Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1157 Don't force me

Hearing what Feng Duhu said, and carefully looking at his expression, he was sure that there was no duplicity.

Not to mention the displeasure as imagined, or even furious.

Madam You breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that as a pillow person, she always felt that she knew A Lang well, but now she was a little bit unsure.

This reaction...was a little too flat, right?

I saw her ask cautiously:

"Alang, are you really not angry?"

"What's the use of being angry?" Feng Duhu spat out two melon seeds, threw the melon rind on the desk, and then lay back on the chair.

"Wei Yan is the general of the left hussar, and his position is higher than that of the right hussar like me."

"Plus it's another decision made by the palace, even if I'm angry, can I change this decision?"

If it's just the palace's idea, the Central Capital Protectorate might not be able to block it and reject it.

But old man Wei joined in, relying solely on Feng Zhongdu to protect himself, he couldn't withstand the joint attack of both sides.

"According to the news from Wei State, Jiang Ji in Hanoi was hated by Cao Shuang, and now he has attached himself to Sima Yi in Luoyang."

"As a result, the situation in Hedong has undergone some changes. Sending Wei Yan to watch it is a safe strategy."

Speaking of this, Feng Duhu cursed angrily again:

"Cao Shuang is a pig, not even a pig!"

Even if you want to fight, then fight hard.

To exclude dissidents is to exclude dissidents. At best, this is a means.

But you dare to play with the woman left behind by Cao Rui?

Use the utensils that can only be used by the emperor at the banquet with Taichung Sangou?

Don't you know that you are the auxiliary minister appointed by Cao Rui?

I don't know if doing this is destroying the legitimacy of my own governance?

When Cao Rui left Luoyang, he sent Jiang Ji, a veteran of the three dynasties, to guard Hanoi.

At the last moment before his death, he decided to make the Yu family his queen, in order to win over the Yu family in Hanoi.

In order to better control the puppet emperor of Wei, Cao Shuang actually moved the puppet queen mother of Wei to live in another palace.

Before Cao Rui died, he worked so hard to pave the way for him, but he just destroyed it at will.

I don't know if Cao Rui knew about it underground, would he be so angry that he would want to crawl out of it.

It's all right now, just hand over Hanoi to Sima Yi.

Cao Rui was also blind to let such a person be the auxiliary minister.

Now Luoyang is getting more and more popular in Wei Guochao, and Xuchang is being criticized more and more.

The stronger Sima Yi in Luoyang is, the more price the Great Han will have to pay to advance eastward.

The weaker Cao Shuang in Xuchang is, the more likely he will be seized by Emperor Wu.

It would be ridiculous if Emperor Wu really wanted to make history and break through Hefei and go north.

The situation in Wei State changed, so Ji Han also had to strengthen the defense of Hedong.

It was through this matter that Zhang Xingcai decided to establish the Hedong Governor's Mansion and sent Wei Yan as the governor.

Feng Zhongduhu said he loved Huskies.

Madam You naturally knew why her Alang scolded Cao Shuang.

After all, only when two tigers fight will one be injured, and it cannot be said that both sides will suffer.

Even if it's not two tigers, one tiger and one leopard or one wolf will do.

But now it's a tiger and a pig.

The tiger is still guarding the intersection where the big man goes east...

But seeing Mrs. You muttering:

"If I had known earlier, I might as well have agreed to the prince's affairs first..."

Feng Zhongduhu shook his head:

"Even if you agree, so what? Selling your daughter can certainly bring you peace for a while, but you can't get peace for the rest of your life."

"As the saying goes, the world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as dogs, and compassion is not in charge of soldiers, let alone the most ruthless emperor's family."

"The emperor has to be responsible for the world. You can't demand such things as love and affection. This in the palace shows that he is a qualified royal family."

When Mrs. You heard Feng Duhu's words, her eyes widened immediately, and she stammered:

"Alang, you..."

Feng Zhongdu took a look at her:

"What? You can't tell the truth at home? Are you going to report me for slandering your majesty?"

Mrs. You spat at him, but the expression on her face was somewhat melancholy:

"The most ruthless emperor's family... Sigh!"

He intends to defend his elder sister, but thinks that he has been used by the Emperor's family to bind Ah Lang for so many years?

It's also fortunate that A Lang is a man who values ​​friendship and is different from men in the world.


Madam You didn't think about it any further, she just rolled her eyes, and she was quite fortunate to take a look at Feng Duhu.

However, Feng Duhu was already lazily lying on the chair, half-closed his eyes, his eyes were a little erratic, and occasionally looked in a certain direction to the southeast.

Obviously something else is on his mind.

In fact, Feng Duhu already had some regrets in his heart at this time.

Back then, his heart softened for a moment, and he let that bastard Yang Yi poke a big basket.

If I had known this before, I might as well let the old man accompany the prime minister to meet the late emperor.

