When Shi Bao's eldest son was fighting local tyrants and dividing the land, Huguan, the prefecture of Shangdang County, had a group of red-armored cavalry approaching the city.

At this time, Huguan, the gate of the city was wide open, and a group of officials gathered in front of the gate, carrying pots and holding food.

Some people look forward, some have flattering faces, some have twinkling eyes, all kinds of things, and so on.

General Zhendong reined in his horse and looked at everything in front of him calmly.

The deep eyes, with an elusive color.

On the other hand, Zhu Ju, who desperately wanted to keep up with General Shangguan along the way, was quite shocked:

"General Guan, this is?"

"Let's eat a pot of pulp to welcome Master Wang! What else can it be?"

Zhao Guang, who was accompanying him on the other side, replied in place of General Guan without any surprise.

"Food the pot of pulp to welcome the master?!"

Although he already had the answer in his heart, after getting the answer, Zhu Ju still looked at General Guan with some disbelief on his face.

He was sent to learn the method of riding and fighting. In the past few years, Zhu Ju has been crushed between the Han and Wu several times.

He also repeatedly passed on what he had seen and heard in Han to Wu.

Originally, he thought that he already knew everything about Han.

Especially in this battle, it is an extremely rare opportunity to observe the Han army fighting at close range.

So from the beginning when the Southern Army entered Hedong, he urged the trainee camp to follow.

After learning that General Zhendong and Zhao Sanqian were planning to support Taiyuan, Zhu Ju tried his best to bring the apprentice camp to follow.

After all, these two are the most powerful generals in the Han Dynasty who use cavalry.

Unexpectedly, from Hedong to Taiyuan, and then from Taiyuan to Shangdang, the road was full of endless running.

In addition to allowing Zhu Ju to experience the legendary long-distance raiding ability of the Han cavalry, there is nothing else.

Because along the way, the Wei thieves all ran away when they heard that the Han army was coming, and even Sima Yi was virtuous.

He didn't dare to have large-scale contact with the Han cavalry at all.

Even the scattered small Wei soldiers who were overtaken by the Han cavalry had no ability to resist at all.

This made Zhu Ju, who wanted to see how Han Qi fought in front of the formation, was shocked and disappointed at the same time.

I thought that Huguan was the prefecture of Shangdang, and Wei Jun would definitely defend it, but I never thought that there would be "eating pots of pulp to welcome the king's army" in front of me? !

Zhu Ju's eyes were dull, and he muttered to himself:

"If so, if the Wei thief..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly woke up again, shook his head vigorously, and stopped his words.

Think about how Da Wu has gone north to fight Wei thieves over the years, and all of them have fallen under the city.

Even if His Majesty leads a superior force of 100,000 troops and besieges a small town with few soldiers, the Wei bandits have never surrendered to the city.

Zhu Ju couldn't help being envious and jealous in his heart, and a sour water almost gushed out of his stomach.

If the military power of the Great Wu can also make the Wei thief like this, why worry about the uncertainty of the world?

It's just that when I think of the cavalry trainee camp in the state of Wu, from top to bottom, at this time, except for myself who can keep up, the rest of the people have already fallen behind.

Zhu Ju couldn't help sighing secretly again:

"The Great Wu cavalry, when will they be able to compete with the Han cavalry? I am afraid that only then will the Wei thieves be intimidated by the great Wu soldiers, right?"

"General? General?"

The selected elders from Huguan stood tremblingly in front of General Guan's horse.

Although he didn't dare to look around, the large piece of red armor still made him feel blood red in his eyes.

Make them feel oppressive.

What made him even more uneasy was that the general in front of him had been condescending but kept silent, not knowing what it meant.

This made the villagers who were already a little guilty even more uneasy.

Even if Huguan City was... once occupied by rebels, but the rebels were powerful at that time.

And now that I and others take the initiative to open the city gate to welcome Master Wang, it can be regarded as an expression of attitude.

