Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1330 Moving the capital again

The situation in the Kingdom of Wu is becoming more and more turbulent. Father and son are suspicious of each other, brothers are at war with each other, and sisters are at odds with each other.

It also added that "Prisons are obtained through bribes, human lives are neglected, and the blame is placed on superiors, which will cause resentment for the country; there are many official dormitories, and even though there are ministers, they are not trusted."

It can be said that it was solely supported by Emperor Sun's personal reputation that prevented the country from worrying about unrest.

The chaos in the Wu State in the south became more and more obvious, while the Wei State in the north - to be precise, the part of the Wei State represented by Xuchang, was also in panic.

The Han army raided Luoyang, and Sima Zhao fled across the Hebei River in embarrassment. Fortunately, the Han army went to Luoyang and did not pursue him.

Otherwise, it is still a question of how many Luoyang defenders led by Sima Zhao can escape.

Jiang Wei and Liu Yin didn't want to pursue him, nor did they want to let Sima Zhao go.

After all, neither of them knew about Feng's deal with Sima Yi.

But they all received military orders from Feng:

We must try our best to preserve a complete Luoyang and not allow another Dong Zhuo disaster to occur.

Therefore, Jiang Wei and Liu Yin's marching speed was a little faster than Sima Zhao had imagined.

But this little bit is enough.

Luoyang is the center of the world. It is not only the first stop from Kansai to Kanto, but also the most important stop.

Taking Luoyang meant that the entire Kanto region was completely open to the Han Dynasty, without any obstacles.

The torrent of iron cavalry of the Han Dynasty can gallop freely on the vast land of Kanto at any time.

Therefore, the loss of Luoyang was more shocking to Xuchang than the earth dragon turning over in the center of the city.

"Old man! Old pig and dog! Old thief! Worse than a dog and a pig!"

In the general's mansion in Xuchang City, Cao Shuang's angry roar echoed throughout the mansion.

"And that thief Feng, a treacherous thief, a traitor, a dog thief! Cunning, vicious, treacherous..."

Obviously a few months ago, there was talk of cutting off the Luoyang Commercial Road and replacing it with the Wuguan Commercial Road.

He also thought that he could borrow the power of the Han State to expand his financial resources and strengthen himself.

At the same time, it can also restrain Sima Yi and even drive him for his own use.

It's a pity that as soon as this sweet dream started, he was slapped awake, making Cao Shuang's face suddenly hot.

After scolding a lot, it was of no avail. Cao Shuang couldn't vent his frustration, and then he thought of the initiator of this matter:

"Come here, call He Yan over here!"

After a while, He Yan came over in a hurry:

"Yan pays homage to the general."

"You did a good job!"

Cao Shuang stared at He Yan fiercely, gritting his teeth. The fat on his face was squeezed into a ball and trembling a little because of anger:

"Where is the traitor caravan you mentioned? This caravan has not been seen yet, but the army is already approaching Xuchang City!"

From Luoyang to Xuchang, it is only about 350 miles, and it is almost flat.

Question: How long does it take for the world-famous Han cavalry to complete this section of the road?

Cao Shuang believed that Caoqiao Pass could block the Han army because Caoqiao Pass was a pass.

There is also a Danshui in front of the pass.

Even though he had never seen the combat effectiveness of the Han army's cavalry with his own eyes, he was not arrogant enough to think that the defenseless Xuchang defenders could stop the fierce Han army's cavalry on the plains.

My lord (that is, Cao Zhen) led one hundred thousand elite troops, but he was still defeated by Feng Thief's twenty thousand troops.

Although it was said that the Lord was unprepared, it is also true that three thousand armors penetrated the entire army.

No matter how much he hated Feng Thief and wanted to avenge his lord, Cao Shuang was not so arrogant as to think that he could compete with Feng Thief with just Xuchang.

Cao Shuang seemed to suddenly understand his master's mood under Xiao Guan.

Hated and afraid, but helpless, it was simply despair.

The news that the Han army had captured Luoyang had already spread throughout Xuchang.

I can't hide it even if I want to.

The time it took General Cao to get the news was only a moment and a half too fast at most.

When He Yan learned that the general called him for something, he already guessed what it was.

He came too quickly, and the chill was still there, but maybe he left too quickly, so he was sweating profusely.

After wiping away the cold sweat that had fallen down, He Yan's face, which was originally like Fu Fen, looked even brighter.

"General, Yan Yi really didn't expect that Thief Feng would be so treacherous."

He Yan called Qu Dao, "This person is pretending to show his kindness to the general, but at the same time he sends troops to attack Luoyang. He must be afraid that the general will send troops from Xuchang to support Luoyang, so he is doing this."

When Cao Shuang heard what He Yan said, he nodded gloomily:

"It must be so."

But what if Feng Thief’s plan is known?

Now that the loss of Luoyang has become a reality, Xuchang is in crisis.

How to deal with this situation is the most important thing.

Thinking of this, Cao Shuang looked at He Yan with great annoyance:

"Tomorrow morning, everyone in the Wei Dynasty will definitely discuss this matter with me, the general. What should I do?"