Now that Mr. Wei has arrived in Hedong, it's best not to mess around.

If not, it would be embarrassing me, Fat Hu, and insisting on forcing Fat Hu to take the path of playing politics.

Regarding Ji Han's political atmosphere, Feng Duhu always thought it was quite good.

As the political legacy left by the late emperor and the prime minister, Feng Duhu naturally couldn't bear to destroy it.

Feng Duhu unconsciously raised his head, looked at the roof, and suddenly said:

"In a few days, I plan to go to Lantian."

"To Lantian?"

Madam You was taken aback, she was talking about business, why...

But she quickly realized: "Ah Lang is going to pay homage to the Prime Minister?"

"Well. Since the emperor moved the capital, he has become more and more busy. I haven't seen the prime minister for a long time."

I don't know if it's because he's getting older, but Feng Duhu found that he began to miss the people and things from the past:

"Now Ah Chi is studying in the mansion, and I want to tell the Prime Minister about Ah Chi's academic progress."

Madam You fell silent when she heard the words, and it took a while before she opened her mouth to say:

"The concubine also went with A Lang."

Feng Duhu's eyes fell on Mrs. You's face, he smiled, got up from the chair, leaned over, and rubbed Mrs. You's head.

Just like when the young Feng Langjun was playing with the young Mrs. You.

Madam You gave him a reproachful look.

Then he lowered his head slightly to let him knead more smoothly.

Speaking of which, even though she is Mrs. You and is in charge of government affairs in the mansion, she is the youngest among all the wives and concubines in Feng Mansion.

It's just because of her performance all the time, people always subconsciously ignore her age.

The two looked at each other as if in agreement, and then Mrs. You took the initiative to lean over and put her head on Feng Duhu's lap.

An old husband and wife are still stuck together in the hot summer.

Fortunately, Feng's family is rich enough to be able to fill up primitive air conditioners like Bingjian everywhere.

The room is cool and comfortable.

As soon as this feeling came up, Feng Duhu remembered that his X chromosome wanted to turn over.

"Elbow, follow me into the room."

The other wives and concubines in the house are not too young. Although they can still give birth, they are considered old women after all.

The hope of turning the X chromosome back seems to be on the youngest Mrs. You.

Madam You raised her head and gave Feng Duhu a charming look.

The queen was a little surprised to learn that Feng Yong took his whole family to Lantian.

"Feng Mingwen agreed to the matter of the Governor's Mansion of Hedong so easily?"

After eating a tooth of cold melon, A Dou wiped his mouth:

"Feng Mingwen has always known how to advance and retreat, so why does the empress force him like this? In matters of children, what matters is your love and my wish, so that everyone is happy."

"Besides, what Si Niang said is indeed reasonable. Whether it's conquering the world or ruling the world, the prince will always have his own opinions when he becomes the emperor, and he can't always think about relying on others."

The queen heard the words and glanced at the big man emperor.

A Dou can't do anything else, but he still has self-knowledge.

But seeing him say plausibly:

"You can't expect the crown prince to be as lucky as me. First he will have his father-in-law's assistant, then his brother-in-law's assistant, and he will also meet a virtuous queen, right?"

"Aside from other things, how many people have been able to achieve the step of father-in-law throughout the ages? How many people can be compared with Feng Mingwen?"

"Fortunately, I met it, met it and used it, used it and believed it, so I can return to the old capital."

"If the prince is not as fortunate as I am, he must cultivate his mind, study knowledge, and broaden his knowledge, so that the country can be cured in the future."

The queen has only one son, but the emperor has several sons.

So even if the little fat man loves the prince, he still thinks that there should be a limit.

Listen to Lianjin Feng... Oh, no, it's Si Niang's opinion, so I think there is nothing wrong with it.

After hearing the emperor's words, the empress couldn't help but rolled her eyes even though there were some beautiful words in it.

"The concubine is so deliberate here, isn't it because she wants the prince to be able to have a good minister and a virtuous wife like your majesty?"

"Oh, what can the daughter of the Feng family see now at such a young age? It's hard to say whether she is suitable for the crown prince..."

The queen looked at the emperor with a half-smile:

"Your Majesty speaks like this, could it be that he wants to intercede with Feng Mingwen? In this way, the concubine is not a human being."

"No!" The little fat man waved his hands repeatedly, "I just don't think it's necessary to guess what Feng Mingwen is thinking all day long."

"Hasn't he already agreed to the matter of the Governor's Mansion in Hedong? And after agreeing, he went to Lantian, obviously he just didn't want to take care of this matter."

Don't dare to offend the queen easily, otherwise, no one in the palace will be able to review the memorial for him.

"Who knows? Maybe..."

I wanted to say "I went to Lantian on purpose and reminded the Prime Minister", but when I remembered that this matter involved the late Prime Minister, I was afraid that His Majesty would not be happy if I said it.

