In ancient battlefields, especially in the Three Kingdoms era, the means of siege were nothing more than ants, ladders, rushing chariots, nest chariots, and temporary chariots.

In addition, piled up mountains, dug tunnels, water attack and so on.

If it is really impossible to attack, there is another way, and that is to besieged, waiting for the people in the city to run out of wages and food, and have to leave the city and surrender.

Of course there are also catapults.

But before Mr. Feng came up with a heavyweight and destructive siege tool like a stone cannon, the catapult was not the mainstream in the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era.

the reason is simple.

With the continuous development of the technology of building the city wall, the catapult vehicles that use manpower to pull the rope to throw stones no longer pose a great threat to the city wall.

However, when the two armies confront each other in the wild, they can cause heavy damage to the wooden camp.

This is also the reason why Cao Cao dispatched thunder chariots during the Battle of Guandu.

As for the siege equipment such as the nest car and the Lin car, they can already be regarded as heavy siege machines.

The military craftsmen of this era basically have no culture—except for a certain Han army surnamed Feng—whose work is all based on experience.

Don't say that the utensils made by two craftsmen are two utensils made by the same craftsman, and the size and gap between the parts may be different.

Not to mention standardization.

After the siege, if they cannot be forced to surrender, it will take at least half a month, or even longer, to build enough heavy-duty siege equipment.

Unless there is a team of craftsmen with a certain level of education and a standardized model in the army.

At this time, we can see the correctness of the saying "science and technology are the primary productive forces".

Because building heavy siege equipment also represented a certain level of technology in ancient times.

To improve the level of science and technology, the promotion of education is the foundation.

Without education, where can talent come from?

Without talents, how to improve the level of science and technology?

Therefore, in ancient times with a very low literacy rate, unless there is sufficient time.

Otherwise, the siege army usually builds a part of heavy siege equipment, and then cooperates with a large number of light siege equipment to attack the city.

At the same time, it also needs to fill in the lives of a large number of soldiers.

The so-called encircle it with ten and attack it with five is for this reason.

The Wu army led by Zhuge Ke naturally couldn't reach the level of the army under Feng's command, so he could only attack the city in batches.

Although it is to test the defense situation of the Wei army in the city, to see if we can find a weaker place.

But seeing Wu Jun soldiers running halfway, they fell to the ground.

Countless arrow feathers fell from the sky, weaving into a dense web.

Seeing Luo Xian, Fu Qian and others so cruel for the first time, they still stared wide-eyed.

Some of their bodies couldn't stop trembling slightly, and they didn't know whether it was because of excitement or fear.

Or maybe both.

After transporting the grain and grass for so long, finally when Wu Jun started to attack the city, he had the opportunity to come to the front.

Of course, it may also be Zhuge Ke's deliberate arrangement.

After all, even though you can't fight in person, observing before the battle can be regarded as an experience.

The first wave of Wu troops retreated before reaching the foot of Lu'an City.

Zhuge Ke frowned even deeper.

Lu'an City's defenses are stricter than what I imagined.

Thinking about it, the great general almost succeeded in attacking Lu'an City in his early years. As long as the Wei thief is not a fool, he will definitely strengthen the defense of Lu'an.

He waved his hand, and the drums sounded again.

The Wu army, who had been prepared for a long time, started the second wave of siege.

"Raise the shield!"

"Mandun, where is Mandun?!"

This time, it's not about simply letting the soldiers rush to the city.

Wu Jun began to counterattack.

Under the cover of Dalu and Mandun, Wu Jun began to advance slowly.


"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of arrow feathers hitting the pole and mantle shield was like hail falling to the ground.

The tall generals of the Wu army who were holding the big scorpion were all focused on supporting the big scorpion, and tried their best to cover the comrades behind them.

Feeling the continuous impact caused by the rain of arrows, the muscles in their shirts swelled and their faces flushed.

Although the big pole and mantle shield were not enough to completely block the rain of arrows shot down from the city, they at least reduced a large number of unnecessary casualties.

At the same time, it can also give a lot of psychological comfort to the soldiers who follow behind.

After attacking enough distance, only the sound of drums in the rear suddenly changed!

The generals and schools of each team shouted loudly:


The soldiers who raised the mausoleum subconsciously began to lean on the ground, forming an uneven temporary mast wall.


The Wu Jun archers who followed behind used the wall as a cover and began to throw towards the top of the city.

Arrows from both sides flew alternately in the air, and some arrow feathers even collided with each other and fell off one after another.

"It still doesn't work!"

Fu Qian, who watched this scene from afar, smacked his lips:

"The arrow feathers on the city are too dense."

"You are not talking nonsense." Luo Xian stared at the top of the city, "In addition to archers, there are also crossbowmen at the top of the city."

