Although there are two wives in the Feng family, in fact, it was not any of them who took away Feng Da Sima's "perfect body".

It was Amei, who seemed harmless to humans and animals and was rarely noticed by anyone.

At that time, Feng Da Sima was in Nanzhong, calling the wind and rain, controlling the thunder, and even the barbarian king fled when he heard the thunder, and the people of Nanzhong Yi called it the ghost king.

However, in the south of Amei, the witch doctor of traditional Chinese medicine passed on the incense system alone, and he broke his body overnight and lost his fame.

The fragrance is very fragrant, as long as the dosage is controlled, it can sometimes enhance the relationship between husband and wife.

It doesn't even matter if you indulge once in a while, that's called increasing the interest of the couple.

This is much easier to use than the small blue pills of later generations, it is pure natural and pollution-free.

It has been verified by the medical school that it is indeed a rare good thing in the house - that is, the requirements for the growth conditions of medicinal materials are too harsh.

The efficacy of Nanzhong's pure wild medicinal materials is the best.

Artificial cultivation in Nanzhong will greatly reduce the efficacy of the medicine, and if it is moved out of Nanzhong to plant, it will basically have no medicinal effect.

Such a good thing, the only two things to note are:

One is to pay attention to the dosage.

Overdose, once in a while may not be noticeable.

But if it is often the case, it will lead to bad emotions such as anxiety, impulsiveness, irritation, irritability, irritability, and irritability.

If the dose exceeds the capacity of the body, hallucinations and delusions of persecution may even occur.

From ancient times to the present, and even later generations, any drug overdose will cause harm, and there is nothing to say about this.

The second is that it cannot be used frequently.

Otherwise, after a long time, it is easy to have shortness of breath, chest tightness, physical weakness and kidney deficiency.

The reason is even simpler: there is a knife on the head of the color character.

But Feng Da Sima's physical foundation is good.

In the beginning, because of poor living conditions, I was afraid that my body would not be able to resist the disease, so I exercised every day.

Now the conditions are good, there are even deer farms, and there is no shortage of ginseng and antler.

There are also tiger girls who urge them to practice Tiannv's body exercises every day, drink kidney-tonifying and vigorous soup, etc., so as not to lose their health.

The so-called harmony of yin and yang is not wrong to have a glimpse of the joy of cultivating immortals-shuangxiu is also cultivating.

But most of the things in this world are bad because of greed and insufficiency.

Or else, the way of human beings, is the damage not enough to give more than enough?

It's just too greedy.

If the dose of secret fragrance is increased, it is called Kaiyin Party version.

Increase the dose and then go up, it is called the power enhanced version.

The yin and yang and Hedan given to Emperor Sun by Feng Da Sima are exactly the "open silver party version", and at the same time, they just forgot to tell Emperor Sun the precautions.

Of course, if there is a chance in the future, or if Sun Dadi likes it, Feng Da Sima doesn't mind sending a more powerful version.

The death row prisoner, who was tortured in the prison, smelled the fragrance of Dan, and he was able to show off his glory. Several court ladies sang softly, and the rain beat the flowers.

Although Emperor Sun was still cautious, he asked Lu Yi to observe the death row prisoners for several days.

Unexpectedly, not only was there nothing wrong with the condemned prisoner, but because he didn't have to be tortured and had enough food, his body gradually recovered.

At this time, Emperor Sun, who was only thinking about cultivating immortals, was even more excited when he heard about it. He only thought that this dual cultivation was really effective.

Mrs. Pan is beautiful in Jiangdong, known as the Goddess. Emperor Sun Dadi suddenly got it, and he wished he could hold her in his arms every night and love her.

It's just that time doesn't forgive people, Sun Dadi is over sixty years old, and has to face the sad fact that he has more energy than energy.

Sitting on the stunning beauty, wanting to love but not being able to enter, it makes people cry.

Well now, Mr. Feng Dashan sent timely rain!