So halfway through, Zhang Xingcai stopped talking and asked instead:

"What does Your Majesty think of Feng Mingwen's proposal to divide the land of the Si Li?"

The little fat man nodded repeatedly:

"Very good! Now that the big man has moved his capital to Chang'an, the land of official affairs must naturally be divided, otherwise, if the name is not correct, the words will not go well."

According to Feng Mingwen's opinion, the land of Sanfu and Beidi County were separated from Yongzhou and became the separate land of Sili.

Hedong is now used as a barrier in Guanzhong, connecting with the bandits, and there will be wars at any time, so it is not suitable to be included in the Sili for the time being.

It will not be too late to reclassify Hedong, Henan and other places as the jurisdiction of Sili after the Kanto is pacified in the future.

In this way, the two capitals of Chang'an and Luoyang are both within the scope of Sili, which also shows that Ji Han inherited the two Hans before and after.

Seeing the emperor's expression of approval, the queen's eyes flickered, but she didn't answer immediately.

She knew that His Majesty didn't see it at all. Feng Mingwen was actually telling herself that if he really wanted to prevent the establishment of the Hedong Dudu's Mansion, there might be no way out.

It may not be impossible to include the land of Hedong into the land of Sili now.

Just change the rhetoric: not hesitate to use the land of the capital to face the bandits, which shows the big man's vow to destroy the bandits.

So Feng Mingwen didn't object to this matter, which showed that he was indeed giving in.

The queen let out a breath.

Forget it, this is the end of this matter, let's accept it as soon as it is good, it is not appropriate to hurt the feelings.

"It's justified," Empress Zhang nodded, "Your Majesty's words are very reasonable. That being the case, let the prince choose a good day to go to Feng's mansion and get to know Feng's daughter. Isn't it justified?"

"Ah?" Adou was taken aback for a moment, he seemed a little unable to keep up with the queen's jumping thinking, and he said after a while, "The queen still doesn't want to give up?"

"When did the concubine say she was going to give up?"

Zhang Xingcai gave A Dou a strange look, "Didn't Feng Mingwen say it himself, as long as his daughter likes it."

"If Feng's daughter really likes the prince in the future, it's hard for him to say no, right?"

A Dou thought for a while: "This statement... this statement is very reasonable."

As long as it doesn't put him in a dilemma.

"Then send someone to inquire first, to see when Feng Mingwen will return home?"

"Their family should have just arrived in Lantian, right?"

It's really not easy to drag the family out on a hot day.

This trip, Feng Duhu and Mrs. Zuo and Zuo went out together, and only Shuangshuang and Ah Chong were the children in the family.

The remaining children are still a little young, so don't come out in this kind of weather.

Two concubines and one mistress stayed in the mansion to look after the children.

Accompanied by the prime minister's wife and Zhuge Zhan.

Zhuge Zhan has been tempered for more than half a year—perhaps torture? ——It is indeed less coddled than before.

The prime minister's wife was very comforted to see him worshiping in front of his adult's tomb in a dignified manner.

Although she has been here several times, every time she sees A Lang's tombstone, the prime minister's wife still feels a little sad.

She caressed the tombstone and sighed:

"A Lang, you left too early, leaving me and Ah Chi alone. I am a woman, how can I know how to educate him? I am afraid that he will insult your reputation in the future."

"Fortunately, I let him go to Mingwen Mansion to study, and he finally made some progress. Otherwise, even if I went underground, I wouldn't have the face to see you..."

Talked a lot.

Feng Yong also wanted to say something to the prime minister, but it was his turn until the prime minister's wife had finished speaking.

So he took his two children and watched from a distance with his two wives.

Ah Chi felt a little embarrassed.

Kneeling in front of the tomb, listening to my mother say something wrong with him from time to time, but dare not say anything.

Knowing that the prime minister's wife and Feng Duhu came to pay homage to the prime minister, Guo Mo, who had been in charge of guarding the prime minister's temple after retiring, came to pay Feng Duhu a salute.

After returning the gift, Feng Duhu said:

"Mr. Guo, long time no see."

"It's a great honor to have the care of the guardian in labor."

"Mr.'s achievements cannot be shown in front of others, but they are remembered in my heart."

The two chatted for a while, and then looked at the tomb of the prime minister, Feng Duhu said with some emotion:

"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, things have changed. Mr. Guo, do you still remember Huang Gongheng (that is, Huang Quan)?"

"Of course I remember."

In the battle of Yiling, Huang Quan's retreat was cut off, and he led his army to surrender to the state of Wei.

In the state of Wei, he is very famous, although he has no real power, he has honor.

"He died last year, too."

Guo Mo was taken aback: "Huang Gongheng died too?"


There are few people who lived in the same era as Cheng Tong.

Obviously, a few days ago, he was ambitious to use Mrs. You to turn over his X chromosome, but now, Feng Duhu feels that he is already old.

Otherwise, why would there be so many emotions?

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