Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1339 What a coincidence

"Going to your in-laws?"

Tuoba Desert Khan's eyes showed a bit of envy.

He walked south from the grassland and met many people who said they were going to join relatives and friends in the Han Dynasty.

There are Han people and there are Hu people.

Especially for tribes close to the frontier fortress, if anyone has any relatives or friends in the fortress and can be introduced to work in the fortress, that would be an enviable luck.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to work.

Grazing in An'an area outside the Great Wall, selling livestock and wool to the Great Wall every year, life is much better than before.

If you enter the fortress, you can be protected by the Han State, but from now on you must listen to the Han State.

If you don't enter the fortress and don't have the wings of the Han State, you will face all kinds of inexplicable vendettas on the grassland.

Anyway, Han only recognizes wool and not people.

Who cares where the bloodstained wool comes from?

At worst, it could be downgraded to a lower grade and the price lower.

The longer he stayed in Han, the more Tuoba Desert Khan felt that his decision to unite Wei against Han was worth it.

It is better to make friends with the Han Dynasty.

The tribe's deacons believed that once Southern Xia was unified, they would use troops outside the Great Wall.

But what he saw and heard along the way, from beyond the Great Wall to Chang'an, was that the Hu people were grazing, working, and buying and selling.

Even Chang'an has a large number of barbarian transactions.

I heard that the Han Dynasty regarded the Han people as the same as the barbarians. Now it seems that it is probably true.

Therefore, Tuoba Desert Khan was already a little shaken by his worries about the clan's deacons.

I heard that the Yi people in Nanzhong and the Qiang people in Liangzhou were treated the same as the Hu people in Bingzhou.

Since the Han Dynasty could accommodate so many barbarians, how could it not tolerate the Tuoba clan alone?

Speaking of which, the Tuoba family actually had in-laws in Han.

And they are still brothers.

Tuoba and Bald Hair are brothers.

Thinking of this matter, Tuoba Desert Khan smiled bitterly in his heart.

"From generation to generation, we will be the emperor."

Because of Tiannu's words, the Tuoba tribe, which was not a large grassland tribe in the first place, was divided into two and was even almost exterminated.

Your Excellency has worked hard to manage the tribe for more than twenty years, which is why the tribe is now prosperous.

Hearing that the Bald Hair Tribe had defected to the Han Kingdom, Hu Qiyi, who was stationed in Bingzhou, had members of the Bald Hair Tribe.

It's a pity that the Bald Tribe, who was originally a kinsman, may not accept the Tuoba Tribe at this time.

Thinking of this, the envy on Tuoba Desert Khan's face became even more obvious:

"Having in-laws in Han Dynasty, Zhang Langjun is really lucky."

Zhang Miao had a look of humility on his face:

"Thank you very much. Thank you very much."

He is obviously being humble, but why is there a smug look in his eyes?

"What about Mr. Tuoba? You came to Chang'an for business?"

"Doing business?" Tuoba Desert Khan hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, "Yes, I came here just to see if there is any good business here."

If we can reach a deal with the Han Kingdom and find a way out for the tribe, it can be considered a business.

Cao Miao looked Tuoba Desert Khan up and down and asked:

"Most of the treasures in the world are gathered in Chang'an. How can we not do business? But I see that Tuoba Langjun's face is not happy. Could it be that he hasn't found what he likes yet?"

Tuoba Desert Khan shook his head, "I found it after searching, but it's a pity that there is no way to buy it."

"Oh?" Zhang Miao seemed to be immediately interested when he heard what the other party said, "It seems that what Mr. Tuoba is looking for is probably unusual."

Tuoba Desert Khan sighed, "It's beyond our reach!"

"To be honest, Mr. Tuoba, I first arrived in Chang'an and was far away from my hometown. I was also worried about finding a way out."

Zhang Miao said to Tuoba Desert Khan, "We fell in love with Mr. Tuoba at the first sight. If we can't abandon each other, can we go to the restaurant to have a detailed talk? I happened to listen and found out what Mr. Tuoba is interested in. How rare.”

