Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1336 Recognition of relatives

"It is very commendable to have the ambition to learn."

Feng Da Sima played with the recommendation letter in his hand and looked at Yang Hu with more and more fun.

This letter of recommendation is basically a joke whether in the Han Dynasty or in the Wei Dynasty.

The princes and kings of the Wei State are just names that sound good.

Even in-laws can’t greet each other during the holidays, so why do you still want to get involved in politics?

As for the Han Dynasty, the princes and kings of Wei?

Almost like a rebel.

Only here with Feng Da Sima can it play its greatest role.

So this Uncle Sheep is very interesting, very interesting.

As the fat king of Han Dynasty (crossed out), he should be the king of ghosts, and the kind who is far-sighted.

At the first moment, I felt that Uncle Yang's visit seemed very different from the last time.

In front of Yang Hu, he opened the recommendation letter and read it.

If there's nothing out of the ordinary, it's pretty standard.

Even when he saw the words "anxious for justice and loving justice", Feng even chuckled.

After reading it, he put away the letter and looked at Yang Hu again.

Perhaps because of his smile just now, Feng Da Sima seemed to see a hint of nervousness in Yang Hu's eyes.

"I already know what uncle means."

Feng Da Sima said, "Let me be honest with my uncle. The Imperial Han Dynasty welcomes scholars from all over the world to come and study."

"But there must be conditions after all. Otherwise, if anyone stands in front of the academy gate and says "I want to study" and can enter, then wouldn't the Imperial Academy of the Han Dynasty become a place where everyone is confused?"

Cao Zhi's recommendation letter, strictly speaking, is not a recommendation letter.

In other words, it is a recommendation letter that is only valid for Feng Dashima.

But coincidentally, Feng Dasima was the director of the Royal Academy of the Han Dynasty and the founder of the academy.

There is no need to speak, just a glance to signal, and it is simple to send someone in.

Obviously, Yang Hu took Cao Zhi's letter because he actually wanted to get permission to enter the academy from Feng Da Sima.

But after hearing Feng Da Sima's words, Yang Hu's attention was diverted:

Is it a fishy thing?

He glanced at Feng Da Sima with some suspicion, and then suddenly realized:

"Book of Changes Shen Tongqi" says: Fish eyes cannot be pearls, and basil cannot be a tadpole.

Could it be that Feng Da Sima also read "Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi"?

Yes, "The Book of Changes Can Tongqi" was written by Wei Boyang.

Wei Boyang is probably the only person in the past few decades who has definitely become an immortal and has a book on immortality that has been handed down.

According to rumors, Feng Da Sima came from a mysterious and powerful mountain sect.

It is normal for this kind of mountain sect to know the affairs of the Immortal Family.

Maybe, his disciple has something to do with some immortals.

After all, many of the hermit masters who have not been born in the world are cultivators of immortality.

It seems that Feng Da Sima not only read it, but also read it well. If not, how could he extract the phrase "fish eyes mixed with pearls"?

In this way, wouldn't it be that the knowledge that Feng Da Sima brought from his disciples was...

(Sun Quan, who completed the supplement for Feng, gave a thumbs up)

Thinking about it this way, the changes in the Han Dynasty over the years, and even the reversal of the general trend of the world, may be explained.

At this thought, Yang Hu suddenly felt a strong curiosity in his heart.

It seems that I must go in and take a look at this academy. If I have the chance, it would be best to find out what is so special about the study of objects and arithmetic.

In a daze, he felt two sharp eyes falling on him.

Yang Hu was startled, quickly calmed down, and saluted Feng Da Sima:

"Hu De heard that his eyes were full of confusion, and he was shocked at the great Sima's erudition, so he lost his mind. Don't be surprised if you look forward to the great Sima."

Seeing that Yang Hu was absent-minded, Feng Dashima thought that he had aroused the other party's arrogance by saying that it was difficult to enter the academy, and he did not necessarily want to go in to study.

Didn't expect it to be this?

If you can read the text, you can understand its meaning, right?

Feng Da Sima's eyes became more and more scrutinized (feeling guilty).

Is it possible that this fishy thing has some other allusions to it?

That shouldn't be the case either.

If it is an allusion from the past, then Lao Tzu can be regarded as a summary idiom.

If it is an allusion from the future, then this allusion will be mine from now on.

While I was thinking about it, I heard Yang Hu continue to say:

“The Book of Changes Shen Tongqi says: The eyes of fish cannot be regarded as pearls, and the eyes of basil cannot be regarded as tadpoles.”

"I didn't expect that Da Sima would use it here. It's really wonderful. I'm impressed by Da Sima's literary talent!"



Feng Da Sima's secretly straightened back instantly relaxed and he leaned back in his chair.

This is a good source, that is the summary idiom.

"Confucius said: When you see a talented person, you will think of others. You begged the Great Sima and allowed you to enter the academy for a while. You don't dare to match the talents of the Great Sima. You only hope that you can take advantage of the talents left by the Great Sima, and you will be satisfied!"

