Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1258 Infighting

Huan Fan led the people, forcibly controlled his facial expressions, and finally walked out of the periphery of Sima Yi's army, only then did he dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

In the crisp and crisp autumn weather, he had already drenched his chest and back after walking such a short distance.

At this time he was able to escape, so he couldn't wait to say to Si Fan and Bu Qu:

"It's urgent, I have to go to Xuchang to report to the general first, and you leaders must also speed up."

"I expect Sima Yi will react soon, and will definitely send someone to chase after that time, so don't be careless."

It's not that Huan Fan didn't know that it was the most appropriate way to bring these people to Xuchang himself.

But now, Sima Yi will definitely not let himself and others go easily.

At that time, if so many people walk together, it will not only slow down the journey, but also easily expose the target.

The lesser of two evils, even if he knew that keeping these people would become a loophole for his plans.

But right now, he can only save himself first.

Although the mouth of the dead is naturally the safest.

However, Huan Fan was not the leading general. Since he became an official in Cao Wei, he has basically been regarded as a civil servant.

After arriving in Jizhou, although it is customary to concurrently serve as General Zhenbei, he is still unfamiliar with military affairs.

Under the circumstances at that time, without the cooperation of Si Fan and other cronies, how could they barely stabilize the morale of the army under the pressure of Sima Yi's army?

Not to mention that without the assistance of Si Fan and others, it would not be so easy to wipe Cao Shuang's ass by relying on his own servants.

So now we can only try our best to get these people to Xuchang.

After arriving in Xuchang, everything is easy to talk about.

Therefore, before leaving, Huan Fan specifically said to Si Fan:

"If Sima Yi knew about the matter of Ye City, it would be difficult to deal with it. So now you and I are in the same boat."

"If you are lucky enough to reach Xuchang safely, I will definitely report your achievements to the general, so why worry about rewards?"

After drawing a big piece of pie, Si Fan and the others' eyes lit up.

After comforting everyone, Huan Fan got on his horse and galloped towards the south with a few of his most trusted confidants.

It's just that although the flatbread is delicious, if you want to eat it in your mouth, you have to get Xuchang.

The most serious problem facing Si Fan and others was that they were too close to Yecheng, or in other words, too close to Sima Yi.

And it is too far away from Xuchang, or in other words, from the general.

More importantly, the people Sima Taifu sent to chase them were far faster than expected.

In order to catch up with Huan Fan as soon as possible, Sima Yi even sent out Jingqi, who was regarded as a treasure in his hand.

Moreover, these elite cavalry were modeled after the Ji Han cavalry army, equipped with a three-piece cavalry suit.

"Where is Mr. Huan?"

Facing more than a hundred menacing Jingqi, Si Fan, who still wanted to rush to Xuchang to receive the reward, wanted to resist.

But looking at his side, he was immediately discouraged, and he simply ordered the people under him to abandon their weapons and surrender.

In order to get out of the city safely and not be suspected, they all pretended to be Huan Shijun's servants.

The one who holds it is no more than a sword, and the one who wears it is no more than a cloth armor.

How can you fight against these fine cavalry who are showing off their might in front of you?

Not to mention that Huan's servants, who only deal with weak women who have no resistance, immediately dispersed when they saw the pursuers.

And I don't know if they had been ordered a long time ago, but these people still scattered and fled.

"Teacher, please forgive me!"

To say that Si Fan is also a sensible person.

As soon as he was brought in front of Sima Taifu, he saw Taifu's gloomy face that was about to drip water.

Before the Taifu could speak, he immediately begged for mercy.

Huan Fan had already run away, so he would have to take the blame and become the main culprit in the case of Yetai.

If you don't beg for mercy at this time, when will you wait?

"Where are the talents that Cao Shuang sent to Tongqueyuan?"

Sima Yi's voice was low, he stared at Si Fan firmly, and asked.

Although Si Fan had long expected that the Taifu would ask about this matter, and the Taifu sent people to chase him and the others, most likely it was because of this matter.

But when he heard the Taifu's question at this time, cold sweat was still breaking out on his forehead, and his mouth became stuttering:

"Back, back to the Taifu's words, those, those..."

"Say it!"

Sima Yi shouted loudly.

"Yes, yes, the villain said," the sweat dripped into his eyes, and Si Fan didn't dare to wipe it with his hand. , all, all..."

Speaking of this, Si Fan was a little afraid to continue.

"Zhuzi wants to die!"

Sima Yi, who was very good at nourishing Qi on weekdays, didn't care about his manners at this time, and he just drew his sword, as if he was about to slash.

"Don't talk about it, believe it or not, let me sharpen my sword?"

"The old man can't help Huan Ifu, don't you really think that I can't help you?"

"Even if your wife and children are in Xuchang, believe it or not, this old man can still have a lot of money?"

"Believe me! Believe me!"

Si Fan's face was pale, his head was like garlic.

"The old man is now asking you to say what Huan Fan Pif has done to the late emperor!"

Sima Yi was furious, and swiped his sword across, and Si Fan's bun was cut off immediately.

