Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1164 Joining forces

After inspecting the necessary work progress, Feng Duhu decided to end his trip to the north ahead of schedule.

On the surface, because of the appearance of Tuoba Xianbei, unexpected factors appeared in the original plan to adjust the direction of Youzhou.

So Feng Duhu needs to go back to Chang'an, and re-discuss with the left and right wives how to deploy the Youzhou frontier fortress plan.

Waiting in Pingcheng for half a month, Liu Hun, bald Tianli and others who will return from outside the Great Wall, was a bit of a waste of time.

But in fact, as a big disciple, Zhang Yuan knew that the head of the mountain was in a hurry to go back this time, and more importantly, he was affected by the incident in Hedong.

Having followed Shan Chang for so many years, Zhang Yuan is naturally familiar with the events before the battle.

So he knew that it would take time from mobilizing troops to going to war.

If the governor of Wei really wants to attack Gaodu, then Hedong will mobilize its troops at the end of autumn, and the real battle will come after winter.

Although Zhang Yuan thinks this possibility is not high.

But he also knew that the affairs of the court were far more complicated than the deployment of soldiers in front of the formation.

And in this world, there is a possibility called just in case.

The head of the mountain has a heavy responsibility, if there is a mistake, how many people will be implicated, so it is necessary to be cautious.

Before leaving, Feng Duhu summoned Wang Ping, the captain of the Xianbei school, and Zhang Yuan, the chief clerk, and personally ordered:

"Although the Hu people in Yanmen are no longer harmful, and there are dangerous mountains and mountains separated from Wei, but based here, it can reduce the source of war horses for Wei's thieves in Youzhou."

"It seems to have no effect on harming the enemy, but it actually has the effect of weakening the enemy, and this action needs to be used to benefit the enemy, and it also needs to deter the enemy and use the elite soldiers."

"Not to mention workshops, mines and other places, most of them are barbarians, and they all need to be on guard, so as not to change their elbows and armpits. Therefore, things in the army must not be relaxed."

"You and the other two are the people I trust the most. You must cooperate sincerely. If you have anything to do, discuss it more."

"If the matter cannot be settled, no matter how big or small, send someone to Chang'an to inquire about it. Don't fool around thinking it's a trivial matter."

If it is said that Zhao Guang and Feng Yong are good family friends, then Wang Ping and his son, to put it mildly, share weal and woe with Feng Duhu.

To put it bluntly, they are Feng Duhu's henchmen - at least in the eyes of others.

Because from the time they got acquainted with Feng Yongshi, every step of the promotion of Wang Ping and his son can be said to be promoted by Feng Duhu.

Feng Du protects the throne and has high authority, while Wang Ping and his son are under the big tree to enjoy the shade.

Feng Duhu's reputation was ruined, and Wang Ping and his son were bound to be liquidated.

Wang Ping was originally a cautious person, but now seeing Feng Duhu's solemn orders, he was shocked, and quickly stood up to express his opinion:

"The words of the Protector of the Central Capital will definitely be kept in mind in the end."

Zhang Yuan also stood up, just like when he was listening to the teacher in the school in the old days:

"Students dare not forget the teachings of the head of the mountain."

Emphasizing the importance of Yanmen to the two, Feng Duhu didn't stay too long, and started to go south, passing Yanmen fortress, and heading towards Taiyuan.

Although he wanted to rush back to Chang'an, Taiyuan was governed by Bingzhou, and Deng Zhi served as the governor of Bingzhou as a general of the right guard.

In addition, the current governor of Bingzhou is Zhuge Qiao.

No matter how impatient Feng Duhu was, he still wanted to stay in Taiyuan to meet Deng Zhi and Zhuge Qiao.

Deng Zhi was an old man when he was the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, and he always admired the pragmatism and simplicity advocated by the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

Not to mention Zhuge Qiao.

In addition, Bingzhou is not a wealthy place now, and for the top two bosses of the Governor's Mansion, Zhongduhu is not an outsider.

So the governor's mansion simply held a cleansing banquet for Feng Duhu.

The main officials of the Governor's Mansion attended the scene and drank two glasses of wine, and then they took the initiative to resign.

