's not impossible to rank in the top three.

At least in name—the right hussar generals had to come second.

If he can make more impressive political achievements or accumulate military merits in Bingzhou, he will be able to retire in the position of Sangong after returning to the court.

To be able to come out of the governor's mansion to greet Zhuge Qiao in person is really condescending.

Deng Zhi has passed the age of Er Shun, but her body is still very strong, and she held Zhuge Qiao's arm very powerfully:

"Zhuge Changshi, why do you need to be polite among colleagues? It's cold outside, please come inside."

So what about the top three?

Is it bigger than the prime minister?

Although the prime minister is no longer there, the tomb on Lantian Mountain has been staring at the big man!

From the emperor down, how many people should be favored by the prime minister?

Even Deng Zhi herself was no exception.

Are the people present looking at Zhuge Qiao's long history status?

Look at the identity of the prime minister's son.

Of course, there is also the identity of the elder brother of the right hussar general.

Naturally, Zhuge Qiao would not be ignorant of etiquette when others gave him face: "General Youwei, please first."

"Alright, Chang Shi please."

Everyone returned to the mansion together and entered the living room.

The living room is surrounded by thick and beautiful blankets to keep out the cold wind outside.

There are fireplaces at the four corners, which burn clean coal, and there are copper pipes to exhaust the smoke to the outside.

A dozen candles as thick as a child's arm illuminated the entire living room extremely brightly.

On every table, rose apple wine, honey wine, rice wine are lined up.

Rough luxury.

Deng Zhi is not a ostentatious person, let alone someone who likes luxury.

On the contrary, he has a straightforward temperament, does not pretend to be angry, is decisive in rewards and punishments, and is kind to soldiers.

All the food and clothing of the body come from the salary, and they are not strict in frugality, and they do not manage their private property.

If it weren't for his son Deng Liang being one of the top ten members of the Xinghan Association, with his little salary, the family would be able to feed and clothe his wife and children to death—after his death, he might not even be able to afford food and clothing.

At any rate, the prime minister still has hundreds of acres of mulberry fields left, and he doesn't even have any land.

But it is also because Deng Zhi has a straightforward temperament, does not hide his emotions, and attaches great importance to talented people.

For example, Feng Duhu, Jiang Zhengdong, etc., he would greet them with a smile.

As for those scholars who are not worthy of their names, especially the children introduced by local rich families, he is often too lazy to deal with them.

Therefore, scholars do not like to make friends with him.

At this time, he put on such a extravagant scene uncharacteristically, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but be a little surprised even if he was mentally prepared.

Then subconsciously glanced down.

For this banquet, in addition to the main officials of Bingzhou Governor's Mansion, the Wang family and Guo family of Taiyuan were also invited.

Of course Zhuge Qiao knew that Deng Zhi's move was not just to clean himself up.

At the same time, it is also to suppress the aristocratic and wealthy families of Bingzhou in terms of momentum.

But obviously, Deng Zhi's goal seems to have been achieved.

These things on the table really surprised some people.

In the past, I only heard that Han was rich in supplies, but now I really saw it once.

Not to mention anything else, they had never seen those dozen thick and large white jade candles.

But in addition to being shocked, there are also sober people who tasted the taste:

"Today's banquet does not seem to be easy!"

The iron cavalry of the Han army circled around the original place of Jiuyuan, attacked east and west, and raided Bingzhou, which caught Wei by surprise.

Taiyuan, the Bingzhou county, was taken over by the Han army with little resistance.

The Han army can easily control Taiyuan, in addition to the success of strategic and tactical deception, the Han army soldiers are good at fighting.

It is also inseparable from Wei Guo's misjudgment, as well as the Taiyuan clan's prudence and self-defense, watching with cold eyes.

Even before Bi Gui, the former governor of Bingzhou committed suicide, ordered people to burn the treasury and not leave food and grass for the Han army, they were blocked in private.

After all, the only defenders in Bingzhou at that time were defeated in front, and the city was basically defenseless.

The big families in Taiyuan can be loyal to Great Wei, or they can be loyal to Great Wei.

But you can't set yourself on fire for the sake of Wei, and use the flesh and blood of the children of the clan to stop the iron cavalry of the Han army, right?

If you do this, you can really stop it.

After all, defending Bingzhou for the Great Wei, and breaking Feng Guiwang's reputation of being invincible, the rate of return is simply immeasurable.

But in that case, how to block?

It's better to be a human and stay on the front line.

Sure enough, the civil turmoil in Hedong behind made the Taiyuan clan headed by the Wang family and the Guo family, while secretly rejoicing, they couldn't help but shed cold sweat.

Guiwang Feng really fell into his mother's insidiousness in doing things!

However, it was not true - at that time, the elders of the various families in Hedong kowtowed, begging King Feng Gui, who was fishing by the river, to send troops to cause chaos.

"Who can't see it?"

