Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1182 History Repeats Itself

Quan Cong, the commander in chief of the army, naturally knew a little about Zhang Xiu, Gu Cheng's grievances.

It's just that if Shouchun City is really going to be broken this time, and Hefei, Lu'an and other places are cut off, then most of the Jianghuai land will fall into the hands of Great Wu.

It can be said to be the most important achievement since His Majesty proclaimed himself emperor - even the battle of Shiting commanded by the top general has to take a backseat.

This kind of credit, unless Quan Cong is really a fool, he will not leave it to his son and his disciples, but give it to others.

Of course, in order to cover up the act of deliberately dismissing Zhang Xiu and Gu Cheng to guard the fat water.

He also specially sent the fifth battalion general Qin Huang as a forward to cross the fertile water as a warning.

When everything was arranged, he ordered to dig Shaopi again.

At the same time, let Quanxu and Quanduan lead the Wu army to attack the city by taking advantage of flooding.

Wu Jun has been practicing water warfare for a long time, and with the help of Dashui, the offensive is indeed much fiercer.

Seeing Wu Jun attacking the city at this moment, Yang Hong let out a sigh of relief, not knowing why.

In the past few days, he ate and slept at the head of the city, his heart was hanging, he didn't know how tormented he was.

Because he knew very well that Wu Kou's water attack on the city this time did too much damage to the city wall.

If there is enough time, the city wall of Shouchun may collapse without attack.

Now that Wu Kou can't wait to attack the city, it can only explain one problem:

That is, they don't have that much time, and they can't wait that long.

Thinking of this, Yang Hong pulled out his sword and said loudly:

"Hefei is only a few days away from Shouchun, and Wang Dudu will be able to lead his army back in two days at the latest."

"Everyone is working hard to kill the thieves, as long as they can defend the city, that is a great achievement."

Looking around for a while, seeing that the morale was slightly boosted, Yang Hong continued:

"There are your fathers and wives in the city. If the city is destroyed, with the temperament of Wu people, the young and old in the family may be robbed and enslaved!"

The State of Wei implemented the scholar-family system. Soldiers' families were not only registered as separate households and served as soldiers from generation to generation, but they also had to live in a centralized place for easy supervision.

Important places such as Luoyang, Xuchang, and Yecheng were the main places where the families of scholars lived.

As for places like Shouchun, because they are important local military towns, there are also some of them.

Although it is a small part, it is enough.

Hearing Yang Hong's words, many soldiers of the Wei army cheered up and responded loudly.

The flood came again, and the originally wide and deep moat lost its effect.

Taking advantage of the water potential, Wu Jun not only crossed the original moat without hindrance.

Moreover, the buoyancy of the water and the small raft are used to easily push the modified rush car forward.

"Let the arrows! Let the arrows!"

Seeing this situation, Yang Hong quickly ordered.


Arrow feathers rained down, but Wu Jun took advantage of the water to move much faster than on flat ground.

More importantly, the soldiers of the Wu army were immersed in the water to attack the city. Although they could not wear armor, they could use the water to avoid arrows.

The arrow feathers shot into the water and were blocked by the water, greatly reducing the damage.

As one ebbs and the other rises, the morale of the Wu army is getting stronger and stronger.

"Bump bump!"


This time, Wu Jun pushed up many siege vehicles and other siege vehicles, but none of them rushed into the city gate.

Because the city gate, which is usually the weakest, seems to have become the strongest place at this time.

Several rushing cars rushed directly to the city wall from different directions and different positions.


The water-soaked city wall fell off a large piece of mud just after being bumped.

Seeing this scene, Wu Jun soldiers cheered.

"Let the arrow, let the arrow!"

Yang Hong, who was standing at the head of the city, saw this scene, his heart was about to burst.

Wu Kou really came prepared this time!

He could only keep shouting loudly, as if in this way, to drive away the panic in his heart.


"檑木! Hurry up!"

The curtain cart can stop arrow feathers, but it cannot stop wood and rolling stones.

