Zhang Bao heard the meaning of General Guan's words, he stepped forward a few steps, followed General Guan's gaze, landed on the map, and asked in a low voice:

"Sanniang, you want to abandon Shangdang and go to Taiyuan?"

General Guan glanced at Zhang Bao, put his finger on the map, and drew a circle:

"Brother, the three places of Hedong, Taiyuan, and Shangdang, the first to protect Hedong, and the second to Taiyuan, Shangdang again."

"Not to mention Shangdang has lost most of it now, if I go to Shangdang..."

Having said that, she subconsciously shook her head.

General Guan, who has always been resolute and resolute, couldn't help but sigh at this moment:

"No matter what you say, Wei Wenchang can be regarded as a strong general of the Han Dynasty. Looking at the Han army, the only one who can barely hold him down is probably only the Central Guard."

"Although I hold the emperor's scepter, if I go to Gaoping Pass, I may not be able to make Wei Wenchang bow his head and obey orders."

At that time, Alang was first ordered by the prime minister, and then the emperor gave him an edict and a scepter to command the armies in Guanzhong.

But in the end, Wei Yan had to be sent out to attack Shangdang, so that he could see nothing.

General Guan doesn't think his reputation can be compared with that of his own Alang.

Hearing this, Zhang Bao was slightly taken aback, and then sighed too.

Thinking about what Wei Wenchang did before, no matter who goes there, I am afraid that he will have to think more in his heart.

With Wei Wenchang's bad character, Sanniang's words certainly have some truth.

Just like a frozen river, it doesn't happen overnight.

"It's just that in this way, others can't help but suspect that Sanniang is deliberately ignoring Wei Wenchang in a dangerous situation. At that time, I'm afraid..."

General Guan sneered:

"Wei Wenchang is an old man in the army. He claims that he will not be inferior to others. He has a heavy army, and he will lose the Shangdang if he occupies a dangerous pass."

"If at this moment, he doesn't even know how to guard Gaoping Pass, then what's the point of me saving a useless person like him?"

"But if he is really able to keep the Gaoping Pass as he said, then he will be able to defend Gaoping Pass, and it will be useless for me to go there."

What you said seems to make sense?

Zhang Bao was speechless after his words.

"Of course, I have already sent people to Shangdang to ask Wei Yan to retreat to Gaoping Pass immediately."

General Guan rubbed his forehead, a little helpless, "As for whether he is willing to listen, I don't know."

Zhang Bao thought for a while and asked again:

"If, I mean, if Wei Wenchang really didn't defend Gaoping Pass, and you lead the army to Taiyuan, what if the bandits go from Gaoping Pass to the east of the river, so what?"

The troops in Zhang Bao's hands may be more than enough to guard Zhiguan.

But if you want to add another direction, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult.

"That's why I came here to find brother."

General Guan pointed to a place on the map, "Brother, this is the northern end of Zhiguanxing, and the local people call it Ekou."

"There is a high mountain on the left of Ekou, and a deep ditch on the right. The terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The army is stationed in Ekou, overlooking the north and south."

"I hope Brother will move his troops here, so that no matter whether the thieves enter Hedong through Zhi Pass or Gaoping Pass, they will not be able to get around Brother."

The Ekou mentioned by General Guan is the northernmost point of Guanxing in later generations.

In order to make it easier for him to enter the Central Plains in order to seek hegemony, Duke Wen of Jin deliberately widened the area.

During the Li and Tang Dynasties, a pass was built here, named Tieshaguan, which was guarded by General Wei Chigong.

Not to mention entering Hedong from Zhiguan and Gaopingguan, or going south from Taiyuan to Hedong, this location is also a nail that must be pulled out.

It can be said that controlling Ekou means that half of the east of the river is under the influence of its radiation.

General Guan's ancestral home was originally Hedong. A few years ago, she personally led the iron cavalry and forced Wenxi to surrender through Ekou, besieging Zhi'an Township of Hedong County.

Naturally, I was deeply impressed by the danger of Ekou.

Zhang Bao followed the position pointed by General Guan, looked closely at it for a while, and pondered:

"It is indeed a crucial place, the only thing to worry about is the inconvenience of eating."

