According to the written script, after Zhu Ju came to the banquet, Feng Duhu would talk about the armored cavalry trainee camp along with the topic of renting the first batch of weapons and armor to Wu.

Then it was natural to talk about the trainee camp going out for training a few days ago.

When talking about this matter, it is natural to talk about what we saw and heard along the way.

At that time, some insinuations can further deepen Zhu Ju's psychological hints about the matter of longevity.

I never thought that Zhu Ju would punish himself with three cups as soon as he came up.

The flickering eyes, the slightly guilty look, and the gesture of pouring wine, it seems that if you ask more questions, I will get drunk on the spot.

This posture was so complete that even the far-sighted Feng Guiwang didn't know how to proceed.

I'm afraid that the topic will be inadvertent, Zhu Ju is just unconscious.

With this in mind, Feng Duhu carefully organizes his words:

"General Zhu also said just now that Han and Wu are still allies, and they are trying their best to fight against thieves. Master Wu wants to build a cavalry army to resist Wei's fine cavalry, and has repeatedly sent envoys to Liaodong."

"In the past, the big man was unable to help, so he could only do nothing. Now that the big man has rebuilt the racecourse, if he stands by and does nothing, will he be an ally in vain?"

It was fine if Feng Duhu didn't say this, but when he said this, Zhu Ju felt even more ashamed.

If it wasn't for his uncle (that is, father-in-law) being the Great Emperor of Wu, he might have to tell the truth and return the two books to Feng Duhu.

Obviously, Feng Duhu's colleagues appeared around Chang'an that night because of these two booklets—at least partly because of these two booklets.

Moreover, from the words of "Insect Valley of the Dian Kingdom", it can be known that Feng Duhu's master's school should be in the sea to the east or south of Jiaozhou.

Great Wu is known as a boat master.

A few years ago, His Majesty did not fail to send people out to sea, and also found some overseas islands.

Based on this, and following the clues in the brochure, it might be possible to find Feng Duhu's teacher.

At that time, return these two booklets in the name of the Great Wu Emperor, presumably to gain the favor of the Hermit Immortal Sect.

Even if Feng Duhu's overseas teacher can't be found, isn't there still a fellow teacher in the world?

Anyway, as long as you have these two booklets in hand, you might have a chance to get in touch with the legendary hidden world fairy gate.

Immortal sect, it has the bearing of an immortal, how can it be shameless to take advantage for nothing?

Not to mention sending out disciples from the sect to assist the great Wu to achieve great things.

Even if you can get some knowledge of helping the world, that's enough!

Don't you see, even abandoned disciples can call the wind and rain in the world...

With the idea of ​​"for His Majesty's great cause", Zhu Ju could only choose to pretend to be deaf and dumb in the face of Feng Duhu's stern words.

"These words show that Feng Duhu has a big heart!" Zhu Ju raised his glass and respected, "According to myself, it's not as good as that, this cup is a private respect for Feng Duhu!"

You and mother!

Can you speak well?

From sitting down to now, I have only spoken a few words?

How many drinks have you had?

Feng Duhu almost couldn't hold back and wanted to expose the case.

You, who should cooperate with my performance, turn a blind eye!

Taking a deep breath, Feng Duhu forced a smile:

"General Zhu has won the award, and I was just trying my best to win the great cause of the thief."

"Come on, play music, dance!"

We can't talk anymore.

Then watch the dance and listen to the music.

Originally, I thought about sprinkling more material and making a good nest to catch big fish.

Unexpectedly, the big fish couldn't wait to swallow the bait and hook.

The kabuki borrowed from Liu Yan's house can't be wasted, at least let's go through the motions first.

Feng Duhu toasted and drank, squinting at Zhu Ju→_→

Forget it, to save face, tonight is considered a pure banquet.

Time soon came to October in the second year of Yanxi, and two major events happened in Wu.

The first is the death of important minister Pan Jun.

Pan Jun is the Taichang of the Wu Kingdom, and he has won the trust of Sun Quan.

When Cao Rui was alive, he wanted to seek Ji Han's Hanzhong land, first sent Shijian Yinfan to Wu State, and then secretly sent people to incite Wuxi Man to rebel.

The intention was to delay the state of Wu so that it would not be able to support the state of Shu—it is a pity that someone Feng looked back and made Cao Rui and Cao Zhen finally shatter their dreams of Xiaoguan.

However, Cao Rui's layout did cause Wu Guo some troubles.

Not only is everyone in Wu Guochaotang in danger, for fear of being implicated by Yinbo.