The longer Tuoba Desert Khan stayed in Chang'an, the more contradictory his inner desires were to the decisions of his adults and clan deacons.

It's just that he is just the eldest prince and does not have much say in the clan.

But for a while, I couldn't figure out how to convince the adults and deacons, so I felt even more depressed.

It's just that no one listens to his thoughts. At this time, someone takes the initiative to listen to what he has to say, and he is naturally willing to do so.

The two of them found a nearby restaurant called "Juepinju".

"Tuoba Langjun has been in Chang'an for a long time, but have you come here to taste the food here?"

After the waiter at the restaurant served the food and wine, Zhang Miao asked Tuoba Desert Khan to have a taste.

Tuoba Desert Khan nodded:

"The food here is quite famous. I've definitely come here to try it."

Apart from anything else, just talking about this mutton barbecue, it has the best taste of Hetuoba Desert Khan.

As a noble on the grassland, Tuoba Shachenhan had eaten countless roast muttons.

It is no exaggeration to say that I have grown up since I was a child.

But he had never seen anyone who could bake such delicious lamb.

I don’t know what kind of seasoning is used in this unique house. Not only can it remove the fishy smell, it even adds a lot of fragrance.

"Wow!" Zhang Miao clapped his hands, "I just said that Tuoba Langjun and I hit it off right away! In fact, I also think this barbecue restaurant is the most delicious."

As he said that, he pointed around, "Not to mention the West Market, even in the entire Chang'an City, this restaurant is ranked high."

Then he lowered his voice and said, "I heard that this place is opened by people from the Xinghan Association. The Xinghan Association found the secret recipe somewhere, so that it can make such delicious food."

Hearing Zhang Miao's words, Tuoba Desert Khan's heart moved.


Who is the leader of the Xinghan Association?

Isn't it Feng Dasima who is trying hard to find a way out but can't be seen?

However, this idea flashed through Tuoba Desert Khan's mind, and was immediately rejected by himself.

How could he, the owner of a restaurant, still be able to speak in front of Feng Da Sima?

Thinking of this, Tuoba Desert Khan felt that he was probably in a daze.

These days, he has been wanting to see Feng Da Sima.

I want to talk to Da Sima and see if we can find a better way out for the tribe.

But how could Feng Da Sima be so easy to meet?

Not to mention that I was just a barbarian from the grassland. Even many ministers in the Han Dynasty were not qualified to enter the majestic Sima Mansion.

Not to mention that I can't represent the tribe this time.

Even if he could see Da Sima, he could only hope that Da Sima would give him conditions that would impress him, and then he would have the confidence to persuade him to change his mind.

Alas, this idea is simply unbelievable.

However, Tuoba Desert Khan was a little unwilling to leave like this.

I don’t know what I am doing now.

Tuoba Desert Khan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Seeing Tuoba Desert Khan like this, Zhang Miao couldn't help but be a little surprised:

"Maybe Mr. Tuoba thinks what I said is exaggerated?"

When Tuoba Desert Khan heard this, he quickly explained and apologized:

"Of course not. I just had other thoughts in mind, so I was temporarily absent-minded. Don't blame me."

Zhang Miao's eyes showed a look of disbelief, and he explained hurriedly:

"Tuoba Langjun, don't think I'm joking, I have a source of information!"

Although Zhang Miao spent a lot of money and booked a box, he still lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being overheard:

"Mr. Tuoba, do you know who the relative I am seeking refuge with this time is?"

Losing his composure in front of Zhang Miao, Tuoba Desert Khan quickly shook his head when he heard this question:

"How can I know this?"

Zhang Miao asked somewhat proudly:

"Does Mr. Tuoba know that there is a Zhang family in the residence of the Great Sima of this Han Dynasty, and he is a famous figure in the Han Dynasty?"

Tuoba Desert Khan was startled and blurted out:

"Maybe it's the queen..."

Halfway through, he quickly stopped talking, dipped his finger in tea, and wrote two words on the table.