He shook his head: "Attack from the bottom up, you can only throw it, the crossbowman is not very useful."

Although archers are not as accurate as crossbowmen, and it is much more difficult to train an archer than crossbowmen.

Even crossbows may be more useful than bows and arrows when fighting on flat ground.

But archers have always been the mainstream of long-range strikes in the military, and that's why.

Because the crossbow can only shoot straight, this determines its applicability on the battlefield, which is far inferior to the bow and arrow.

"If you want to suppress the crossbowmen at the top of the city, you must pile up mountains of earth and build temporary vehicles."

Pile the earth hills higher than the top of the city, and the offensive and defensive forces will be different, so that the attacking side can be condescending.

But how difficult is it to build a mountain of earth higher than the city wall?

Not only time-consuming, but also has certain prerequisites.

For example, the moat outside the city must first be filled.

Right now, the Wu army is only building a pontoon bridge to make it easier for infantry to cross the water and attack the city - wherever there is water, the Wu army has certain advantages.

Huainan is densely covered with flowing lakes.

Lu'an City is built along the water, and the Bi River passes through the city in the west.

Only the south, north and east can be surrounded by troops.

The moat of Lu'an City is drawn from the Bishui River. It is wide and deep, and can even be used by boats. How difficult is it to fill it up?

Therefore, we can only choose the second method, which is to build a car that is higher than the city wall, and arrange crossbowmen on it to cover the troops on the ground to attack the city.

But Linche is a heavy-duty siege tool, so how difficult is it to build a sufficient number?

"How difficult is it to attack a city!"

Luo Xian sighed.

Fu Qian nodded: "Wu Jun will not be able to hold on anymore, and will retreat again."

While speaking, in the direction of the coach where Zhuge Ke was, there was indeed the sound of a golden gong.

Due to the interference of the moat, coupled with the impact of Ximen's fiasco, Zhuge Ke became more cautious.

He did not organize a third temptation, but let the army retreat slowly and fully, and return to the camp to rest.

On the other hand, the Wei army in Lu'an City first defeated Wu Kou in Ximen, and then repelled the opponent's two sieges.

Seeing the opponent's retreat now, even if he knew that the troops would not be suspended for today, his morale was still boosted and he cheered.

Zhuge Ke heard the faint sound coming from the head of Lu'an City, his face was gloomy:

"Come on!"


"Send an order to urge the craftsmen and civilians in the army to speed up the construction of the pontoon bridge. Tomorrow, it must be at least wide enough to pass a horse!"


Today's pontoon bridge is still a bit small, and it is not enough to pass too many soldiers at one time. As a result, the two offensives today are not enough to test out the information he wants.

However, Zhuge Ke also knew that Lu'an City was the prefecture of Lujiang County in Wei State.

So there is no rush for this matter.

Just when Zhuge Ke used two or three days to harass the Wei army in the city, and at the same time test the defenses in various places in the city.

Wang Ling, who personally led the army in Hefei, finally received a letter from Lu'an.

"What? Wu Kou's real goal is Lu'an City?"

Looking forward to Sun Quan, Wang Ling, who had been urging the people below to build camps and dig trenches around Hefei, stood up suddenly.

His face became a little ferocious, he stared fiercely at the messenger sent by Lu'an, and said sharply:

"Is the news reliable? Wen Zhongruo knows that if he is deceived by thieves and causes Hefei to fall, it will be a death penalty for ransacking his home!"

"Report to the governor, Wu Kou besieged the city, and General Wen went out of the city to defeat the enemy in person, so we can send us to report."

Lu'an is only 150 miles away from Hefei, and Chuanqi travels day and night, sparing no effort on horsepower, and arrives in two days at most.

It's just that it's early summer at this time, Chuan Qi is exhausted, and the sweat from his body is like rain.

I saw him trying to raise his head:

"Wu Kou outside the city immediately set up a siege as soon as they reached the city of Lu'an. Standing at the top of the city, it can be seen that the army behind them is still continuous."

"That's why General Wen judged that Wu Kou outside Lu'an City is definitely not a partial teacher, so he sent a villain to report to the governor. I hope the governor will make preparations early."

Wang Ling's face darkened.

He waved his hand and asked someone to take Chuanqi down to rest.

Then he walked back and forth, with an uncertain expression, and it could be seen that at this moment, he was already a little hesitant in his heart.

"If Wen Zhongruo's judgment is true, then Hefei must send a large army to Lu'an to rescue. Otherwise, if Lu'an City is lost, Huainan will be regarded as a door broken by Wu Kou."

Wu Kou occupied Lu'an City, so he could send troops to the east at any time, and join forces with the Wu army from Chaohu to attack Hefei.