Mr. Feng, who has been digging professionally for 20 years, has already started digging this big hole since "Sleepwalking Tianmu Yin Liu Farewell". (See Chapter 780 Talking about Immortals at Night)

From the moment Sun Quan learned of this masterpiece, he stepped into a pit with one foot.

When Zhu Ju sent back the secret record, he once said that there was a wife in Feng Mingwen's house who was a witch doctor in Nanzhong and was good at making medicines.

Every year, the Feng Mansion collects a large amount of medicinal materials from Nanzhong for alchemy. (See Chapter 1156, Everywhere)

According to Zhu Ju's judgment, Feng Mingwen had at least the yellow-grade pill of "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang" in the formula of longevity.

And "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang" is exactly from "Thousand Characters" written by Feng Mingwen-no, it should be written by his teacher.

When Emperor Sun heard these secret stories and obtained these secret records, his whole body was lying in a pit.

As for the legendary elixir when Emperor Sun saw it with his own eyes, it was because Feng was already preparing to seal the soil—as for Lu Xun and silk, that was called adding added value.

Emperor Sun, who had no idea that he was about to be buried in the ground, fell into extremely contradictory hesitation at this moment:

Should I take this medicine or not?


"No more? Why no more?"

Although Lu Xun was born as a scholar, he usually looks quite elegant, and he can be regarded as a modest gentleman.

But after all, it is the side of the long-term town, coupled with the fact that he has repeatedly led the army to defeat the enemy's country, once the fire is fired, he will have a power of his own.

At this moment, with his hand drawn on the hilt of his sword, he stared at Qin Bo in front of him, with anger hidden in his eyes:

"When I was in Jianye, His Majesty kept asking me when I would take down Shangyong and other places. Now that I have only returned to Xiangyang for more than a month, how could Your Majesty change his mind and not use me to take over Shangyong?"

"Tell me! Is it that your school affairs office is making trouble again!"

While Lu Xun was talking, the veins in the hand holding the sword hilt were slightly bulging, which made people very suspicious. If Qin Bo's next step was wrong, blood would be spattered on the spot.

The surrounding soldiers, seeing the general who is always gentle and moist, even when the enemy is approaching, can calmly and calmly face such a loss of composure, they all glared at Qin Bo.

What's more, when he pressed the sword directly, his face looked eager to try.

Looking at it, if the general gives the order, Qin Bo will be unable to see the sun of tomorrow immediately.

Seeing this, Qin Bo was so frightened that he subconsciously took a step back.

At the same time, I cursed in my heart:

You dead soldiers, remember to me, don't let me find opportunities in the future, otherwise, let's see how I can lower the price for you on silk!

Ji Han, or Xinghan Club's trading partner in Jingzhou, was originally only targeting the big clan in Jingzhou from the beginning.

Later, Da Sima Feng reached out to grab the school affairs office, so the school affairs office was the second to follow.

With the passage of time, the leaders of the Jingzhou army, who controlled a large number of fields in Jingzhou, were unwilling to be lonely. From the initial sneaky joining, it became a tacit unspoken rule.

For Ji Han, the increase of suppliers in Jingzhou must be a good thing.

In addition to explaining the deepening penetration of Jingzhou, it also guarantees one's own trading interests - the more diversified the trading partners, the more stable the transaction can be guaranteed.

Especially in terms of raw material supply.

The more diversified the upstream raw material suppliers are, the less they need to worry about price gouging.

Although Xinghan likes to stick others' necks very much, it doesn't mean he likes others to stick his own necks.

But for all parties in Jingzhou, it is not so wonderful.

At least in terms of the supply of raw sugar, as well as the distribution of brown sugar quotas and other bulk materials, the Jingzhou military head and the school affairs office are out-and-out competition.

Of course, it is a matter of opinion whether Xinghan will do it deliberately.

Anyway, there must be a reason why these army chiefs have no good looks towards Qin Bo.