As the defenders at the top of the city threw and smashed it desperately, causing wood and rolling stones to rain down, the Wu army below the city suddenly screamed.

Quan Cong, who saw this scene from a distance, did not change his face, but directly ordered:


But I saw several carts with solid logs as the skeleton, cowhide as the coat, and double slopes on the top surface being pushed out.

The purpose of making the car look like this is to better reduce the damage caused by the rolling stones.

The bottom of the cart was firmly installed on the raft, and was pushed towards the city wall by Wu soldiers.

Inside each cart, there are also ten diggers holding various tools.

Different from the brute force of the rushing carts, the diggers who were originally digging the tunnels, under the cover of the curtain carts, found an easy place to dig and began to dig the city wall fiercely.

Although I don't know what the innermost part of the city wall looks like, at least on the surface, the soil on the outermost part of the city wall has become soft after being repeatedly soaked in water and exposed to the sun for the past few days.

From time to time, there were loud noises on the roof of the car, and the small space made the eardrums ache a bit.

No matter how many rocks there are, they are thrown out by manpower, and the accuracy is too poor.

Although there were some unlucky cars that couldn't withstand it and were smashed to pieces, after all, it was impossible to destroy all the cars and cars.

After all, unless it is like the stone mill that is tied up at the top of the city, it is vertically suspended and smashed down.

Otherwise, because of the angle, it would be too difficult for the people at the top of the wall to accurately hit the bottom of the wall.


Listening to the voice from Shouchun City in the west, Zhang Xiu and Gu Cheng, who were guarding the bank of Feishui, knew that it was an army attacking the city.

Gu Cheng was extremely angry, he drew his sword and thrust it into the ground, sinking half a foot:

"The whole family is too deceitful! After this battle, no matter whether we win or lose, I will be ashamed to be with them!"

Zhang Xiu sneered:

"Work with him? Heh, this time, the whole family, it's best to capture Shouchun. If not, let's see how I will play to Your Majesty!"

Gu Cheng sighed:

"For this Northern Expedition, His Majesty almost sent troops from the whole country to the north. This city of Shouchun has been planned for a long time."

"As long as you leave for a few days, how can Shouchun City be invincible?"

Zhang Xiu snorted unconvinced:

"Maybe the whole family..."

Before he finished speaking, a faint sound of thunder suddenly came from the south, interrupting his words.

"Why is the weather so weird, the sun is shining brightly, how can there be thunder..."

Gu Cheng subconsciously followed the sound and was dumbfounded on the spot.

Seeing Gu Cheng's appearance, Zhang Xiu followed his gaze curiously.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiu's complexion changed drastically.

But at the farthest point, a black line appeared, and the black line gradually became thicker and larger.


"It's the Wei thief cavalry!"

The cavalry army of the State of Wei, all over the mountains and plains, was rushing from the south, and they didn't even avoid the fields where the crops were planted, and trampled on them recklessly with their iron hooves.

"How did Wei thief return to the army so quickly?"

When Zhang and Gu saw the astonishingly imposing Wei cavalry on the other side, they said the same sentence in unison.

"Not good!"

"The Fifth Battalion General Qin Huang's troops on the other side may not be able to stop the thieves!"

Although Zhang Hua was not angry with Quan Cong's actions, he had the conscience of heaven and earth, and he really hoped that Great Wu could capture Shouchun and enter the Central Plains.

Therefore, what I said just now is really just words of anger.

At this time, seeing Wei Jun returning to help so quickly, he was suddenly anxious.

"Quick, quick, quick, quickly lead the army across the shore and support General Qin."

"It's too late, let General Qin lead the army back and guard by the river!"

Just when the two made the opposite decision, Wei Jun Jingqi didn't stop at all, and rushed straight to the unsuspecting Qin Huang's camp.

On the side of Feishui, without any preparation, the whining horn sounded quickly.

It's just that after Zhang and Gu finished their army formation, Qin Huang's camp on the other side was already in a mess.