In the end, when only Deng Zhi and Zhuge Qiao were left, the leftovers were taken away and some food and wine were placed again. This was the real banquet for the three of them.

The three of them were all on their own, so Deng Zhi stopped saying polite words and asked directly:

"A few days ago, I heard that Feng Jun arrived at Yanmen to inspect the Northland. Why did you rush back to Chang'an so soon?"

The central guard of the Chinese and foreign military, who is the governor of the Chinese and foreign military, inspects the northern land, but it doesn't mean that he is just looking at the flowers and going to the frontier at public expense.

Instead, it is necessary to check the pass, inspect the frontier army, understand the situation of the Hu people in the frontier, and at the same time solve the problems existing in the frontier.

In addition, Feng Duhu also has the right to write books, so he also has the right to rectify the civil affairs in the border areas.

Not to mention that Yanmen has been taking actions against the thieves in Youzhou.

Feng Duhu only stayed in Yanmen for less than ten days, and hurried south, which is indeed a bit abnormal.

"When Yong came out, the wife of the mansion had already been pregnant for more than two months. This time I rushed back to miss my wife and the attitude of my son and daughter. Don't make fun of Mr. Deng."

When Deng Zhi and Zhuge Qiao heard the words, they quickly congratulated:

"It turns out that there is a congratulations in the house, congratulations to Feng Jun (Mingwen)!"

Deng Zhi stroked his beard, with curiosity in his eyes:

"There have been rumors in the early years that Feng Jun has a secret recipe in his hand, and your family already has one daughter and five sons? I didn't expect that there will be another one now. Could it be that the rumor is true?"

Feng Duhu smiled awkwardly and remained silent.

What one daughter and five sons?

Obviously one daughter and six sons.

There is another Guan Sheng.

The son of General Guan and his mistress Hua is nicknamed Azhi and named Guan Sheng.

Take the meaning born after the victory in Guanzhong.

Zhuge Qiao, who has always been a gentleman, seems to have let go a lot in this kind of private occasion.

Without waiting for Feng Duhu's answer, he said first:

"This matter is true. I know that in the early years, both Guan Anguo and Zhang Xingwu (that is, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao) had obtained the secret recipe from Mingwen."

Feng Duhu originally wanted to say that it was spreading rumors, but Zhuge Qiao said so, and then remembered that he had indeed sent two brothers-in-law a secret recipe that was not a secret recipe.

In the end, I could only pretend to be stupid and laugh.

Hearing this, Deng Zhi pointed at Feng Duhu:

"It's not kind, Feng Jun!"

"What do you mean by Mr. Deng's words?"

"Guan Anguo and Zhang Xingwu are indeed a family with Feng Jun, but Weizhe (Deng Liang, son of Deng Zhi) and Feng Jun are also brothers, right?"

Feng Duhu replied:

"Weizhe and I are naturally brothers."

"Since he is a brother, you should also know that he only has a daughter now, and the heir is in some difficulties. You have the secret recipe for having a child, and you don't want to help him?"

What's wrong with my daughter? I want to come or not.

Feng Duhu's words could only be murmured in his heart.

If you really want to say it, Deng Zhi might think he is showing off.

"The so-called secret recipe for childbearing actually exists in the medical school. As long as Wei Zhe asks about it, he will naturally know."

"It would be best if the couple could go to check it together..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw something wrong with Deng Zhi's expression.

Think about it, since Deng Liang was able to give birth to a daughter, there should be no physical problems.

"Of course, the one in the medical school was passed on by me, so it's relatively simple."

"However, Vijay has to meet the requirements of medical school first, so that I can give him a more complete one."

"That way, there shouldn't be any problems."

Everyone likes to drink now, especially Amei has improved the way of making wine, and distilled wine appeared in advance.

Drinking too much will definitely affect fertility.

We still need to pay attention to this issue.

The big deal is that when the time comes, pass on Deng Liang's body training technique of the Goddess of Peony, among other things, it will still help the couple's stamina when they communicate in the room.

With Feng Duhu's guarantee, Deng Zhi smiled happily.

He has passed the age of hearing, but seeing his only son's blood is thin, he is naturally anxious.

"Then I'll thank Feng Jun for the dog first."

