Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1334: Hit with oil

"Jiuyuan Dahe Workshop Recruitment Office".

"Recruitment Office of the Third Regiment of Jiuyuan Dahe Reclamation Regiment".

"Jiuyuan Dahe Mine Recruitment Office".

"Jiuyuan Forest Ranger Recruitment Office".

Outside Xingyang City, it is not crowded, but it can at least be said to be lively.

Next to the city gate, there were several large iron pots set up, steaming hot, and the aroma of food floating in the air.

The cook holding a big iron spoon knocked on the edge of the iron pot and shouted:

"Get in line, get in line! There's something for everyone, no need to rush, we won't give it to those who don't line up!"

In front of every iron pot, there is a long line of people, all of whom are in ragged clothes.

When you dig in with an iron spoon, you will find a large spoonful of paste that is so thick that it almost clumps together.

"Go and eat over there, over there!"

At the other end is where the banners are concentrated.

"Food and accommodation are included! There are also two sets of free clothing distributed every year, both in summer and winter!"

"If you go, the land will be divided! One hundred acres per person! One hundred acres! You can also rent cattle, farm tools, and seeds!"

"There will be no taxes for the first three years. After three years, the tithe will be divided into ten acres and there will be no need to pay taxes!"

"As long as you have the strength! As long as you have the strength, you won't have to worry about food or clothing!"

"It's best if you have strong legs and can hunt! Hunters are preferred! It's very leisurely. You only have to patrol the mountains every day, and you don't have to do anything!"

"There's wages, there's wages! Two shi of grain per month, plus two hundred dollars!

No matter which banner it is under, the conditions offered are absolutely attractive.

It was precisely because it was so tempting that the people couldn't believe it.

Just take advantage of others' shortcomings and take advantage of others' softness.

Everyone finished eating the food in their hands and watched helplessly as those people screamed at the top of their lungs, but did not dare to question them.

Some of the bolder ones finally muttered:

"Isn't that side of Jiuyuan the territory of the barbarians?"

Even though he screams loudly, his ears are pointed.

When someone said this, the person who shouted immediately stopped and explained hurriedly:

"Why is Jiuyuan the territory of the Hu people? It has long been the territory of the Han people. Even Ke Bineng was killed!"

"Who is Ke Bineng?"

"Kebineng is the most powerful barbarian on the northern grasslands. He was killed by the Han Dynasty's Sima in Jiuyuan a few years ago."

"Now in Jiuyuan, no matter which Hu tribe they belong to, they all belong to the Han."

It seemed that he felt that his words were unfounded and could not convince everyone, so the man turned around and shouted:

"Chief of Ruoloa Sixth Clan, come out to work, cough, cough, come out and say something!"

Ruoluo Aliu, who was dressed as a barbarian and had a bald head, walked out of a dark corner with an expression on his face that was uglier than crying:

"My name is Ruoluo Aliu, and I am the chief of the Xianbei tribe. Kebineng is my biological brother. He died a few years ago. Now the Xianbei people in Jiuyuan are all the people of the Han Dynasty."

Ruoluo Ah Liu had already changed into Han clothes and tied up his hair, preparing to become a Han Chinese.

And now he was forcibly pulled over again and dressed up like a barbarian again. Even the hair that he managed to grow was cut off again.

No matter who encounters such trouble, he will definitely not be in a good mood.

I won’t tell you what Ruoluo Aliu felt in his heart.

But when the people present saw his appearance and heard what he said, they couldn't help but feel a slight commotion.

These days, for the Han people, Kuntou can be regarded as a serious punishment.

Looking at the other person's face, it is indeed a Hu person's face, and the smelly Chinese language, there is no doubt that he is a Hu person.

"Yes, yes, I can testify!"

Another fat-bellied Hu man stood up and said, "My name is Mu Wuzhe. I am raising dogs for the big man now. You can call me the dog in charge."

"If anyone is willing to go to Jiuyuan, every household can get a dog from me to help guard the door."

Compared to Ruoluo Ah Liu, who was not in a good mood, Duanmu Zhe was much more conscientious.

As long as it is for Mr. Feng's career, I, Duanmu Zhe, don't say change my identity as a Hu, even donate all my wealth, that's what I should do.

Yang Hu and others looked at everything in front of them in stunned silence.

No wonder Chen Liu couldn't see many officials and people, and thought he had fled elsewhere. But it turned out that he had fled here?

Yang Hu's expression was quite complicated.

I was surprised by the situation in front of me, but after thinking about it, I felt it was reasonable.

The taxation in Han Dynasty was tithe.

This news had already spread in Wei Dynasty a few years ago.

Especially after the Han Dynasty took over Hedong and other places, there was no need to pay taxes, and rumors of taxation and taxation even spread widely in Hanoi, Henan and other places for a long time.

It's just that many people don't believe this news.

If one tithe is taxed and the oral tax is exempted, how did the Han Dynasty get its elite soldiers and generals over the years?

Not to mention cavalry, especially elite cavalry.

Don’t all the men and horses of Han need to eat food and grass?

It is a pity that the independent thinking of "objective and rational" people does not represent the wise.