Where the army is stationed, in addition to considering the terrain, supply must also be considered.

The southern army was dominated by cavalry, and the requirements for food and grass were even higher.

General Guan explained:

"I didn't ask brother to station all the army there, but to divide the army into two groups, forming a corner with Wenxi County."

"Wuwei, Wuqian, and Suzhen will come later. These three armies are all infantry. I will let my brother restrain them. At that time, brother can arrange according to the situation."

When Zhang Bao heard this, he was slightly surprised:

"Sanniang doesn't intend to take them to Taiyuan?"

General Guan shook his head:

"Soldiers are expensive, and it is enough for me to take the Northern Army and the Tiger Cavalry Army. Besides, most of the three armies are new recruits. They are guarding the city gate, and they are barely competent."

"But if we really want them to run long distances to fight the thieves, I'm afraid it's not enough."

The only thing to worry about is that the horses lost by the Northern Army and the Tiger Cavalry Army this time may cause the horse farms in Liangzhou and Longyou to scold again.

It takes at least three years to train a war horse from birth to entering the battlefield.

And it has been almost three years since the first battle in Guanzhong...

After all, during the Battle of Guanzhong, the Liangzhou army moved thousands of miles, almost exhausting the war horses accumulated in the early years.

Fortunately, after conquering Bingzhou, Dahan has another place to produce horses.

In addition, Dahan's grain production has never been low, and there is also a plantation in Longyou to supply soybeans for horse farms.

Otherwise, the big man's war horse may not be able to make up for it now.

Hearing these words, Zhang Bao knew that General Guan had already made plans, so he nodded immediately:

"Since Sanniang has already made up her mind, then do as you wish."

He let out a long breath, glanced at General Guan, and sighed slightly in his heart.

General Zuo Hussar, a majestic man, and a veteran in the army, made such a big mistake, and even asked a woman to come forward to rescue him.

What else do you want to ask for?

Thinking of this, even Zhang Bao couldn't help feeling a little resentful towards Wei Yan.

After arranging everything in Hedong, General Guan finally waited for the Northern Army and Tiger Cavalry Army who crossed the river two days later.

She didn't stay for a moment, and left a military order to let the three armies of Wuwei, Wuqian, and Tuchen, who were still on the west side of the river, come under Zhang Bao's control after crossing the river.

Then he led the only strategic mobile cavalry army in the big man, and galloped towards the north.

Just as General Guan led the army to rescue Taiyuan, Feng Duhu finally got out from the mountains of Wuguan Road.

There is no way, it is rainy in midsummer, mountain torrents are common, and most of Wuguan Road is mountain trails, so it is not fast.

"Central Guard? Is the Central Guard here?"

In Wuguan City, Dong Yun, who had been guarding here a few days ago, saw a group of people entering the pass, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask loudly.


Feng Duhu followed the prestige and saw the old acquaintance, he was also happy in his heart, and the more people came out:

"Dong Shizhong? Why are you here? What happened to the Shangdang war?"

Dong Yun saw that the person covered in mud and water stood up and called his name, he quickly fixed his eyes and couldn't help but be surprised:

"Zhongduhu, why...how did you become like this?"

No wonder I never recognized Zhong Duhu.

But seeing Zhongduhu in front of him, there is almost no clean spot all over his body.

Even his head was splashed with a lot of muddy water.

Some are even white, obviously dried out, and firmly stuck to the hair.

With such an embarrassing appearance, Dong Yun dared to believe that this was the Central Guard of the Great Han Commander's Internal and External Army?

Feng Duhu grinned, fortunately, his teeth were clean:

"I learned that there was a change in Shangdang, so I was in a hurry, but the mountain road was too slippery, so I fell several times on the road."

As soon as Dong Yun heard it, and then he saw the appearance of Du Hu, his heart was suddenly agitated.

But seeing him couldn't help walking forward, regardless of the muddy water on his hands, he firmly held Feng Duhu's arms, and said emotionally:

"When the year is cold, you will know that the pines and cypresses will wither. When the country is in chaos, you will miss the loyal and righteous people!"