Deng Zhi was considered Feng Duhu's senior, so he raised his glass to signal Feng Duhu.

"My family, what can I thank you for?"

"Feng Jun's words sound pleasing to the eye!"

Deng Zhi gave a thumbs up, and then drank it down.

Breathing out a mouthful of alcohol, Deng Zhi looked at Feng Duhu again:

"Feng Jun rushed back to Chang'an this time, apart from worrying about his wife and children, is it because he is also worried about Hedong?"

Feng Duhu was startled when he heard this, and subconsciously glanced at Zhuge Qiao beside him.

Zhuge Qiao also silently looked at Feng Duhu:

"Mingwen, I really don't know much about what happened before the battle, but I was a grain and grass officer in the army anyway, so I know a little about the difficulties of sending troops in winter."

"You really don't know about the fact that Hedong wants to send troops?"

Logically speaking, as the son of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Qiao should naturally stand on the side of the royal family.

But in his opinion, the great Han who occupied one state of Bashu was able to swallow Liang and merge the three states of Yong, allowing the emperor to restore the old capital, and his own adults and Mingwen made great contributions.

More importantly, before his lord died, he personally named Mingwen as his successor.

It shows that the adults believe that after returning to the old capital, Mingwen can fulfill his last wish of revitalizing the Han Dynasty.

So in this case, compared to Wei Yan, he believed in Mingwen's elder brother more.

"The dispatch of troops from the east of the river is not necessarily a dispatch of troops."

Feng Duhu shook his head:

"Besides, when Hedong was dispatching troops, I happened to be rushing from Jiuyuan to Yanmen. The official document sent from Chang'an might have been sent to Jiuyuan. It's normal that I didn't receive it."

Zhuge Qiao is a gentleman, but it doesn't mean he is a fool.

Although Feng Duhu didn't answer openly, he even wanted to defend Hedong.

But he could tell that his younger brother really didn't get any news about Hedong.

He stared at Feng Duhu, and continued to ask:

"Wei Dudu's mobilization of troops in Hedong is to change the original deployment of troops in Hedong."

Zhuge Qiao had a worried look on his face:

"Mingwen thinks that Wei Dudu's transfer is appropriate?"

Feng Duhu smiled wryly:

"Brother, this is embarrassing me. I am just like you, knowing that Hedong is mobilizing troops."

"But how to mobilize and what Wei Wenchang's intention is, I don't know, how to evaluate?"

The name of the Shangdang still belongs to Bingzhou. If there is any change in the Shangdang, it must be reported to the governor's office.

Therefore, discussing this matter in Bingzhou Governor's Mansion is not considered crossing the line.

It's just that after hearing Feng Duhu's words, the worry on Zhuge Qiao's face didn't go away, but instead added a bit of disappointment.

There is even some bleakness in the eyes.

It seems that brother really doesn't know what happened in Hedong.

How many years has it been since the master passed away?

He worked so hard and devoted himself to the great cause of the revival of the Han Dynasty, but such disturbing signs actually happened.


When Zhuge Qiao was preoccupied, Deng Zhi said with disdain:

"He, Wei Yan, was only able to ascend to a high position because of his seniority in the army."

"If you really want to talk about the ability to lead the army, how many people in the world can compare with Feng Jun? What ability does he have to change Feng Jun's arrangement in Hedong?"

When Feng Duhu heard this, he glanced at Deng Zhi in surprise.

Does this mean that Deng Zhi involved himself in it?

Because he is also Ji Han's veteran.

Whether in the court or in the army, not many people dare to compare their qualifications with him.

Coupled with the fact that Deng Zhi guards one side and has an upright personality, there are very few people who can be attracted by him.

Even Liu Yan, a veteran minister who is nominally number one in the court, is not in his eyes.

But it was really rare for him to praise Feng Duhu in this way.

It's just that Feng Duhu understood after a little thought.

Deng Zhi simply couldn't understand Wei Yan.

Of course, the biggest possibility is that the Hedong Dudu's Mansion led by Wei Yan took away the land of Shangdang—although Shangdang is still under the name of Bingzhou, the right to speak is in the Dudu's Mansion.

