Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1312 Feng's Family Affairs

A person's collapse is sometimes at the moment when encountering a small event in life or a small trouble.

It's not strong enough.

It's that he has built up too much stress long before he encounters a little thing or a little trouble.

Little things and troubles are just the last straw that breaks Him.

And the collapse of a country is sometimes in such an instant, which even makes people feel a little caught off guard.

The fuse of the collapse may also be something that should not have had such a big impact in the first place.

But it just fell apart.

The real reason can only be that its interior has accumulated too many unsolvable problems for a long time in the past, and it is hard to return.

So only one fuse is needed to detonate all the problems.

Internal factors are the fundamental factors in the development of things, and the ancestors do not deceive me.

On the timeline of the original history, the contradictions and problems within the Wei State were no less than the current Wei State.

There is also the chaos of the Three Dogs in Taichung, and what General Cao has done is not much worse than today:

He led a large army to attack Shu, and finally returned in a big defeat, making Liangzhou in Guanzhong "the Qiang and Hu complained, but Guan You was wasted."

Then came the change of Gaoping Mausoleum, farting on Luoshui, three rebellions in Huainan, killing the emperor in the street...

This is much more exciting than Feng thief's threat.

But these broken things did not affect Sima Jin's unification of the world in the slightest.

In addition to national strength, it also lies within the two countries of Shu and Wu, and there are also big problems.

Moreover, these problems may even be trivial matters to Wei Guo.

But for Shu and Wu, especially Shu, the impact was enormous.

After all, the size is too small, and a small problem in a big country may be a fatal big problem for a small country.

Not to mention that no matter how big the problem was in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the aristocratic family still had the most advanced productivity at that time.

In addition, there is the war bonus of swallowing Shu and destroying Shu.

These have greatly covered up the internal problems of the Wei and Jin Dynasties and delayed the outbreak of conflicts.

And on the current historical line, whether it is the Sima family or the Cao family, let alone represent the direction of history.

Even if they wanted to transfer internal conflicts externally, Feng would not give them this opportunity at all.

On the contrary, Feng, who mastered the secret technique of slaying dragons in time and space, was working hard to solve his internal problems and release his productivity.

While continuously inputting problems to Wei and Wu, they provoked their internal conflicts.


The State of Wei is just like the State of Shu on another timeline.

It can't solve its own problems internally, and it can't transfer conflicts externally.

Can only die slowly.

A life-saving straw appeared in front of him—even if it was thrown by an enemy country—that would be grasped first.

As for whether there are traps, that is something that will be considered later.

General Cao and Sima Taifu may not know what the prisoner's dilemma is, but they understand the truth:

If I don't catch it, the opponent will definitely take it away.

So in order not to let this straw be grabbed by the opponent, I have to find a way to grab it myself.

Compared with Sima Taifu and General Cao playing in the prisoner's dilemma, Feng, who was sitting on the shore fishing, seemed much more relaxed.

According to Yu Gong, although General Jiang Wan's health is not very good, Fei Yi is gradually taking over government affairs.

As long as Jiang Wan grasped the general direction, he didn't need to worry about it, and he could have a better recuperation.

The emperor's brother-in-law ruled as usual, and would not interfere at all with the handling of government affairs and the mobilization of troops by Shangshutai and Zhongdu Protectorate (ie Sima Mansion).

Mrs. Zuo and Mrs. You are on duty as usual in the Duhuyuan and Secretaryyuan of Sima Mansion respectively.

Amei and Li Mu went to Jiuyuan to collect folk songs under the escort of the personal guard camp.

Mistress Hualan is going to Nanzhong to personally supervise the "Queen of Funan".

After all, this is a major event related to the future of his son and the tribe, so he doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't watch it personally.

Personally, although there are many children and they are very noisy, the eldest sister Tou Shuangshuang and the dog-headed military officer Ah Chong have grown up and sensible.

With the joint suppression of both civil and military evil spirits, there is no need to worry about the children in the backyard.

Today is the day to learn cultural lessons.

Under the shade of the tree, Feng Da Sima was lying in the rocking chair, shaking constantly.

With half-closed eyes, he looked at the dense tree crown above his head, trying to find Cicada hidden in the tree.

A little bit of sunlight through the leaves, with the shaking of the leaves, occasionally dazzled Feng Da Sima's eyes, making his eyes narrowed even more.

In my ears, I heard the cicadas on the tree yelling tirelessly in monotonous tones, and the sound of Ah Chong teaching the children not far away.

Feeling the slight hot wind blowing from time to time, Feng Da Sima sighed comfortably:

"It's a good time to sleep in the scorching summer!"

His consciousness gradually became blurred, and finally he snored.

I don't know how long I slept, but I heard a voice in my dream:

"Wow, let you urge your children to study, and you dare to be lazy and sleep."

Someone Feng was startled, and quickly opened his eyes to look, but saw Madam You standing in front of him, looking down at him.

