Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1244 Dilemma


"Shu Ran!"

In the old pass of Hangu, Liu Yin finally saw Jiang Wei, stepped forward and laughed loudly: "You have finally come, if you don't come again, I'm afraid I have to retreat."

Looking closely at the other party, in addition to his body covered in mud and blood, his face was also scratched with more than a dozen large and small scars.

It can be seen at a glance that this is drawn out by various thorns in the mountain forest.

Looking at the majestic mountains on both sides of the Guancheng, Liu Yin couldn't help but sigh:

"Boyue has worked hard in this line of work!"

Jiang Wei also smiled:

"I'm just a laborer. Huo Ran these days, trying to confuse the thieves all the time, I don't know how much thought it takes, is the real hard work."

The two looked at each other and laughed again, with a bit of sympathy for each other.

Defeating Hangu Pass is equivalent to opening the door of Luoyang's western barrier-Hongnong County.

Because the east of Hongnong County is Henan Yin.

As for why it is said that it only opened the door of Hongnong County, of course it is because there is another key point to the east of Hangu Pass: Shan County.

In the past, Ji Fa destroyed Shang and built Zhou Dynasty, and set his capital at Haojing, which is the southwest of Xi'an in later generations.

Ji Fa is the famous King Wu of Zhou in history.

There are three most famous ministers who assisted him: Zhou Gong, Zhao Gong, and Tai Gong.

This is the beginning of the Sangong.

Duke Zhou and Duke Zhao are relatives of the Zhou royal family, and Taigong is Jiang Taigong.

Three years later, King Wu of Zhou died and King Cheng of Zhou succeeded him.

At that time, Tai Gong had already been entrusted to establish Qi State in the east, and Zhao Gong was ordered to build the eastern capital Luoyi (that is, Luoyang). Only Duke Zhou remained in the court.

At that time, the Duke of Zhou was afraid that the world would stir up chaos when they heard of the death of King Wu, so he practiced the administration of King Cheng on behalf of King Cheng.

So some unruly people rumored that "Duke Zhou will not be conducive to becoming king".

The so-called "Duke Zhou Fears Rumors Day" refers to exactly this matter.

Although Duke Zhou explained to Taigong and Zhaogong:

"The reason why I presided over the administration is that I am afraid that the world will be destroyed, and I will not be able to tell my predecessors, King Tai, Wang Ji, and King Wen. The worries of the three kings have troubled the world for a long time, and they will be established today. King Wu is dead, and King Cheng is young. , will become a week, so I think so."

The grandfather is not a clan relative, so it's hard to say anything.

But Mr. Zhao is a relative of the Zhou royal family and one of the three lords, so he is often suspicious.

In order to reassure Duke Zhao, Duke Zhou chiseled a stone pillar with a height of 3.5 meters and stood it in Shaanxi. He agreed with Zhao Gong:

Those who come from Shaanxi to the east are taken by Princess Zhou; those who go from Shaanxi to the west are taken by Princess Zhao.

That is to say, the ruling area of ​​the Zhou Dynasty was divided into two major administrative regions, the east and the west. The Duke of Zhou managed the east of Shaanxi, and the Duke of Zhao managed the west of Shaanxi (the name of Shaanxi originated from this).

This matter is called "Pillar as a Boundary", and it is also the source of the Post-World Monument.

During the Warring States Period, after the three families were divided into Jin, Qin and Wei often fought wars here, and Shaanxi sometimes belonged to Qin and sometimes belonged to Wei.

It can be said that in order to fight for this place, the Qin and Wei countries almost beat their brains out.

This Shaanxi area can be said to be the real dividing line between Kanto and Kansai.

If you win the Shan area, you will have the initiative in Hongnong County.

Taking the initiative of Hongnong County is equivalent to opening the door of Henan Yin.

Therefore, it is inevitable for the Wei State to have heavy troops in Hangu Pass and Shaanxi.

"The matter of Hangu Pass is not over yet!"