The situation Hefei will face by then will be much more difficult than it is now.

"But if Wen Zhongruo's judgment is false, and if I really want to send troops to Lu'an, I will fall into Wu Kou's plan to deploy troops..."

Thinking of this, Wang Ling couldn't help but "tsk".

No wonder Man Boning (that is, Man Chong) whenever Wu Kou came, he would shill each city to defend himself, and sit in Shouchun by himself.

After the thief had a clear direction, he led the army to rescue.

Since he took over from Man Boning, he has been determined to make achievements and prove himself, so he has become a little anxious. After all, he fell into the trap of the Wu people.

However, Wang Ling can be regarded as a long-time battlefield, and immediately made a decision:

"Come on."


"Immediately send more scouts, I will further investigate the situation on Sun Quan's side within two days!"


As the governor of Yangzhou, Wang Ling has enough confidence in Lu'an City.

Even if Wu Kou really wanted to attack Lu'an, as long as Wen Zhong could defend the city, even if he couldn't defend for several months, it wouldn't be a big problem if he persisted for a month.

The most important thing right now is to find out Wu Kou's true intentions.

Only by knowing Wu Kou's true intentions can he control the enemy but not control the enemy.

If this time, he was really bullied by Wu Kou, a ruthless look flashed in Wang Ling's eyes:

Sun Quan, if you really dare to use your body as bait, then don't blame me for swallowing your bait including the belt and bone.

At the turn of spring and summer, the lakes and rivers in Huainan are full of water.

Sun Quan's army, with the fleet sailing in Shishui as the core, and the troops on both sides of the bank as the wings, slowly moved northward.

Although the fine cavalry of the Wei army has an advantage on land, the tall warships of the Wu Guozhou division can be condescending and support the Wu army on both sides of the strait.

Marching like a hedgehog, although slow, made it impossible for Wei Jun to get close to Shi Shui, let alone find out the situation of Wu Jun.

The plan to let Wang Ling judge Sun Quan's intentions within two days went bankrupt.

"Sun Quan's attack this time seems to be really well-prepared."

Unable to hold back, Wang Ling personally led the troops down the water, watching Wu Jun's fleet from a distance.

Even if it is far away, you can still see the majestic building boat, which is as high as a city wall.

While Wang Ling's eyes were jumping with anger, there was also a bit of fear on his face:

"Wu Renzhou is really powerful."

"General, what shall we do?"

"Wait a little longer, no matter how slow Sun Quan is, he will still reach the city of Hefei."

There is no way to wait, after all, Hefei is far more important than Lu'an City.

One day without being sure of Sun Quan's true intentions, he could only be dragged in Hefei.

But Wang Ling pointed at Sun Quan's fleet and said:

"Wu Kou made us helpless at this time, but it was only because of the advantage of the boat master. As long as the fleet is in chaos, the fine cavalry can charge at once."

So he sent someone to lead a team of men and horses, lurking around Shishui, waiting for the opportunity.

The entrance of Shishui into Chaohu Lake is only a hundred miles away from Hefei New City, and Sun Quan is traveling by water, so no matter how long it takes, it will eventually arrive.

At this time, he didn't know that Wang Ling was already doubting his true intentions.

The more water is applied upstream, the narrower the banks and the shallower the riverbed.

Seeing that Sun Quan's boat started to stop, it seemed that he was going to go by land.

Wang Ling, who had been waiting for a long time, couldn't wait to send someone to attack.

Back then when Sun Quan was here, he was ambushed by Man Chong once and suffered a big loss, so how could he be unprepared?

But seeing the Wu army guarding the shore, they immediately raised their long halberds and heavy poles, and guarded Sun Quan's building tightly, preventing the Wei army cavalry from rushing in front of the boat.

Seeing this, Wang Ling ordered someone to shoot a wave of arrows from a distance, and then had to retreat back.

I don't know if it was because Sun Quan was attacked, so he became more cautious, and ordered people to erect fences and camps on the bank first.

Seeing this, Wang Ling smiled coldly:

"Sun Quan's move is really delaying time. His real purpose is really in Lu'an instead of Hefei!"

"General, what shall we do?"

"Send troops to rescue Lu'an first."

Wang Ling fixedly stared at Wu Jun who was building the camp leisurely, his eyes flickering:

"Wu Kou doesn't know that his intention has been revealed, so they will definitely send troops to show off their troops next, to show their intention to attack the city."

Having said that, he sneered:

"At that time, it was time for us to defeat the enemy. If Sun Quan is really here, let's see how I capture him!"

Wang Ling was greatly annoyed by Sun Quan's trick, and he wanted to save face at this time.

Huainan battle map, open the comments, the first floor is not easy since ancient times.

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