"Oh, it's Xijun."

Someone Feng squirmed, "I was too sleepy, so I squinted for a while, besides, isn't Ah Chong teaching them?"

Speaking of this, he was suddenly taken aback.


Why is the sound of reading before going to bed gone?

Seeing Feng Da Sima's expression, Madam You gloated and said:

"Where are you teaching?"

Feng Da Sima sat up with his hands propped up, looked left and right, and saw the children playing like scattered sparrows.

Temporary Mr. Ah Chong was surrounded by several little kids, all of them with their butts sticking out. It was unclear whether they were watching or playing.

Anyway, I heard them yelling loudly.

When Feng Da Sima saw it, he immediately stood up annoyed.

Good boy, the old man trusts you so much, but you are so blatantly betraying the old man's trust?

Today I will let you know what it means to be cruel and merciless Lao Wenhe!

While thinking about it, he was about to get up, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the little fox's eyes shining with a trick.

Feng Da Sima, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Feng, who had just got up half his body, sat back slowly, stretched out his hand with his expression unchanged, and beckoned to the child:

"A worm!"

Ah Chong heard the cry, got up quickly, and trotted over:

"My lord, you are awake."

"Hmm." Feng Da Sima nodded majestically and asked, "How is today's class going?"

"Return to your lord," Ah Chong saw the lord's question, and quickly replied with a bow, "Brothers are all hardworking, and they all wrote down today's lesson."


Feng Da Sima stared at Ah Chong.

Only brothers?

Where's your sister?

Don't think I can't hear you if you hide half of what you say.

After staring at it for a long time, Ah Chong just hung his head in silence, and then Feng Da Sima looked over there with his eyes:

"Ah Shun, what are they doing?"

"Go back to my lord, they are playing backgammon."

"Where's your sister?"

Ah Chong raised his head, his eyes full of innocence:

"My lord, my sister has disappeared after class, and my child dare not ask..."

"Tsk!" Da Sima Feng waved his hand, "Go, pay attention to Ah Zhi, he is young, don't let Ah Mo and the others bully him."

"The child understands."

After Ah Chong left, Mrs. You, who was standing beside her, showed a displeased expression:

"What do you mean? What do you mean don't let Ah Mo bully you?"

"What do you mean?" Da Sima Feng lay back and glanced at Mrs. You, "Do you really not know or you don't know?"

"You are biased!"

Mrs. You was indignant.

"What's the preference? The Marquis of Shunyang Ting! Every day, I'm afraid that others won't know that he's a nobleman. Whenever he quarrels with others, he calls himself a prince."

"I knew at a young age that I used my identity to suppress my own brother. If you don't clean up yourself, don't cry with me when I clean him up."

Da Sima Feng glared at Mrs. You, "You just let him work hard! It's annoying me, I'll go to the palace and ask His Majesty to give him his title!"


When Mrs. You heard it, she immediately screamed, like a lioness whose hair has been blown.

Looking at her appearance, if it wasn't for the concern that the children were watching over there, she would pounce on her and bite.

Because she knew that based on the relationship between her family Alang and His Majesty, if she wanted to get the title of Amo, it would be a matter of one sentence.

Even sister, she can't speak right now, or in other words, the weight of her words is simply not as good as this guy in front of her.

Someone Feng snorted and sneered twice:

"If the son doesn't teach, it's the fault of the mother, do you understand? Mother Meng also knows about three moves. As a Shunde Lord, don't you even understand the truth that spoiling him is harming him?"

Mrs. You had never heard of the Three Character Classic, and was slightly suppressed by someone Feng, so she could only pinch someone bitterly, and then said resentfully:

"I am a woman, how can I understand so many truths? Anyway, you are partial!"

Feng Da Sima said impatiently:

"Go, go! I really want to be biased, so I shouldn't have told you this, but let you encourage A Mo to continue to do it, and see how you end up in the future!"

Mrs. You had nothing to say about Feng Langjun's flattery, so she could only hit him in embarrassment.

Suddenly she seemed to remember something, and her expression suddenly became gloating again:

"My concubine thought about it for a while, it's the mother's fault if the son doesn't teach, what A Lang said is very reasonable."

When Feng Da Sima heard her words, he felt vigilant in his heart.

Only Madam You said slowly:

"Just now, when my concubine came over, I happened to see Shuangshuang and Prince Chen secretly hiding in the grove over there, and I don't know what they were doing."


Hearing this, Da Sima Feng jumped three feet high like a frog thrown into a frying pan.

"It's bright and clear, in broad daylight, you say a woman who hasn't left the cabinet yet, and a man..."

"Shut up!" This time, it was Da Sima Feng's turn to become angry, and he stopped Madam You in a low voice and continued.

Good boy, the old man trusts you so much, but you are so blatantly cheating on the old man's cabbages?

Today I will let you know what it means to be cruel and merciless Lao Wenhe!