Moreover, Sun Quan had to find a way to let people lead the army to Jingnan to quell the chaos.

Finally, it was decided to grant Pan Jun the Talisman Festival, let him oversee the army, and together with Lu Dai, quell the Wuxi Rebellion.

Fortunately, Pan Jun was rewarded and punished properly. In a few years, tens of thousands of people were killed and captured. Since then, the Wuxi barbarians have gradually declined.

After Wuling and other counties in the south of Jingzhou were stabilized, Pan Jun returned to Wuchang and, together with Lu Xun, took charge of Jingzhou affairs.

It can be said that Pan Jun has a great reputation in several counties in the south of Jingzhou.

His death caused quite a commotion in the south of Jingzhou.

Precisely at this time, there were barbarians in Jiaozhou rioting-this is also the second major event.

It stands to reason that there are people in Jiaozhou who are in chaos, and it is most appropriate to send Lu Dai to quell the chaos.

After all, he was the one who put down the rebellion of scholars in Jiaozhou.

Moreover, he has been guarding Jiaozhou for several years, so he is most familiar with it.

But Lu Dai is already very old, nearly eighty years old.

In addition, Pan Jun's death was too untimely, and Lu Dai, who had originally led the army stationed in Puqi (that is, Xianning, Hubei), was transferred to Wuchang to take over Pan Jun's position.

So Sun Quan could only choose someone else and let the general Jiang Mi lead the army to quell the chaos.

However, for the Wu Kingdom, it has always been commonplace for barbarians in the south to cause chaos.

Fortunately, things have gotten better over the years.

After all, Pan Jun pacified the five barbarians of Jingzhou first, and then Zhuge Ke pacified the Yueren of Danyang.

Like this time when Jiaozhou was in chaos, the place could not be calmed down on its own, and it was necessary to mobilize troops to quell the chaos.

Even so, don't worry too much.

Because most of the barbarians have simple weapons and no organization, as soon as the regular army arrives, it will be like the scorching sun in the snow.

There's nothing wrong with that idea, and basically the reality is.

But everything is just in case.

This time, there was an accident.

The reason is not the rebellion of barbarians in Jiaozhou, but the internal affairs of the Wu army.

The coach, Jiang Mi, has two brothers under his command, named Liao Shi and Liao Qian.

The two brothers followed Jiang Mi to Jiaozhou, halfway through the peace, and after learning that Pan Jun died of illness, Liao Qian said to Liao Shi:

"In my view, Lu Dai is the only one who can equalize Jiaozhou in the state of Wu. Now Pan Jun died of illness, and Lu Dai took his place. However, he is about to reach the age of 80. Since ancient times, how many people have survived the death of 80?"

"Besides, even if Lu Dai is not dead, how can he be able to lead the army if he is so old? If Lu Dai does not come, who in the Wu Kingdom can surrender Jiaozhou? This is a great opportunity."

Back then, when Shi Xie's son, Shi Hui, was in a rebellious state, Lu Dai promised to the rebellious people in the Shi family that as long as they voluntarily surrendered, they would protect their family property and wealth.

Unexpectedly, when they believed Lu Dai's promise and surrendered, they were all punished by Lu Dai for regretting their promises.

The main figures of the scholars who did not participate in the rebellion were all demoted to common people, and a few years later they were arrested and killed under the pretext of violating the national law.

The faction that the Shi family had operated in Jiaozhou for decades was uprooted by Lu Dai.

Lu Dai's actions greatly frightened all the local snakes in Jiaozhou.

When Liao Qian said this at a time like this, the implication was already obvious.

Liao Shi's heart skipped a beat, but he still hesitated:

"We are not the commander in chief of the army, I am afraid that the soldiers will not obey orders."

Liao Qian smiled contemptuously:

"Secret Jiang, you're just a mediocre person, so what's there to be afraid of? Besides, at this time, the various counties in Jiaozhou are full of civil unrest, and they've been brought down again and again. The barbarians can still separate the counties, what's the matter with us?"

"Jiaozhou is far away from the heart, the road is blocked and the land is dangerous. If this matter is really possible, even if Zhao Tuo can't do it, then it's okay to be a Shixie."

Most of the leading and powerful figures in Wu Guojun have something to do with local tyrants.

The same goes for the Liao brothers.

They have some relationship with the Liao family in Jingzhou.

In other words, they are a branch of the Liao family in Jingzhou.

