Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1142 Abandoned

In July of the second year of Yanxi, the most lively thing in Chang'an was the things related to the academy.

After July, the matter of the academy was a foregone conclusion. Although there were still many people discussing it in Chang'an City, it was only the aftermath of the shock.

This time, the comprehensive promotion of imperial examinations to obtain scholars is not without objection.

On the contrary, many people strongly opposed it.

It's a pity that when he was discussing the Tao in the court, he failed to convince the emperor.

More importantly, none of the bigwigs in the court stood up to object.

An unknown Feng Duhu said:

From the brother-in-law of the emperor, to the aristocratic family whose mouth is stuffed with wool and cotton, to the poor family who is eager to see through, and to the Hu Yi who is eager to be educated, they are all my people.

Why do you fight with me, you unreliable, middle-of-the-road brats?

Sun Quan's son-in-law Zhu Ju, who came to Chang'an from the state of Wu to study, shouldered a similar task to Ma Dazui who was far away in Jianye.

Of course, Zhu Ju didn't have a Xinghan Association behind him, so naturally he didn't have huge resources to squander on him.

So he certainly cannot be like a fish in water in Chang'an like Ma Dazui.

However, such a major event as letting the students go to the county and township level caused a lot of uproar, and it was hard not to hear about it.

Zhu Ju can be favored by Sun Quan, so naturally he won't discuss whether this matter is appropriate or not, like those people on Chang'an Avenue, and whether it violates the ancestral system of the Han Dynasty.

What he saw was the emperor of the Han Dynasty, or the terrifying ability of the Ji Han court to control the aristocratic families in the Han Dynasty.

If this kind of thing is really going to be placed in Da Wu, I am afraid that some people will start raising troops to fight against the Qing emperor, and there will be responses from all over the place.

Even if they didn't respond one after another, at least a considerable number of people would respond.

As for the current Ji Han ruling and opposition parties, there is no consensus.

Or it may be like students from all over the world getting drunk in a wine shop, scolding an unknown Feng Duhu for his clever words, scolding the court officials and officials for a vegetarian meal and so on.

It's all trivial things.

If it's just the land of Shu, or if Liangzhou is added, Ji Han can barely accept such control.

But what about Yongzhou Bingzhou Hedong?

How long did Ji Han get these places?

It can actually make the aristocratic families in these places cooperate so much.

This made Zhu Ju not only shocked, but also involuntarily felt a sense of deep fear.

Thinking about those guys who came from Wu to learn how to ride and fight, Zhu Ju felt a little heavy in his heart.

"Come on!"


"Pass my military order, all the trainee battalion will be dispatched tomorrow, and go out to practice breaking out."

According to the rules of the Tiger Cavalry Army, after a newcomer enters the camp, he must work as a groom and handyman for half a year before he is eligible to practice on a real horse.

As the unique arm of the big man, even if he is proficient in riding, he will not be able to adapt to the horses, armor and weapons of the Tiger Cavalry Army without various exercises.

After one year, you can independently own war horses, complete armor and weapons.

Even as an exchange student of Wu State with great political significance, this rule cannot be broken-at most, a little water can only be released.

For example, after reporting the route and destination of the Wu country trainee camp, Zhu Ju can personally lead them to a certain place for training.

Of course, the instructors who are responsible for teaching them naturally have to go with them.

"My lord, if you go out to practice in such hot weather, I'm afraid..."

Although it is an exchange study, Ji Han is not responsible for the students' school supplies.

The horses, armor, and weapons of the trainee camp all have to be paid.

Of course, it is also possible to rent.

But no matter what, paying money is inevitable.

Going out to practice at the hottest time, people can say, what if something goes wrong with the horse?

"Shut up!" Zhu Ju yelled sharply, "An important place in the army, why don't you call him a general?"

Zhu Xiong didn't expect that his persuasion would trigger such a big reaction from his own adults.

What made him even more unexpected was that it was the adults who then shouted:

"Knowingly committed a crime, go down and get ten army sticks!"

Zhu Xiong opened his mouth subconsciously, but when he saw the expression on the adult's face, he immediately closed his mouth again, turned around and went down.

Zhu Ju's complexion has become gloomy.

According to his thinking, Ji Han used the land of the two states to swallow the land of the two states, not to mention the snake swallowing the elephant, at least it should be regarded as eating enough to fill his stomach.

In ten or eight years, I am afraid that there is no way to truly digest the land of Yong and the two states-this is the shortest period Zhu Ju envisioned.

After Ji Han took over the entire Liangzhou, it took six to seven or eight years to subdue Liangzhou Haoyou with the profit of the woolen materials, before he could send troops to Guanzhong with the power of the whole country.

Isn't Yongzhou and Liangzhou much bigger than Liangzhou?

More importantly, Guanzhong is a golden pond and a pond, on which Qin Huang and Han Gao made great achievements.

