Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1136 Kasuga

After the last day of the first year of Yanxi passed, it was the first great court meeting after the Han Dynasty moved its capital to Chang'an.

There is nothing to say about this.

The important ministers of the Han Dynasty and the officials of the central government offices celebrated the new year with the emperor in Weiyang Palace, and then accompanied the emperor to eat and drink.

It's not much different from the award in October - except that there is no process of promotion.

After eating and drinking, it means that the new year has begun, and everyone is ready to work.

A few days after the grand court meeting on New Year's Day, it is Lichun.

From New Year's Day to Beginning of Spring, there are Spring Festival holidays similar to later generations.

However, different from later generations, although Lichun is the last day of the Spring Festival, it is also the first day of the official start of work, and it is the most solemn day in the Spring Festival.

At the beginning of spring, the night leak has not been completed for five quarters.

In the inner courtyard of General Right Hussar's Mansion, a certain house where Feng Duhu slept last night, there was a hasty knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Feng Duhu in his sleep was woken up. He didn't even open his eyes. He just pushed the person sleeping next to him and muttered:

"Go, someone is knocking on the door."

If the person sleeping next to him was a concubine of the Feng family, even General Guan would obediently get up on his own initiative.

It's just that the person sleeping next to him is General Guan's wife.

At this moment, Patriarch Hua was more lethargic than him, he just hummed twice, turned over and fell asleep again.

Neither of them bothered to move.


The knock on the door got louder.

Listen to that voice, if you don't open the door again, I'm afraid people from outside will break in.

Feng Duhu shouted impatiently:

"Who is it?"

"it's me!"

The clear voice of the lady in the main room sounded outside the door.

Feng Duhu was so excited that he didn't feel sleepy at all. He quickly turned over and got up, grabbed a robe casually, put it on his body, and went to open the door: "Here we come!"

As soon as the door bolt was pulled, the two ladies on the left and right rushed in with people.

"Hold the lamp!"

The candles were lit in the room, and the patriarch Hua on the couch asked in a daze, "What's the matter?"

Feng Duhu glanced at the Yelou on the table, it's only midnight!

"Isn't there no need to go to court today?"

In the last court, he had a four-day rest, and at the same time, there was an official office in the front yard of the General Right Hussar's mansion, so he could work from home. Feng Duhu said that the Han Dynasty was more humane.

In the middle of the night, what are the two ladies going to do?

"You don't need to go to court, go to the city gate!"

Mrs. You said immediately, "Ah Lang, before going to bed last night, did he forget that he will go to the east gate to welcome the Spring Festival today?"

After being reminded by Madam You, Feng Duhu slapped his head, "I almost forgot!"

Madam You glanced at Patriarch Hua who was staring dazedly, sitting motionless on the couch, trying to turn on the phone:

"I don't think it's almost, but Ruan Ruan Xiang is too gentle, so forget it all?"

Madam Zuo didn't speak, she stepped forward and lifted the quilt, hit her on the back a few times, and shouted:

"What are you doing in a daze, get up quickly! Did I tell you before going to bed last night, don't sleep to death, A Lang will get up early today to go to the east gate."

The east gate of Chang'an City is much farther than the Weiyang Palace in the last dynasty.

It's fine if there is no reminder, but you dare to let A Lang get up and open the door, and sleep on the couch by yourself, it is really unreasonable!

This woman is really getting lazy.

It wasn't like this before.

Patriarch Hua was forced to turn on the phone by Mrs. Zuo, only then did he react, and started to leave the bed, while trying to explain:

"Oh, oh, I was so sleepy, I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes..."

When Mrs. Zuo heard this, she turned her head and gave Feng Duhu a bitter look.

Knowing that I have to get up early today, I still toss so hard.

From tomorrow onwards, as long as it is a concubine's bedroom, there must be another person!

Feng Duhu didn't dare to say more, and washed his head sullenly.

I also wondered in my heart, I went to bed early last night, so I didn't toss for a long time, this Xiaowu is too weak.

The plan for a day lies in the morning, and the plan for a year lies in spring.

The Spring Festival outside the city on the first day of spring is a major festival that people all over the world must participate in.

Because it represents the beginning of spring plowing.

For officials in the capital, its importance is no less than the annual Great Court Meeting.

However, this does not include generals, because generals do not have to participate in the Spring Festival ceremony.

Feng Duhu supervised the internal and external military affairs, and he was in charge of the book affairs. He was prepared for both civil and military affairs.

And also host.

Probably this is the most equal time among officials across the country in a year.

Because regardless of their status, they are all dressed in green clothes, and there is no distinction between noble and purple.

It is much more convenient to wear than court clothes.

After hastily eating a few mouthfuls of the meal that had been prepared earlier, Feng Duhu went out of the mansion, got on his horse, and waved to the wives and concubines standing at the gate of the mansion with lanterns:

"It's cold outside, go back quickly, I'll be back in the morning."

After speaking, under the protection of the personal guards of the mansion, he went towards the east gate.

In terms of the five elements, in spring, the vegetation grows, the color is green, and it faces east, so the sacrifice should be in the eastern suburbs.

The emperor asked Feng Duhu, the actual head of all officials, to preside over this year's Spring Festival, not only to show his importance to Lichun, but also to show his favor to Feng Duhu.

When Feng Duhu arrived at the east gate, there was already a group of officials waiting.

"The Central Guard is here."

Facing the salutes from all the officials, Feng Duhu hastily got off his horse and bowed his hands to return the salute:

"I have seen my colleagues."

"Central Guardian, please."

"Work and work."