"Yes, yes..." Si Fan only felt a slight chill on his head, and was terrified, and said hastily, "I was killed by envoy Huan, all of them were killed by envoy Huan!"

He had guessed this answer a long time ago, and Sima Yi was not too surprised. He continued to ask:

"Where is the body? Where is the body buried?"

"Not buried, Mr. Huan asked the villain to put those corpses, stones and iron objects in sacks, and sink them in Zhangshui..."

"Every man! This is really not as good as a beast!"

Sima Yi cursed angrily, and ordered:

"Where are you sinking? Quickly lead the way!"

Although the Zhangshui in Ye City is not too urgent, Huan Fan has buried the corpse for several days, and it is not easy to pick it up again?

Sima Yi sent a large number of men to search along the water's edge.

A few days later, I tried my luck and picked up two sacks.

It's just that the corpse inside had already been swollen and rotten from the blisters, beyond recognition and hard to identify.

Sima Yi had no choice but to let people restrain himself and bury him.

The talented person Cao Shuang sent to Yetai was not found in Yecheng, which made Sima Yi's plan not so perfect.

He may even give Cao refreshing facts in the future.

But that's the end of the matter, and there's no use regretting it.

However, Cao Shuang has never been secretive in his affairs, and the Taichung Sangou is even more rampant.

It is already an open secret of the imperial court that the former emperor's talents are hidden in the general's mansion.

Even if Cao Shuang was not caught this time, it doesn't mean that Cao Shuang didn't do those things.

Not to mention Si Fan and others in his own hands.

The only thing to worry about is how to cover up the fact that the army entered Yecheng without authorization, so as to stop Youyou's mouth?

Alas, I'm afraid it will take a lot of thought!

Just as Sima Yi was trying to figure out how to take over Jizhou at the least cost.

Huan Fan was already running all the way, crossing the big river from Baimajin, traveling day and night, entering Chenliu, and then running from Chenliu to Xuchang.

When Cao Shuang heard that Huan Fan had arrived, he was taken aback and hurried out to greet him in person.

When he saw Huan Fan's appearance, he couldn't believe that the person in front of him was his fellow villager:

"But Yuan Zejun face to face? You, why did you become like this?"

But seeing the person in front of him, disheveled, with long hair covering half of his face, his exposed face was all smeared with gray and black dirt.

The clothes on his body were all stained with mud. If it wasn't for the fact that the cloth and the jade pendant that pressed the clothes could be identified, they belonged to the rich and powerful. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the person in front of him is a refugee fleeing famine.

When Huan Fan saw Cao Shuang, he quickly stepped forward and said three words: "General..."

Cao Shuang felt a foul smell coming from his nose, he quickly covered his nose, and took a few steps back:

"You, are you really Yuan Ze?"

Although Cao Shuang and Huan Fan are from the same hometown, and on the surface, Cao Shuang treated Huan Fan quite politely.

Otherwise, he would not be allowed to be the governor of Jizhou.

But in Cao Shuang's heart, he was not very close to Huan Fan.

Normally, Cao Shuang would naturally be able to hide his inner feelings, but at this time, the stench emanating from Huan Fan's body really made him a little nauseous.

This movement of covering his nose and stepping back was a subconscious behavior.

Seeing Cao Shuang like this, Huan Fan came to his senses.

Although he knew that he was a little bit Meng Lang, Cao Shuang's actions made him feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Cao Shuang also reacted, and put down his hand covering his nose a little embarrassingly.

"Yuanze, this is, what's going on with you?"

"Don't mention it." Huan Fan was a little dejected, "Sima Yi was good at leading troops across the state border, and the soldiers surrounded Yecheng and Jizhou. They have already fallen into the hands of the old man."

"What!" Cao Shuang's face changed drastically when he heard this, "Why did you do this?"

Huan Fan ran wildly all the way without stopping at all, and his speed was faster than the speed of news spreading.

It wasn't long before Cao Shuang got the news that Jizhou was besieged. At this time, he heard that Jizhou was lost from Huan Fan's mouth. He was really surprised and angry.

He even felt a little bit blaming Huan Fan in his heart.

Seeing Cao Shuang's extremely ugly expression, Huan Fan smiled wryly, and told what Sima Yi had planned.

After listening, Cao Shuang was startled into a cold sweat again.

But he gritted his teeth and said:

"This old thief Sima Yi's actions are really extremely vicious. This is trying to put me to death!"

Originally he was a little annoyed that Huan Fan had lost Jizhou, but now he heard that Huan Fan had done so many things for him before he escaped from Yecheng.

My heart has turned from anger to gratitude.

"General, the old thief Sima trespassed across the border without permission, besieged the city of Ye, openly slandered the general, and his intention to seek rebellion is clearly revealed."

Seeing Cao Shuang like this, Huan Fan quickly suggested:

"The general should immediately report to the emperor, issue an edict to dismiss him from the position of Taifu, denounce it as treason, and call the army to punish him."

"That's natural!" After Cao Shuang blurted out, he seemed to think of something again, his face changed, and he was a little embarrassed, "Oh, in fact, I have wanted to kill the old thief for a long time."

"It's just," he said, shaking his head, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Oh, the western thief is powerful, and I want to use his hand to stop the thief, so I have to keep him for now."