Although the Liao clan in Jingzhou is not as powerful as the Huang clan, Cai clan, Xi clan, etc., they can still be regarded as local wealthy families.

At that time, Wu Guo backstabbed his allies and attacked Jingzhou, which gained huge immediate benefits.

But what was lost was long-term credibility.

In this era of trusting promises, many people are deeply disgusted by Sun Quan's actions.

As the saying goes, what is good at the top will be effective at the bottom.

The act of betraying the alliance did not affect the entire Wu country, but it set an extremely bad example for Jingzhou, the center of the incident:

In Wu State, there is no need to talk about etiquette, benevolence, righteousness and morality. As long as the interests are in place, there is nothing that cannot be done.

If the benefits were greater, backstabbing Da Wu would not be a problem at all—for example, Brown Sugar?

In the eyes of the Liao brothers, the benefits of being the second Shixie in Jiaozhou are enough to backstab Wu Guo.

Therefore, Liao Shi took the opportunity to kill Yan Gang, the prefect of Linhe (later Hezhou City), and called himself General Pingnan.

Then, together with his younger brother Liao Qian and others, they attacked Lingling and Guiyang, and the turmoil spread to the counties of Cangwu and Yulin in Jiaozhou.

But in January, tens of thousands of people gathered, and the momentum was huge.

Lu Dai, who was guarding Wuchang, got the news of the turmoil in southern Jingzhou and Jiaozhou earlier than Jianye.

He was so anxious that he went to see Lu Xun himself:

"The matter is urgent! If it is reported to the imperial court and waits for His Majesty to issue an order to quell the chaos, I am afraid that Jingnan and Jiaozhou will become chaotic."

"In my opinion, why don't you let me lead the troops to go south first while making a statement. Your Majesty is wise, and I don't want to blame me."

Lu Xun has guarded Wuchang for many years. Although there has been a estrangement from Sun Quan over the years, he is still the top general in charge of half of the country of Wu in name.

Lu Xun heard Lu Dai's words and said solemnly:

"Old General Lu's words are exaggerated! When His Majesty moved the capital to Jianye, he once said that in the west of Wuchang, all matters are under the sole responsibility of Xun."

"There are thieves in southern Jingnan who are in trouble now. It is under my jurisdiction. State affairs are the most important thing. The old general can just lead the army forward, and I will take care of the rest."

After the discussion between the two was over, Lu Dai led the army day and night, constantly recruiting officers and troops along the way.

However, Lu Xun personally wrote a letter to Sun Quan, explaining the reasons, and at the same time invited Lu Dai to be the shepherd of Jiaozhou, in the name of justice.

Lu Xun's memorial was sent to Jianye, and Sun Quan did not blame Lu Xun and Lu Dai in court, but praised the two for their decisiveness.

At the same time, an edict was issued to send generals Tang Zi and others to continuously reinforce Lu Dai.

It's just that after going down to court, Sun Quan's face immediately became extremely gloomy when he returned to the harem.

In his hand, he tightly held the memorial sent by Lu Xun from Wuchang.

The veins on the back of the hand are already protruding.

Seeing His Majesty's appearance, all the palace people lowered their hands and lowered their eyebrows, not even daring to breathe.

In the past, when Empress Bu was still around, she could often persuade His Majesty. Even if His Majesty was angry, Empress Bu could quickly appease Her Majesty.

Since Empress Bu passed away, His Majesty's temper has become more and more irritable, and the life of the palace people has become more and more difficult.

Just at this time, Lu Yi, the school official of the school affairs office, came to report:

"Your Majesty, Duke Zhou Yin, who was instructed by His Majesty before, still does not repent, drinks recklessly, and indulges in excesses. Please decide what crime should be punished."

Duxiang Hou Zhouyin is the second son of Zhou Yu. He has the highest title among the descendants of heroes. In the early years, he led thousands of people to garrison the police in the important town of Jingzhou, and was highly appreciated by Sun Quan.

It is a pity that according to the report of the school affairs office, what Zhou Yin did in the police failed to live up to Sun Quan's expectations.

Sun Quan, who was full of anger and had no place to vent, immediately cursed:

"What are you talking about? That Zhuzi still doesn't know how to repent? Zhuzi is young and has no merits at the beginning. He has received elite soldiers, a noble and general, Gai Nian Gongjin and Yu Biye."

"I never thought that he would be so arrogant because of his favor, and he would not change after repeated admonitions. He was so disappointing! An imperial edict was issued to demote him as a commoner and move to Luling!"

