In the end, Lu Xun failed to dissuade Sun Quan from sending troops to sea.

But at the same time, Sun Quan made a concession on the other hand: establish a queen as soon as possible.

These two things seem to have nothing to do with each other.

But essentially the same thing.

Sun Quan sent troops to sea to search for immortals.

The purpose of Lu Xun's persuasion to remonstrate with the empress is to clean up the harem, so that all the wives in the harem can settle down, and not to seduce your majesty to do the so-called cultivating immortals.

With the lord of the harem, only the inner palace and the outer court can work together. I urge your majesty not to learn from the actions of Emperor Qin, Han and Wu in their later years.

This was originally a game between the king and his ministers of Wu.

But the bad thing is that everyone didn't realize that the addition of Mrs. Pan and Princess Quan caused a huge change in this matter.

And Princess Quan actually wanted to join forces with the school administration after going through Mrs. Pan and her sister's gossip.

The Wu State School Office, this monster that once cast a huge psychological shadow on the civil and military affairs of the Great Wu Manchu Dynasty and made all officials silent, has been dormant for many years.

Mrs. Pan and Princess Quan had no idea what they would bring to Wu if they lured this monster back up.

Although the school administration was very surprised by Princess Quan's temptation conveyed by Mrs. Pan's sister, Lu Yi reacted as quickly as possible.

"We originally supervised the officials on behalf of His Majesty, but all the ministers have selfish desires, and have repeatedly accused His Majesty of entering the school office. Under the turmoil of the crowd, we have no choice but to dare not fulfill our responsibilities these years."

"Although His Majesty did not punish us, how can we forget our duty because of His Majesty's magnanimity?"

In the school affairs office, Lv Yi said excitedly to all the school officials below:

"Fanqin school officials brought back Feng Da Sima's letter from the Han Dynasty, and we reminded him that His Majesty knew the harm of Lu Xun's long stay in Xiangyang and immediately called him back to Beijing. What does this mean?"

Lu Yi suddenly raised the volume:

"This shows that in His Majesty's heart, we have never forgotten us, and the things entrusted to us have never been forgotten!"

"Now Your Majesty loves her daughter, Princess Quan took the initiative to find us, this is our great opportunity!"

Although the school affairs office is doing well now, it has made a lot of money by being an agent of bulk materials in the Dawu area of ​​Han.

But human desires are endless.

Not to mention that the school affairs office once called the wind and rain in the Great Wu Dynasty, and everyone below the prime minister was afraid of it.

The taste of this is naturally for Lu Yi and others to taste the essence and know the taste.

Then I remembered that before I waited for others, I almost offended the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty. If His Majesty did not need the school office to prepare money and food, I don't know how many times my family's house would have been copied.

Now, although I and others say that my family is rich, if I have power, wouldn't I be able to have more money?

Moreover, Lv Yi and others, who have rich experience in searching for money, know very well that money has no power, and their own home is the treasury of other people's money.

Most importantly, His Majesty is old.

Even Lu Xun began to look for a backer—if not, he first persuaded His Majesty to appoint a crown prince, and now he hastily persuaded His Majesty to appoint Mrs. Wang as his queen. What was he trying to do?

What if one day the majesty who can tolerate the school affairs office is gone, and the prince supported by Lu Xun comes to power, waiting for others, how can there be a good life?

Taking a step back, if your majesty wants to cultivate immortality, even if you can't get the Tao, as long as you can live a long life, that's great!

So this time, it was an inevitable choice for the school government to support Princess Quan and Mrs. Pan.

Princess Quan and Mrs. Pan also urgently need collaborators who can talk about and even influence government affairs in court, at least in front of His Majesty.

As the saying goes, if a man is affectionate, a concubine is interested.

The two hit it off.

Soon, Princess Quan asked Sun Quan to send some to her residence on the grounds that she was interested in a batch of exquisite Shu brocades in the weaving room.

Sun Quan naturally responded to this request.

Shu brocade may be a rarity for others.

Even the rich and powerful of the Wu Kingdom may not always be able to get satisfactory goods if there is no channel.

But with the relationship between Wu and Han, as long as he, Sun Dadi, is willing to speak, I believe that Han will send the best Shu brocade over.