"Besides, Yuan Ze, it's not like you don't know that these years, the country has been in peril, and Wu Kou in the southern country has committed crimes in the north every year, and it is becoming more and more difficult to control, alas!"

"I was considering the overall situation, so I kept holding back. I didn't expect that old thief to be so disregarding the safety of the country!"

Hearing Cao Shuang's rambling words, Huan Fan frowned.

In fact, how could he not know the current situation of Dawei?

If you really want to attack Sima Yi immediately, I'm afraid it won't make the West Thieves and the Nankou laugh?

At that time, it will only lead to the overthrow of the Great Wei, and the title of the country will no longer exist.

Therefore, his real intention was to ask:

"General, Wu Kou really captured Xiangyang when he committed the northern crime this time? How much did the troops in the south of the Wei Dynasty lose?"

Cao Shuang's complexion became increasingly ugly:

"That guy, Sun Quan, is really treacherous and treacherous. He used his body as bait to storm Hefei, Shouchun and other places."

"However, Lu Xun was sent to attack Xiangyang. What's even worse is that the western thief Feng Yong actually sent troops to Chencaoqiao Pass to cooperate with Lu Xun."

When Cao Shuang said this, he let out a long sigh, "Wu Qiujian, governor of Jingzhou, took care of one thing and lost another, and was at a loss when dealing with it. Xiangyang was finally captured by Lu Xun."

This is one of the reasons why he didn't blame Huan Fan directly.

One lost Yecheng, and the other lost Xiangyang.

The eldest brother does not talk about the second brother.

"How big is the loss of Jingzhou's troops?"

"Guanqiu Jian led the main force of Jingzhou and went to Caoqiao Pass to defend Feng's bandits. Although there are many defenders staying in Xiangyang, in general, it is better to lose some vitality than to wipe out the whole army."

It's okay not to mention Xiangyang, but Cao Shuang became more and more irritable when he mentioned Xiangyang.

Over the past few days, there has been a lot of discussion between the ruling and opposition parties, and many veteran officials have taken the opportunity to attack and have publicly expressed their dissatisfaction with themselves.

It's almost straight-forward to say that the general himself is a person who is "virtuous and honorable" and "drinking and lustful".

In order to appease the inside and outside, Cao Shuang already felt a little bit overwhelmed.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that this was definitely not the time to openly attack Sima Yi.

Otherwise, let's not talk about whether the West Thief and the Nankou will take advantage of the opportunity.

That is, within the Great Wei, if I send a large army north today, someone may raise troops to respond to Sima Yi tomorrow.

After all, the loss of Xiangyang will have a huge impact.

This is the first time since the founding of the Great Wei, the territory was taken away by Wu Kou.

Not to mention the importance of Xiangyang to Jingzhou.

Without Xiangyang, Nanyang is unstable.

If Nanyang is unstable, Xuchang will be in trouble.

It is strange that the government and the opposition do not turn upside down if they lose their territory externally and use troops internally.

"The general has the overall situation in mind, so he has concerns. A certain person naturally understands, but Sima Yi will not think about Wei."

Huan Fan knew that Cao Shuang's concerns were not entirely unreasonable, but he still had to remind him:

"Sima Yi was outside the city of Ye. He counted many crimes and slandered the general. He has made it clear that he wants to be at odds with the general."

"Even if the general wants to be patient with Sima Yi and serve the country, he must make preparations as soon as possible."

Cao Shuang frowned after hearing this: "What can I do?"

"If the general wants to focus on the overall situation, then he must try to stabilize Sima Yi so that he can't look south."

Cao Shuang sighed: "Sima Yi can obey our thoughts?"

Huan Fan had already thought of a way to escape all the way, so he said immediately:

"General, Sima Yi couldn't find a talented woman from the late emperor in Yecheng, so he lost most of his righteousness."

"The general should reprimand him to show his innocence, and then order him to guard the Taihang, so as to prevent western thieves and make meritorious deeds."

"Sima Yi has the heart to swallow Jizhou, so he will take advantage of the trend and pretend to obey the general's order in order to control Hebei."

"When the world sees Sima Yi like this, they naturally think that the general is justified in scolding Sima Yi, and those who are clear will be cleared."

After hearing this, Cao Shuang nodded secretly, and asked again:

"Old thief Sima is scheming, I'm afraid he may not be fooled."

Huan Fan said:

"Unless Sima Yi is really dedicated to public service and doesn't want to seek Jizhou, if he doesn't care about the safety of the Great Wei and marches south."

"In this way, the general can use the emperor's edict to dismiss him from the position of Taifu, and then accuse him of slandering important officials and violating the laws of the Great Wei. His intention is to seek rebellion."

"At that time, he has no righteousness in his hands, and he has no regard for the overall situation. Isn't he falling into the favor of others? How can people with insight in the Great Wei follow?"

Cao Shuang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, "Wonderful!"

If Sima Yi obeys the order, what face will he have to oppose himself with righteousness in the future?

If you don't obey orders, you will fall into the favor of others, so what is there to fear?

Wonderful, really wonderful!

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