"That's too late……"

Zhang Xiu grabbed Gu Cheng who was about to lead the army across the river to support him, "Hold on, hold on to the bridge, don't let the Wei thief cross the bank!"

Gu Cheng looked up, but saw many soldiers on the other side jumping into the fertile water one after another.

Behind them is the shadowy cavalry army of Wei thieves galloping back and forth.

"Thief, why did you appear from there?"

Gu Cheng couldn't help muttering to himself, it seemed that until now, he still couldn't believe what he saw.

"This must be the thief's plan!"

Zhang Xiu gritted his teeth, with regret on his face:

"I was careless. I should have sent some scouts earlier to investigate farther away."

Gu Cheng smiled wryly:

"We have suffered from our lack of familiarity with geography. Seeing the thief's surprise attack, I'm afraid it was premeditated and deliberately avoided our sight."

Logically speaking, even if Wang Ling led the army back from Hefei, it should have come from the south.

But the direction Wei Jun came from was not the south, but the northeast.

To the northeast of Shouchun, there is Beishan Mountain (that is, Bagong Mountain where "every grass and tree are soldiers" in later generations).

The thieves took advantage of Beishan's cover and rushed out suddenly, catching Qin Huang on the east bank by surprise.

Gu Cheng, who was pulled by Zhang Xiu, saw the situation on the other side clearly, and immediately stopped thinking about going to help.

The two of them are still too young in the end, relying on the shadow of their parents and even grandparents to lead the army alone.

More importantly, Wu Jun likes to fight by water, which seems to have penetrated into his bones.

Whether it's Qin Huang, Zhang Xiu or Gu Cheng, they lead the army and garrison at the edge of Feishui.

Moreover, in order to capture Shouchun as soon as possible, Quan Cong needed to focus his main force on the siege, and did not allocate too many troops to them.

They did not send out sentries to places a little farther away from Feishui.

It may be that subconsciously they are not willing to send troops to places that are too far away from the water.

Of course, it's also possible that the time was too short and they didn't have time to investigate.

Or maybe it's understaffed...

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, this time, Wei Jun really succeeded.

At this time, some soldiers of the Wu army had already escaped along the bridge in embarrassment.

"Quick, send someone to pick them up!"

Because the situation was separated by a fat water, Zhang and Gu sent people to meet the defeated soldiers, and asked them eagerly:

"Where are General Qin's men?"

The defeated soldiers are all terrified and frustrated. At this time, who has the heart to see what is going on with their leader?

Seeing the group of remnants and defeated generals bowed their heads in silence, Zhang and Gu couldn't help stamping their feet together.

Zhang Xiu was extremely angry and cursed angrily:

"You can't keep the camp, and you abandon the commander and retreat privately. After the battle, you will be judged for your crimes. Do you think you can escape?"

Under repeated questions, someone among the defeated soldiers timidly said:

"When the rebel army first arrived, the villain followed General Qin to fight. A cold arrow from among the rebel army shot the general. The general and several personal guards were surrounded by the rebel cavalry and disappeared..."

When Zhang and Gu heard this, their hearts immediately sank.

Injured and surrounded by thieves, I'm afraid it's more ominous...

"General, the bandit army is coming!"

After getting the report, the two hurriedly climbed up to look.

Sure enough, the Wei army's infantry had already lined up at the bridgehead, and seemed to be planning to continue rushing here.

In order to intensify the intensity of the flood, Quan Cong ordered people to dig out both Shaopi and Feishui.

In order to strengthen the connection between the two sides, Zhang Guqin and the other three who were on guard at the edge of Feishui not only strengthened the original wooden bridge.

Even a pontoon bridge was built on both sides of the wooden bridge.

According to their assumption, no matter which side encounters a thief, the other side can quickly use fertilizer to support them.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huang's defeat was too fast, and these three bridges instead became the help for Wei Jun to cross the water.

"Let the soldiers line up quickly! We must defend this place, otherwise, the army under Shouchun City may not be able to return south!"