Anyway, if there are too many lice, they will not bite people, and if there are too many debts, they will not worry.

To put it bluntly, taking Xiangyang and the Nanjun area can free up enough land to exchange benefits with Han.

Although Sun Quan has become more and more old and dull over the years, he still understands one thing:

With his prestige, he might be able to suppress those military leaders and big clans with a large number of private troops.

But my next generation may have to face the embarrassing situation where the strong branches are weak, and the ministers are strong and the monarch is weak.

In order to prepare more chips for future generations, Sun Dadi's idea is:

Instead of taking advantage of those military leaders and families in Jingzhou now, why not let the school affairs office collect the benefits from the Han Kingdom into the palace for me?

You military leaders can take advantage of it to support your own tribe, why can't I use these benefits to support the Chinese Army and the Forbidden Army?

Even if I can't deprive you and other tribal clan soldiers, at least I can snatch more money and food from you.

That's why Sun Quan readily agreed to Feng's request and transferred Lu Xun from Xiangyang to Jianye.

At the same time, it also tacitly agreed to change rice and mulberry in the Nanjun area to repay Ji Han's foreign debts.

Apart from Feng's fact that Sun Quan's ambivalence toward Lu Xun was true, Sun Quan also had another meaning:

Anyway, I can't stop you Jingzhou military leaders and big clans from filling your own pockets, so I might as well let the school affairs office go down in an open manner and get more benefits for me.

Shu brocade is one of the benefits.

This thing is much better than the big money made by Da Wu himself.

Rewarding one thousand of Daquan worth ten million yuan is not as pleasing as rewarding a hundred pieces of Shu brocade.

Sun Dadi, who discovered the truth, began to treat them differently.

For those who don't want to reward or don't like it, he rewards big iron coins mixed with copper.

For those who are close to or like him, he rewards Shu brocade, wool, brown sugar and other good things.

Princess Quan is the closest person to Emperor Sun, so it is absolutely no problem to appreciate some Shu brocades.

The school office, which actually controls the weaving room, naturally obeyed the edict and carefully selected dozens of pieces of Shu brocade.

In order to show respect, Lu Zhongshu from the school affairs office even personally delivered the goods to the door.

Princess Quan was very happy about this, and she used the excuse of watching and inspecting the Shu brocade to have a secret talk with Lv Yi in a side room.

"I already know what the princess means. If the princess doesn't want Mrs. Wang to be her queen, why doesn't she want Mrs. Pan to be her queen?"

Facing the common goal, Lu Yi, a real villain, is calm.

After all, once Mrs. Wang is established as queen, the position of prince will be further consolidated.

Then, after a hundred years of Your Majesty, sitting on the top is the future emperor who was supported by Lu Xun and others to ascend the throne, and sitting on the bottom are ministers such as Lu Xun who have offended the school administration to death and have made great contributions to the dragon.

It is inevitable that the school office will be liquidated, and the end will be worrisome.

"To be honest, I think what the princess said is very true. Although His Majesty agreed to Lu Boyan and others to be the queen due to the situation, the queen is not the wife of the king."

As a lucky villain, Lu Yi knew Sun Quan's character well.

Knowing that he can bow down and endure humiliation, but his nature is too jealous, and the result is killing.

What's more, Lu Boyan, as a courtier, led the courtiers to knock on the que. Although His Majesty agreed to the request on the surface, in fact, he probably hated it deeply in his heart.

The whole princess is overjoyed:

"I didn't expect Lu Zhongshu to be the same as Yu thought."

She paused for a moment, then looked at Lu Yi expectantly:

"So Lu Zhongshu thinks, how should we deal with it?"

It's a pity that she is only a princess and cannot directly participate in the affairs of the court.

Therefore, facing such court disputes, she felt quite powerless.

Lu Yi is different.

Although he is not good at dealing with major court affairs, he has dealt with countless court ministers.

In the earliest days, the school office was used to supervise officials.

It is quite skillful to achieve one's own goals by manipulating some matters in the court.

Lu Xun led people to knock on the que, and at the same time all the officials wrote a letter, requesting such a big event as a queen, naturally Lu Yi has been paying close attention to it secretly.