Especially with the backing of the top general, if he took this opportunity to punish the school officials, he would not only be able to make an example to the school officials.

Not to mention, but also gain a reputation for eliminating thieves for the country by the way.

Qin Bo is naturally aware of this.

It's just that right now, the situation is stronger than others, he only dared to slander these military leaders secretly, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

"The great general is really joking. It is natural for His Majesty to decide such important military and state affairs. How can the school office have such a great ability to influence His Majesty's decision?"

As he said that, Qin Bo looked at Lu Xun with flickering eyes:

"Your Majesty is so wise. There is a reason for summoning the Great General back to the capital. Could it be that the Great General doubts His Majesty's decision?"

Lu Xun sneered:

"Your Majesty is naturally wise, but you can't stand being fooled by a villain for a while. Even if your Majesty can see through these harmful tricks in the future, the behavior of a villain will always be annoying."

"General, what are you talking about with this villain? We are about to make meritorious deeds, and this fellow came to stop us. Who else can do such a thing, inside and outside the government and the public, except for the school office?"

Someone couldn't help shouting, "As long as the general gives an order, this saber will definitely let this villain know that it is good or bad!"


Hearing the sound of the sword being unsheathed, Qin Bo's expression changed in fright, and he subconsciously wanted to back away. Unexpectedly, he couldn't stand stably, and staggered a few times.

Seeing Qin Bo like this, all the generals burst out laughing.


The half-drawn knife was re-sheathed and made a sound again, causing Qin Bo's face to change again, and he couldn't help but follow the sound, his eyes couldn't hide the horror.

Everyone laughed even harder.

Seeing the mocking gazes of these army chiefs falling on him like clowns, Qin Bo felt ashamed and annoyed to death. He looked at Lu Xun, blushed, and hissed:

"General, do you want to resist the decree?"

Among the crowd, only Lu Xun did not smile.

He glanced at the generals with a little deep meaning.

Over the years, it's not that the top general didn't know about Jingzhou's small private actions, but he could only pretend that he didn't know.

After all, although he is a shepherd of Jingzhou, in fact, the specific military and government affairs of Jingzhou, with Zhuge Jin in the front and Bu Zhi in the back, are not under the direct control of Lu Xun.

This can also be regarded as Sun Quan's imperial mind.

And from Lu Xun's own standpoint, no matter how much he disliked what these military leaders did, he could only hold his nose and endure it.

If not, when Ji Yan wanted to reform the malpractice of Wu's official selection system and clarify the administration of officials, didn't Lu Xun know that this was a good thing for Wu?

Why did he want to advise and warn Ji Yan, thinking that this will definitely cause trouble, so it is better not to do it.

It's not that he doesn't know, but he represents the interests of the Jiangdong clan, so he is doomed not to support Ji Yan in doing so.

In the same way, how many of the Jingzhou military leaders are from the Jiangdong clan?

How many are inextricably linked to the Jiangdong clan?

Not to mention that there is also the Jingzhou clan and the vicious dog of the school affairs office.

Whoever dares to lift the lid will almost stand on the opposite side of the main political forces in Wu.

If Lu Xun really had the guts and courage, he should have supported Ji Yan back then instead of admonishing her.

He couldn't even prevent the military leaders from looting Xiangyang City.

So on this occasion, Lu Xun could clearly see some of the thoughts of the Jingzhou army leader, but he couldn't point it out.

"You people in the school office, do you like to slander others so much and pretend to be courtiers?"

Facing Qin Bo's questioning, Lu Xun said calmly: "When did I say I wanted to resist the edict? Since it is His Majesty's edict, I will naturally return to Beijing immediately."

Only then did Qin Bo heave a sigh of relief, pointing to the surrounding soldiers, he asked:

"Then what do they mean?"

Lu Xun smiled lightly:

"Although the generals in the army are a little reckless, they are also people who know loyalty and distinguish traitors. It is understandable to be angry for a while."