Compared with last time, this time Yang Hu spoke very nicely and had a very low attitude.

Feng Dashima was very satisfied.

At this point, if Feng Da Sima still can't guess part of the reason, then he will be called foresight in vain.

Most of the Han people just wanted to return to the old capital.

He has an extremely strong obsession with winning Luoyang.

But he didn't think much about it. After taking Luoyang, it caused a huge shock within Wei State.

Obviously, Yang Hu's change of attitude in just a few months was probably not only due to his studies, but also because Luoyang fell into the hands of the Han Dynasty.

In other words, the Shandong Yang family behind him may want to place a bet again.

After all, Luoyang is also the capital of Cao Wei!

After the Han Dynasty captured Luoyang, the Cao family's ancestral temple and the gods inside were reduced to powder.

Stones that are more difficult to grind into powder sink directly to the bottom of the river.

I don’t know if Cao Pi had any sense of it during his lifetime, so not only were there no trees sealed in the tomb after his death, no sleeping hall was built, there wasn’t even a Shinto or anything like that.

Therefore, the Han Dynasty has not been able to find his grave for the time being.

Otherwise, even the bones would be exhumed and whipped.

(Note: Cao Cao’s tomb is buried in Yecheng)

But destroying the ancestral temple and the shrine, to ancient people, was already the loss of half of the country.

Therefore, no matter how firmly you support the Wei faction, I am afraid you will still hesitate at this time:

Can the state of Wei still recover?

Thinking of this, Feng Da Sima's eyes narrowed slightly.

Yang Hu felt that Feng Da Sima's eyes were getting sharper and he lowered his head, his expression becoming more respectful.

"When you see a virtuous person, you will think of others. If your uncle has this intention, it is very good."

Feng Da Sima finally said, "You have the recommendation of my nephew Cao, and you have the intention, then I will make an exception and let you study in the academy."

These words made Yang Hu fall to the ground with a bang as if hearing fairy music:

"Thank you, Da Sima!"

"Get up."

"Thank you, Da Sima."

The letter was delivered, and his wish was fulfilled. Feng Dasima was busy with everything, but Yang Hu should have been wiser and took the initiative to say goodbye. It was not appropriate to take up too much time.

But he hesitated for a long time, but he couldn't speak.

This made Feng Dasima a little confused:

"Uncle, what else can I do?"

When Yang Hu heard this, a look of shame appeared on his face. He hesitated and struggled for a while, and finally took out the second letter from his arms:

"Zhen Da Sima, Hu's sister, I admire Da Sima's literary talent very much. I not only memorize every article of Da Sima, but also write it down by hand for collection."

"And the close relationship between Da Sima and King Chen (i.e. Cao Zhi) made my sister fall in love. Therefore, therefore..."

At this point, Yang Hu stuttered a little, "Sister, I would rather let Hu submit this letter to Da Sima regardless of my shame."

My face is still a little thin, and I still have some shame in my heart, so the more I talk about it, the redder my face becomes.

Feng Da Sima, on the other hand, was slightly surprised when he heard what Yang Hu said, and then immediately returned to normal.

Over the years, to be precise, from Shu to Liangzhou, then to Guanzhong, Bingzhou, and even Hedong, which aristocratic family in any place did not want to send their women to his bed?

Even the Hu Ji in the North and Western Regions have this kind of dream.

Feng Dashima had seen too many such things.

Although there is still a place for concubines supported by the imperial court in the house, but it is empty... it is actually quite good.

The person responsible for receiving the letter had his hands half-stretched, and it seemed that he wanted to reach out to receive it, but when he heard Yang Hu say this, he suddenly retracted his hand.

Then, he turned around and glanced at Feng Dashima.

Feng Da Sima's expression remained as usual, as steady as an old dog.

The Shandong Yang family is indeed a wealthy family.

He probably felt that he had been offended last time, so this gift was such a big gift.

After being quiet for a while, Yang Hu felt as uncomfortable as he had felt for ten years, and he wanted to bury his head under the ground.

When someone took the letter in his hand, Yang Hu suddenly felt that the weight of the mountain on his body suddenly disappeared.

Feng Dashima got the letter and glanced at it, but saw that the handwriting on the envelope was delicate and graceful, much better than his own writing.

I didn’t read more, let alone open it, but just put the letter on the case:

"I already know your sister's intention, but please go back and tell your sister that since Cao Zijian left, for me, it's the time when Yu Boya lost his son. It's okay not to say anything about the relationship between God and God."

Hearing this, Yang Hu felt a complicated feeling in his heart.

There was both disappointment and injustice, and even a sense of secret relief.

He naturally knows what the clan means.

But regarding this matter, the sister who rejected Master Sima actually showed no objection at all and even wrote the letter herself.

Now that he was rejected - even if the person's surname was Feng - it still made him feel unworthy of his sister.