What's the matter with the prince?

Your grandmother doesn't dare to be presumptuous in front of this old man!

Madam You looked at Feng, who was protecting the calf, and frowned:

"What are you doing? It's okay not to say it at the beginning. If you are too... both willing, you will never interfere?"

"Shuangshuang is only thirteen years old!" the old father said through gritted teeth, "How old are you?"

Don't think the ancients are stupid.

In this day and age, getting married and having children at the age of thirteen is indeed very common.

However, there are quite a few girls from rich families who marry after they are over twenty years old.

Why was Feng's point of view that the younger you are, the more dangerous it is to have a child, it was easily accepted by Huang Yueying and others.

The reason is that those big families already have certain concepts about this kind of thing.

So over the years, there may still be many marriages between Cangtou Qianshou at the age of 13 or 14.

But the wealthy families, especially the Xinghan Society and the upstarts, basically have no one under the age of sixteen.

Coupled with the efforts of the medical school over the years, those families who have the conditions to let the medical school deliver their babies have greatly reduced the birth rate.

As long as there are news channels, the families who can inquire about this matter all tacitly raise the marriage age of their children to more than fifteen years old.

Anyway, it's only a year or two late.

It takes one or two years to exchange for the safety of mother and child, which is worth thousands of dollars.

Although there are other important factors in this, Feng did not plan to explain it all over the world.

Even according to the situation of spot checks in various places, in Sichuan and Liangzhou, the median age of marriage for ordinary girls has increased to more than fourteen years old, slowly approaching fifteen years old.

Still the same sentence, how can there be so many stupid people in the world when it comes to matters of wealth and life?

It's just that there are some things that I didn't have to choose before.

But now, someone actually wants to destroy the tacit understanding of marriage age in the capital circle, and it is still in front of someone Feng.

Father Feng, who was eager to protect his daughter, decided to teach Liu a lesson.

"A worm!"

"grown ups?"

Ah Chong heard the anger in the adult's tone, and hurried all the way over.

"Go, find your sister! Tell Ah Shun and the others to look for it too, over there."

Feng Da Sima pointed in one direction, "Tell her, if she dares not come, she will kneel down to the ancestral hall at night!"

Ah Chong responded and ran away quickly.

Before leaving, he did not forget to take a look at Madam You.

With the direction, Shuangshuang was quickly found.

"My lord, what do you want me to do?"

It is estimated that they got the gossip from A Chong in advance, knowing that the adults seem to be really angry, so both of them looked a little nervous.

The adult dotes on herself very much on weekdays, and is rarely angry with her, but it is precisely because of this that she is even more afraid of the adult's anger.

Looking at his daughter who had grown into a graceful figure, old father Feng forced himself to calm down and slowed down his voice:

"What is Prince Chen looking for you in private?"

Hearing that it wasn't her homework test, Shuangshuang immediately relaxed, and her face turned into a nonchalant expression:

"Oh, he said that he won't come to the house to study in another two months, and he may not be able to see each other as often as now, so he wants to talk to me."

Liu Chen and Shuang Shuang Ah Chong are about the same age.

The Royal Academy starts in autumn, and Ah Chong is about to enroll. It seems that Liu Chen will continue to study at the academy without telling his identity.

But Ah Chong skipped a grade when he entered school. Liu Chen didn't have this talent, so he probably could only be a junior.

Feng Yong secretly observed his daughter's expression, but couldn't see anything, so he nodded:

"What about you? What do you think? What he said is indeed reasonable. You will also go to the Women's Textile College in the future. I'm afraid you won't have many opportunities to meet in the future."

I have grown up, so I should avoid suspicion.

"He's just a fool." Shuangshuang curled her lips with contempt in her expression, "He also asked me if I want to study in the academy, saying that he could find a way."

If he really wanted to go to the academy, did he need to find a way?

Don't know who my adult is?

"It's rare for you two to meet in the future, don't you miss him?"

Mrs. You couldn't help but mention something next to her.

Both glanced at Madam You:

"Second Aunt, why do I want to be a fool?"

Said turned and ran away.

When passing the corner, he suddenly reached out and grabbed a guy, kicked him, punched him again, and then ran away again.

A Mo, who was a little stunned by the beating, grinned and rubbed his body, with grievances and doubts on his face:

So many people were peeping, why did he only hit him?

This time, it was Feng Da Sima's turn to gloat:

"Don't think that Shuangshuang can't study well, but she understands that she is a ghost. These two days, you tell A Mo to be careful and avoid her as much as possible, otherwise he will still have to be beaten."

As he spoke, he glanced at Madam You.

Let you sue black.

Madam You was so angry that she kicked Da Sima Feng.

"Hit me for what?"

"My concubine is very busy, there are still things waiting for you to deal with, just be lazy, I am still in the mood to laugh here, if I don't hit you, hit someone!"

"There is something to talk about."

"Sima Zhao is here."

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