Faced with this situation, what ideas can He Yan, a famous person like He Yan, who usually talks quietly and makes money secretly, come up with?

In a hurry, he quickly suggested:

"How can a general make such a big decision alone? We need to work together and discuss it together."

It's not like he's the only one making money, so why should he be the only one to give advice?

If something goes wrong, of course everyone has to shoulder it together.

Cao Shuang was frightened, hated and angry by the news from Luoyang. At this time, He Yan reminded him and he calmed down a little.

The matter was urgent at this time. Even if he wanted to blame He Yan, it was not the right time and he could only nod:

"That's true!"

Soon, the other two dogs of the Taichung Three Dogs, Ding Mi and Deng Yang, as well as Cao Shuang's younger brother, the leader Cao Xi, and the military guard general Cao Xun, all arrived.

Just when Cao Shuang was about to discuss the matter of Luoyang with them, he heard someone reporting:

"Report to the general, and ask for an audience with the chief minister."

The so-called Great Sinong was forced by Sima Yi to flee from Jizhou back to Huanfan, Xuchang.

After Huan Fan returned to Xuchang, Cao Shuang did not blame him for the sake of his fellow villagers, but instead appointed him as the chief agricultural officer.

Huan Fan is different from the Three Dogs of Taichung. Unlike the Three Dogs, he usually flatters Cao Shuang.

Therefore, his relationship with Cao Shuang is not as close as that of the Three Dogs of Taichung.

At this time, when he heard that Huan Fan was visiting and was discussing important matters with his cronies, Cao Shuang couldn't help but frown:

"What is he here for?"

On the other hand, Cao Xi, Cao Shuang's younger brother, was the most knowledgeable among the Cao brothers and was quite capable of treating virtuous people. When he saw that his brother wanted to refuse to see Huan Fan, he quickly advised him:

"Da Sinong came here this time, maybe because of Luoyang's affairs. We need to work together, and Da Sinong is very resourceful. Brother, why don't you invite him in so that you can hear what he has to say?"

Cao Shuang snorted and said unhappily:

"If he is really wise, why did he lose Jizhou?"

However, he also knew that although Huan Fan was not close to him, he was still on his side when it came to major issues of right and wrong.

Otherwise, he would not have found a way to silence himself and destroy the evidence before the fall of Yecheng, and then desperately fled back to Xuchang.

If he had directly defected to Sima Yi at that time, he would probably be much more passive now.

Compared with many ministers in Xuchang, such as Fu Gu, Lu Yu and others, they took the initiative to seek refuge with Sima Yi.

Huan Fanwei actually had a firm stance - of course, this may also have factors from his fellow countrymen.

So after hearing Cao Xi's plea for Huan Fan, Cao Shuang followed his advice and invited Huan Fan in.

After Huan Fan came in, he saw that all Cao Shuang's cronies were there, and he understood a little bit.

But seeing him cup his hands and say:

"The general is discussing how to deal with Luoyang?"

Cao Shuang was slightly surprised.

But when he thought that his brother had expected it, he quickly calmed down.

Since it was revealed and the matter would be discussed at the court meeting tomorrow, Cao Shuang did not hide it.

He nodded cheerfully: "That's right."

Then he pretended to be very calm and asked:

"Is it possible that Da Sinong came here this time for this reason?"

This time, it was Huan Fan's turn to be a little surprised.

I didn't expect the general to be so calm when facing such a major event.

Could it be that he is just pretending on weekdays?

"I dare not hide it from the general. I am indeed here for this matter."

Seeing that Huan Fan was rarely respectful in front of him, Cao Shuang finally felt better and stretched out his hand and said:

"Da Sinong, please take a seat first."

"Thank you, General."

Huan Fan sat down as he was told.

"Since Da Sinong came here for the matter of Luoyang, he must have made a decision in his heart. I wonder if Mi will be lucky enough to listen to Da Sinong's wise words?"

Seeing that the general actually put Huan Fan on an equal footing with him and others, Ding Mi was the first to ask.

The reason why Huan Fan was unwilling to get too close to Cao Shuang was precisely because Cao Shuang was surrounded by Taichung Three Dogs and others.

After all, he is also a veteran of four dynasties, and is known to the world for his integrity and frugality.

The Three Dogs in Taichung have made countless money and have a bad reputation. How could Huan Fan abandon his late career and join in the same trap?

Seeing Ding Mi's question, Huan Fan was not polite and said directly:

"The matter is urgent. There is no danger to defend Xuchang, it is close to Luoyang, and the bandits from the west have strong soldiers. It is better to avoid it for now."

Ding Mi sneered:

"The traitor army has not yet arrived. Could it be that Da Sinong is thinking about how to avoid it? I know the loss of Jizhou."

How could Huan Fan endure his temper when his scars were exposed in front of his face?

The last person who exposed his scars like this was his wife Zhong Changshi. Now the grass on her grave and the child in her belly have grown ten feet high!

But Huan Fan suddenly stood up and glared at Ding Mi with his sword:

"I heard a rumor in the streets: There are three dogs in Taichung, two of them cannot be used as firewood, and one dog can make a gangrene bag silently. It is also said that the three dogs are all eager to bite people, and the silence is especially bad."