Don't say that Liangzhou and other bitter cold places, even Yizhou, can't compare with it.

Such a heaven-sent place, how can we not manage it carefully?

Ten or eight years is still not enough, and twenty or thirty years is worth it.

Never thought that the cruelty of reality directly shattered Zhu Ju's fantasy.

It made him, who already felt that time was pressing, become more and more impatient.

According to the current situation, Ji Han might not have much time left to go east.

If at that time Great Wu could not take the opportunity to go north, carve up Wei, accumulate strength, and stand side by side with Ji Han, he would be destroyed by Ji Han instead.

That is really "the power of the whole country to conquer the world for others"...

At that time, I'm afraid it won't leave a laughing name in the history?

Therefore, as the most important force for Wu to break through Wei's defense line and go northward, it must form an army as soon as possible.

In the middle of July, the violent sun shone on the earth, scorching the ground hot, and the leaves and weeds drooped limply.

Occasionally, the hot wind blows up, causing a trembling airflow to evaporate from the ground, which seems to be moving from a distance, distorting everything that falls into the eyes.

To the north of the Wei River, although the government has begun to organize manpower to try small-scale reclamation.

But after all, it is just an experiment. I want to see how many years it takes for the reclaimed fields to grow wheat and millet.

Because before the Zhengguo Canal was completely restored, it was impossible to restore the size of the fields in the former Han Dynasty.

As a result, the further north you go, the more desolate and sparsely populated it becomes.

As for the official road leading from Chang'an to Qiaoshan and connecting to the north of Qiaoshan, basically only Qin Zhidao, which was built by the madman hundreds of years ago, can still be used normally.

At this time, on Qin Zhidao, a group of 500 people was walking, and they were all sweating profusely.

"General, we set off before dawn this morning, and we didn't eat breakfast. Now the sun is scorching, and the people and horses are extremely hungry and thirsty. Why don't we take a rest for a while?"

Someone suggested to Zhu Ju.

Zhu Ju looked at the sun, then turned his head, looked at the team behind him, and finally nodded:

"Send an order to find a place suitable for camping and resting."

The team immediately burst into cheers.

Zhu Ju sighed, he didn't feel sorry for these soldiers, but for the horses under them.

The minimum standard for the horses of the Tiger Cavalry Battalion is one person riding two mules.

Mules are used to carry supplies such as armor and weapons, and a mule is used as a backup, and it can also be used for riding in an emergency.

And the most important war horse, apart from charging forward, can only be ridden during training.

Compared with Dahan Company, which succeeded in its third listing and continued to acquire rival subsidiaries on a large scale, Wu Guo is simply a poor ghost at this time.

Although Wu Guo is actually not a small company.

But the foundation is still not enough, unlike the big man, who owns two animal husbandry subsidiaries and can provide the big man with a steady stream of war horses - war horses are too expensive.

Just like Zhu Ju, who spends money lavishly, he can't help feeling sorry for the money and food spent in the training camp.

Half of the 500-man apprentice camp was not armored cavalry soldiers, but light cavalry.

Coming out this time can only be regarded as a training session. Naturally, it is impossible for the training camp to come out with full standards and full staff like those local tyrants of Ji Han's Tiger Cavalry Army.

So basically it’s just one ride and one mule with reduced configuration.

Zhu Ju could not feel sorry for the soldiers under him, but he must feel sorry for the horses.

After the sun turned to the west, it felt less hot, and the team drove another distance.

It was not until the sun moved to the top of the mountain that they set up camp again.

After a year of training in the Tiger Cavalry Army with strict military discipline, the trainee camp is no longer what it used to be.

Even if it is a temporary camp, dig trenches and set up tents in accordance with the requirements of the army.

As night fell, the camp quickly quieted down, and the soldiers who were tired all day couldn't wait to rest.

Zhu Ju didn't sleep. He held a charcoal pencil and a notebook in his hand to record some thoughts.

Even if the school field of the Tiger Cavalry is large enough to allow the armored cavalry to charge back and forth.

But what happens on the battlefield is not just fighting before the battle.

More, all kinds of behind the scenes.

Take the simplest example:

For example, the speed at which the two armies march may be enough to change the outcome on the battlefield.

The marching speed of an armored cavalry with four riders and four mules is definitely different from the marching speed of one rider and one mule.

Nor can you get data just by training on the school field.

Although Han Guo also gave a lot of data, but the authenticity still needs to be verified by oneself.

Moreover, although most of the sons from the training camp are loyal and loyal, they are still young and inexperienced.

I'm afraid it's hard to compare with Feng Duhu's elite tiger and wolf division.

So Zhu Ju knew that he could not blindly copy the practices and rules of the Han army.

It is still necessary to have practices and rules that suit Da Wu's own actual situation.