When the school affairs office was full of arrogance, Lu Xun was not afraid, and repeatedly wrote letters, saying that the school affairs were harmful.

And the former Taichang Pan Jun, who was worried with him and talked tearfully, even wanted to lure Lv Yi and kill him.

In these years, the School Affairs Office has lost its power, so what is there to be afraid of?

It's just that the school office, which has been dormant for a long time, was actually sent out by His Majesty this time to pass on the word of mouth.

This made Lu Xun instinctively raise his vigilance.

Therefore, those actions of the generals may not have been condoned by him deliberately.

One is to suppress the school administration.

More importantly, after returning to Jianye this time, he will take advantage of the reactions of the generals to remonstrate to His Majesty, stating that the school affairs are the enemy of the officials and must be strictly controlled and must not be ignored.

Seeing Lu Xun's appearance like this, Qin Bo looked at the mocking and mocking eyes of the generals, and knew that if he stayed here any longer, he would only be humiliating himself.

At that moment, he could only swallow his breath and say:

"Since the general has heard His Majesty's order, please leave as soon as possible and go to Jianye."

After speaking, he gave a sloppy salute, then flicked his wide sleeves and turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, after taking two steps, he seemed to remember something, and turned around again:

"By the way, there is another letter here. It was written by the Grand Sima of the Han Dynasty to the Supreme General. Please have a look at it."


Hearing this, Lu Xun finally showed a solemn expression.

Signaling for someone to take the letter, Lu Xun took the letter and held it in his hand, the expression on his face changed from serious to thoughtful.

Just as he was thinking about why Da Sima of the Han Dynasty wrote to him, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere around him.

Raising his head, it turned out that many generals were looking at the letter in his hand.

Lu Xun frowned slightly, hid the letter in his sleeve, and asked Qin Bo:

"How did you get the letter from Da Sima of the Han Dynasty?"

This time, Qin Bo was finally able to puff up his chest:

"Could it be that the great general forgot that Fang returned from the Han Kingdom a few days ago?"

But seeing his brows, there is a bit of elation:

"Bo is not talented, but with reason and affection, he finally persuaded Da Sima and completed what His Majesty told him. Moreover, Da Sima looked at him differently. That's why Da Sima asked Bo to forward the letter."

Hearing this, the generals were in a slight commotion.

Even if you don't mention Feng Dasi Ma is the head of the Xinghan Association, and the Xinghan Association has something to do with the pockets of many people.

Just the great name of the Great Sima of the Han Dynasty, who shocked the world, is enough to move these people.

The reason why they were able to capture Xiangyang this time had a lot to do with Feng Da Sima leading the Han army at Caoqiao Pass and attracting the attention of most of the Wei thieves.

Not to mention that in the melee last year, the Great Sima of the Han Dynasty had nothing but to help the Great Wu seize Xiangyang.

In the case of losing the opportunity, not only led the Han army to regain Shangdang, but also forced Sima Yi to retreat, and seized the Wei thief Hangu Pass and other important places.

The sharpness of the Han army's soldiers was fully reflected in this battle.

In the eyes of many people in the world, this battle also reflected Feng Da Sima's superb military art.

Because the commander in chief of this battle is Feng Da Sima, what's the problem?


Naturally, the top general would not underestimate Feng Da Sima. In fact, he never underestimated Feng Mingwen because of his young age.

His sneer was aimed at Qin Bo:

"Feng Da Sima is the pillar of the Han Dynasty. His position is high and powerful, his voice is grand and respected, his civil and military skills are unmatched, and the world cannot match him. Who are you? How dare you speak so boldly that Feng Da Sima will look at you differently?"

"Is it articles, or martial arts, or character and virtue? Which one can you call it?"

The Great General was born as a scholar. Although he has led the army for many years, the scholarly spirit engraved in his bones has not been wiped out.

Feng Da Sima, who monopolizes all the talents in the world, thinks differently of you, a villain?

Who are you insulting?

You are insulting scholars and scholars all over the world!