When Zhang Miao saw it, his face changed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He immediately shook his head in denial:

"No, no! How dare I say that this Zhang's in-law is another Zhang, another one!"

Pretending to be the in-law of a Han empress is a capital crime.

"Another Zhang?"

Tuoba Langjun's face was full of doubts. Apart from Mrs. Zhang You, could there be other people with the surname Zhang in Da Sima's house?

Seemingly sensing Tuoba Desert Khan's doubts, Zhang Miao said with some pride:

"Does Mr. Tuoba know how many wives Da Sima has?"

What don't you know about this?

Feng Da Sima was not good at beauty, had no talent for singing or dancing, and had only two wives and two concubines in his house.

I heard that even the three quotas for concubines given by the imperial court were not filled up.

Compared with the powerful people in this world, it is really rare.

Of course, there are also rumors that Feng Da Sima is as lustful as life and has three thousand wives.

But Tuoba Desert Khan definitely didn’t believe it.

Zhang Miao looked around subconsciously, and then asked quietly:

"Does Mr. Tuoba know what the surnames of Da Sima's four wives and concubines are?"

Although Da Sima's wives and concubines can be seen in public without any taboos, it would not be appropriate to discuss Da Sima's wives in private if anyone overhears them.

"Of course I know, my surname..."

Tuoba Desert Khan was halfway through his answer when he suddenly froze.

The left and right ladies are Guan Zhang, Mrs. Mu is named Li, Mrs. Mei...


What is Mrs. Mei's last name?

Zhang Miao seemed to have anticipated Tuoba Desert Khan's reaction, and looked at the other party's stunned expression with a little pride.

When Tuoba Desert Khan saw Zhang Miao looking like this, he had an idea:

"Could it be possible that your surname is Zhang?"


Zhang Miao slammed the table, poured wine for each of them, then picked up his own wine glass, took a sip, took another bite of vegetables, and then said unhurriedly:

"Everyone in the world thinks that Mrs. Mei is from Nanzhong, but this is a huge fallacy!"


Although it sounds like it has little to do with the purpose of my trip.

But in Tuoba Desert Khan, it would be great to know more about Feng Da Sima.

"Is this true?"

"What did I lie to you about?"

Zhang Miao took another sip of wine, smacked his lips, seemed to be adding more flavor, and then continued:

"Mrs. Mei's actual surname is Zhang, and she is a descendant of the Nanyang Zhang family who lived abroad. The in-laws I came here to seek refuge with this time are Mrs. Mei."

If it were someone with some knowledge, they would probably jump up in shock upon hearing this news.

But Tuoba Desert Khan grew up in the desert grassland, so naturally he didn't know about the Zhang family in Nanyang.

However, despite this, he traveled between the desert and the Han Dynasty many times, and he also knew the affairs of the Han Dynasty's aristocratic families.

Those who can be called "Nanyang Zhang Family" must be from a wealthy family.


Tuoba Desert Khan suddenly realized that this news was not irrelevant to him.

But it is very important!

"Mrs. Mei's surname is Zhang? Is she Brother Zhang's in-law?"

"That's natural!"

Zhang Miao made a "Zhi" sound for the third time, drank all the wine in the cup, and said proudly:

"My in-law, although she is just a concubine, her status in Da Sima Mansion is very valuable!"

"She has followed Da Sima since she was a child. She has learned a lot of knowledge from Da Sima's words and deeds."

"Then Nanxiang Academy, oh, it is the current Royal Academy, but she participated in its founding!"

As if he was very worried that others would look down on Mrs. Mei's origin, Zhang Miao tried his best to explain Mrs. Mei's identity to Tuoba Desert Khan:

"Mrs. Mei not only helped Da Sima establish Nanxiang College, but she also ran the Women's College, which was the former Textile College of Nanxiang."

"Moreover, she is not only a teacher at the Royal Academy, but also the head of the Design Institute, specializing in designing various objects for big men."

"Not to mention the students of the academy, even many generals in the army, when they see her, they have to be respectful and call her Mr. Mei. Isn't it amazing?"

