For Xia Houmao, the poisonous woman and the lowly maid may kill him at any time.

But the big man's trading channel can not only save his life, but also protect his food and clothing.

Which one is more important and which one should be discarded, but anyone with normal intelligence knows how to choose.

Seeing that Xia Houmao had made up his mind, Xia Houxuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh when he thought of the current situation of Da Wei.

Everyone has their own ambitions, and what my uncle said is not without reason.

He himself can "sway all things without tiring himself", stand aloof from things, and be indifferent to life and death, but he can't ask others to be as fearless as he is.

Having figured this out, Xia Houxuan quickly regained his spirits:

"That's fine, we have all the three lines of the Xiahou Clan, and we will invest in one of them."

"In the future, if one of the branches regains momentum, the children of the remaining two branches may not be able to say, maybe they will be able to gain one or two of them."

"Pair to pole!"

Xia Houmao on the side quickly swallowed the tea in his mouth and nodded repeatedly:

"I went to join Zhongquan this time. In fact, it can be regarded as throwing away my family and business and going there to start again. Isn't it just to leave us Xiahou family with one more choice?"

Xia Houwei forcibly resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

My second brother is in Han, isn't that already an option?

Xia Houxuan's reaction was a bit calmer.

He just glanced at his uncle.

Alas, as Han became more and more powerful, Wei was busy with party struggles and splits.

Putting aside one's standpoint, it might not be a wise choice to choose Han at this time.

It's just my uncle's ability... I don't know if he can gain a firm foothold in the country of Han?

But thinking of Han, there is one more person.

Xia Houxuan looked at Xia Houwei again, opened his mouth, but finally did not mention it.

Time was short and the matter was urgent. Since the three of them had their own decisions, they didn't say anything else. They discussed some key details and agreed on a time, so they went back to their homes to prepare.

Xia Houxuan returned to the back hall, called his wife, Li Huigu, and told her about the matter.

For an ordinary woman, I am afraid that she is already panicked.

Those who are strong and assertive mostly can only obey A Lang's arrangement, pack up their things, and prepare silently.

Li Huigu is different, as the wife of the leader of metaphysics, she has the same temperament as Xia Houxuan, so she is naturally superior.

She is monastic.

That's right, Li Huigu practiced Taoism.

During the Three Kingdoms period, cultivating Taoism did not mean that one had to abandon one's family and children.

It is precisely because Li Huigu cultivates Taoism that her temperament has always been indifferent, and she has a lot of similarities with Xia Houxuan who is dedicated to detachment.

After listening to Xia Houxuan's arrangement, she first nodded calmly, and then asked:

"The caravan sent by my uncle is full of people, and no matter how hard I try to conceal it, if there are women and children in the caravan, it is inevitable that there will be omissions, so what should I do?"

Xia Houxuan laughed and said:

"In the past few months, how many people have left Luoyang and fled to other places? The rich families can organize their own guards, and ordinary families can only travel in groups."

"It's a rare opportunity to be able to follow the caravan now. Isn't it normal to have women and children among them?"

"Besides, the caravan is under the banner of the Taifu's mansion, unless there is an order, who will search if there is nothing?"

Not to mention the era of war, even in times of peace, when travelers go out, they must travel together.

Otherwise, if you go alone to a place with no one or few people, you may disappear inexplicably.

Looking at her Alang's relaxed and freehand face, Li Huigu's expression was calm:

"What about A-Lang? A-Lang stays in Luoyang, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Xia Houxuan was startled, and looked into Li Huigu's clear eyes:

"Why did Xijun say that?"

Li Huigu sighed lightly:

"The matter of my sister-in-law has made A Lang and Sima Shi feel like they are on fire, but A Lang is too famous, and Sima Shi has no excuses, so he dare not do anything to A Lang lightly."

The sister-in-law that Li Huigu spoke of was Xia Houxuan's own sister.

At the same time, she also gave birth to five daughters for Master Sima, but was poisoned by Master Sima himself, and claimed to be Xiahou Hui who died violently.

Li Huigu is not an ordinary woman, she has a lot of knowledge.

When the plague broke out in Luoyang in the early years, she even went outside the city to collect herbs to save the people.

If we say that Xia Houxuan has a great reputation among scholars in Wei State.

Then his wife, Li Huigu, was benevolent and ordered to ask the people.

Coupled with the fact that they have been with Xiahouxuan and his wife for many years, and the two of them share the same mind, most of Xiahouxuan's thoughts at this time cannot be hidden from her:

"Nowadays around our mansion, there are eyes and ears sent by the Sima Clan. If Alang wants to send us out of the city, he will definitely do something to attract Sima Clan's attention, right?"

Xiahou's escape from Luoyang cannot be concealed for long.

At that time, Master Sima will definitely find out the purpose of A Lang's actions, how can he be lenient?