Hearing Princess Quan's inquiry at this moment, he had already thought about it and replied:

"What the princess wants right now is nothing more than wanting to prevent Mrs. Wang from ascending the throne, and to stop Mrs. Wang, one needs to know the true thoughts in His Majesty's heart, right?"

Princess Quan nodded repeatedly: "Of course!"

Lu Yi smiled and said:

"If it were someone else, if you dare to ask Yi how to figure out His Majesty's Sacred Heart, I would have already told His Majesty persistently."

"But the princess is His Majesty's own daughter, and she is also favored by His Majesty. If you want to know His Majesty's heart, you are a child of a man, and you want to relieve your parents' worries. I dare not disobey."

When Princess Quan heard this, she immediately smiled and nodded repeatedly:

"That's right, that's right."

Lv Yi then went on to say:

"Your Majesty's Sacred Heart is beyond the comprehension of my servants. I have a crude nature and a foolish opinion. I only hope that the princess will not find it dirty."

Princess Quan said eagerly:

"I also ask Lu Zhongshu to speak quickly."

Lu Yi nodded and said:

"In the past, the crown prince guarded Wuchangli. The prime minister (that is, Gu Yong) wanted to ask the second prince (that is, Sun Li) to be king, but His Majesty refused. This can be said to be a sacred heart."

"Hou Shangshu Pushe discussed with the prime minister, and continued to write to His Majesty, saying that the second prince can be the general of the town army, go out to defend one side, and use his great cause to persuade His Majesty, and His Majesty will allow it."

Princess Quan was taken aback when she heard the words, not knowing what Lu Yi meant by saying this.

Lu Yi didn't explain, and said to Princess Quan meaningfully:

"Now His Majesty has appointed a new crown prince, and appointed a general and a few queens. Only the princes, according to the etiquette system, should be crowned kings and be the confidants of the country."

"However, the prince is the head of the princes, not for his younger brother; the general is the pillar of the country, and he only cares about being in power."

"Princess Quan is not only the eldest daughter of His Majesty, but also the eldest sister of the princes. She should make up for His Majesty's shortcomings and speak out for your younger brothers!"

Princess Quan was a little confused when she heard this:

What does it have to do with the princes becoming kings?

It's just that she doesn't want to ask clearly, so as not to show timidity, so she has to continue listening patiently.

Lu Yi saw that she still didn't react, so he mentioned the former prince Sun Deng again:

"In the past, the crown prince guarded Wuchang. As soon as the second prince became an adult, he had to guard one side. The general of the rear town army died of illness in Banzhou. His Majesty suffered from the loss of it, and his grief was unbearable. The former crown prince traveled day and night to comfort and persuade him. admonish."

"After staying for more than ten days, His Majesty wanted to send him back to the west. The former prince deeply asked for money. He said that he had been away from Ding Province for a long time and his son's way was lacking. He also said that Chen Luxun was loyal and diligent, and he had nothing to worry about. I beg you to stay. Your Majesty. Only then did the former prince stay in Jianye."

Princess Quan's breathing suddenly stagnated slightly.

She faintly seemed to catch something.

Lu Yiyu said earnestly:

"Princess, the former crown prince is deeply favored by His Majesty and loved by all the officials, so he has to do his best to stay by His Majesty's side, why? There are relatives far and near!"

Princess Quan couldn't help asking: "Sir, you mean..."

Lu Yi lowered his voice: "Princes are bestowed with the heaviest rewards when they become kings, and the one who stays closest to His Majesty is the one His Majesty loves the most."

The whole princess suddenly woke up!

Lu Yi wasn't talking about establishing a queen at all, he just wanted to support other princes to compete with the crown prince!

This is seizing the throne!

"Princess, the one Madam Wang relies on is the crown prince. Even if we can stop her for a while, can we still prevent the emperor from calling her the queen mother when the crown prince ascends the throne?"

There was a gloomy and cold light in Lu Yi's eyes, revealing the essence of the opponent in this palace fight.

When the School Office was at its most powerful, he even conspired against the former prince Sun Deng.