"I didn't know what it meant before, but now that I've seen it, I know it! If you really see someone, you'll be baring your teeth."

This scolding included He Yan, Deng Yang, Ding Mi.

Especially Ding Mi.

Because he is not as famous as He Yan, but he likes to compete with He Yan on current affairs.

This time it hit Ding Mi's heart.

Before He Yan and Deng Yang spoke, Ding Mi stood up with his sword in hand, his face turned purple, and he cursed:

"Old man, are you tired of living? Want to test the power of my sword?"

Huan Fan clanged his sword out of its sheath, "I don't know whether your sword is good or bad, but my sword can cut off horse heads, and even more dog heads!"


Cao Shuang slapped the table and shouted:

"I asked you to come here to discuss matters in Luoyang, not to test the sword!"

Ding Mi and Huan Fan glared at each other, snorted together, and then sat down again angrily.

Although the two of them sat down, the scene immediately cooled down as they squirted at each other.

At this time, Cao Xi stepped forward to smooth things over:

"There is no danger in Xuchang, and there is flat land all around. Da Sinong suggested to avoid the Western bandits for the time being, for the sake of the safety of the Emperor of Wei, and the starting point is good."

"Ding Shangshu believes that the traitors have not yet arrived. If we avoid them, we will lose the dignity of the Wei Dynasty. I am afraid that the world will say that the general is cowardly. The starting point is also good."

"Everyone has his own reasons, why should we end up arguing with each other?"

"Everyone can tell the truth, but the thieves will not reason with us." Huan Fan said coldly, "Since there is no danger to defend Xuchang, we should make a decision early. If we can't defend but forcefully defend, we are setting ourselves up for death."

"But the rebels have not arrived yet, and there is no news of the rebels even from Luoyang."

Ding Mi also sneered, and now he began to calm down:

"To put it bluntly, if Thief Feng is really serious, Xuchang will be able to see the traitor's cavalry tomorrow at most. I would like to know whether your two legs are faster or the traitor's four legs."

Ding Mi is a villain, but he is by no means as ignorant as Lu Yi of Wu State.

On the contrary, he is very knowledgeable, otherwise he would not be on an equal footing with He Yan.

Not to mention that among the three dogs in Taichung, the one who contributed the most advice was none other than Ding Mi.

So what he said at this time naturally made some sense.

No matter how much he belittles Thief Xi, no matter how much he scolds Thief Feng.

But no one in the world dares to look down on Feng Thief and the tiger and wolf masters under his command.

Ding Mi's words may seem to enhance other people's ambitions and undermine his own prestige, but they are true.

Without the protection of the city, it can only be said that it is a stupid idea to race against the cavalry on the flat ground, especially against the cavalry of the Western Bandits.

Huan Fan protested:

"It is precisely because the bandit army can arrive day and night, so we must find a way to avoid it immediately."

The sooner you make a decision, the sooner you can leave the city.

The thieves will arrive tomorrow, half a day and a night is enough!

"In the city of Xuchang, there is the emperor, the clan, and the ministers. Where do you want them to hide?"

"Go to Qiao County first!" Huan Fan was able to make this suggestion, so he was naturally prepared for it. "Qiao County is the hometown of the emperor, the hometown of the general, and the companion capital of the Wei Dynasty. The palaces are all ready, so why worry about not being able to accommodate the emperor and the ministers?"

"And it's closer to Shouchun, so it's convenient for the cavalry general (i.e. Wang Ling) to lead the army and escort him."

"The thieves are attacking Xuchang from Luoyang. The road is too close, and there will be an endless supply of troops behind them. But if they dare to pursue them as far as Qiao County, they will be blocked by the army of chariots and generals in front of them, and the Nanyang troops in the south will sneak up on them."

"And if the rebel army is too far away from Luoyang, Sima Yi in Hebei will definitely not turn a blind eye if the food route becomes difficult. From this point of view, Qiao County is safer than Xuchang."

A wise man is still a wise man after all, and he has been with the Cao family for more than twenty years. His experience is far beyond what Ding Mi and his ilk can compare with.

Ding Mi groaned and said harshly:

"Then Da Sinong should think of a way to pray that the bandit army will not come tomorrow!"

Cao Shuang frowned.

To be honest, what Huan Fan said really moved him.

But the possibility that Ding Mi mentioned cannot be ignored.

Cao Xi saw Cao Shuang's expression and guessed what he was thinking, so he quickly suggested:

"Why don't the general send spies immediately to investigate in the direction of Luoyang? If there is no response before sunset, then we will leave the city overnight, so it will be fine."

After all, no one dares to bet on whether the rebel army will go south immediately.

If the bandit vanguard does arrive tomorrow, it will be too late!

When his own life was at stake, Cao Shuang made a rare decisive move and made up his mind before others could speak:

"It makes sense!"

When the news about Luoyang was received, Xuchang had already sent out many spies, but the general still felt that it was not enough and wanted to send out all the scouts.

At the same time, he asked his family to quietly collect gold and silver.

As for himself, he entered the palace to see Queen Mother Yu:

"Queen Mother, it's urgent!"

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