Someone next to him said, "I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

There were rumors in the past that Ji Han practiced tyrannical rule against the aristocratic family, and it was even rumored that he used armored cavalry in Liangzhou to wipe out all the people.

Of course, everything has its good and its bad.

There are also rumors that any aristocratic family that follows the right direction can even start a new branch and become a lineage.

Many aristocratic families in Shu have been dismembered, but there are also side branches that have left the middle of Shu.

Some wealthy families in Liangzhou were exterminated, and some were also well-earned.

"When they went south to Hedong, we paid out money and food anyway, and the cunning rabbit died..., bah, I mean, even if you want to hide a good bow, it's not at this time, right?"

Although it was tight at the time, it was a bit procrastinated.

But when the Han army broke through the Guanque River Valley and entered Hedong, didn't everyone immediately collect the first batch of grain and grass and send it?

"What are you thinking? Do you really think this is a Hongmen Banquet?"

Wang Chen, the representative of the Wang family, heard the conversation, glanced at the two of them, and said calmly:

"Hedong people's chaos is such a good opportunity, they didn't do anything, how could they do it at this time?"

Who is Zhuge Qiao?

That's someone with the surname Feng who would call him brother.

Make trouble at the banquet where he was cleaned up?

Which is brave enough!

Guo Pei, the representative of the Guo family in Taiyuan, turned his head and looked at Wang Chen seriously.

Wang Chen looked back at the other party without showing any weakness: "What are you doing?"

Guo Pei asked, "Are you really not worried?"

Wang Chen is the representative of the Wang family in Taiyuan, but he has another identity, that is, the elder brother of Wang Ling, the general of Wei Guo Zhengdong.

After Wang Yun killed Dong Zhuo back then, arrogance grew day by day, and his subordinates gradually turned away.

Wang Yun refused to listen to the persuasion, and wanted to forcibly dismiss the power of the Liangzhou generals, and then use the Kwantung people to control the Liangzhou army.

For so many years, Liangzhou has always had a gap with Kanto.

As soon as the word got out, it turned out that Wang Yun was going to lead the Guandong soldiers westward and was going to kill all the Liangzhou people.

The generals of the Liangzhou Army were in panic all day long, and finally raised their troops and invaded Chang'an. Wang Yun's family was killed, and many clans were killed.

Only nephews Wang Chen and Wang Ling escaped over the wall and fled back to Taiyuan.

After this incident, the Wang brothers, who are still young, have fully understood the importance of "don't put all eggs in the same basket".

So Wang Chen stayed in Taiyuan, while Wang Ling went east to serve Wei.

Well, it turns out that planning for a rainy day was the right thing to do.

Otherwise, after the state changed hands, the situation facing the Wang family would definitely be much more embarrassing than it is now.

Don't you see, after the fall of Hedong, Pei Qian even gave up his position as Wei Guoshang Shuling and ran back to his hometown?

"What's there to worry about? Didn't you hear that Pei Jun from the Pei family in Hedong, who was exiled in Shu more than 20 years ago, came back to visit relatives in Hedong?"

Speaking of this, Wang Chen glanced up, Deng Zhi was busy introducing Zhuge Qiao to the main officials of the Governor's Mansion.

He said softly: "Not to mention Pei Hui, Pei Qian's other brother, but he works in the Taifu's residence!"

If you have the ability, why don't you drag his brother and escape together?

Everyone is their own master, basic operation!

Hearing Wang Chen's words, Guo Pei was thoughtful.

Seeing him like this, Wang Chen showed a strange smile on his face while the people above didn't notice him:

"Maybe, are you afraid?"

Guo Pei sneered:

"Since you are not afraid, what should I be afraid of?"

Wang Chen has a brother named Wang Ling, and Guo Pei also has a brother named Guo Huai.

Wang Ling was the person Cao Shuang, the general of the Wei State, wanted to win over, while Guo Huai was leading the army under the command of the Grand Tutor of the Wei State.

Taiyuan Wang and Guo, each other.

The two were talking, and Deng Zhi had already started Zhuge Qiao to introduce the Taiyuan gentry who came today.

The Wang and Guo families are the most prestigious clans in Taiyuan, so they are naturally at the top.

Zhuge Qiao had a modest smile on his face, but his eyes lingered on the two of them for a while, and even the smile on his face made people feel that it was beginning to have some meaning.

After the introduction, this is the official opening.

With Zhuge Qiao's back to Feng Duhu, the officials of Bingzhou Governor's Mansion naturally did not dare to neglect.

At the same time, he is from the Zhuge Clan in Langya, and he behaves like a son of a noble family, so the disciples of the rich clan present here are also willing to sell him.

After drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere of the banquet gradually became lively.

Taking advantage of the wine, Zhuge Qiao raised his glass and said to the crowd:

"Qiao is not talented, but he has been favored by the state to serve in Bingzhou. To be honest, I have always been a little apprehensive in my heart."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter at the scene.