I also heard that the Han Dynasty emphasized laws and regulations, and military discipline is also awe-inspiring.

The general in front of him wouldn't be thinking of breaking the city to settle old accounts under such circumstances, right?

General Guan, with thoughtful eyes, seemed to have come to his senses just now, and smiled involuntarily:

"Sorry, I was thinking of something else for a while, so I lost my mind, don't blame me."

As he said that, he got off his horse and made a gesture to support the old man, "Where are the bandits in the city?"

While asking, he looked at Huguan City.

But seeing that there is only a white flag on the top of the city, where can the thief's flag come from?

"General, the thieves have heard of the arrival of the king's teacher, fearing the might of the general, and fled to the south three days ago. Presumably they want to return to Hanoi."

Seeing that the general in front of him was young, handsome, with a calm demeanor and a calm tone, the old man was slightly relieved.

General Guan had already received the news from the scouts. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, a smile finally appeared on his face:

"So that's the case, no wonder the city gate is wide open."

The old man quickly responded:

"That's right, that's why we have no choice but to succumb to the evil power of the thieves, but in our hearts we are all looking forward to the early arrival of Master Wang to relieve the suffering of the Shangdang officials and the common people!"

When General Guan heard this, he couldn't help showing a half-smile on his face, and glanced at the old man: "The pain of hanging upside down?"

"That's right, that's right!" The village elders who took the lead responded again and again, "To express our affection, the villains have prepared wine, meat and other food for the general. The general invites you to enter the city."

Unexpectedly, General Guan shook his head:

"I know the wishes of the people in the city! But there is an order from the imperial court. Under the rule of the Han Dynasty, the army is not allowed to enter the city for no reason. They are only stationed outside the city so as not to disturb the people in the city."

General Guan pointed at Huguan with the whip in his hand, "Now that Huguan has opened the city gate and surrendered, it is considered to be under the rule of a great man."

"In view of the newly restored Huguan City, I will at most send a team into the city to help maintain order in the city."

With that said, he turned around and ordered:

"Old General Ma, I will trouble you on this matter. Please bring a few staff officers and a team of troops into the city to temporarily take over the affairs of the city, pending the appointment of officials by the imperial court."

Ma Dai responded quickly: "Here!"

General Guan turned his head to look at the old man again, and smiled apologetically:

"So I can't eat this table in the city. Everyone in the city is really interested, so please help prepare some food and grass to supply the army."

"I led the army to come too quickly, and the food and grass in the rear will inevitably not be supplied in time. Right now, I have to be cheeky and ask you for help."

"It's easy to say!"

When the leading villager heard General Guan's words, he couldn't hide the joy on his face, and replied repeatedly: "It should be, it should be!"

Others chimed in:

"Yes, yes! Master Wang drives away thieves for us and serves the people wholeheartedly. If we don't reward us well, how can we feel sorry?"

"What the general's soldiers need, we are obliged to do so!"

When General Guan heard these praises, his face was full of smiles.

He himself was extremely handsome, and this smile was comparable to the flowery smile of a beautiful woman.

Seeing those old folks in the village, their eyes were blurred.

Look at Zhao Sanqian behind this General Guan, although there are a few shallow scars on his face, not only does not reduce his appearance, but adds a bit of beauty.

Some people just thought of the rumors about a certain Feng surname:

Likes to win other people's betrothed wives, loves handsome men, and eats both men and women, it can be said that she is as lustful as her life.

Does this rumor seem to be somewhat credible?

The village elder who took the lead, ignoring other things, begged urgently:

"If the general doesn't enter the city, it doesn't matter. The old man can leave all the food and wine outside the city. General Wanwang don't want to refuse, otherwise, the old man will feel very sorry!"

The General Guan in front of him is simply very talkative, if he doesn't express anything, how can he be happy?

This time, General Guan did not refuse:

"That's it, I'm afraid it will be too much trouble for you."

