Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 118 The Brash Huang Family Daughter

"By the way, brother, I'm waiting for more than 200 more people in this group, that is, more than 200 more mouths. This ration is not enough, what should I do?"

After Wang Xun was forced to sit down, he didn't start eating immediately, but raised his head and asked a question with concern.

"Don't worry. I have my own arrangements for this matter."

Feng Yong said, looking at the hiccupping Zhao Guang, "Erlang, I'm afraid you will have to deal with this matter."

"Didn't elder brother say that we have made arrangements? Why do you want younger brother to come forward? Besides, during this journey, elder brother also knows how much food the younger brother has brought in those parts."

"You are considered a half-landlord here. General Ma, who is guarding the city, is your cousin, and that lady Huang is your elder sister. If you don't want me, who else can I look for?"

Zhao Guang suddenly nodded: "Brother, do you want my younger brother to come forward to borrow food?"

According to Feng Yong's original plan, he was a Diannong official in Hanzhong anyway, and he could still speak to Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation. He used his power to approve two or three oxen plows, and made some PY transactions with the dignitaries and families who came to Hanzhong for reclamation. Get food easily.

Even if Old Demon Zhuge found out, as long as he took out the rinsed wool and sent it, not only would he not blame him, but he would send him food as quickly as possible.

But now this idea has changed: Why not make cheap Zhuge old demon? As long as Zhao Guang can get food, there is no need to owe others favors. When distributing this piece of cake in the future, at least he can snatch more.

As for such a thing as monopoly, Feng Yong never thought about it.

If I were the old monster Zhuge, if someone offered me a plan to cultivate Hanzhong in order to go to Hanzhong, I would take it seriously and give him an official in charge of Hanzhong's farming affairs.

Later, he suddenly discovered that the purpose of that person's going to Hanzhong was not the same as what he had imagined to work hard to cultivate Hanzhong, but to go there to shear sheep and make a fortune when everyone was not paying attention.

I'm afraid I'm going to flip the table on the spot. Damn, isn't the prime minister a veteran cadre? !

Therefore, in order not to let the old monster Zhuge overturn his own table, Feng Yong not only wants the old monster Zhuge to participate, but also wants to involve more bigwigs.

When the cake is bigger, everyone will be happy if they have something to eat, and they won't be afraid of those who didn't get pink eye disease.

Feng Yong alone, even with two younger brothers Zhao Guang and Wang Xun, what big things can he do?

Besides, with the boss at the front, the wind and rain will not rain on his head.

"You are a half-landlord here, if you are not allowed to come forward, should I come forward?" Feng Yong said indifferently, "If you feel that you can't save face, that's okay. It's just that there will be no benefits in the future, don't say that being an elder brother is not good Take care of you."

Don't want to contribute, but still want to take advantage? How can there be such a good thing in the world?

"If the elder brother asks for food, why does the younger brother say that he is not ashamed? My cousin is not in Guancheng now, I am afraid that it is not convenient for the younger brother to borrow it. My elder sister is also rich in wealth, so she can lend it out. few."

"Miss Huang?"

"That's natural."

Zhao Guang nodded, "When General Huang died of illness, all the property of the Huang family was given to my elder sister. Besides, the Dingjun Mountain was a place where General Huang made great achievements in the past, so the late emperor was at the foot of the Dingjun Mountain. A large piece of land has been set aside for my sister. If you want to talk about this wealth, I am afraid that this Hanzhong must be headed by my sister."

Feng Yong was dumbfounded.

Such a young rich woman...

So why do you still hang around with me? Go straight to marry her, what more do you want in this life?

"Borrow food?"

Huang Wudie was at noon, and she was eating dry food in her hand, and it seemed to suit her taste, and it was delicious.

Even if she knew that Feng Yong was coming, when she saw someone coming in, she just got up and asked someone to kneel down to the guest seat, and then she sat in the main seat again and continued to eat. She didn't seem to mind being seen like this at all.

Yesterday's guess was correct. As a daughter, Huang Wudie has a man's heart.

But why is the dry food in her hand so familiar? Isn't it precisely for the sake of coming to Hanzhong that I carefully crafted it? Where did she come from?

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang beside him, and he understood.

"No," he ate the dry food in two mouthfuls. Huang Wudie took another sip of water from the bowl, put it down and waved his hands boldly, "I'll see you off!"


"Yes, I'll see you off."

Huang Wudie looked at Feng Yong seriously: "I have no parents since I was young, let alone brothers and sisters. If Erlang is willing to call me sister, then he is my real brother. He opened his mouth and I will give you food. Why do you need to borrow?"

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang, and saw that his face was full of emotion, wishing he could go up to have a sister-brother show with Huang Wudie.

"Sister's words really made my younger brother very grateful! It's still my sister who cares about my younger brother!"

You are so indiscriminately moved!

Didn't you hear what they said?

People see you as a brother! Do you still want to go to...

Forget it, anyway, I can't get involved in this matter.

"So thank you, Miss Huang."

"Feng Langjun is not an outsider, why should he say thank you?"

Atmospheric, really atmospheric!

If I also have such a sister, I should also be touched.

"In the correspondence between Erlang and me these days, he strongly praised Feng Langjun's talent. It is said that he has learned a lot from Feng Langjun in the past few months."

Huang Wudie clasped her fists: "Erlang used to be ignorant all day long, but now he knows how to make progress. Speaking of this matter, as a sister, I have to thank Feng Langjun."

"Miss Huang has said it. I met Erlang as before, and he called me brother. How can I be ashamed of the word brother?"

Feng Yong really admired this time, although this Huang Wudie is a daughter, but compared to many men, she is probably much more straightforward in speaking and doing things.

"Since they are not outsiders, can the concubine also make a request to Feng Langjun?"

"Madam Huang, please tell me."

"I heard that the eight ox plows were made by Feng Langjun. Now the imperial court has made a large-scale reclamation in Hanzhong and appointed Feng Langjun as a farmer in Hanzhong. My concubine also has a few acres of Susukida in Hanzhong. I don't know if I can tell Feng Langjun How many eight-ox plows do you want?"

"I don't know how much Miss Huang wants?"

Feng Yong thought in his heart that this Huang Wudie could be regarded as the top snake in Hanzhong after all, with such a rich net worth, he would have to trouble others in the future, and it is a normal investment to establish a good relationship first.

As for the authority, if it is not used now, it will be invalidated if it expires, not to mention that I am still working for Hanzhong's reclamation, understandable, understandable!

"Ten or eight first."

Huang Wudie spoke very lightly, as if she was saying, give me a few pieces of dry food first.

"How many?"

Feng Tubie's eyes widened all of a sudden.

Seeing Feng Yong's astonished expression, Huang Wudie couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and burst out laughing on the spot.

Feng Yong laughed so hard that he couldn't understand it, so he stopped and waved his hands and said: "I'm just joking, Feng Langjun should not care about it. The prime minister values ​​laws and regulations, and I still know about this matter, so I don't dare to violate the court's decree. "

Only then did Feng Yong quietly breathe a sigh of relief, thinking to himself that such a woman with a man's heart is really worrying.

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