"No one in the world knows that Bingzhou is a place of cold and bitterness? There are often barbarians making troubles, so I am afraid that I will be in debt to the emperor."

"However, when I got here, after seeing all the heroes, I feel at ease. Qiao is cheeky, but I would be very grateful if you could help me a little bit."

Hearing Zhuge Qiao's words, Wang Chen glanced at Guo Pei with a little complacency.

did you see?

Zhuge Qiao's words were actually soothing people's hearts.

Generally speaking, if the superficial effort is achieved, everyone will give face in a friendly manner.

But Zhuge Qiao's next words made people's ears prick up:

"A certain person came here this time, in a hurry, and didn't make any preparations. At most, he brought some souvenirs from Nanzhong. Please don't laugh at me."

South Central native products?

Just as Zhuge Qiao finished speaking, he saw that the thick blanket at the door was lifted, and the servants rushed in one after another, offering a small pot of tea and a small piece of brown sugar to everyone present.

Sugar and tea?

Let's say it's polite, but it's not too heavy.

The officials of the governor's mansion who can sit with him in the house are counted as one, and they are all important figures in the governor's mansion.

And the gentry who can sit with them in the house are even more local aristocrats.

This bit of sugar and tea can at most raise their eyelids.

But to say it's light, it's not too light.

Brown sugar and tea have always been Ji Han's strategic materials.

Especially brown sugar, as long as it exceeds a certain amount, the flow direction must be strictly controlled.

This certain quantity refers to the quantity that can produce a batch of military dry food.

Brown sugar is used to make military dry food, which provides far more calories than ordinary food, but is far lighter than ordinary food.

Giving soldiers candy before the war can boost morale more than giving them wine and meat.

It is much better to give the wounded soldiers some sugar water after the war than to give them minced meat.

Moreover, brown sugar is easy to carry and has a long shelf life. Which one is better than meat?

So even in later generations, sugar has always been a national strategic material, and it is also a bulk trading material.

Not to mention that it is not easy for ordinary people to buy without channels now.

"Everyone should try this Nanzhong's special product," Zhuge Qiao said with a smile, "especially the brown sugar, which is extremely sweet, even sweeter than Yi Tang."

Deng Zhi took a sip, took a bite, then nodded in admiration:

"It's really sweet. Speaking of which, Zhuge Changshi has a wide network. I don't know how many people in Bingzhou want to buy brown sugar, but there is no way to buy it!"

Isn't it?

From the second half of last year to the first half of this year, a batch of brown sugar actually flowed into Bingzhou.

Most of them were exiled from the hands of barbarians.

It was a reward promised by Guan Xiaojunhou to the Hu people in Bingzhou.

But that's just this group.

Someone later wanted to buy it again, no more!

I heard that there is a small amount of brown sugar circulating in the north of Yanmen.

But people are not allowed to pass through the Yanmen Fortress.

The Xinghan Society exchanged it for the horses, cattle and sheep in the hands of the Hu people.

I don't have any connections with Xinghan Club, but I want to get brown sugar...




Someone had already reacted, raised his head suddenly, and looked up in disbelief.

"It's so sweet, it really is so sweet!"

Guo Pei had already taken a bite of brown sugar first, shaking his head and saying loudly:

"It's as pleasant as honey, it melts in the mouth, it's refreshing..."

into your mother!

Wang Chen almost wanted to expose the case.

After all, you are a child of an aristocratic family, can you stop being so ashamed?

Then he stretched his neck and cried out:

"Zhuge Changshi really has a way to buy brown sugar?"

Zhuge Qiao had a reserved smile on his face:

"Joe has been staying in Nanzhong for the past few years, and he also opened some plantations with the Xinghanhui. Thanks to Feng Duhu's wrong love, he holds some quotas for brown sugar and tea."

Zhuge Qiao didn't want the title left by the prime minister, but Huang Yueying acted fairly and gave him most of the property share of the prime minister's mansion.

Not the hundreds of acres of mulberry fields.

Instead, Feng Duhu used Guan Zhendong's hand to honor Huang Yueying's Xinghanhui related industry shares.

In addition, when Feng Duhu first arrived in Hanzhong, he also gave Zhuge Qiao a part of the shares.

"So, I have some brown sugar, tea and raw materials to sell every year..."

Before he finished speaking, many people had already swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Deng Zhi had a smile on her face, she didn't seem to feel that Zhuge Qiao had stolen her limelight.

Anyway, the more powerful Zhuge Qiao is, the easier the governance of Bingzhou will be, and the greater the possibility that he will use Sangong to provide for the elderly after returning to the court.

Feng Duhu really values ​​love and righteousness!

With such strong support for Zhuge Bosong, if he can gain a firm foothold in Bingzhou, and when he retreats, who can compete with him for the position of governor?

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