Xia Houxuan and Li Huigu looked at each other, and there was a warmth in his eyes that had never been shown to outsiders. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked Li Huigu's hair:

"If I can take my own life in exchange for you and your child to leave Luoyang safely, why should I be afraid of death?"

Li Huigu raised her head, her complexion was still as elegant as a chrysanthemum, her eyes were as clear as solid.

Xia Houxuan also stared at her, as if wanting to engrave everything about her into his heart:

"If, I mean if, something really happens to me..."

At the same time, his hand slid down to Li Huigu's face, and his thumb slid gently, as if he wanted to integrate the touch of the two into his own flesh and blood.

His voice, fluttering and flickering, seems to be in the ear:

"You just find a good man to marry. I've already told my uncle that the child can be taken care of by them."

Li Huigu blinked, then suddenly smiled, the smile on her face was like a gentle ripple on a calm lake:

"At fourteen, you are a gentleman's wife, and you are still ashamed. You bow your head to the dark wall, and you don't answer once a thousand times. At the fifteenth, you raise your eyebrows, and wish to be with the dust and ashes. How can you go to the husband's platform if you always keep the letter of holding the pillar?"

Although Feng Mingwen is the mortal enemy of the Great Wei Dynasty, he has to admit that he is indeed the most brilliant literary talent after King Chen Si (that is, Cao Zhi).

The real name is "Changgan Xing", and the world often calls it "Poems of Childhood Sweethearts and Bamboo Horses", which fully expresses the thoughts of women.

Li Huigu read a few poems in it, but she didn't express her words, but her heart was revealed.

When Xia Houxuan heard these lines of poems, his eyes became hot and tears almost fell down.

Li Huigu raised her hand and pressed it on the back of Xia Houxuan's hand, her brows and eyes became gentle:

"If something unexpected happens to Alang, my concubine will try to raise the child, or go to the mountains to practice Taoism, or treat the sick and suffering people. I feel that I don't have enough time in my life. Why do I need to marry again?"

Although Li Huigu's tone was light, Xia Houxuan who was familiar with her knew that once she made up her mind, she would not change it.

He couldn't help pulling her into his arms.

The two hugged each other quietly for a while, and then separated.

"The concubine went to clean up."


Li Huigu walked away step by step, turning her head three times, Xia Houxuan watched her back disappear around the corner.


At dusk, Xia Houxuan appeared at the gate of Taifu's residence, and handed a letter of greeting to the concierge:

"Please inform me that Xia Houxuan is here to visit the Central Supervisory Army."

If it was someone else, the concierge would have rejected it immediately.

But Xia Houxuan's reputation made the concierge dare not neglect him.

After a while, Sima Zhao appeared in Xia Houxuan's field of vision.

"Taichu! Taichu, why did you come here?"

Sima Zhao's face was full of surprise and joy, even a little unbelievable.

Seeing Sima Zhao's appearance, Xia Houxuan's eyes flashed with guilt.

Unlike Master Sima, although Xia Houxuan and Sima Zhao were not on good terms, they were not alienated either.

As for Sima Zhao, Xia Houxuan, a famous scholar of the "Four Compassionate Confucians", could be regarded as having a little admiration and closeness to him on weekdays.

"I heard that the Central Guard Army (i.e. Sima Division) is ill, so I came to visit."

"Tai Chu has a heart, a heart! Thank you Brother Zhao!"

There was some emotion in Sima Zhao's tone.

Sima Zhao naturally knew about the grievances between Sima Shi and Xia Houxuan.

But in any case, the relationship between the two was once a brother-in-law and brother-in-law.

In Sima Zhao's view, it is indeed rare for Taichu to put aside his past suspicions and come to visit him.

When others come, there may be suspicion of flattery.

But with Taichu's reputation and status, why should he cater to the Sima family?

"I don't know how the Central Guard's condition is?"

Sima Zhao hesitated for a moment, and his face quickly returned to normal:

"Wuyouer, I just need to rest, Taichu please come in with me and talk."

When he said this, Sima Zhao concealed it very well, turned sideways and kept his hands down, avoiding Xia Houxuan with his eyes.

Xia Houxuan nodded and followed Sima Zhao into the hall of the mansion.

"My wife is proficient in medical skills, so my house has also collected some rare medicinal materials, but I don't know if it will be useful for the illness of the Central Guard Army."

Before the host and guest sat down separately, Xia Houxuan took out a small wooden box and handed it to Sima Zhao.

Sima Zhao received it unexpectedly, and then thanked:

"Tai Chu has a heart, please sit down."

Xia Houxuan sat down according to his words, then shook his head:

"It's not intentional or unintentional. It's just that the western thieves are approaching, and Luoyang's people's hearts are unstable. It's time for the Central Guards to stand up."