Jiang Wei was still not satisfied, and looked at Liu Yin.

The Qin Hangu Pass was taken, but more than ten miles north of the old pass, that is, on the south bank of Dahe Ting, there is a new pass, which was built by Wei thieves decades ago.

When Cao Cao attacked Guanxi, it was through this pass that he transferred grain and grass.

At this time, most of the grain and grass supplied to the Wei army in the Hangu Pass area were also stored there.

"At this time we have captured the old pass, we can take the opportunity to take the new pass before the bandits are ready in time!"

Liu Yin understood, and said:

"Continue as before? You and I are divided into two groups?"

Jiang Wei nodded and said:

"That's right, Huo Ran knows me too!"

Once you control the Weihan Ancient Road, you can easily go around to the back of Xinguan and cut off the retreat of the bandit army.

"However, the deployment of troops this time must be reversed."

Judging from this appearance, Jiang Wei had long thought about his next move after taking down Qin Hangu Pass.

"There is no shortage of troops to go around and go to the east. On the contrary, the troops in the west only need to hold the camp."

When Liu Yin heard it, she immediately understood:

"It seems that Boyue has already planned this!"

After the detour, it is not only necessary to cut off the retreat of the Xinguan bandit army in time, but also to prevent the bandit army from Shan County from coming to support.

And guarding the west, you only need to prevent the thieves from jumping over the wall and rushing out of the pass.

And the possibility of this is very low.

Because even if the thieves dared to risk their lives for a gamble, most of them would rush eastward and return to Shan County, and it was impossible to rush westward.

If they rushed to the west... How many of them are there? Are you planning to go to Tongguan in this way?

"It's not too late, we can't let these thieves run away!"

Military merit will only be too little, how can there be too much?

Even if you get the credit for breaking the level, you can't lose the credit for killing the thief.

Killing thieves deserves more credit than destroying thieves!

"Bo Yue, you have been working hard these days, why don't you let me lead the army this time around. You are in the front, just take this opportunity to take a rest."

When Jiang Wei heard it, he subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But when he looked at Liu Yin, the words came to his lips, but turned into:

"Alright, since Xiu Ran wants to go, then we'll take turns."

Liu Xiuran became famous in the battle of Jieting, he defended Jieting with remnants of soldiers until the Central Guard arrived in time, and finally saved the result of the battle of Longyou.

Although Liu Xiuran had been under the prime minister's command from the beginning, he was personally recommended by the Central Guard.

That's why there are still rumors in the army that Liu Xiuran is the "immovable as a mountain" among the four generals of Fenghuolin under Zhongduhu.

As for who are the four generals everyone is talking about in private...

There are a total of five of the Four Heavenly Kings, plus one or two substitutes, and there are five, six, seven or eight in total. Isn't that common sense?

As long as the Central Guard does not stand up and clarify, how everyone decides and arranges depends on personal preference.

Of course, General Zhendong and Zhao Sanqian must be in the top two.

In the matter of going around and killing thieves, defense is far more important than offense, so it is indeed more appropriate to let Liu Xiuran go.

It has been ten years since Jiang Wei returned to the Han Dynasty, and these years, in order to appease Longyou, the imperial court has given Jiang Wei a lot of treatment.

Coupled with his own talent, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is valued.

It's just that after the death of the prime minister, Feng Duhu has now become the talker in the army.

Although Zhongduhu used to be very enthusiastic about him, and he could even be said to value him.

But in Jiang Wei's view, the relationship between Liu Xiuran and the Central Guard seems to be closer than his own.

And he was a general, so Liu Xiuran was recommended by a serious family.

Now that I have won the first prize, if I continue to fight, it will seem a bit lonely, which is not a good idea.

Seeing that Jiang Wei agreed, Liu Yin was overjoyed.


Just when the Han army at Qinhangu Pass was leaving the pass, it was preparing to circle ten miles north and cut off the connection between Xinguan and Shan County.