Before Gu Cheng finished speaking, Zhang Xiu had already pulled out his sword and shouted:

"The whole army obeys the order and forms up!"


Quan Cong, who was at the base of Shouchun City, was shocked when he heard of Wei Jun's arrival, and then his face lost all blood:

"Why did the bandits come so fast!"

At this critical moment of the siege, the sudden appearance of reinforcements from the bandits of Wei caused Quan Cong, who was originally confident, to lose his mind for a moment!

When he came back to his senses, he subconsciously glanced at the two sides in Shouchun City who were fighting fiercely, and then looked to the east. With a sudden shock, he asked sharply:

"How's the battle in Feishui?"

"Reporting to the Governor, the two generals Zhang and Gu are reorganizing the army. General Qin in the east does not know what is going on."

"Come on!"

"Great governor?"

"Immediately send someone to Feishui to investigate the situation!"


After finishing the order, Quan Cong took two steps back and forth, looked at Shouchun City, then at the east, clenched his fist with his right hand, then opened it again, and then closed it...

At this time, he was anxious and suffering, and at the same time very contradictory.

The situation of the battle in Feishui is unknown, and a fierce battle is underway at the city of Shouchun.

It made him a little undecided, but to suspend the siege first and send a team to support Zhang Guqin and the others.

I still believe that the three of them can stop Wei thief.

Although the thieves seemed to have a lot of momentum, it made Quan Cong wonder if the thieves were bluffing and using their momentum to interfere with their siege.

After all, he still doesn't believe that Wang Ling from Hefei will come back so soon.

More importantly, the thief reinforcements came from the wrong direction.

If you let the siege troops retreat on your side, it will only affect the rhythm of the siege, and you will fall into the trick of the thieves.

It's just that this fluke mentality was quickly shattered by the news from Zhang and Gu:

The camp on the east bank was destroyed, and Qin Huang's life and death are unknown.

When Quan Cong heard Qin Huang's defeat, he quickly asked, "Where are the two generals Zhang and Gu?"

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, the two generals are desperately trying to prevent the bandits from crossing the water, but the bandits are powerful, please send someone to the rescue!"

Hearing this news, Quan Cong suddenly fell into an ice cave.

After a while, he punched his fist bitterly, and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: "Come here, send an order, retreat!"

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, his face full of pain.

The attack on Lu'an back then fell short.

Today's attack on Shouchun is still a failure.

After this siege, the thieves have taken precautions, and it is so difficult to get a good opportunity today!

The history of a few years ago is repeating itself again...


"Difficult? Persevere no matter how difficult it is!"

On the martial arts training field (horse racetrack) in the Zhongdu Hufu in Chang'an City, several half-children are practicing martial arts.

Feng Ying dismounted on a short and small fruit horse, holding a small whip in her hand, showing off her might in front of them, wandering back and forth several times.

Then he stopped in front of Liu Chen, the little horsewhip was about to hit his nose, with a tone of a little adult:

"Especially you, Liu Dalang, you are the latest to enter the mansion and the slowest to make progress. If you don't think about making progress, you will be punished again when the assessment comes!"

As she spoke, she got off the horse, tapped Liu Chen's arm with the whip, and said:

"Raise higher."

With a bitter face, Liu Chen obediently tried to raise his almost numb arm up a little bit.

Then he looked at Feng Ying with a begging look, as if telling him that he had really tried his best.

Fortunately, Feng Ying didn't make things difficult for him anymore.

Instead, he turned around and walked towards Ah Chong not far away.

Ah Chong's face changed drastically, and he quickly swung the wooden knife in his hand.

"The move is wrong, why didn't the feet change?"

Shuang Shuang scolded with a small face.

As the coach, she is not a narrow-minded person who takes the opportunity to take revenge.

After correcting Ah Chong's mistake, Shuangshuang glanced at Ah Chong with contempt, turned and left.

Don't think she doesn't know what this guy is thinking.

Just when a few half-children were frightened by Feng Ying's majesty, General Guan, who was supposed to urge them to practice martial arts, was welcoming the respected guests.

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