What does Cangtou Guizhou know?

Not to mention independent thinking, it’s good to be able to follow others’ opinions.

Therefore, in the past few years, wherever Han and Wei meet, many people have sneaked from Wei to Han. It is not a strange thing.

In particular, the farmers were the most oppressed.

News of rebellions and escapes were common.

When the news of the tithe of the Han Dynasty spread in the Wei Kingdom, the Han Dynasty immediately became the heaven on earth and an ideal beacon in the hearts of Cangtou Guizhou leaders and farmers.

At this time, the gates of Guandong were wide open. It was not too surprising that the Han Dynasty had done something like this in Xingyang and attracted so many people.

"Is Jiuyuan too far away?"

"Don't worry, let's go to Guanzhong first, and take the Qinzhi Road from Guanzhong all the way north. The Qinzhi Road is very straight, straight and flat, so it's easy to walk!"


"That's a straight road opened by Qin Shihuang to make it easier for him to drive to inspect the border areas. Why isn't it straight?"

“There will be guards to ensure safety along the way, medical workers will help with medical treatment, and food and accommodation will be provided. It’s all free along the way!”

Food and accommodation are included, all for free. These words seem to have magic power.

After repeating it so many times, many people's eyes already showed excitement.

Yang Hu and his party are quite different from Cang Tou Qian Tou.

The Han soldiers guarding the city gate had already noticed them.

Seeing them parked there for a long time, a small group of Han soldiers came over and shouted vigilantly:

"Who's in charge?"

The nominal steward of the caravan stepped forward quickly:

"It's me! It's me."

"Where did you come from? Where are you going? Why did you stop here?"

"Reporting to the general, we are merchants from Jibei. We want to go to Chang'an. Please make it convenient for the general."

As he spoke, he handed over the tickets that he had prepared long ago.

The leader of the Han army pushed him away with a serious expression:

"Since we are going to Chang'an, why stop at the city?"

The steward bowed and nodded:

"Isn't it because I'm afraid that I won't be allowed to enter the city, so I want to inquire first."

The leader of the team laughed, quite confidently:

"The city gate is wide open. How can we not let you enter the city? Hurry up and register. Don't stand here blocking the way."

The surrounding area has been explored several times by scouts for dozens of miles.

In the nearby counties, the bandits have basically fled.

This shows the cowardice of the Wei thieves.

How could a majestic Han general be afraid of a mere group of merchants?

"Okay, okay, we'll go right away."

The caravan steward turned around, winked at Yang Hu and the others, and the group continued toward the city gate.

"This way, this way, go this way!"

Just as Yang Hu and others were being interrogated and registered at the door, they were preparing to take the documents and go to Chenggao.

Someone led a group of people and entered the city directly from the other side of the city gate. No one came forward to check.

Yang Hu couldn't help but asked out of curiosity:

"Why don't they register?"

The clerk, who was writing with his head down, raised his head and glanced over there, and then at Yang Hu. It seemed that he was a scholar, and he just thought he was following the caravan for safety.

So he patiently explained:

"They have decided to go to Jiuyuan. If you want to go, you can register outside the city."

Hearing this, Yang Hu took another look at the people who had entered the city, his eyes a little complicated:

"Is there really anyone who wants to go to Jiuyuan?"

"What's weird about this?" The clerk seemed to be a talkative guy. He lowered his head and wrote while saying, "I don't know how many batches this is."

"Why do the people come here? Isn't it just for a bite to eat, to survive?"

"The Wei thieves did not let the people live, but the Han Dynasty was different. They divided the land and provided cattle and farm tools with grain and seeds. They did not pay taxes for three years, and after three years they paid one tithe. Is there any better benevolent government in the world than this? ?”

"So," the clerk said pointedly as he handed the document to Yang Hu, "If this gentleman is really ambitious, the Han Dynasty is the place to display his talents. What does the Wei thief count?"

If it were Yang Hu from before, he would probably laugh it off.

Who is Uncle Yang?

He is young and well-known in Shandong.

Both the imperial court and the state capital have repeatedly conquered remote areas.

But he rejected them all.

When did you need a mere clerk to point you in the right direction?

But at this moment, he just silently accepted the document without any rebuttal.

After walking through the city cave in Xingyang, Yang Hu couldn't help but look back.

Xingyang is like an invisible dividing point, and the scenery between the east and west is very different.

In other words, there are big differences between the two sides of the Han-Wei boundary.

The Yang family in Shandong is considered one of the largest aristocratic families in Shandong. As a descendant of the aristocratic family, Yang Hu will not consider the interests of the aristocratic family no matter how much he considers it.

At this time, I have to admit that the general trend of the Han Dynasty has been established, and what we should do most now is how to follow the trend, rather than how to reverse it.

With the documents distributed by Xingyang, we passed Chenggao smoothly and finally arrived at Luoyang - which should be called Luoyang at this time.

After the Han army captured Luoyang, they immediately changed all the characters in and around Luoyang back to Luo.

The Han Dynasty is a land of fire, so it is called the Yan Han Dynasty. Red is the national color.

After Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty, he wanted to use water to extinguish fire, so he changed Luo to Luo.

Even the cities around Luoyang, such as Lianchi, had to add water and change it into Mianchi.

It's just that it has been more than 20 years since this water was added. Instead of being extinguished, the fire of Yanhan has been burning more and more fiercely.

Now even the Cao family's ancestral temple and shrine in Luoyang have been burned down.

It can be said that he is laughed at by the whole world.

After Cao Rui visited Xuchang in the east, there were rumors in Luoyang that Cao Pi added three water. Although his intention was to extinguish the fire, it was actually a metaphor of God's will. Cao Wei's national destiny would not last more than thirty years.

When Cao Shuang took the pseudo-emperor Cao to continue his eastward tour of Qiao County, this rumor resurfaced in Xuchang and spread even more intensely.

There is even something like "I don't know if three water can turn into rain, and when a dragon turns into two water, it will have its own fat".

Emperor Guangwu originally relied on the guidance of the "Red Fu Talisman" to pacify the world. Before his death, he also "announced the prophecy to the world" and made the prophecy a national law.

When prophecies were at their peak in the Later Han Dynasty, "the meanings of the Five Classics were all determined by prophecies, so the Five Classics were external studies and the Seven Classics were internal studies." Everyone "advocated prophecies" and did not use prophecies, and people did not respect the classics.

The White Tiger Viewing Meeting is what happened during the heyday of prophecy in the Later Han Dynasty.

In the fourth year of the founding of Emperor Zhang of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 79), famous Confucian scholars from all over the country were gathered at Baihu Temple in Luoyang to discuss the similarities and differences of the Five Classics.

At the meeting, Wei Ying, the general with five sense organs, asked questions in accordance with the emperor's will. Chun Yugong, the minister, answered on behalf of the Confucian scholars, and Emperor Zhang made the decision himself.

At that time, the world's great scholars Wei Ying, Chunyu Gong, Jia Kui, Ban Gu, Yang Zhong, etc. attended the meeting and examined the similarities and differences in detail for several months.

After that, Ban Gu compiled the results of the discussion into "White Tiger Tongde Lun", also known as "White Tiger Tongyi", which was published in the world as an official classic.

It can be seen that in the Later Han Dynasty, the theory of prophecy had a great influence.

Although now, the theory of prophecy is no longer as good as it was then, but no one dares to underestimate the power of prophecy.

Many of the great scholars in the world also specialize in the theory of prophecy.

If the explanation is correct, it means being proficient in the art of prophecy and becoming famous.

If the explanation is wrong, it is called falsely citing prophecies, which will most likely lead to death and reputation.

As a scholar of this era, Yang Hu, no matter how much he didn't believe in the prophecies, would still be affected unconsciously due to the limitations of the times.

And when their group passed through Chenggao and entered Luoyang, it was the time when the saying "Three waters can turn into rain, and a dragon can turn into two waters has its own fat" was spread most enthusiastically.

In Luoyang City, almost everyone is discussing it.

There was no other way. The Han Dynasty regained the old capital Luoyang. In the eyes of most people, Sanxing was a foregone conclusion.

Experts among the people have expressed their opinions one after another:

"Needless to say three waters, this dragon transforming into two waters is quite impressive!"

What is the name of the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty?

What is Da Sima's last name?

So much.

"Yes, yes, this great Sima came to Luoyang not with water, but with grease."

"You know nothing! Listen to me, do you know when was the first time Da Sima led an army into battle?"

"Assault on Longguan, who doesn't know?"

The attack on Longguan and the fierce battle at Jieting can be said to be Feng Da Sima's famous battle.

The folk expert chuckled, glanced at the person who answered, and then asked:

"Do you know how Da Sima captured Long Pass in three days?"

This is not widely circulated. After all, the battle at the street pavilion that followed was more talked about than this.

What's going on is like a forest, what's not taking a step back, it's so irritating.

How Da Sima captured Longguan in three days is rarely told.

"It's just grease! In the first battle that year, Da Sima used grease to burn a fire at Longguan, and then he easily entered Longguan, do you know?"

After the folk expert aroused everyone's curiosity and satisfied his own vanity, he revealed the answer:

"This Great Sima is born with grease in his hits. Otherwise, how could he use grease in the first battle?"

That makes sense!

Everyone nodded in unison.

This is probably God's will.

Da Sima used oil to help the fire. As a burning man, it naturally burned more and more vigorously.

Yang Hu, who was resting and eating in the restaurant, couldn't help but curled his lips secretly when he heard these words:

What about Longguan grease? You might as well say that he used the poisonous plan when he came out of the mountain to water Hanzhong with the human grease of the Nanzhong Yi people!

Thinking of this, Yang Hu was stunned.


It can not be!

Is this Feng someone really lucky?

After all, human oil is also oil!


The child was so naughty. He was only less than six months old. I don’t know how he managed to open the guardrail beside the bed and fall off the bed.

I'm almost scared out of my mind!

I have been carrying him to the hospital for examination and observation for the past two days. I am sorry that I cannot update on time.

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