What is recorded in the notebook is all kinds of experiences he saw, heard and thought when he was in the Han Dynasty.

After he finished writing down his thoughts on the apprentice camp today, he looked back at what he had written before, and when he put away the notebook, it was already half-empty in the first half of the month.

Although it has not yet reached the fifteenth day, the moon on the twelfth thirteenth day is still clear and dustless on a clear summer night, casting a layer of brilliance on the earth.

Just when Zhu Ju was about to fall asleep, he heard hurried footsteps outside the tent, and someone whispered at the tent door:

"General, there is a situation!"

As soon as Zhu Ju heard it, he lost all sleepiness immediately: "Come in and talk about it."

The soldiers on duty entered the account and reported:

"General, there is movement outside the camp. There are at least a dozen horsemen and shouts. They seem to be fighting."

"Huh?" Zhu Ju's heart tightened, "Fighting?"

A force that can organize dozens of cavalry to fight at night cannot be underestimated.

Back then, Gan Xingba led a hundred cavalry, and he was able to rob the camp of tens of thousands of Cao thieves at night, causing chaos.

If one of my camps with only 500 people is not guarded, dozens of cavalry will rush in, and chaos will definitely be inevitable.

"Let those on duty get ready, and the rest of the people are not allowed to move without a military order, and those who violate it will be killed!"

Zhu Ju directly ordered, "Come here, put on my armor!"

The camp of 500 people is not too big, under the protection of several personal guards, Zhu Ju came to the edge of the camp, looked outside, and saw the shadows of people not far away.

Under the bright moonlight, he could even clearly see the weapon blade reflecting the moonlight.

But Zhu Ju felt relieved when he saw the situation outside the camp.

After all, he is a person who has led the army in battle. He knows that under the thin moon and stars, attacking the camp is not a good choice.

Not to mention that the other party didn't seem to be targeting him, but was trying to surround a man in white.

the reason is simple.

Zhu Ju's choice of this place to set up camp was naturally selected. Even if it is a strong attack, this direction is not a good choice.

Because of the terrain, the camp can be condescending.

"Demon girl, you can't escape, why don't you hurry up and catch her?"

There was only a disdainful sneer, and then a clear voice came:

"If it weren't for the changes in the terrain here, do you really think that you can catch up with me?"

That voice is not only clear, but also has a haughty taste that strangers should not get close to:

"And don't you guys think that if you catch up with me, you can do nothing to me?"

When Zhu Ju heard this, he felt ashamed in secret, it seemed that he had temporarily built a camp to block the opponent's way, and that's why he was chased.

If you think about it, here you go north along Qinzhi Road, and you will find Qiaoshan.

If you entered the densely forested Qiaoshan, it would be easiest to get rid of the pursuers.

"Demon girl, you are all alone, and now you are surrounded by us, do you still want to escape?"

"I advise you, it's better to hand over the things on your body obediently, and go back with us..."

Before he finished speaking, someone interrupted him with a shout:

"Shut up!"

There was a trace of mockery in that clear voice, and the volume was even raised, as if deliberately speaking for everyone to hear:

"What? Feng Mingwen is also the Protector of the Central Government after all. Could it be that he still dares not mention his name just like the one who hides his head and shows his tail?"

"Or is it because he is afraid of revealing that he is an abandoned disciple of my Xiaoyao Sect and ruining his reputation in the world?"

"Shut up, witch! Stop slandering the Protector of the Central Committee..."

"Hahaha," as if hearing some big joke, the clear voice finally let out a mocking laugh:

"Fools in the world, in the eyes of my Xiaoyao faction, are nothing more than ants, mere abandoned disciples, but relying on a few secret books stolen from my door, you can make you look like gods, ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Feng Mingwen?

Abandoned by the Happy Sect?

Secret copy?


Standing in the dark and eavesdropping on a certain body's sudden shock, I only felt that I had come into contact with a huge secret.

His name is Feng Mingwen, and he happens to be the guardian of the Central Government. There seems to be only one person in this world, right?

Feng Mingwen is a student of the mountain sect, with profound and unpredictable knowledge.

People in the world only know that he is a disciple sent by a certain hidden mountain sect to enter the world, but who would have thought that he was an abandoned disciple?

This this……

At this thought, Zhu Ju's whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"Stop talking nonsense, witch, quickly hand over the things you stole from the general's mansion."

Although a dozen or so people surrounded the woman in white, they seemed to be extremely afraid of each other, they didn't dare to approach easily, they just kept threatening.

"A joke! These things are secrets that are not passed on in my sect. I came out this time just to get these things back in the sect. How can I steal them?"

"If you want to talk about stealing, Feng Mingwen is the one who stole the secret from my family, right?"

Untold secret?

What could be called the untold secret by these mountain gates?

Zhu Ju suddenly thought of a possibility, it couldn't be the legendary..."Wu'an Jun Art of War"?

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