Probably very angry, but seeing Sun Quan talking, he smashed the memorial to the ground.

Zhou Yin's eldest brother, Zhou Xun, was an official to the captain of the cavalry, and married the princess Sun Luban. Unfortunately, like his father Zhou Yu, he was unlucky and died young.

So Sun Luban remarried Quan Cong, General Wei.

Probably for the sake of being on the same path as Zhou Xun, General Wei Quan Cong has always taken good care of Zhou Yin.

After the internal and external generals learned of Sun Quan's decision, Quan Cong, Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, Zhu Ran and others played successively to intercede for Zhou Yin:

Therefore, General Zhou Yuziyin, who was whitewashed in the past and was appointed as a general, could not raise him for blessings, think of efficacy, indulge in lust, and quickly punish crimes.

I hope Sun Quan will forgive Zhou Yin for Zhou Yu's fault.

Sun Quan didn't listen, but said:

"Lonely in Gongjin, righteousness is like the kings, and the achievements of Leyin are not enough! Forced Yin is evil, and it is easy to pay back, and if you want to suffer, let yourself know your ears. As the son of Gongjin, and the kings are in the middle, If you can change it, why bother!"

It means that my friendship with Gongjin is no different from that of other gentlemen, and naturally I hope to see his son achieve something.

It's just that this son has done too much evil, it's not appropriate to let him come back immediately, we still have to torture him and grind his temper.

With his status as the son of Gongjin and the protection of the princes, if he is allowed to correct, there is nothing to worry about.

The brilliant words, the earnest words, the meaning of yearning for Zhou Gongjin, and the love for his descendants are beyond words.

When everyone heard what His Majesty said, it was indeed reasonable, so they had to send a letter to a certain unlucky boy surnamed Zhou:

Just bear with it, after a while, His Majesty's anger subsides, and we old ministers will try to persuade His Majesty again. Also, during this time, you remember that you have performed better recently, and you will naturally be able to come back when the time comes.

What Zhou Yin could do was to stay in Luling obediently.

Probably because he felt that he did not take good care of Zhou Yin, Quan Cong felt a little guilty, so he thought of another unlucky child surnamed Zhou—Zhou Hu.

Zhou Yu's elder brother had a son named Zhou Jun, Zhou Yin's cousin, who died not long ago, leaving behind a son Zhou Hu.

Quan Cong went up to the table again, suggesting that Zhou Hu lead Zhou Jun's legacy.

This is the custom of Wu State.

However, Sun Quan didn't know why, but he didn't agree:

"In the past when Cao Cao left, there was Jingzhou. They were all Gong Jin, and I never forgot it. When I first heard about Jun's death, I still wanted to use Hu. I heard that Hu was dangerous, and I used it for disaster, so I stopped it. Gu Nian Gong Jin, what a shame!"

The defeat of Cao Cao and the expansion of Jingzhou in the past are all thanks to Gong Jin, and I have never forgotten it.

Although I also want Zhou Hu to lead the army, but I heard that he has a violent character, and if I use him, it will cause trouble instead, so I didn't let him replace Zhou Jun.

In the end, Emperor Sun had a sad look on his face: I have never stopped missing Gongjin!

Zhou Yin:? ? ?

Zhou Hu:? ? ?

Quan Cong:? ? ?

In the school office, all the school officials praised Lu Yi:

"Lu Zhongshu's plan is really ingenious! In this way, the Zhou family may not be able to keep their land in Jingnan these years, and the school's government can have a lot more sugarcane fields."

Lu Yi smiled slightly, but there was a gloomy light in his eyes:

"This is just Xiaolier. The one I have drawn is the Crown Princess."

The Crown Princess of Wu State, surnamed Zhou, is the daughter of Zhou Yu.

Lv Yi has always firmly remembered the fact that the East Palace secretly sent people forward to speak gossip under His Majesty, which almost caused the school government to be destroyed.

When the news of the state of Wu reached Chang'an, Zhu Ju hastily asked Feng Duhu to resign:

"Great events happened one after another in Great Wu, worrying about the Lord, and leaving home for too long, missing his homeland, and wanting to go back to Jiangdong."

Feng Duhu was naturally unwilling to let him go:

"Then what about the training camp?"

"It's been nearly two years since Dahan came to the trainee camp, so I don't need to follow him all the time, and it's already winter. There are not many things in the army in winter, so there is no need to worry."

Feng Duhu took a deep look at Zhu Ju, and finally nodded:

"Since General Zhu said so, I will explain this matter to His Majesty tomorrow."

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