"The guardian of the central capital is so worried about state affairs, he can be called the pillar of a great man!"

Hearing Dong Yun's words, Zhong Du Hu was not happy, but his heart skipped a beat:

"Dong Shizhong, what happened to Shangdang?"

Seeing Feng Duhu's reaction, Dong Yun felt even more emotional.

He pulled Feng Duhu and walked a few feet away, so that the left and right should not follow, and then he explained the Shangdang affairs and Chang'an's arrangements in detail.

Then said:

"Chongduhu, His Majesty first sent someone to call for Zhongduhu to retreat, and then sent me to guard here and wait for Zhongduhu."

"I just want to tell the Central Guard that the war is urgent. If it is not necessary, you don't have to go to Chang'an to meet the emperor."

Dong Yun said, took out the emperor's edict from his arms, and said:

"His Majesty's edict is here, and Yun also brought the scepter. The central government will protect the edict and the scepter, and can directly mobilize all the soldiers and horses in the Guanzhong Bingzhou River."

"If anyone in the army dares to disobey orders, if they are under 600 shi, the Zhongdu Protector can kill them directly; if over 600 shi, the Zhongdu Protector can release their military power and bind them."

Hearing Dong Yun's words and seeing the emperor's decree, Feng Duhu subconsciously wanted to adjust his clothes and kowtow to accept the decree.

Who would have expected this whole thing to be covered in mud.

It was only then that he remembered that his current appearance was not suitable for receiving the emperor's edict. He looked at Dong Yun with some embarrassment:

"Hey, Dong Shizhong, why don't you let me take a bath first, and then you read out His Majesty's edict?"

Dong Yun also smiled:

"It's been a lot of hard work for Zhong Duhu to come all the way. I really should go to take a bath first."

"But His Majesty's edict, I just read it out. After all, the war is urgent now, and everything is focused on the war, and the rest is kept simple."

"Besides, His Majesty is still waiting in Chang'an for the news of the Protector of Zhong, I will rush back to Chang'an to report as soon as possible, with the heart of An Chaotang."

When Feng Duhu heard this, he was immediately surprised:

"Dong Shizhong just go back like this?"

When Dong Yun saw Zhongduhu, it seemed that he could finally let go of his hanging heart, but he smiled when he saw him:

"What are you doing here if you don't go back? Don't you want to hear how Zhong Duhu plans to retreat from the enemy?"

Feng Duhu showed a look of "shouldn't it be like this".

"According to Yun's humble opinion, when it comes to leading the army, there is no one in the entire Han Dynasty who can compare with the Central Guard."

Dong Yun pointed to himself, "Don't say it's Yun, even Wei Wenchang, he should also be under the protection of Qu Zhongdu."

A year ago, Wei Wenchang wanted to start the war again, but the Zhongdu Hu insisted that the time had not come.

In the end, Wei Wenchang won the support of the palace and established the Governor's Mansion of Hedong.

Who would have expected that the war in Shangdang would end up so rotten, and that the Central Capital Protectorate would have to come out to clean up the mess in the end.

Wei Wenchang and Zhong Duhu, who is high and who is low, who is strong and who is weak, even if they are blind, they should know it!

"For matters in the military, we are no match for the Central Guard, so what's the use of asking?"

Dong Yun cupped his hands, "Just do it without hesitation."

"Shang Shu Ling also said that the Central Guards should not worry about the food and supplies in the rear, but there is a request in the front, so just bring it up, and the Shang Shutai will fully cooperate."

What is being pragmatic?

Although the prime minister has passed away, his political legacy is still in play.

When Zhong Duhu heard these words, his eyes became a little hot, and he also cupped his hands:

"Dong Shizhong, please go back and report to the Emperor and Shang Shuling. This time, the thief just took advantage of the sneak attack, so he took the lead."

"As long as the big man is united, Yong will be able to lead the soldiers to destroy the rebels and revive the Han Dynasty."

"Okay, okay!" Dong Yun was also very happy, "Yun will definitely bring the words of the Zhongduhu to you verbatim."

After the two finished their business, Dong Yun really didn't stay too long.