Tuoba Desert Khan has naturally heard of Mrs. Mei's name.

I heard that the looms now popular in Han Dynasty were improved by Mrs. Mei.

Especially the loom in the workshop for weaving wool, the women all called it Mei Ji to show their gratitude to Mrs. Mei.

Speaking of the four ladies in Da Sima's house, the one Tuoba Desert Khan paid the most attention to was actually Mrs. Mei.

It is precisely because of Mrs. Mei that wool, which was originally of little use, became a great treasure.

Thinking of this, Tuoba Desert Khan's heart beat violently.

Seeing that Zhang Miao's glass was empty, he quickly picked up the jug and filled it up with a look of envy on his face:

"Amazing, amazing! Madam Mei is indeed amazing, and so are the four wives of Da Sima, not to mention Madam Guan and Zhang."

"That's Mrs. Mu. I heard that she is also from the Li family in Shu. How could Mrs. Mei be any different? It turns out that she is from such a noble family. No wonder, no wonder!"

"I didn't expect Zhang Langjun to come to seek refuge with his in-laws. This in-law is actually so great!"

If this person is really Mrs. Mei’s in-law.

And Mrs. Mei was so favored by Da Sima.

So, is it possible to meet Da Sima through this way?

Thinking of this, Tuoba Desert Khan's hand holding the wine bottle trembled slightly with excitement.

When Zhang Miao heard this compliment, she felt so happy that she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"However, since Mrs. Mei is so powerful and Zhang Langjun is Mrs. Mei's in-law, why are you still worried about the way out?"

"Alas!" After hearing this question, Zhang Miao, who was originally full of pride, suddenly became a little annoyed.

"Mr. Tuoba, you don't know something. Da Sima is a fair and honest person."

He raised his glass and took a sip, put down his glass, and continued, "Even if you are a relative, if you have no talent, it will be difficult for him to recommend you."

"Even if Mrs. Mei is favored again, she wouldn't dare to open such an opening in front of him easily!"

"Furthermore, the four ladies, Guan, Zhang and Li, are all people with real life experiences, and many of them have in-laws to help them."

"Mrs. Mei is different. She has been living outside the home since she was a child. She has been working as a maidservant with the Grand Sima alone. She only got where she is today by her own ability. How can she have anyone to help her?"

"If it weren't for coincidence, I wouldn't have known her life experience! Even though I've come to seek refuge now, I still have the intention of helping her."

"It's just that Mrs. Mei has become accustomed to not having any in-laws over the years. In this hurry, there is no good way out, so she can only let me wait."

"So I thought, first find a way to establish myself in Chang'an, so as not to be looked down upon by the people in Da Sima's house. Then Mrs. Mei can speak in front of Da Sima."

Tuoba Desert Khan nodded, that was indeed the truth.

He looked at Zhang Miao, his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Since Zhang Langjun has such a status, you can probably get some woolen tea leaves at least? Then why not imitate those caravans and go to the grasslands to sell?"

Not to mention the raw materials, this tea requires the connections of the Xinghan Society to get it.

If this person can really get this good thing, even if it is an exaggeration, there should be some ways.

Zhang Miao said "tsk":

"Do you think I haven't thought about this method? I can get woolen tea leaves, not to mention too much, but it is definitely much easier than those caravans."

"It's just that I don't have a trade route to the grassland!"

After leaving the pass, the grassland is a jungle where the jungle is full of predators.

This is still a small matter. After all, the tribes on the grassland most of the time still welcome the caravans from Senei to exchange things.

But organizing escorts, finding guides, and when and where to trade is not an easy task.

That was something other people worked hard to get through. How could it be so easy to tell others?

If you don't know this and rush into the grassland without preparation, you may lose everything.

After hearing what the other party said, Tuoba Desert Khan was convinced.

But listen to him say:

"I have no supply of goods and have trade routes. Zhang Langjun has no trade routes and supply of goods. Don't you think this is a coincidence?"

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