The general Wei Jun in the new pass is also anxiously waiting for news from the old pass.

Since the western thieves gave up attacking the new pass and turned to attack the old pass, in the battle between the two passes, they had to communicate with each other once a day in the morning and evening to report safety.

Yesterday there was thick smoke billowing from the old pass, as if there was a big battle.

What worried him the most was that no one was sent to deliver the letter last night, and he didn't even see anyone this morning.

This made Wei Jiang feel an extremely bad feeling in his heart.

"Thieves, the Han army will never say that they can conquer the old pass in one day, right?"

Wei Jiang looked to the south worriedly, but his sight was blocked by a high mountain.

Although the old pass has been in disrepair for a long time and has been abandoned for nearly a hundred years, in the past few years, the Taifu has also sent people to renovate it.

Even if it is not as dangerous as Qin Shi, but if you say that the Han army can attack in one day, then you can only explain it with the heavenly soldiers and the future.

Moreover, even if the Han army can invite heavenly soldiers and generals, there should always be sergeants who escaped from there, right?

Wei Jiang forced himself to comfort himself in his heart, but at the same time he couldn't help shouting:

"No, you can't just wait like this, come here!"


"Immediately send people to Jiuguan to inquire about the situation."


More than ten miles, back and forth, riding a fast horse without stopping, one hour is enough.

It's just that he hasn't waited for the report, and the general in charge of watching the enemy's situation has already rushed over in panic and reported:

"General, it's not good, thief, thief..."

"Thief?" Wei Jiang frowned, "Has the thief attacked?"

"Yes, yes, they..."

"What's the matter!" General Wei scolded, "The thieves have been attacking for so long a few days ago, but they haven't been able to get anything cheap. I think it scares you!"

"No, no!" The general didn't know if he was really frightened, or if he ran too fast and was out of breath, "The east, no, no, it's the south, an army of thieves appeared!"

"What is east and south? Is it east or south?"

How do you observe the enemy's situation?

Whether it is the east or the south, how could there be bandits?

Did they fly over?

Do you know what will happen if you lie about the military situation?

Just as Wei Jiang thought of this, his heart suddenly jumped, as if something was wrong?

Before he could think about why he suddenly became nervous, the general seemed to have come to his senses, and hurriedly replied:

"South! They, they seem to want to cut off our retreat from the east."


General Wei's voice immediately raised an octave, "Are you sure you read it right! Thieves... the Han army really came from the south?"

His lips trembled when he spoke the second half of the sentence.

The worst and most unlikely situation that was expected appeared.

The old pass, did it really fall in one day?

"Did you really see clearly?"


"This is absolutely impossible!"

When the people below heard the news, they were immediately overwhelmed.

On the contrary, General Wei said on behalf of the general responsible for observing the enemy's situation:

"Nothing is impossible. The news from Jiuguan was not delivered last night and this morning, and it is likely that it has fallen into the hands of the Han army."

At this moment, General Wei has even reacted.

The news that he sent to Jiuguan might also be intercepted by the Han army.

So they deduced that they hadn't received any news yet, so they wanted to catch themselves by surprise when they were not prepared.

"General, what shall we do now?"

Wei Jiang was a little confused by the sudden situation.

what to do?

He also asked himself in his heart.


Still keep?

If you go back, it may be too late.

But the greater possibility is that it is too late.

How many miles is the Han army from here? If you retreat in a hurry, the Han army will definitely chase after you, and you will definitely be bitten on your side.

It's hard to say how many people will be lost in the army at that time.

More importantly, there is still food and grass in this pass city!

After all, Emperor Wu built this Guanlou for the purpose of transporting food and grass?

Although it is not too much now, but... Luoyang has not been very rich in food and grass in the army these years!

But if you keep it, whether you can keep it is a big problem.

In case, in case, someone really cuts off the rear, and the rear cannot effectively support, then it is really a suicide.

"General, please make a decision as soon as possible!"