The night was thick, lanterns were hung on the gate of the city, and many torches were set up around, but the nearby people could barely be seen clearly.

After waiting for a short time, the officer of ceremonies shouted:

"The auspicious time has come, line up and raise the banner!"

Headed by Feng Duhu, everyone quickly lined up in order.

Then someone came over with a large banner and handed it to Feng Duhu.

Fortunately, Feng Duhu was in the prime of life, and he hadn't let up in training all these years, otherwise, it would have been really difficult to hold such a big banner.

The gate of the city was opened with a bang, Feng Duhu walked in the front holding the big blue banner, followed by all the officials, and behind them were Wangfu households from Jingshi Township.

At this time, it was not the turn of ordinary people to appear on the stage, and they could sleep peacefully until dawn - this made Feng Duhu very envious.

After leaving the outskirts of the city, Feng Duhu fixed the green flag, and then shouted: "Welcome the Spring!"

The people behind did not maintain their formation, but shouted in all directions: "Welcome the Spring!"

Someone lit a bonfire, and performers wearing weird, ferocious, or hideous masks began to dance Nuo opera around the bonfire.

Commonly known as the God of Jumping.

At the same time, some people began to build plow-shaped soil cows and native people.

When the Tuniu Turen took shape, a short man walked out from the field not far away.

When I got closer, I realized that it was a virgin boy, wearing a blue scarf and a green dress.

Feng Duhu shouted again: "Spring arrives!"

"Spring arrives!"

"Spring arrives!"


Feng Duhu bowed to the boy in Tsing Yi standing next to the Tuniu native.

Everyone also stepped forward and bowed down to worship.

Bye bye, you can go back to the city.

It's just worship, not sacrifice.

There is no need for incense candles and fruits, just empty hands.

Spring greetings are not spring sacrifices, our big man is very strict about sacrifices, and anyone who dares to sacrifice indiscriminately will be taken to jail.

The local cattle and local people should be placed here. During the day, the common people will come to worship and pray for a good harvest this year.

And the green banner stood at the gate of the city, and it was not taken down until Lixia.

After Feng Duhu presided over the Spring Festival ceremony, he returned to the mansion. Although the sun had not risen, the sky was already slightly bright.

"Alang is back?"

The wives on the left and right were all smiling like flowers, and brought their concubines and children to welcome Feng Duhu into the mansion.

Major events in the world are based on agriculture and mulberry.

A Lang presided over the Spring Festival, and it was the first Spring Festival after the Han Dynasty moved the capital to Chang'an. This is a good sign that couldn't be better.

Although Feng's family has no worries about money and food, who thinks there is too much food at home?

"Are you hungry? Sit down, come, and bring the breakfast."

Sitting down under the service of the two ladies, and looking around, Feng Duhu noticed something was wrong:

"Hey, why is one missing?"

Where is the old man's mistress?

"Leave her alone. She said she didn't sleep enough last night. After you left, she went back to sleep and hasn't woken up yet."

As Madam Zuo said, she glanced at Feng Duhu meaningfully, her eyes fluttered, as if she was saying:

It seems that Alang has been very good recently!

After more than ten years of husband and wife, some words can be known without saying what the other party is thinking. Feng Duhu panicked, and quickly picked up the chopsticks:

"The spring is sleepy and the autumn is exhausted. What's so strange? My stomach is almost hungry. Eat, eat."

After breakfast, Feng Duhu didn't go to the official office in front of him. Anyway, he has already finished the official business today.

The rest is none of his business.

After wandering around, taking advantage of no one's attention, he went to Xiao Wu's room and knocked on the door lightly.

A lazy voice came from inside: "Come in."

Pushing open the door and entering, I saw Hualan lying on the couch with a sleepy look.

"What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?"

Feng Duhu sat in front of the couch, asked a question with concern, and reached out to touch her forehead.

"I don't know what's going on, I just can't get excited."

Huawan pouted, feeling weak.

"Then you shouldn't skip the breakfast, or let the servants bring the breakfast over and eat some in the room?"

Feng Duhu persuaded in a warm voice, "It's good to rest your stomach, maybe it won't be so uncomfortable."

It's a bit abnormal, don't look at Xiao Wu's petite body, but he has always had a good appetite.

Feng Duhu never saw that she was unable to eat.

Probably because of Feng Duhu's concern, Hualan seemed to have regained some energy, or she didn't want to take away her lover's kindness, so she asked:

"What's for breakfast?"

"Everything, deep-fried dough sticks, tofu nao..."

Just now, after saying the names of the two breakfasts, Hualan suddenly covered her mouth, and at the same time stuck out her head to the side of the bed: "Ugh!"

I vomited several times, but nothing came out.

Finally let out a long breath, turned around, and said to Feng Duhu:

"It's too greasy, I feel like throwing up when I hear the name, I want to eat something light..."

Feng Duhu looked at her blankly, and murmured:

"In addition to the light one, do you want to eat something sour? Or something spicy?"

Hearing what Feng Duhu said, Hualan only felt her saliva secreting, nodded and said:

"When you say that, I suddenly want to eat sour, sour is delicious."

Feng Duhu looked at the patriarch Hua who didn't know what happened, and his voice became more gentle:

"Then you lie down for a while and don't move around. I'll go out and arrange it for you."


Walking out slowly, Feng Duhu suddenly quickened his pace, and walked to a place out of hearing in the room: "Come here!"


"Go, go and ask the second lady to come over. Also, take my post and go to the academy, and ask Medical Worker Fan to come over immediately."


Spring is here, and the sown seeds are sprouting.

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