It is tolerable, what is unbearable!

When the generals heard this, they immediately came to their senses and burst out laughing again.

Qin Bo's face was reddened by these words, he was so ashamed and annoyed that he didn't even raise his hands, and fled in embarrassment.

The laughter grew louder behind him.

After leaving Qin Bo in shame, Lu Xun let the generals go down again, and when there was no one around, his expression gradually became serious.

He took out Feng Da Sima's letter from his sleeve, and instead of opening it immediately, he slid his thumb gently on the letter, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, he opened the envelope and took out the letter paper to read.

"The Medal of Honor of the Great General:..."

There is no need to mention the previous greetings.

"... Xiangyang, Hefei, one east and one west, are the shackles of Wu. Now the general is taking Xiangyang from the west, does he intend to Hefei?"

"If Hefei doesn't take it, the soldiers of the Han family will go east, how can Wu generals take Xu Qing?"

"If you want to take it, you will see the generals of the Wu Kingdom forever. Unless the top general goes there in person, it will be difficult to attack."

"Recently, I've heard that the Great General doesn't want Hefei, but Shangyong. Does this mean he chose hemp instead of silk? The Great General doesn't want Yongsteal."

"What's more, the land of the mediocre is the old land of Hanzhong. In the past, the Han and Wu alliance swore to divide the world, and the boundaries of each land were determined."

"According to the alliance, the land of the mediocre should belong to the Han. If the general takes it, the old alliance will be destroyed. This can be done once and never again."

Seeing this, Lu Xun's face darkened!

What is one but not another?

Are you planning to turn over Jingzhou's old account?

"If the great general insists on taking it, he will never dare to compete with the general, and can only avoid it. But in the future, the generals of the Han Dynasty will beat the drums and flatten Hebei, and attack Youzhou along the way, it will be easy."

"Look at the general and think twice."

After reading it, Lu Xun's face became more and more gloomy.

But I saw him slowly pinching the letter paper, kneading it into a ball, and then tightly balling it in the palm of his hand.

Finally, a few words came out of Lu Xun's mouth: "Feng Mingwen!"

Are you threatening me?

No wonder His Majesty changed his mind so quickly and called himself back to Jianye.

Lu Xun felt that he finally understood.

But soon, Lu Xun's eyes gradually became serious.

He raised his head and looked to the northwest, his eyes seemed to want to project through the wall to Chang'an thousands of miles away.

He knew that this was Feng Mingwen's demonstration against him:

Nothing is free in the world.

Last year, you took Xiangyang with a letter.

Now I write a letter to win Shangyong.

I'll ask you if you agree or not?

As if feeling the aggressive tone on the letter in his palm, Lu Xun clenched his fists tighter, and his veins bulged again.

After a long time, the veins subsided quietly again.

Lu Xun let out a long breath.

When he exhaled this breath, he seemed to have taken all the strength out of his body. He, who was always known for enduring humiliation, fell down beside the desk, with a slightly dejected expression on his face.

With Lu Xun's self-cultivation, Feng Yong's words in the letter, no matter how rude they were, he would not take them to heart.

The reason why he lost his composure was because he saw the frightening edge of Han from behind the letter.

The monarchs and ministers of the Han Dynasty are still very young, and the rulers are bright and the ministers are virtuous.

Thinking back to many years ago, Fei Yi of the Han Dynasty went to Wu as an envoy, and I once talked with him in the car about the young heroes of the Han and Wu countries. (Chapter 661)

Feng Mingwen is indeed formidable, he can overwhelm many young talents in Jiangdong by himself.

But at that time, I was not worried at all, because Da Wu had a Ming Dynasty.

Ming Dynasty will eventually be the king, Mingwen can only be a minister, and Wu may not be able to dominate Han in the future.

But now...

Looking at my former self today, it's ridiculous!

"God is really lucky for Mrs. Liu?"

Lu Xun, who was already in the age of hearing, let out a helpless and long sigh.

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