After Feng Duhu washed all the mud off his body and took a bath, Dong Yun was already galloping towards Chang'an on his horse.

Feng Duhu, on the other hand, had a good meal at Wuguan, and then had a good night's sleep.

When he got up the next day, he didn't wait for Li Qiu and others who were still leading the army to march on Wuguan Road, but rushed directly to Tongguan with his personal guards.

Two days later, Jiang Wei and Liu Yin, who had only received the news half a day in advance, learned that the Central Guard was coming, and they waited at the gate early.

In the scorching sun, a troop of cavalry came along the bank of the Wei River, rolling in dust.

"Xi Yu Yu!"

The cavalry suddenly pulled the reins, and the front hooves of many war horses soared high into the air, and then stomped down heavily.

The leader, Zhongduhu, flipped off his shirt and got off his horse. His riding skills were superb and he was extremely chic.

"The last general Wei (hidden) pays his respects to the Protector of the Central Committee!"

Feng Duhu resolutely said:

"Get up, the battle is urgent, there is no need to be polite, hurry up and lead the way."


"Central capital please protect me."


Feng Duhu nodded expressionlessly, his legs turned outwards a little weirdly, and then he started to walk.


After galloping for hundreds of miles, let alone a horse, even a human couldn't stand it.

The thighs are hot, and the skin must have been worn out

The posture of dismounting is chic, but when walking, it is a bit painful.

After finally entering the Guancheng, Feng Duhu unceremoniously sat down on the main seat, and impatiently poured himself a bowl of water.

"Gudong Gudong..."

Drank it all in one breath, let out a breath, and then looked down at Jiang Wei and Liu Yin:

"Tell me, how is the situation?"

Jiang Wei and Liu Yin looked at each other, and finally Jiang Wei stood up and replied:

"Reporting to the Protector of the Central Committee, according to the news from Hedong, Shangdang has fallen, and Gaodu City has also been lost. I heard that General Wei Xiao, the son of General Zuo Hussars, has led the army to retreat to Gaoping Pass..."

Feng Duhu leaned back on the chair without manners, and smiled:

"Shangdang fell, as expected."

Wei Yan confronted his boss, Ma Yi, and Sima Yi had planned a long time ago. If Wei Yan is not dead, he will peel off his skin!

"As for Wei Chang..."

Feng Duhu paused for a moment, with a little relief on his face:

"That kid, Gouzi, finally lived up to my training for so many years."

It's not that he looks down on Wei Chang, but that Wei Chang, as the son Wei Yan brought up personally, although he didn't inherit Wei Yan's temperament, he's not much smarter either.

If it wasn't for Wei Rong's reminder and instigation, Wei Chang might not have such a vision and retreat to Gaoping Pass.

"Any news about Wei Yan?"

Jiang Wei whispered:

"I heard that the leader is attacking the eldest son, but there is no definite news yet."

"Son of a bitch!"

Feng Duhu gritted his teeth and cursed.


No, just spit it out, don't spit it out.

In these chapters, some people have been saying that Ji Han's military talents are all attributed to the Turtle couple, and everyone else is a background tool.

This kind of words made me almost go crazy and vomit blood.

See the situation clearly, hey!

Opposite are Sima Yi and Lu Xun!

The Turtle couple had to rely on the advantages of the system to have enough confidence to face the two of them.

Apart from Prime Minister Ji Han, who else has the ability to fight against Sima Yi and Lu Xun?


You said that others can also rely on Ji Han's current system to fight against Sima Yi?

Turtle can mobilize the resources of the entire system efficiently. Do others have that qualification?

Besides, let the system that the soil turtle has worked so hard to build be used by others.

Not to mention that the other readers are not happy, I want to flip the table myself!

What's more, is the system centered on Xinghanhui willing to obey?

If you just want to be obedient, then other people are no longer background board tool people, what are you talking about?

Cow Tool Man?

If it really doesn't work, from among Ji Han's current generals, suggest me someone who can fight against Sima Yi and Lu Xun.

As long as you can prove that he can beat Sima Yi and Lu Xun, you can mention it, and I will write the next one!

Whispering BB: Of course, it’s also possible that it’s the next book…

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