Looking at the anxious eyes of the people below, Wei Jiang finally gritted his teeth and made a decision:

"Let all the people outside withdraw to the pass, and order the entire army to guard the pass building, waiting for reinforcements!"

"Also, immediately send Chuanqi to Shan County and Luoyang to ask for reinforcements!"


Although he has built up a lot of confidence by defending the city these days, he is not yet confident enough to fight a field battle with the Han army.

So, now I can only trust Luoyang... right?

"General, the thieves didn't run away. Instead, they pulled everyone back into the closed building."

Not long after Wei Jun in Xinguan responded, Liu Yin had already received the news.

Hearing Wei Jun's actions, Liu Yin smiled lightly:

"To be able to hold on for so many days, the thief general is not the kind of person who eats and drinks."

Although the bandit Wei didn't run away in a panic, Liu Yin didn't care.

In the current situation, it doesn't matter whether Wei Jun flees or not.

The difference is only late and early.

"Order the whole army to speed up and set up camp by the river!"

I would like to see if you Wei thief know how to guard the stronghold and block people, or I know how to guard the stronghold and block people better!


Looking at the Han army outside, as expected, they began to dig ditches and build a stronghold directly on the edge of the big river east of Guanlou.

General Wei's gaze turned to the east, and he seemed to be a little depressed.

He clearly guessed what the other party wanted to do, but he couldn't do anything.

This feeling is really too bad.

While the Wei army in Xinguan was waiting for reinforcements from the east, Shan County, which was closest to them, also ushered in a crisis.

Not far to the east of Shan County, there is a ferry. This ferry is called Maojin Ferry.

Back then, that is, in the Spring and Autumn Period, when the Jin State was still there, there was a king named Jin Xiangong.

This person may not be well known to future generations, but everyone must know the idiom False Dao Fuguo.

This idiom refers to Jin Xiangong, who crossed the great river from Maojindu to the south and destroyed the Guo State.

Duke Xian of Jin had a son named Chong Er, Duke Wen of Jin, one of the Five Overlords in the Spring and Autumn Period. You may be familiar with him.

After all, the ancient text "Zhu Zhiwu Retires Master Qin" is required to be recited.

It is about Qin and Jin jointly attacking Zheng, and then Zhu Zhiwu quietly persuaded the Qin army to retreat, and even Qin took the initiative to send people to help guard Zheng.

At that time, the monarch of Jin State was Duke Wen of Jin.

Not two years after this incident, Duke Wen of Jin died, and his son succeeded him as Duke Jin Xiang.

Then the people of Qin got the news that they had arranged to be in Zheng's country a few years ago, saying that Zheng was unprepared, so they could take the opportunity to send troops to destroy Zheng.

At that time, the monarch of Qin State was Qin Mugong, who was one of the protagonists of the incident of "Baili Xiju in the city" mentioned in the article "Born in Sorrow, Died in Peace".

That is to say, Bailixi was promoted, and at the same time, he was also the hero of Qin State who dominated Xirong and gave Qin State a thousand miles westward.

But this hero sent troops to destroy Zheng, which was definitely one of the biggest failures in his life.

He wanted to take advantage of the state mourning and political turmoil of the state of Jin, and cooperate with Zheng's domestic and foreign forces to destroy the state of Zheng in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Guo got the news in time and made preparations, so the Qin army could only destroy Hua Guo, which was attached to Jin State, and return to the army.

But when he returned to the division, Jin Xianggong, who had just ascended the throne, led the army from Maojin to the south to cross the river, and ambushed the Qin army.

From top to bottom of the Qin army, no one escaped, and the three main generals were all captured.

It can be said that the Yoyo Ancient Ferry has witnessed too much history.

Although the big man won the world, Mao Jindu never encountered a war again.

However, a considerable part of the salt produced in the Yanhai River in Hedong was transported from Maojindu to the Kanto.

Even after the Han army seized Hedong, there were still all-pervasive caravans secretly transporting salt from the ferry to the south of the river for huge profits.

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