After taking a look at the letter on the desk, Yang Hu smiled bitterly:

"To be honest, Da Sima, Hu's arrival this time was actually due to my sister's persuasion. Last time Hu returned home, he was scolded by my sister."

"To say that she is a woman who refuses the Sima family's marriage proposal and is ignorant of the general trend of the world. She actually wants to go against the trend. It is really stupid."

As he spoke, the bitter smile on his face became thicker and he shook his head:

"When the news of Luoyang reaches Shandong, Hu will know that my sister has real insights."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hands again:

"What Hu said is not to praise my sister in front of Da Sima, but to ask for a favor for my sister. With my sister's knowledge, I will definitely not insult Da Sima's calligraphy."

"Wait a minute, what did you say?" Feng Da Sima waved his hand and asked, "You mean, Sister Gui rejected Sima's marriage proposal?"

When Yang Hu heard this question, his heart thumped, and he vaguely thought of something.

But he had to answer: "Exactly."

Feng Dashima pondered for a moment:

"Who is from the Sima family?"

"Sima Ziyuan."

"Master Sima?"


"The Sima Master who poisoned his wife and then married Wu's daughter?"

Yang Hu was startled, then gritted his teeth and wanted to nod, but he seemed to want to refute:

"It is rumored that Sima Xiahou died suddenly..."

Feng Dasima chuckled and said meaningfully:

"The current Luoyang is the Luoyang of the Han Dynasty, not the Luoyang of the pseudo-Wei Dynasty, let alone the Luoyang of the Sima family."

"Uncle Yang, you are also Xiahou's son-in-law. Do you really not know how Sima Xiahou died?"

Yang Hu was silent.

"So, your sister is right not to marry Master Sima."

"If not," he glanced at Yang Hu, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip:

"Sleeping with a vicious and inhumane guy like Master Sima, well, staying under the same roof, I'm afraid I have to turn a blind eye when sleeping."

Yang Hu continued to be silent.

"However, Sister Gui was able to withstand the pressure and reject Master Sima's marriage proposal at that time. I have to say that she is indeed quite discerning."

If it were anyone else, Feng Dashima might not care too much.

But after all, it was related to Master Sima. Although Master Sima was dead, he was still a famous figure in history. This fact made Feng Da Sima a little interested.

I can’t remember who Sima Shi’s last wife was in original history.

I don’t know whether to marry Yang Hu’s sister or not?

Thinking of this, Feng Dasima couldn't help but asked:

"Sister, what's your maiden name?"

His original intention was to know the name and see if he could recall it or had heard of it.

Unexpectedly, Yang Hu's expression changed when he heard this.


I heard that Mr. Feng has a hobby of liking women who have been engaged. Is it true?

However, my sister is not engaged to Master Sima!

Could it be that those who have discussed getting married also count?

There was no need to look at Yang Hu, whose expression was changing, or the wide-eyed servant next to him. As soon as Feng Da Sima's words came out of his mouth, he knew that he was in trouble.

He coughed and hurriedly explained in a disguised manner:

"Forget it, I'm just asking casually. It's rare to see such a woman with such great vision, so I can't help but be curious."

Yang Hu held back his turbulent thoughts and forced himself to calm down and smiled:

"If Da Sima is interested, why not take a look at my sister's letter? There is definitely my sister's name on it."

There is definitely no character, because only after you marry someone, the husband's family will choose the character.

That's why a woman who is not married is called "waiting in the boudoir".

After Yang Hu finished speaking, he bowed his hands again and prepared to leave.

He felt that if he didn't resign, he might die of shame in this place.

Feng Da Sima did not try to keep him, but asked someone to send him out.

And his eyes fell on the letter on the desk.

This Yang girl is a bit interesting...

Given the status of the Yang family in Shandong, it was definitely impossible for such a legitimate daughter to be a concubine for Master Sima.

If he wanted to marry a Yang girl, Master Sima would either continue to kill his wife to become a Taoist priest, or divorce his wife and marry again.

According to this person's viciousness, it is impossible to say that he will become acquainted once and twice.

Thinking like this, Feng's hand unknowingly picked up the letter...

"Da Sima, there is someone outside asking to see you."

Feng Dasima, who was deep in thought, trembled subconsciously, stuffed the letter in his arms in fear, and frowned at the same time and asked:

"Who is it?"

He didn't have many acquaintances in Luoyang, and the generals in the army were all deploying defenses in Luoyang as planned. Unless there was something urgent, they would not come.

"I don't know, this guy just said he was Da Sima's nephew. This is the token he sent."


Feng Dashima was stunned for a moment. I have a nephew in Luoyang?


There are so many strange things happening these days.

First there was someone who wanted to recognize him as his brother-in-law, and now there was someone who wanted to recognize him as his uncle.

After taking the token and looking at it, Feng Dasima's face, as steady as an old dog, suddenly changed slightly:

"Where is he?"

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