What's more, there is Mrs. Pan in the palace and Princess Quan outside the palace, and the opponent is still a prince who has just entered the East Palace and is not on his feet?

Most importantly, His Majesty's ambiguous attitude on the matter of setting up a queen gave Lu Yi a bold idea.

In fact, His Majesty has long been dissatisfied with the Great General.

The great general persuaded the third prince to be the crown prince...

The great general then persuaded the crown prince's mother, Mrs. Wang, to be the queen...

However, His Majesty is noncommittal about making Mrs. Wang a queen...

So can it be said that His Majesty is actually not that satisfied with the Prince?

Instead of treating the symptoms, it is better to cure the root cause!

Seeing that Princess Quan was still hesitating, with a frightened look on her face, Lu Yi comforted her:

"Princess, in fact, in this matter, you are just a good daughter to make up for His Majesty, a good sister to speak out to the princes, why should you be afraid?"

"We just need to wait and see the aftermath, and then act according to His Majesty's will, no worries!"

When Princess Quan heard this, she suddenly realized:

That's right, it's a ritual system for the younger brothers to become kings, and no one can fault it. After the matter is completed, if someone has the ability to challenge the position of the crown prince, it will be the crown prince's trouble, so what does it have to do with me?

At the same time she asked the last question:

"But according to the etiquette, most of the princes are crowned kings and kingdoms after they have grown up. Among the princes, only the fourth brother is eligible. What should I do?"

Lu Yi didn't take it seriously:

"Princess, how can such a major event be accomplished overnight? Take it slowly."

"Besides, if His Majesty likes a certain prince, can't the four princes be crowned king, can't they reward the remaining princes with other reasons? From this, we can see some clues."

The whole princess deeply agreed.

Jihan Yanxi five years, Wu Guo Chiwu five years, August.

The Metropolitan Governor Quan Cong took the lead and proposed to confer titles on the princes and princes. Sun Quan refused on the grounds that the world was not yet stable and it was not appropriate to honor concubines and concubines.

However, Quan Cong was not discouraged, and continued to go to school, only saying that according to the etiquette system, even if His Majesty does not canonize all the princes, he should also confer the title of adult princes as kings, so as to rectify the country.

Only then did Sun Quan agree to make his fourth son, Sun Ba, king of Lu.

Then Sun Quan's next move gave Princess Quan, Lv Yi and others a big surprise that woke up with a smile in their dreams:

When the King of Lu worshiped for the first time, he was still in the same palace as the prince, and the etiquette was not divided.

It means that although Sun and Sun Ba are princes and kings of Lu, there is no difference in etiquette, and there is no difference in eating, drinking and living in the same palace.

In other words, King Lu and the prince are equal.

Princess Quan and Lu Yi were snickering behind the scenes, but the officials in Wu Guochao were blown up.

At that time, the servant of Shangshu shot Yi, who was also the king of Lu at the same time. He was the first to jump out, and he explained to Sun Quan:

The minister stole the fact that the king of Lu was very supportive of Yide, and he was also a capital of civil and military affairs. In today's world, it is appropriate to town the Quartet and serve as the assistant of the Guofan. Propagating virtue and beauty, and glorifying well-being are the good rules of the country, and the people at home look forward to them.

It means that the king of Lu is very powerful and versatile in both civil and military affairs. His Majesty should send him to guard the Quartet and serve as the country's vassal assistant.

On the surface, he was praising King Lu, but in fact, he meant to get him out of Jianye quickly and stop relying on the capital.

Lu Wangfu's backhand was a backstab, which made Lu Wang Sunba almost vomit blood on the spot.

The joy of being crowned king suddenly disappeared without a trace.

I stayed in the palace well and didn't hinder anyone. You want me to get out of the capital?

Besides, you are Lu Wangfu!

You are not on the side of the widow, and you actually want to drive me away from Jianye?

How many meanings!


Sun Ba's mother, history has been debated, some say it is Mrs. Wang, some say it is Xie Ji.

Xie Ji is taken here as the mother.

After all, with the resentment between Princess Quan and Mrs. Wang, she later supported her son, which was too tortuous, and the author Ruo didn't bother to make it right.

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