"Don't bother, don't bother, the old man is afraid that the general will reject him thousands of miles away, so how dare he say trouble?"

"Okay then, since the kindness is hard to turn down, then I will accept it." General Guan murmured, "However, it is a rule in the army that you are not allowed to drink alcohol without authorization."

"This wine, it's free, as for other food, it doesn't matter."

Ben was thinking about sending some camp prostitutes to entertain the general, but when he heard that the other party didn't even drink alcohol, he had no choice but to stop thinking about it for the time being.

When the news that the army would not enter the city reached the city gate, all the soldiers, officials and common people cheered like thunder.

The big Han iron cavalry approached the city, not to mention the nobles in the city, even ordinary people, in fact, they were a little panicked.

Welcoming the thieves into the customs, the Shangdang descended and restored chaos, although it has little to do with ordinary people.

But in troubled times, who would really reason with these pariahs?

Not to mention troubled times, even peacetime, when a large army conquers and quells chaos, it draws a circle around a certain city, and then there is no distinction between men and women in the circle, regardless of whether it is human or animal, they are all considered rioters.

The size of the circle depends on the mood of the person in charge of drawing the circle in the court.

It's rare in the world for General Guan to be so kind-hearted!

"The general is wise!"

"The general is wise!"


Seeing those old folks rushing to tell each other in the crowd, listening to the officials and people in Huguan shouting "the general is wise", it really is the scene of "eat the pot of pulp to welcome the king's teacher".

Zhu Ju's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but said to General Guan:

"The general is a famous general in the Han Dynasty. You should know the truth of being kind and not controlling soldiers. Don't you know that the same is true for governing the people?"

General Guan was a little puzzled: "Oh, what do you mean by that?"

Zhu Ju replied:

"The counties and towns of Shangdang surrendered and then rebelled, rebelled and surrendered again, but now they don't have to pay any price, not even a little punishment."

"So, how can the Shangdang officials and common people have awe of the imperial court? I am afraid that the imperial court has no prestige towards the Shangdang."

"Shangdang is like this. If others look at it, won't they have different ideas? Therefore, the foreign general thinks that this is inappropriate."

The Shangdang took the initiative to rebel with the bandits, and the army came to quell the chaos, but they didn't even enter the city. This is not loving the people, but actually condoning the bandits to rebel!

When General Guan heard this, he smiled and asked:

"If such matters are placed in Wu State, how should we deal with them?"

Zhu Ju replied without hesitation:

"Even if the soldiers are not allowed to wash the city, and the men and women in the city are taken as servants, at least the leader should be punished, so that those who come later can learn from it."

The washing of the city that Zhu Ju said is naturally not the kind of massacre that Cao thief likes.

There are of course some differences between the two.

Needless to say, the massacre of the city is mostly the kind that kills chickens and dogs.

To wash the city, that is to grab some money to enrich one's pockets, and one's pockets to enrich one's personal activities.

However, whether it is massacring the city or washing the city, in this troubled world, it can be regarded as a normal operation.

After all, since the world has been in chaos for decades, how many princes have not slaughtered the city or the people?

So Zhu is said to be very confident.

Why is your Han country special?

Can you still let the officials and the common people eat pots and oars?

Obviously, after Liu Bei captured Chengdu, he also took the gold and silver in the city and distributed it to the soldiers-although the grain and silk were returned-but didn't the gold and silver just take it?

Hearing Zhu Ju's persuasion, General Guan took a serious look at the other party, then shook his head:

"Governing the people is not my forte. As for punishing the leader and the evil, it is not within the scope of my responsibility."

"The military order given to me by the imperial court is to regain the Shangdang. Now that the Shangdang has been restored, the subsequent matters are out of my control."

"Now, I am acting according to the order of the court."

If Wei's thieves have all run away, and the culprit is not a fool, how could they still stay in the city, waiting to be liquidated?