When Sima Zhao heard this, his face became a little hot.

He is naturally aware of the situation in Luoyang these days.

But his prestige is far inferior to Sima Shi.

Coupled with the means and wrists, it is even more incomparable.

Not to mention the sharp edge of the Western bandits, not to mention Sima Shi, even Sima Yi, dare not lightly plunder him.

How can Sima Zhao, who started in hell mode, give Luoyang officials enough confidence?

Therefore, the chaos and panic in Luoyang are almost inevitable.

It's just that no matter how many reasons there are, it can't hide the fact that these situations only appeared after Sima Zhao took charge of Luoyang.

If it was someone else, I'm afraid Sima Zhao would suspect that the other party was mocking him.

But he knew that Xia Houxuan would not do this, if he really wanted to, he would probably say it directly.

Guo heard Xia Houxuan go on to say:

"Although Ziyuan and I are at odds, this time I came here to deliver medicine to him, not for any other purpose, but just for Wei's sake."

Having said that, Xia Houxuan sighed:

"Luoyang is the capital of the Great Wei after all. If it is captured by the western thieves, the morale of the soldiers and civilians of the Great Wei may suffer a severe setback."

Glancing at Sima Zhao, he continued:

"The Grand Tutor also knows this, but why hasn't he returned to Beijing for so long?"

"Taichu's words are really rude!" Sima Zhao had a wry smile on his face.

Others don't know, he doesn't believe it, Xiahou Taichu will not know, Luoyang at this time is in charge of him.

Xia Houxuan naturally understood the meaning of Sima Zhao's words, and said bluntly:

"Zi Shang is loyal, dignified, kind, and kind. Given time, he will definitely be able to appoint talents and make great achievements. It's a pity..."

Xiahou Xuan paused for a moment.

Sima Zhao hurriedly asked, "What's the pity?"

Even the famous people in the world may not be able to catch Xiahou Taichu's eyes.

I never imagined that I received such a high evaluation from the other party today, and if it spreads in the future, my reputation will definitely rise to a higher level.

"It's a pity that Zishang's experience is a little shallow. If he can practice for a few more years, Zhongda will be able to add another arm!"

When Sima Zhao heard this, he couldn't help grinning, but then realized that Xia Houxuan was talking about "a few more years of experience", not about the current self.

He looked at Xia Houxuan, his eyes were a little scorching, and he was about to say "Yi Taichu is a great talent, why don't you come to the mansion to help me".

It's just that Sima Zhao couldn't help but feel a little guilty when he thought that even his own adults had failed to convince him.

When the words came to my lips, they became:

"Taichu won the award, I am ashamed and dare not take it."

As he said that, his face changed into a slightly sad look:

"Right now, my lord is far away in Yecheng, and my elder brother is sick and lying on the couch and needs to rest. Everything in Luoyang is extremely chaotic. As Taichu said, although Zhao has a heart, he often makes mistakes in his busy schedule, alas!"

Looking at Xia Houxuan with some hope, "According to Taichu's opinion, what should I do?"

Xia Houxuan was silent for a moment, then shook his head:

"To be honest, these days, I have been thinking about how to resolve the current crisis in Luoyang."

"Of course," Xia Houxuan sighed, "I've thought about it, but I don't have any clue, unless..."

Xia Houxuan looked at Sima Zhao, "Unless the Grand Tutor leads the army back and recaptures Hangu Pass while the bandits are unaware, otherwise, we can only fight to the death with the bandits under the city of Luoyang."

"This is impossible. The imperial court has issued an edict to let you supervise all the military forces in Jizhou," Sima Zhao shook his head. "And there is a road leading to Jizhou in Bingzhou. Your lord must also guard against the bandits in the west of Bingzhou. How can you lead the army back?"

As for the decisive battle with the Western Thieves under the city of Luoyang, it is even more impossible.

Who doesn't know that the West Bandit is extremely sharp and hard to resist?

In the past, my lord was under the city of Chang'an, and with the support of the whole Wei, he never thought of a decisive battle with the western thieves.

Now that Xuchang is always constrained, how could your lord lead the army back to Luoyang under the city of Luoyang, and make a final gamble with the western thieves?

It is indeed the last one.

Winning, but maintaining the status quo.

If they lose, the Sima family may never recover.

If it were Sima Zhao himself, it would be impossible for him to make this choice.

Xia Houxuan naturally knew that this method would not work at all.

However, he did not come here this time to discuss with Sima Zhao how to defend Luoyang.

He just wanted to delay time and attract attention at the same time.

Xiahouxuan knew that he was the one who worried Sima the most among Xiahou's three clans.

As long as he appeared openly and walked on the street, even if he did nothing, it would be enough to distract the spies.

"What Zishang said is not wrong." Xia Houxuan sighed, "Then according to what Zishang means?"

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