The Shangdang has made meritorious service, but the prefect of the state can't get any benefits.

Something happened to Shangdang, and the state governor wanted to help wipe his ass.

into his mother's!


Thinking of this, Feng Duhu's heart skipped a beat. Is Deng Zhi planning to join forces with him to deal with Wei Yan?

"Deng Gong won the award. After all, I'm just a junior, but I can't afford Deng Gong to boast like this."

Feng Duhu thought in his heart, but he still had to be humble as usual:

"It's been two years since my arrangement in Hedong. How can there be a once-and-for-all reason for the affairs of the world?"

"Hedong today is different from the past, so Wei Dudu may have his reasons for adjusting the defense."

When Deng Zhi heard this, she looked at Feng Duhu seriously, as if she wanted to read the meaning from his expression.

It's just that Feng Duhu has always been known for his eloquent words and the title of ghost king with foresight and foresight, so it is naturally impossible for people to easily see the true thoughts in his heart.

Deng Zhi couldn't see anything unusual, so she finally had to sigh:

"Forget it, since Feng Jun said so, then this time, Wei Yan is considered to be cheaper for the time being."

"However, this time he tampered with the defense of the river river, it will be fine in the future, but something will happen... Ha ha!"

Deng Zhi sneered, "See how this old man plays the emperor, and hold this person accountable."

Feng Duhu lowered his eyes and said in a flat tone:

"Who can say for sure what will happen in the future? If Wei Wenchang is really rash and makes a mistake, there is no need for Mr. Deng to report it. As the guardian of the central capital, I will personally pursue the responsibility."

"Oh?" Deng Zhi's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she pointed at Feng Duhu and laughed, "Or maybe Feng Jun is conspiring..."

Before he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong, he immediately stopped, nodded knowingly and said: "I understand."

Deng Zhi stroked his beard and sighed:

"Although the old man is old, this temper must not be changed."

"Feng Jun is not very old, but it seems that he is more suitable for the court than the old man."

"However, even if I rely on my old man to sell my old man, I still have some face. If Jun Feng needs help in the future, remember to just ask."

"Forever here, thank you Mr. Deng."

The two looked at each other and smiled, toasting and drinking.

The idea of ​​imperial power at this time is far from reaching the level of the later Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Therefore, there is a saying that "the world is not governed by one person, but the world governed by the world".

Emperor Gao's alliance with all the heroes on the white horse is actually the chairman's distribution of dividends and equity to the veteran managers.

The Liu family took the lead, but they must also acknowledge the contribution of the veteran managers and protect their interests.

If not, when the Lu family was in chaos, why would they stand up and protect the Liu family's foundation?

Not to mention Ji Han, the first emperor died halfway through his business.

The current little fat man has never personally led a soldier, but Ji Han can monopolize the victory of the world.

These are all the ministers and generals working together to fight.

Who doesn't think that they have their own bonus shares in Jihan's company?

If the palace connives at some people and spoils the current good situation, then don't blame the managers below for making trouble.

Wei Yan is a lone minister, and lone ministers are easy to gain trust. There is nothing wrong with this statement.

But if something goes wrong, it is also the easiest to be attacked by the group, and thus easily abandoned by the superior.

Besides, what the Governor's Mansion of Hedong is facing is Sima Yi.

Sima Yi fought in Guanzhong, and was chased away by the prime minister of the Han Dynasty and the governor of Liangzhou, but this does not mean that he is incompetent.

Feng Duhu's eyes were cold, and he hoped that Wei Yan would have some self-knowledge.


Buy a new car for a bird!

I just picked up the car for two days, and I saw that the weather was too hot, so I took an opportunity to move the car to a shaded place, but I didn't know when someone scratched it with a half-finger-long scratch.

Tiger Girl blamed me for moving the car and had a big fight with me.

I:? ? ?

If I can know that this kind of thing will happen, wouldn't I really be a time traveler?

into her sister's!

Things outside of the body, just a means of transportation, just such a small thing, actually quarreled with me, and scolded me?

Who are you going to show a dead face at home?

How dare you slam the door?

In the future, I must save money to buy a car for myself, and never touch the car she wants to use.

Otherwise, I am a dog!

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