Where to kill the chief evil?

If you really want to arrest people in the city and extract confessions to become the culprit in order to make meritorious service, maybe you will be laughed at by the real culprit.

Zhu Ju heard what General Guan said, so he could only suppress his own thoughts, and didn't dare to persuade him any more, so he bowed his hands and withdrew.

After returning to the commander's tent, General Guan's expression darkened, and he immediately ordered:

"Go, send someone immediately to the eldest son to see what's going on there."

"If General Shi Zhonglang has regained the eldest son, let him rush to Huguan as quickly as possible."


Huguan is the prefecture of Shangdang, and the Wei thieves can abandon it as soon as they say it.

General Guan didn't believe that the Wei thief would stay with the eldest son's army and wait to die.

So according to his estimation, maybe Shi Bao will win the eldest son one step earlier than himself.

Thinking of this, General Guan's mouth twitched into a sneer:

"Punish the chief evil? What are you thinking?"

Do you know what your Alang's name is?

Do you understand what it means to be cruel and merciless Xiao Wenhe?

The family in Shu didn't cause any major incidents, and Alang was able to rank at the top of their black book.

Shangdang has caused such a big incident, and still thinking of only punishing the culprit?

Go dreaming!

Having slept in the same bed with Feng for more than ten years, General Guan is the person in the world who understands what Feng thinks best, not one of them.

Even Mrs. You, there are some things that Feng is tight-lipped.

But to Mrs. Zuo, she was heart-to-heart.

Just after the eldest son city and Huguan city were conquered without attacking successively, the Dahan finally completely recovered Shangdang and the whole county.

At the same time, Feng Duhu also led the Invincible Army, which had finished resting in Gaodu City, to Tianjingguan.

Tianjingguan was first built in the third year of Yangshuo in the Western Han Dynasty (the first 22 years), and it was an important point between the north and the south in ancient times.

It got its name because there are three unfathomable patio springs in front of the pass.

The precipitousness of Chi Taihang is a danger created by nature. The surrounding mountains and ridges are stacked, ravines are criss-cross, and ancient passes are erected. The situation is extremely majestic.

If it is precipitous around Tianjing Pass, build more fortresses to defend the main pass.

Although there are one hundred thousand troops, it is difficult to defeat ten thousand troops.

However, the danger of the pass lies with the people, not the land.

Sima Shi lost two games in a row at Gaoping Pass, and his left eyeball popped out of his eye socket, and he was seriously ill.

As a result, the morale of the army was greatly shaken.

When he learned that Feng Duhu's relatives led an army of 50,000 horses and that Luoyang was under great threat, Master Sima made a decisive decision and led most of the main force back to Luoyang.

As for the Wei army staying at Tianjing Pass, there were only three thousand people, and the guards were even more unknown.

Facing the vicious King Feng Gui, if his family and relatives were not in Luoyang, Wei Jun, who could not say anything about Tianjing Pass, would have surrendered immediately.

Putting down the binoculars in his hand and looking at the extremely precipitous Tianjingguan, Feng Duhu showed a look of joy on his face:

"I see that there are not many Wei thieves defending the pass. Whether the former army can make meritorious deeds depends on today."

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Jiu.

Zhang took a long breath, clasped his hands and said:

"The final general will definitely not disappoint the expectations of the guardian!"

"Well, let's go." Feng Duhu nodded, "Go down and tell the soldiers that whether the Wuqian Army is truly one of the eight armies in Guanzhong depends on their performance."


Feng Duhu put his hands behind his back and looked at the clouds and mist in the distance with a relaxed expression.

In this battle, he was the supervisor and did not intend to intervene.

Zhang is the leader of the Wuqian Army, and the specific tactics are all arranged by him.

To Feng Duhu, whether he could win the fight in the end, the result was not important.

Anyway, after this battle, the Guanzhong Eighth Army even saw blood.

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